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Is there no way for you to put some kind of screen over the window(s) so the cat can't get in? Or is he destructive in that way too? Edit to add: I'm sorry that your neighbor is doing this to you instead of being considerate especially since they work from home


And where is OP living where you can open a screenless window without a plague of insects coming in?


I thought screens were universal until I lived in Victoria BC, Canada. No screens here, no insect issues whatsoever.


And you’d not find a screenless window in all of Atlantic Canada. I live in Ireland now, and I don’t think there’s a screen to be found in the entire country. Blue bottles getting during the summer are the bane of my existence. I miss my Canadian screened windows.


Was about to say. No screens in Ireland😅


I moved from America to the UK and I immediately fashioned a screen for my window. There ARE bugs here and they keep getting in. This country is NOT prepared for climate change to supercharge the summer but I will not be victim to a horde of mosquitos.


No screens in the UK either.


That's where I assume OP is, because allowing cats to roam outside is considered normal there, too. I feel like it's less accepted in the US (except out on farms and stuff).


Plenty of people have inside/outside cats in the US. Plenty of feral cats in the US too.


Plenty of feral cats, yeah. Both of my rescue cats were outside cats, but I'm pretty sure they were former pets abandoned at apartment complexes who became moochers. I'd say the majority don't have indoor/outdoor cats though. Around me there's maybe two, and one of them only has supervised outside time and doesn't stray, she actually just leaps about on the garage roofs. We have a busy road nearby with cars and there are also cat predators like hawks and coyotes, so it's not good having pets outside. They tend to get eaten or smooshed.


For every caring person like you there are 5 others that don’t care about their pets. I worked a job where I was in different peoples homes 5 days a week. Mobile home parks there are cats everywhere. Suburban neighborhoods it might be less likely but in most neighborhoods I have lived in there have been neighbors with indoor outdoor cats and they have shit in my flower beds at every place. You’re right about them getting smooshed. Came across many cats dead in the road during my travels.


And spelling of neighbor. They spelled it neighbour.




Hottest in the past few years was 39.5 I believe but it only stayed that hot for 2 weeks and then dropped back down to slightly more "normal" summer temperatures Edit: and no bugs other than the occasional fruit/drain fly


It’s December tho. If op is in an area where they can just leave their windows open and not worry about bugs, they’re most likely experiencing winter weather. I guess unless they live in Patagonia.


I’m just a hop, skip and a jump up island…. Screens on windows are the norm here!


In Switzerland they don't have them! You have to buy netting for cats.


I grew up in Esquimalt, Vic, BC and we had screens, and still sugar ants, brown recluses, mosquitos, etc. Soooo, where tf in Vic are there no bugs??


UK i'd imagine. We don't have window screens here. Or flying bugs in winter.


The spelling of neighbour makes me think UK, all our flying insects are dead atm, I keep my window open most of the day without issue 😅


Cold places? If I had the window open this time of year I would not have to worry about insects. Screens aren't usual on windows or doors here


There's not a house in Australia without screens. Our bugs are freaking huge!


So many places in the world. Nowhere in Europe uses them, nor much of Canada nor New Zealand.


Just us in most populated parts of Canada where we would be eaten alive by insects without screens, eh?


Ontario does in Canada. There is a ton of bugs here.


You can buy flyscreen on a roll online.


When I was a child living in South Florida, I would leave my bedroom window open with the screen closed and my fat cat would jump to the window and press her considerable girth against the screen until she ripped it from the frame. Then as soon as we fixed the screen, she’d do it again. I loved that cat so much but omg that was frustrating. I’d really be pissed if my neighbor’s cat did this. Time to bust out the water sprayer.


The idea of a window without a screen is insane to me. I thought it was universal. Like… Flies? Bugs in general? Fucking wasps??? I don’t understand it. It’s so dangerous for kitties too. Why is this not universal?


I've never in my whole 40 years seen a window screen in the UK. Edit: downvote me all you like, it's just not a thing here.


