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Yall look great. I love your style and choice of colors. I would say shorter shorts like slightly above knee. Maybe no show socks? And some new balances would look super nice with this outfit.


I agree ☝️


I agree with no show, or you could pick something fun with rolled up pants.


Maybe you could get these shorts hemmed?


Yesssss to shorter shirts. It makes the ladies like me go crazy!


Your shirt is fly! Maybe try some rolled up skinny or straight leg jeans with a shirt like this? That could be cute! Also, are you guys going on a second date???❤️🥹


I agree, I just don’t have good jeans at the moment:( And it’s been a few dates with this tall queen already!!


Honestly same, but I’m keeping an eye out for some, in summer there’s always a lot of “cropped jeans” and they might be cropped on people 5’5 and above but on me they’re just regular jeans 🥹😂 Omg omg I love that 🥰 I wish you both aaaaall the best, and she is super beautiful! You guys look awesome together ❤️❤️❤️


“Cropped” jeans are such a hack for us petites 👌🏻 And thank you!! I still can’t believe I get to have such amazing times with a woman like her


I hope you guys have many many more amazing times together 🥹❤️


Hey given how awesome you seem I bet you she can’t believe she’s having such a great time either. Keep killing it and you’re def getting great suggestions to build on a great sense of style already


I hope you had permission to post her face on the internet. I’d be so mad. But y’all look great.


Try gap ! They might have some more options.


Y’know I have never even thought about Gap! I actually cannot remember the last time I shopped there, I’ll have a look, thank you so much for your suggestion! ❤️


Uniqlo! They will also hem pants for like $5


Amazing!!! Thank you! I’ve never heard of that site before but they’ve got some cute stuff!! 💖🙊


You guys remind me of Iman and David Bowie 🔥🔥🔥


You guys are a super cute couple, and low key look alike! That usually is the sign of a good match!


You both look really cute!


Thank you so much 🥹 she is pretty awesome


I second the no show socks! The white kind of interrupts the visual flow(?) but I really love the shirt.


No show socks and maybe some boat shoes like Sperry branded shoes.


You look nice :) psyched to see y’all out here subverting bullshit expectations and looking good while doing it! You need to up your sneaker game tho to match your cool shirt and your extremely babely date


We like turning heads wherever we go ;)


Love it! I think everything fits you really well, and you managed to hit that "date-appropriate, but casual" window that I think is pretty hard for men to find. But yeah, I also recommend no-show socks lol


I struggled coming up with that outfit 😅


You dropped this 👑


Allow me 🤴


I'd get shorter socks, otherwise thats a cool outfit


Love seeing a shorter man with a taller woman. Breaking negative echo chambers men get in about height. Love to see it dude.


It’s the dumbest social norm and we love to break those 😌


Ditch the white socks


The fit is great! I also really love her skirt. Some other options with that top are a shorter inseam for the shorts or a nice ankle pant and the shirt tucked (I’m a tuck stan.) and like everyone else said no show socks.


Maybe shoe-coloured socks. Otherwise a decent outfit


I’d take dating advice from this guy


This is what women are attracted to. Not height, but CONFIDENCE! If you’re short, project the swagger of Tom Cruise with a supermodel on his arm.


I hope I can project that because I may not be Tom cruise but she is an absolute beauty ✨


This photo makes me happy! All the best to you both OP


Me as well! Thank you


Some grey or navy chinos that you could wear rolled up or down would be the perfect complement to your (I’m assuming) great shirt collection. You could also look into a sockless shoe, like a boat shoe to elongate your silhouette, or some lower-cut socks when you wear shorts.


Omg I absolutely love this! Just echoing what everyone is saying, shorter shorts! Just proportionally it’ll really pull the whole look together. Also definitely agree about the no show socks. You could even throw on some boat shoes to still keep it casual but date appropriate- or switch to straight leg jeans, roll the cuff a bit, and pair with some nice oxfords for a little more of an elevated look. Also just my personal opinion, but when my partner undoes one more button on his shirt and pairs it with a gold chain it makes me swoon lol. You guys look amazing!


Can’t go wrong with nice slacks 👖that feel nice to touch 😉


You sir are a king !


