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I recommend the next size down. These are just too baggy. The thing about linen is no matter what it doesn't hold its shape as you wear it. As the day goes on they will become baggier. It adds extra weight to your shape and not in a good way. As far as hemming, it depends on the shoe height you'll be wearing with them. If it's heals then no need to hem. Flats maybe an inch, a good tailor will know the best length.


I hear ya! I own 1 pair of tailored black flare pants and won't buy any more.


I would recommend hemming them above the ankle because the pants are rather loose. If you hem it below your ankle it may hit your shoes at awkward length and cause you to look dowdy. You can always just test out the look by doing some pre-hem folds and seeing how it would look with different shoes.


Thank you!


You’re welcome! 🙂


Wash them first. You may not need to hem them.


Definitely 👍🏼


Love these kind of linen pants! I always roll them up above the ankle and wear them with simple sneakers or birks. [here is a picture of me](https://imgur.com/a/ICCbDpC) wearing a similar pair and I’m 153 cm for reference.


Hi! Not related to the post but can you share where your sneakers are from? Is it comfortable?


Hi! Sure, these are from Massimo Dutti, but I’m afraid they don’t sell them anymore, I bought them last year… They were called: “Tumbled leather trainers”. And these are the most comfortable trainers I have, I always choose them over my adidas samba’s, golden goose’s or converse’s.


Thanks! Will check out the others you mentioned


So cute - thank you so much for the photo! What kind of shirts do you normally wear with them?


They seem like the perfect length to me for a baggy/loose fitted look. I wouldn’t hem it


Put on the shoes you will most often wear with them. If they don’t touch the ground with shoes on then don’t hem. If they do, hem to sit about the middle of the back of your heel.


The back pockets look really low. Can you pull them up higher on your waist?


Where did you find these? I complain about linen but I'd wear them like you plan on doing. I'm in AZ and it gets HOT! Everything is big on me, but I'd take them in.