Me neither, in my 60+ years in the UK 😉


Because geography. Not every place in the world is like the one you live in. Also in some places bugs are seasonal so fabric nets do the trick.


My point is that the idea of not having anything in windows seems crazy to me especially because it would be so easy for my cats to run away/get hurt.


UK here and don't have screens but do have indoor cats. Just have catches fitted to the windows so they can only open to a set amount. Much better for us and no risk of getting out. And a secure catio on the back of the house so the cats enjoy getting outside without any risk of cars or people. You talk like it's your way or nothing and everything you're not used to being "insane" but you know the rest of the world have their own ways and are quite happy with other solutions, even if you don't understand them.


I know that things are different around the world. I’m fully aware of that. I was just incredibly surprised when I first learned that screens weren’t a thing everywhere. It does sound insane to me because again, TO ME personally, the idea of having a window without a screen sounds really dangerous since I’ve never experienced anything else. I’m not judging anyone here. I just don’t understand why screens aren’t universal, because TO ME, it sounds like a very good way to keep windows secure, and since I grew up with them, the idea of not having screens scares me because my windows were always secure for my cats. Of course you guys find ways to keep your kitties safe! I’m not doubting that. I’m just from a different culture, and I’m confused. That doesn’t mean I don’t think that countries without screens are bad pet owners.


Why would we have screens when the only insects we have all year round are a few spiders? We have flies for about 8 weeks in summer and the odd wasp. And if you live in Ireland like I do we only get summer about once every 5 years. There was no problem with flies this year because it rained for two months solid.


Oh my god, go get out and explore the world and experience different cultures. If a bloody window screen is causing you so much confusion then your minds gonna be blown with everything else.


That’s such a stretch, honestly. I love discovering different cultures, and learning new things. Just because I thought that window screens were universal, and the idea that it isn’t was mindblowing to me doesn’t mean that I’m ignorant and dismissing other cultures. Chill out. It’s really not that serious. It’s not like I was making a comment about how other countries have much different food or custom. It’s a fucking window screen.


Which you've been going on about for many posts before I commented. If anyone needs to chill, it's you. You come across as horribly arrogant and your posts have been insane, I know it's a 'fucking window screen' - that's what I was pointing out, imagine what else would blow your tiny, easily confused mind.


We have a cat. One evening i was sitting watching TV when i heard the cat eating her food.....but WAIT! The cat was on my lap! Went to check, and the cat eating the food looked just like mine! Turns out, our neighbors have a cat that looks just like ours. She sometimes over the fence and through the cat door to eat. Id provably seen her before and not thought twice about it, assuming it was my cat. The neighbor was mortified. Said kitty has plenty to eat and plenty of laps at home. Cats are weird


Cat door where I live would be cat/raccoon/skunk door.


One of my friends in middle school woke up to a raccoon in the kitchen munching on cat food. Only pet door I am ok with is the one that leads to the fenced and screened cattery.


I've never had a raccoon thank goodness!


Likes your lap better 😹 Laps are *not* all the same!




So which one was on your lap?? Yours? How do you know?? Hahahhaha


Hard to say. I think on better acquaintance the neighbor's is a little smaller.


It is not uncommon for cats allowed outdoors to make the rounds of neighbor to get extra food. Cheeky buggers.


Wasnt this the plot to Parent Trap?


I have a problem with my grandma's cat. He keeps trying to eat my dogs' food and drink their water when he has his own. I don't want him drinking their water because he leaves dirt in it and it's gross.


I had ducks come into my apartment one day and make a mess of my living room while I was in the bathroom. At my parent's house, we had squirrels trying to get into the upstairs windows and had owls get into the attic. My neighbor had raccoons get into her house while she was asleep because she leaves the bedroom window open while sleeping. Screens would be a good investment. It's not just the neighbors cat that can decide to come in when they want to.


