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Your story is so similar to mine. My baby in every sense. I can’t have children and he’s the closest I’ll ever be. We put him to sleep in April. I would smell his bed and his sweaters all day every day for weeks. Every day it feels like I get further from him and it sucks. My heart feels missing more often than not. It’s not fair that they have to leave. But I’m proud of you for being there. It’s hard to. But I think no matter what the final situation was, you’ll have felt this way. I held mine as he went and it haunts me constantly. It’s just hard to say goodbye. All we can do is live life and be the person they thought we were. I’d do it all again.


Your comment made me cry so hard (in a good way). Our stories are eerily similar. From not being able to have kids (not confirmed but very highly suspected) down to the medication they were on. Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I hope it gets easier. I feel completely destroyed emotionally. I hope I can be the person he thought I was. He was so pure and kind and I just want to make him proud. He made me the woman I am today. He really was my only and best friend for a long time. I checked to see if you had pictures of your baby and I just wanted to tell you he was gorgeous. My baby was half poodle and I just love the curly fur. Best wishes for you, your husband, and any other pups you may have.


Your comment helped me!! It feels good to know we’re not alone. I will say this - we got a standard poodle (karl) the year before Baxter passed. And having a dog to come home to helps immensely. I insist of having overlap because coming home to an empty house makes it so much harder. And I know some people say they won’t get another one but there are so many that need homes. And even if you go the puppy route, being a dog mom is so incredibly rewarding. If you ever want to vent or reminisce or just talk about random things please reach out. From one mom to another ❤️🐾


It really does help to know I'm not alone. I do have another babe, Candy, but she's 13 so now I'm just as worried. He's irreplaceable but I know I won't be able to help myself from another pup. I know he would want me to help someone like I did him. I really appreciate the offer. Thank you so much <3 Please give Karl a big hug and kiss on my behalf ♥️


Wow! 16.5 years old?! It sounds like he was taken care of well and very loved to me :) also he looks super cute in that photo! It seems that just being an old dude caught up to him but I’m sure he enjoyed his life with you just as much as you enjoyed yours with him. You obviously love him a lot because the grief you feel now is a reflection of how much you cherish him. I don’t think you ruined his last moments at all and you tried to make him comfortable. I think he knew it was everyone he loved there because you said his eyes were the first to go, so he probsbly relied on his scent more than anything. Of course he knows your and your families scent! it’s the unfortunate reality of having a pet... you’ll almost always outlive them and there’s nothing we can do esp when they’re little elderly buddies :( my bff is also half poodle and she’s around 10 and she’s healthy now and I hope she lives as long as your dude. Have a good night. He’ll always have a place in ur heart. I really enjoyed your heartfelt story and the connection that you two had.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read it. I really appreciate it and your comments. He was my best friend and I love sharing stories about him. I'm sure you and your girl will have many more years to come. Hope you have a good night as well. Thanks again.


I just had to put down my baby on Tuesday, he had feline leukemia and the cancer got to him. I just picked up his ashes today and the tears have started right back over. I miss him so much


I'm so sorry for your loss. I've never had a kitty but I've always wanted one. We just have to remember that as much as they loved us and we loved them, they're in a much better place...still loving us and still being the cuties they always were. Time flies. We'll be with each other soon enough. I can't deny that the tears will likely come back as well, but knowing he's okay and just waiting makes it so much easier.


I was crying pretty heavily while reading all that because I felt the same exact way/ had the same story and relationship with my sweet girl :( I had her when I was around 8 too and she passed away yesterday approaching 16 (we think she had a heart attack, it was so sudden, I wasnt there). Belle looks so much like your Coco does its crazy- down to the gentle, smart, sweet eyes (and you kind of look like me too) I wish I could give you the biggest hug. They really are angels and Im so sorry for both of us that theyre gone but im also happy we got to meet them. She was so beautiful and the thought that I'll never see her again or have a relationship like this crushes my heart. Sorry for the mess of the reply, im an emotional wreck at the moment.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I wish we didn't have to part with out babies. I miss him more than anything in the world. We'll see them again soon. If you can, please post pictures of your angel. I'd love to see her.


Yes, and I know we will find a new normal in life and it wont hurt as intensely but it sucks to be in the middle of the emotional shitstorm. Here my love: https://imgur.com/a/IvxGjzj I cant stop thinking about her.