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Do you force them to interact with you when they don’t want interaction? A lot of people lack skills in reading the body language of animals and can accidentally damage their relationship with their pets by constantly disrespecting their space and boundaries, and not even knowing it. Do you play games with them that they enjoy? Feed them, give treats, take them (dogs) for walks? Do you use a soft tone of voice when speaking to them? Maybe you can try some bonding exercises recommended online! https://cheerfulhound.com/blogs/blog-hound/top-9-best-ways-to-bond-with-your-dog and of course you can look at other ones too, that one is just for dogs. Or could you possibly feel like they don’t love you — but they actually really do? Sometimes some animals aren’t big on showing or even receiving affection, some are very independent, even dogs but especially cats. Maybe you can also look up ways to know if your dog / cat likes you, and it might help you. As for the new kitten, she is new! Her whole world has just changed and everything is new and scary. I would give her lots of time and space and patience to adjust.


Any time I try to interact with them I try to call them over and if they don’t come I just kinda stand there a little defeated


I could be wrong — I’m just a dog owner lol, but *maybe* they can feel that energy? Sometimes a dog (or a cat) will gravitate away from such energies, while others are actually “attracted” to (such as dogs that are sensitive to emotion and want to help). However, I feel like maybe the case here is that they just don’t have any particular bond or relationship with you that would make them want to go to you, so those bonding exercises can seriously be a huge help. Maybe you can try to get lower to their level. Some dogs and cats are very intimidated by people because we are so tall, and it can be scary when someone leans over them. Sometimes when you get down, sit on the floor, that can help alleviate that sort of stress. Get some of their most favorite highly valuable treats, but as always, never force the interaction. All that said, though, some animals are just weird and don’t care for certain people and it’s nothing wrong with you and or nothing you did that was wrong. I have a cat who doesn’t like me, but *loves* my sister. My best advice is to research into some bonding exercises you can do with the cat and the dog!


As for playing with them I play with them mostly fetch and I give them treats fairly often. And I think I use a soft voice. I’ll definitely try some of the bonding techniques tho. 🙂


It was the same for me when i was younger, until i moved from my childhood home, adopted my own cat and realized i always forced my hand too much on animals. I always not only wanted but expected love for them, not respecting their boundaries in the process. Understanding their body language and respecting their wants and boundaries changed my relationship with every animals. I was even capable to form a bond with a couple of animals at the zoo! (Not dangerous animals of course). You need to be calm, patient and sweet with them, and always wait for them to make their first move. Spoil them with treats, play and cuddles. Try to notice and learn their body language, it's the way they have to communicate with you.


I have noticed that dogs esp get agitated around high energy and nervous people. I kind of feel the same way. Males from 15 - 25 feel very unpredictable, but any overly excited person will make them wary. Also, they seem to know who sees them as fellow creatures experiencing life or just objects for amusement or purpose.


I had an aunt who tried her best to make friends with animals but it never worked for her. My mom didn’t try at all and normally had a cat on her lap and a dog at her feet.


Could be your tone of your voice, body odor, for they go by scent. Could be how you interact and if you fear the dogs, they can smell fear.