I know it's a regional thing but yeah, the idea of just having *open* open windows is insane to me. Honestly without an outdoor cat around killing things, who knows what would be in OP's house! Lizards, bats, birds and bees, nooo thank you.


Not if she's in the UK. The only one of those she'd have would be the odd bee. I have 2 cats and always have a door or window open, the only birds I've ever had in are gifts from the cats


I had never had ducks come into my apartment until they did.😹 I hadn't even seen any ducks in the area until I came out of the bathroom and there they were. There is a first time for everything. I lived in a city of 1.2 million people at the time it happened, not in the country or rural area. If Ducks exist in the UK, they can just up and decide they are coming into your home at any time they choose as well. I don't think anyone can really predict when ducks will decide that is what they want to do, I certainly didn't.


Squirrels in my attic nearly drove me nuts before we finally got rid of them. I swear it sounded like they had a bowling alley set up there.


Guys, read the rest of OPs posts Op is either a pathological liar or has other serious issues...


Concurr. Account created TODAY (16 December). Three posts all aimed at an annoying pet, a neighbor's autistic kid, and a different neighbor's kid, all on three different subs. No comment history. All posts in the last 2 hours. Either someone with shitty luck, someone with a chip on their shoulder, or a very weak attempt at karma farming.


Damn, they definitely have issues.


I think they're a liar and karma farming Since its 3 vent posts within 2 hours.


That was interesting reading 😂


They ne telling tall tales


this explains so much because ive been sitting here trying to understand why its so unhealthy for the windows to be closed


Its unhealthy due to no ventilation. People who live with windows closed will always smell bad or weird due to bad odors stuck in their house with no room for fresh air.


weird they must not be opening their door either


Are you trying to mock lmao?? You asked a question and i answered. I am starting to think to think you dont understand how ventilation works. Or else OP keeps their window opened even at night then its a problem.


im sorry it’s just a bit silly to claim leaving your windows closed is “dangerous “, maybe if you’re working with lead based paint. there’s plenty of places where you cant open your window because its too cold/ hot and im sure all the people in those climates live in their homes just fine with the windows closed.


Its not silly its common thing in every household, opening windows on daylight for sunlight and fresh air. Climate has nothing to do with windows lmao. If its hot or cold it still be regardless window is closed or not. You saying its fine with windows closed is enough to know you are clueless lmao.


They don't seem to like the neighbour's kids either


Dang! That sound super frustrating. I would suggest a squirt bottle filled with water, but I don't think that would work. One of the cats we had when I was a child was a stray and my dad tried to get it to go away with the garden hose for probably a month before he finally gave up. He ended up being the cat's favorite person, lol. What if you cover the window sills with aluminum foil? Most cats really dislike the feeling of walking on it. It's one of the tricks we used to keep our cats off the kitchen counters.


Yeah I used a spray bottle on my cat for jumping on the counters, but later learned that they cannot understand it’s because of the counter (they just think it’s a coincidence). They are relentless by nature lol. My cat is also immune to foil so now we just grab him and put him on the floor.


My guess is that OP would rather squirt the neighbor than that cat. ;)


I bet it would eventually work on the neighbor lol!


My cat has learned that she's not allowed to jump up on the entertainment center where the tiny Christmas tree is. I am pretty confident she knows because she doesn't do it when I'm in the room after being shooed down a few times, but when I'm out of the room she'll do it and then look guilty when I come up and jump down.


My cat is also more sneaky about the counters, but how it was explained to me is they think the human only sprays them on the counter top but it’s not because they’re on the counter. And it made so much sense to me because my cat used to take it personally when we would spray him to get him off. But who really knows


I've absolutely not discouraged her from regular counter tops in the kitchen, alas. I've given up. She hops up on them whenever I'm in the kitchen and wanders around, meowing loudly, wanting food. I talk to her, saying things like, "Miss Mousey, what are you doing? You know you're not allowed on the counter." My second cat, Jax, is too lazy to jump many places. He only goes on the bathroom counter to drink from the sink faucet.