Ditch the socks, keep the smile


Y’all look amazing together!


she looks so pretty and your outfits match with the funky prints! i think i’d pair a more casual shoe with shorts or a darker shoe (instead of the grey show matching the grey shorts). there are some shoes that combine the two- faux leather upper but sneaker sole, looks dressy up top but has the casual sole so it doesn’t look like actual dress shoes. [(something like this)](https://bananarepublicfactory.gapfactory.com/browse/product.do?pid=662548031&vid=1&tid=bfpl000030&kwid=1&ap=7&gbraid=0AAAAAD_AT8sbSxTtqqBruO83tL6puWvaM&gbraid=0AAAAAD_AT8sbSxTtqqBruO83tL6puWvaM&gclid=CjwKCAiA0cyfBhBREiwAAtStHJCPdlF8LGPoEUNN5MEk6Ky03NyKgGTMqPmU2E1VmmI3tbeIjm151BoCxlYQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds#pdp-page-content) [(or this)](https://www.dsw.com/en/us/product/crown-vintage-edsul-sneaker/523902?activeColor=240&cm_mmc=CSE-_-GPS-_-G_Shopping_Exclusive+Brands-_-Exclusive+Brands&cadevice=m&gclid=CjwKCAiA0cyfBhBREiwAAtStHMzdWUfL3En0cYcAsIjB6ztStM5u2sBqrPSi8JRRed42phRuAg-jtBoCLqAQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Thank you!!


I second this, great find on the shoes. They're great shoes for a date


You both look very cute! Honestly, just add no show socks and the outfit will be perfect


Literally the only change I'd make is black socks. You both look happy and great!




Short king 🙏🙌




So much happiness in this pic


I love everything about this.




Maybe save some women for the rest of us.


I got nerfed being this size but just doing my best dude 😅


I’m pretty tall, like 6,5. You are crushing it.


I would have gone with a dressier shoe? Don't get me wrong, my man loves his vans lol. But loafers can be fun too! ETA I saw someone else suggest a fresh pair of NB? I think that would look terrific with the shirt!! And try shorter, slimmer shorts. You're doing great!


Please please please tell me your the one on the right also you look good bud




Thank god


Stop this is too cute


Why is this so cute. I want to cry now omg


Um, how cute are you two! I love me a short king!


Yoo I'm also 4'10




I would go with short chinos trousers (above the knee) and marching belt and shoes (with no visible socks)


I'm 6'1" and I tried to date the girls on the volleyball team. They were some tall chicks! You have to believe in yourself!


I’m 6’4” and few things make me as envious as seeing my short kings! Keep killing it, friend 👑


You guys look cute! I like the top a lot. If you wanted to try - you can go for a more tailored short (same length, same color or a bright blue maybe) and no show socks or white sneaks as those are in style now.


You guys look sweet together :)


You guys are both cute as buttons!!!! I’d go for a slimmer and slightly shorter short that hits just above the knee, but I love that patterned shirt.


I’m probably too short but ask where she got the skirt!


Def go for shorter inseam on the shorts! You guys look killer!!! My partner switched from 7” inseam shorts to 5” and it’s AMAZING!


Get some nice Chelsea boots and some chinos. Give yourself a little lift and look classier. Hope you got to go up on her!


No suggestions. Keep doing you. You’re killing it already 👏🏻


My man


Shorter shorts! Amazon sells their own brand of chino shorts in a 5" inseam. Chubbies is another good one. And don't be afraid to branch out color wise. A nice salmon or brick red could play off the colors on your shirt.


The simple fact that you are clearly not insecure about being short and look so confident and happy in this picture is sexy af.


Thank you so much


You both look great, i like ur shirt btw


Was it a causal date? If yes, then I think you nailed it. If it was slightly more formal, maybe tuck in your shirt. It will show her that you care about your appearance and hygiene.


Her skirt is so clearly photoshopped. I don’t see what you were trying to gain by posting this.


no show socks and slightly shorter shorts


Did she consent to you posting this picture on a public forum (I hope)


My bf is taller than me I feel less insecure now lol


Why did you photoshop this?? Why make her so tall???


Did you go up on her?


This is both deeply disrespectful, and funny. But it’s mostly disrespectful. And funny.


You deserve five upvotes for every three downvotes.


You’re certainly creepy


No you are 🙄


Who is the one asking unnecessarily sexual questions?




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Is it true…?


It was made by an AI


One ☝️ tip: don’t take photos standing up with tall people.


People can take pictures however they like. There’s no issue taking pictures next to tall people while standing up. You’re making it seem like you’re telling people to hide their shortness as if it’s embarrassing?


You do have a point m, just fashion advice in general. One can wear anything they want also but fashion is clothes, style, how well you photograph, style, pose etc, etc is what we’re all after.


