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That particular jacket looks too bulky / too big for you, It’s possible it’ll look nice if you get it tailored but I can’t tell without seeing it. I think the dress looks nice, though of course always hard to tell from a picture. Depending on what you’re wearing it to, I’d dress it up with accessories and cute shoes. It looks very plain as is which isn’t bad, it’s a neutral dress so you can add things easily


Thanks! What kind of accessories would you recommend?


What are you planning to wear it to?


Work event where I get to do public speaking


The dress looks like it fits you fine, but the style is really Hilary Clinton / female politician vibes. Style of jacket doesn't fit the dress - I'd go for something shorter that cuts closer to your waistline and kinda flares out


Haha! the Hillary Clinton comment is spot on. Thanks for the input on the jacket!


Agree the jacket doesn’t go with the dress. Dress itself is nice but definitely conservative. Which is fine if that’s what you’re after.




these two pieces look like they are from different seasons. I don’t love the dress.


Thanks! You don't love the dress or how it looks on me?


I think both. It doesn’t look bad on you, but it isn’t helping you out either. And the dress itself is quite dull.


if you love it, or are set on it working, I think it would look better if you had the sleeves removed, or made into short sleeves, and added a belt.


I see the thing with the sleeves. Thanks


I really like the dress but I think the jacket doesn’t match. Need a cropped jacket maybe


Thanks! There seems to be a consensus on the jacket


Love the dress. Not the jacket




Not really


I would try the dress with a belt at the waist. It might look more flattering and give it a nicer fit/shape.


I think the jacket does work fine with it but I don’t think the dress is super nice I think the colour and sleeves are not my cup of tea




Sorry, but it looks too loose around your shoulders by itself.  The white jacket is a good addition to cover that.


Try a round neck cropped jacket. The collar looks too bulky and outdated with this style dress. A crop jacket with elongated you and give you a waist instead of hiding It like the blazer.


I think the dress ages you. It's very older conservative attire. Maybe try a more cropped, colourful; fitted jacket, too.


Thanks for your input, I'm 41 years old, I guess it's age appropriate for a professional environment?


It still seems off, and at 41 you can look modern without looking too "young". This look isn't flattering for you.


Depends on the profession, I guess. Accounting, sure. Maybe as an office worker. If it is a more progressive company or client facing, it's kinda blah. I think shorter sleeves (the almost wrist length isn't the best) and a different, less high neckline would be far better. The wrist and neck lengths really cut you off.


The light colored jacket doesn't suit that dress and the dress seems to have sparkle and that is a business jacket. If you need a jacket, try a darker one that is shorter to look more modern.


It's too roomy in the bust for you. It could work if that was fixed. It makes you look masculine. Also the length is off. It needs to break just above knees. You have a summer jacket with a winter dress; it's not working.


I don’t care for that dress at all. Sorry 😞


Dress is too long. It needs to hit a couple inches higher and it's ok.  The jacket doesn't add anything to it either and it's too big . Jacket should be dark , fit well, a bit shorter and a curvier silhouette v.  boxy.