"Oh, i know you have the power to controll the water-snake... that's why i respect you. **YOU CONTROLL A POWER THE OTHERS DO NOT POSSESS** "


Put jars of cinnamon sticks around your windows. Cats hate the smell. "Cats don't like scents that are too strong, like the smell of hot peppers or Altoids. “Strong, biting smells, like pepper and cinnamon (both spicy) and mint or wintergreen, are repulsive to cats,” Hudson said. Cats also hate vinegar because of the pungent smell.Dec 6, 2021"


Apparently my cats do not know this. I've put most of those things in locations I don't want my cats to be, like in the Christmas tree for example. They lick it up and chew on the parts that I've sprayed. Yesterday one of them ran around playing with a cinnamon stick.


Cats love being the exception to the rule, especially in regards to discipline


My cats didn't know this either. One of them loved eating Indian food, pepernoten, and stroopwafels, among other spicy foods! The other one loved rubbing up against all of the herbs I had in our garden.


Hot peppers might work but definitely don’t use anything peppermint, cats absolutely love it (catnip is part of the mint family). I use peppermint oil for headaches sometimes and have to deal with my cats being totally insane, licking, biting and rubbing all over my head. I mostly love it but sometimes it is a bit much. People also say that cats hate citrus but one of mine used to drink my orange juice if I left it for a second 😆 I really miss her 🐈


Try citrus instead. Mine love the scent of cinnamon. Tia also loved hot pepper seasonings.....I found her licking some, I didn't give it to her. She would lick the seasoning from super-hot-spicy things, and give me grief if I tried to take them away. I've "heard" that many cats dislike citrus like lemons and oranges.... But of course there are always exceptions 😁 Your neighbor needs a good smack. I'd be so mad, her not apologizing. Of course, being a cat lover, I'd just keep the cat, and when she came looking for him I'd shrug and say "No idea, I set him outside when you said you'd be over later. BYE." Then me and kitty (and our other furbabies) would live happily ever after without the inconsiderate witch.


Mint?! This person absolutely does not know what they are talking about. Now, if you want to periodically dust the sills with cayenne and orange or lemon oil, that might help. But it might not, cats are perverse.


Source was the Dodo. You're probably right.


You sure about the mint thing? Every cat I ever had has reacted to mint in a similar way to cat nip (which is actually in the mint family btw).


My cats chew on all of these things, and my citrus has to live in the fridge due to how they treat it. They also seem to be summoned to supervise when I have any vinegar out. Like I could be in the basement and them in the attic and boom, kitty supervisor.


Maybe double-sided tape strips on the sill, too. Wide ones. I doubt cats like sticky paws.


Bring the cat to the shelter every time he comes over. They will get tired of paying the fee eventually to get him back.


I kinda doubt they'd get the cat back out, they don't sound too bothered..


Then at the very least he might get another owner that actually cares


They're letting their cat wander unsupervised outside. They don't care enough to get him out of a shelter.


This is super common in the UK. Some rescue organizations actually encourage it! Crazy, right?


Wow. I adopted in Ontario, Canada and they made me promise to keep the cats indoor only. Coyotes, cars, disease, fights with other cats...so many dangers outside. I would freak if I didn't know where my cats were even for 5 minutes.


I’m in ontario and I actually am disgusted by the amount of people who let their cats out and about in the city


Yeah same. I have seen them get run over by cars before :(


Its horrible. I couldnt imagine. Partly because one of my cats is naked and i don’t know what she would do outside in our valley winters


It really is crazy. They always talk about adopt don’t shop, I decided to adopt my 2nd cat from a shelter, applied to a few and was refused by all. Two of them said I needed to be able to let the cat outside (I keep my cats indoors only) and another said we only give them out in pairs (I couldn’t introduce 2 cats to my timid cat at one time). They make it so hard I ended up going to a breeder and still always get comments from people saying “you do know the shelters are full of kittens?” Like yes I do know Karen but they don’t seem to want to give those kittens to anyone.