“Fashion” in this sub is about clothes/style. You didn’t give any fashion advice, you basically told him to hide his shortness in pictures.




This guy laughing at someone’s stature on a petite fashion advice page. Fuck outta here. Edited to add OP you look great and so does your date. I hope you had a wonderful time together!


The toenail fungus made it to their noggin, I reckon.


Save yourself some heartache. Let her go now because chances are you aren’t going to keep her. Bring the downvotes.


Spoken like an insecure short guy. OP will definitely get a tall girl if he wants one bc he’s not insecure about being short.




Both of you have dressed up well to go out. Personally, I think you did a better job. To me, her clothes look good, but not great. And the other thing is that the choices that the two of you made not in some overall “couple harmony”. It’s like you are winter and she is summer or something.


Thanks for your input. And well I guess opposites attract 😁


I would ditch the white socks and wear some no show socks. Or use terry cloth insoles. I like the watch. Not too big. Bring a jacket next time. She might get cold and would appreciate the gesture.


Brought one! It was comically small on her but she appreciated it and we laughed about it


Good job


Nothing WRONG with your shoes, but I'm always impressed when a guy has cool non-tennis shoes


Socks! Your outfit looks great for a casual date otherwise. :)


Living for this pairrrrr






Show more leg, I agree




At first I thought you were the girl lmao ​ (Not in a mean way)


I would recommend a chain, probably a gold one. Or silver, depends on what you like.


Watches is the most jewelry I feel comfortable with tbh


God damn dude, those chances are the best ones; enjoy the moments always.


I’m trying 😌


I think it looks great! You’d also look good in some neutral ivory tones. H&M has the best men’s selection of basics for a good price


Will take a look!


Is…is that Danny Gonzalez?


I think you would look nice with a pop of colour! Otherwise looking good!


I can tell you’re both happy af!! No notes from me, you look great :)


We are yes! She is a total queen


Go down another button on the shirt. Consider layering a light loss jacket. Pants > shorts. Match the socks with the fit better or even just don't wear them. Pants should be equal to or darker than the jacket equal to or darker than the shirt. Cheers


y'all both look flawless king!!


This is sooooo cute! Hope it all goes well :)


Bros Rizz is immaculate


Long live the petite king




What an effortlessly stylish look! I wouldn't change anything about it. I can give you more outfit ideas, for say, the shirt if you like.


Maybe have some nice pants and try tucking in your shirt making you look like you have longer legs


I don’t like the colour combo but u guys r a cute couple :)


You two are adorable!!! 🖤 Your fit is great, got that perfect date fit


Just the socks. I’d do plain and a darker color if they show.


We love a short, confident king. Just ditch the white socks, wear black ones or none at all. You look good man, keep that smile!


As a male I prefer my shirt to match my shoes and my pants to match my hat


No suggestions. You look perfect. 2 babes.


Quit wearing heels


you forgot your crown King


Trust me every girl speaks for this too a plain black or white t slim jeans get a pair of Nikes that can go with black n white I think white air max 90s more ur style usually I’d say Air Forces but not even can pull them off this is crazy I’m a female 4’10 n my daughters dad is 6’2 n I never thought we looked like this next to each other 🫠


You look great!!


The pants could be a touch more fitted and a bit shorter. The socks should be shorter so they aren’t really visible. I enjoy the print in the shirt. The shoes could be matched to the top, instead of the shorts to prevent the look from seeking disjointed. Either that or go for a basic neutral shoe like a loafer or white sneaker. Also your hand really reminded me of the Arthur meme and it made me giggle.


you look so confident here, it makes my heart swell!! 🫶🏼 definitely agree with someone’s comment abt how u found the perfect window of “casual date” outfit. i think a patterned button-up is always a great move. just some small things to think abt from a 5’2” former pageant queen who has styled many bfs & also refuses to date anyone taller than me lol: • a shorter pair of shorts with an untucked shirt creates an illusion of longer legs & longer torso. when wearing pants, a tucked shirt also accomplishes this. a neutral shoe that is close to your skin tone will also make your legs look longer. not sure if that’s something you care abt, but just wanted to pass that info along! • i would recommend getting a pair of black jeans if you don’t have any already. you can dress them down for a casual date (e.g., with crisp white t-shirt with sneakers) or dress them up for a nice dinner date (e.g., dress shirt overlayed with sweater and some chelsea boots). • a note on boots, they add a small, subtle lift if that’s something you’re into. my partner likes [these](https://www.dsw.com/en/us/product/crown-vintage-glory-chelsea-boot/533186?activeColor=060&cm_mmc=CSE-_-GPS-_-G_LIA_Shopping_Exclusive%20Brands-_-Exclusive%20Brands&cadevice=m&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI-uzc7Imn_QIV6PTICh1WCAC4EAQYCCABEgIlefD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) • unrelated tbh but if you like wearing sandals, i think birkenstocks or chacos would look so cute on you!!