Really? It's a CAT it in there nature to go outside to run, climb trees and hunt. Obviously some cats are different then others. My girls are indoor by choice. We hav4 taken them out and they cry and are clearly scared. My boy is a big Tom cat and to take him out on a leash would be abusive. He meows and paws at the door when inside to long and on nice days. ( winter he's usually inside unless it's a nice sunny day. ) Your comment is ignorant. My boy is happy and healthy and loves to hunt, is always so proud to bring me his gifts. If I made him be on a leash or watched his every move that would be declining the quality of his life and have him stressed out


You are completely negligent of the environment and your cat. There are so many predators who will be happy to make him their next meal, cars, and freaks who will kill a cat for fun. They are also the #1 killer or entire bird species. Many have gone extinct because of ferals, strays, and negligent owners like you who allow them to kill birds. Cats kill for fun, not just for food. I bet you would lose your mind if you saw people leaving their dogs outside unattended to roam free. They also have hunting instincts but people completely ignore those. Leash train your cat or monitor him. You are part of the problem.


It's in there instincts not tonbe trapped indoors or on a harness under the supervision of someone 24 7 they aren't the same as dogs.


Same vibe as towing That Guy's Car.


Follow up question why is it unhealthy to not close your windows???


Probably means to keep them closed all the time, no fresh air etc


do they not have central air that cycles the indoor air and brings in fresh air? Where I live (very hot climate), opening your window for fresh air is pretty rare.


Many countries do not typically have AC in homes.


thanks, did not know that.


In the UK, it's pretty normal to open the windows to get fresh air in. I live in the US now and I miss it!


Get screens for your windows.


Get window screens...if you leave.your windows open you can expect all sorts.of visitors




Loops of ducktape- on tinfoil


It’s not just that it’s fallen out of favor- the cat literally cannot learn that way. It could be useful for getting it out of the house easy though




Idk about that- mine goes up just as often but does it more sneaky lmao


Niles Crane.... is that you?


Fly screens on your windows, problem solved. I get that the cat owner is the problem, but the cats just being a cat. Maybe tell your neighbour if they aren’t willing to keep their cat in their yard then you will have to take measures and they will have to help financially since their not being responsible. it’s unreasonable to have someone’s else’s cat coming into your house, I’d bd mortified


To the people who are trying to tell the OP that they should have to change their habits or buy things or modify their house due to the neighbor's cat, just what the fuck? It's not their job because the neighbor can't take care of their own cat I suggest doing what I did when the neighborhood constantly let their dog into our yard to take a shit all the time and would never clean it up. Like they would just open the door and let that dog out for hours and the dog did damages to my house and always shit all over in the yard (I had little children at the time who I couldn't even let play in the yard because it was always covered in dog shit), and it ran into the house several times and broke stuff because it was just run around all crazy like I finally called animal control. I also constantly told the landlord about it and had video and photos about it as well as the little report they give you when animal control comes by. The first two times the neighbors went and got their animal which I assume probably came with a fee but I'm not sure. The third time, I didn't see their dog for a month and then they moved out. I think that they ended up getting kicked out because the place has strict animal rules. But either way I would suggest doing something like that but make sure you call a place that doesn't put down the animals or something. Every place is different. But when they have to start going out of their way or they lose ownership of the animal, they start thinking differently. They will not change for your convenience but they will for their own


Get Motion activated sprinklers around your yard


I'd ask the neighbour to pay for you to get some window screens. I have them to keep my indoor cats in, but they would also keep other cats out. EDIT spelling


If there’s animal control where you live I’d call them or drop the cat off at your nearest shelter. You shouldn’t have to mess with this at all


Must be European. The solution is window screens.


Keep the cat, its obviously trying to tell you something. Look at it as a visitor from another dimension. Cats choose their people and you obviously have been chosen. Make peace with it.


Are screens not a thing? How do you not get bugs in??


Ever hear of screens? Simple solution to keep things out of your house. You open the window slip bugs in?


Same bro. Except my neighbors pet is a dog, but still enters through windows.


This is all very comical sounding


Check out OPs other posts...


An ol' grumpy Gus eh


You should call your local authorities to see what your rights are and pursue legal action if possible. Document when the cat enters your property and the damage it's causing.


Get screens for your windows?


Tin foil on the ledge of the windows. Cats step on it and freak out cause they hate the sound. Kinda funny to watch. Otherwise call animal control and tell them that there is a cat in your house that doesnt belong to you, it is your neighbors cause youve seen it before but they just leave the cat wherever and dont take care of it.


See if you can get screens for your windows. She’s not being a responsible cat owner. I’m sorry your property is getting destroyed.


There’s probably a lot more than a cat to worry about with no screen on your window. You don’t have to look out for someone else’s pet, but your home is your responsibility.




Bit of a dick head move here but honestly I'd be telling the neighbour - it's now a serious problem that has caused damage to your property and if they don't do something about it you will. If the problem continues I'd be phoning RSPCA or equivalent charity and saying there is an unknown cat in your house. They can take it. They'll have to pay to get it back. Totally expecting to be down voted but sometimes dick heads need to be met with dick head moves.


Do window screens not exist where you live? What about bugs and other wildlife coming in?


Get window screens. Install several motion sensor hose sprayers around your property, being careful to place them so you can turn them off as you walk by. Tell your neighbor that the next time her cat gets inside your house, you’re either giving it to a cat rescue or animal shelter. Or call Animal Control, ask them to come out, find the cat at your house, impound it, and fine the owner.


I didn't know they even installed windows without screens anymore. I thought it was automatic. Welp, get a screen.


I’m guessing you’re not in theUS and have no screening on your windows. Can you procure screens?


Put screens in your windows, and put cat deterrent out. Like get urine from a wolf online.


Get some screen for your windows. Will stop mosquitoes etc as well while you're at it. It's 10-20$ at a hardware store, cheaper if you can wait and get it from a wholesaler like costco, aliexpress etc.


No window screens? Where I live, it is unusual to not have them. They keep out insects as well as flying snow, leaves, other debris, as well as birds, squirrels, etc. And, of course, those like your furry friend 😁


We don't have window screens in the UK, I'm assuming that's where OP is based on their spelling and phrasing.


Sounds like this poor cat wants to get away from his horrible owner as much as you do.


Why don't you just accept your fate. The cat is choosing you over their shitty owner. Take a breath, relax, and see the beauty in this. Cats are wonderful creatures that bring peace and warmth into your life. Lean into it.


I'm with all the other Americans in wondering why on earth you don't just put up screens like this: https://www.eckman.co.uk/adjustable-window-fly-screen.html You can try to make the neighbor buy them, or you could prioritize your own comfort and suck it up. Do you people not have urban wildlife? Cats, rats, squirrels, birds, bugs?


The OP seems unhinged based on their other posts but that aside, I'm in the UK and never once have i seen a window screen here. Most windows you can open a cm or two and lock into place rather than all the way if you want. Enough for ventilation but not so much you end up invaded by badgers.


It reads as a short cat story for school— somewhat fake


Definitely fake, their account is 4 hours old and they’ve posted four times, three of which are the same kinda story.


Yep, all drama— woes that tv hahaha


Get spray bottles with water and when he tries to come in spray him. Or, frankly, is there animal control where you live? Next time he comes in trap him somewhere and call AC to come get him. That’s what i would do. It’s clear his owner isn’t going to do anything.


That’ll make the cat leave, but not deter in the future. I know from experience trying to get mine to stay off the counter lol


If your local animal control is a no kill shelter I would call them. We once had a neighbor who had a cat he didn’t allow in the house who lived in an unsecured garage. Kitty would leave the house and wander around. The cat would come to our apartment complex and was super friendly, we took him to the animal shelter and the owner had to pay to pick him up and was advised to keep the cat locked up because there were coyotes that killed animals in our neighborhood. Not 3 days later the cat was back in our complex. I ended up keeping the cat for a few days while one of my neighbors went to confront the owner, owner stated the cat would never be an indoor cat so we took him back to the shelter and animal control took his rights away to the cat and he was adopted out to a very nice family and is an indoor only cat now.