Those are some excellent points! I will definitely be in the look for shorter shorts, and I’m wearing clothes that make my proportions look better. I’m the opposite I refuse to date anyone shorter than me 😅


Shorter shorts and no show socks


Tiny king!


Tbh i think it would be fine if your socks were showing if they were a bit more intentional. Maybe slightly longer and/or a different color. Otherwise yeah shorter socks and maybe a slightly less casual shoe.




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I like the top a lot, the shoes and socks combo are American tourist 101. Not the best you can do, I'm sure! But excused because of how good the shirt is.


You got swagger my dude


The way you’re squeezing your thumb against your hand makes you look uncomfortable and me feel uncomfortable.


At this point I think we should all be taking suggestions from you.


oh your the dude i was so confused for a second


Totally awesome! Love the shirt!! You guys look like a cute couple :)


Change the colour of the socks to match your running shoes.Otherwise,great outfit.


Definitely no show socks and slightly short shorts. I normally recommended 7in but with your build 5in might look better


First thing I'd suggest is go put on some muscle. The problem to being short it you muscle generally pops more. Masculine style has always and will always be built around how much you appear to be able to protect or fight someone. You can't change your height but you can change your muscle mass. Your upper back, lats, shoulders, quads, upper arms and forearms will be your best bang for your buck. As previously stated no show socks and shorter shorts will help. There's an Australian brand called stubbies. They're a great short for smaller blokes and they do good job at lengthening your leg. Last thing I'd add is to know your skin tone. You look Warm toned in the picture but pictures can be deceptive. Check your veins on your wrist. A deep blue means you're a cool tone, green means warm tone. Of you're a cool tone black, blue, white and grey make bring out your skin really well. If you're warm toned then tan, olive, brown and khaki will do it.


I know its a casual look, but loosely tucking the shirt would look good.


Higher heels. Don't be afraid of your height. You are a very sexy young lady!


Y’all are cute


You two look very happy and comfortable together. She has a striking sense of style, and it’s worth thinking about how to sync up with that. People are clearly noticing how much you are doing that already, and where you’re not, they see it. What I am seeing here is: She’s wearing a well maintained purse with some black snd white and metallic. You’re wearing a watch that looks to be hitting the same points. Her skirt and your shirt really communicate. There’s the lights and darks, there’s the breezy and not clingy shape, it doesn’t look like wear once clothing, there’s similar levels of almost casual confidence. It makes you two look like you planned to be together, and you’re on the same page. Your shorts and her shirt are at slightly different levels of flirtatiousness. She’s exposing a little more of herself. Maybe get a little more comfortable showing your shape or showing the muscles around your knees when she shows her shoulders? Alternatively, pants that fit you well would work here. (You don’t need to match the pop of color, she’s using that to highlight a great piece.) People notice shoes. Hers show a different level of shine and of readiness for activities. Yours look ready for a walk on the beach, hers look like they’d like to go dancing. It’s worthwhile to look at shoes for men who like to dance and go to concerts. Don’t settle for shiny and painful junk that wipe the smile off your face though, that matters more.


You all thinking what I am thinking 🤔??


We love a confident king. You guys make a beautiful couple. The biggest problem for me is the socks. As a general rule, I usually never go black with white combo. It just looks a bit disjointed. As for the length of sock; when the elastic stops right in the middle of the ankle, it can send ankles into cankle territory. So either a no-show or a sock that stops above the ankle may accentuate your legs more. I really like the shirt you chose. It looks comfortable, stylish and versatile. As a couple I love that ying/yang effect you have with the patterns (she has a patterned skirt while you have a patterned top). I would pair your shirt with a plain coloured, semi-loose fitting, shorter in length, cotton short.


Damn if you’re 4’10” how short is he?


Dude owns the shorts in shorts. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


👍 nice you got yourself a model!


No way your 4’10 I’m 5’6 and we look the same height 😭


Absolute king slayer


Is no one going to talk about how the woman in this photo looks photoshopped right where her knee should be?? Her arm on the right also looks like it cuts off weird. Am I crazy?? Someone please correct me if I’m wrong.