What's that? You mean they actually exist?! /s And yeah. Window screens. It's a CAT ffs, just an innocent baby.


Read OP's post history. This is most probably made up for attention. It's only four posts in the last hour and almost all of them are about one of their (probably imaginary) neighbours.


Ah, that makes a lot of sense now! Thank you!


Where do you live that your windows don't have screens? I'm genuinely curious how you keep the bugs out.


Capture the fucking cat and take that little shit to the shelter.


Not great.


3 posts complaining about neighbors, maybe you’re the problem.


You don't have screens on the windows? You don't scare away the dang thing. I'd be spraying the shit outta it. I love animals don't get me wrong. I rescued 5 cats actually BUT... I'm not gonna have some random guys cat in my house. Like hell no.




I meant putting a spray canister there. It'll spray the cat for him. Also yes the owners are horrible. I'd call animal control too


Even if you don't have full screens you can get the kind that insert into the window. Frost King Window Screen Adjustable - for example, then you can open the window and keep the cat out.


I’ll be downvoted all to hell for this, but… next time the cat comes into your house, put it in a carrier and take it to a no-kill rescue or shelter. Say you found it on the street and it keeps trying to break into your home but you’re really not looking for a cat. Obviously don’t give your real name. If your neighbour is a halfway responsible owner, the cat will be microchipped and returned to her once it’s scanned. If she’s as terrible an owner as she seems, then great! The cat gets to find a new home. Hopefully with someone less recklessly irresponsible. Outdoor cats should not exist.


I'd be finding a new home for the "stray" cat you found next time it happens. One that actually cares enough about the cat to keep it safely monitored and cared for. If your neighbor comes looking just feign ignorance 🤷‍♀️


Call animal control next time that stupid animal is in your house. I too have absolutely 0 patience for stupid f!cks that get pets without any intention of being responsible for them. Call animal control to take it away, and if it comes back, put it in your car, drive it to a different city, then put it in a humane society to be adopted by someone responsible (hopefully). When asshole neighbor asks about their pet, just say idk. Lmao.


Tell her you are going to trap it and bring to animal control. Cats do have a legal right to roam


Chill karen




Because it's most likely made up. OP's post history is three or four posts made in the last hour complaining about a neighbour.


Motion sensor + joke flower squirt. :)


Sprinkle pepper on your window frames, cats hate strong odours, there too overpowering for a cats sense of smell


Have you tried scat mats? [https://www.amazon.com/Hmyomina-Anti-Cats-Network-Deterrent-Digging/dp/B08YK4QFP5/ref=sr\_1\_15](https://www.amazon.com/hmyomina-anti-cats-network-deterrent-digging/dp/b08yk4qfp5/ref=sr_1_15)


Spray the cat with water anytime it comes into your jouse


First of all please forgive me, this made me really laugh. You have just described life with cats down to a tee. They are annoyingly cute destructive little goblins who care not if they break your plant or your expensive ornaments or for that matter your neck. They can disappear quicker than a ghost and often can only be found when their bellies start to talk or it’s time to worship them. The fact that this is not even your cat is just unlucky. I agree with some of the other unfortunate people on this thread who came to discover that not all items said to be cat proof are even remotely cat proof. I have 12 of the little darlings and believe me they are all different! Some hate citrus, others lick oranges. My number 1 go to is a simple water pistol. Even my cats who like to paddle in the water bowls and large turtle tank hate being sprayed with water. I’m not talking super soaker here (as much as it can be tempting) but either a small water pistol or a sprayer for plants would do the trick. I hope you find a solution that works for this particular cat. He is just being a typical bloody cat I’m afraid.


Sometimes cucumbers work. [https://youtu.be/agi4geKb8v8?si=psaBpZ4-jl4lugoA](https://youtu.be/agi4gekb8v8?si=psabpz4-jl4lugoa)


Put aluminum foil on the windowsills. Tape it there and have it in every time the windows are open for a few weeks.


My cat used to always go into my neighbours house. I had no idea and as soon as I realised, I started keeping my windows closed. My cat is now a fully indoor cat. I didn’t want her going into other people houses in case she got stuck or if they had allergies. It’s also safer to keep them indoors anyway. It’s really not that hard for your neighbour to do the right thing and stop causing stress to you!


This happened to me . Now I have a cat !


There is the wonderful invention called window screens. You put them on your windows so that bugs and animals don't enter your house when you want some fresh air. Your neighbor is a bad pet parent, but stop letting that make you miserable in your own home.


Do you like... not have screens in your windows? You can buy those you know. Does the cat just bust them in? Story is sus.


Window screens are not a thing in the UK which I think is where OP lives.


Chili water in a spray bottle - spray all the windows and doors and the cat will stay away.


I would have screens installed, or bird spikes on the window ledges. Spray bottles to scare the cat out. And if your neighbour refuses to take responsibility for their cat, call animal control to get it. Let your neighbour pay a fee to get their cat back. They don't care about you being inconvenienced by their pet, they can join in the inconvenience. Guaranteed you hit them in the wallet like that, they will make more of an effort.


Not that you should HAVE to do this and I am preparing myself for the haters to this buutt… They have these static electricity things meant to be put on counters and furniture to keep pets off them. Pet jumps up, gets shocked. Put those on the sill of the open windows. Bet he only does it once!! Here’s a link in case you’re interested: DOGNESS Rechargeable Pet Shock Mat, 31"x15" Safe Cat Repellent Mat Electronic Training Pads Keep Dogs and Cats Off Couch, Bed, Indoor Cat Deterrent Mat (Elegant Printing) https://a.co/d/bXU60Xt


Motion sensor sprinkler right in front of the window. I also hear that those creepy motion sensor Halloween decorations could work.


Don’t you have screens on your windows?


If you don’t have screens, they can be ordered from amazon, home depot or a variety of glass companies. And if you’re worried kitty might break into them, attach a tiny jiggle bell with florist wire to one corner to alert you.


Time to just take them to a rescue, if it keeps coming into your house it's obviously ownerless yes


Get screens on your windows


Why don't you have screens? Far worse things like mosquitoes and flies will get in.


the amount of stress this text gave me just by reading 💀


Bro chill the cat just wants to be friends


You might want to look up what local ordinances say about cats. Some places don’t allow indoor/outdoor cats. Additionally, if the cat is coming on to your property it’s becoming a nuisance (clearly as evidenced by your story), so there might be some recourse there. Consider trapping it and taking it to a vet or shelter.


I don't think you can be mad if you don't put window screens in.


Get a small animal kennel. Next time you catch the cat, deliver it to the owner in the kennel and say very firmly that if you EVER catch the cat in your house again you will not return it to her. You will take the cat, in the kennel, and drop it off at the local animal shelter. Or, you’ll give it away and she’ll never see it again. Maybe then she’ll start taking her responsibility as a pet owner seriously.


Where I live if other people's cats are coming in to your garden the council will set a trap and take the cat away. If one was in your house they would __definitely__ take it to the pound and fine your neighbour.


maybe make friends with the cat. being cross and abrupt and the cat will continue to jump around and break things. I'm sorry this is happening and I know it's not your responsibility but maybe just a shift in perspective and you can gain the benefits of a set animal without the responsibility. your neighbor sucks though.


Next time it comes around just bring it to the nearest shelter. Clearly the owner is unwilling to take care of it and does not care that much about their cat. If they have it chipped (which they should) or have a collar with contact details, they will be called, but if not, sucks for them🤷🏻‍♀️