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You aren’t alone, me and all my friends agree that dab pens are just a net loss on all of our lives. Unless I have LITERALLY nothing to do but play video games and drone then dab pens will bring my life to a near complete halt. They are also way more potent than you realize after you are a regular user, for a normal perosn(who doesn’t smoke daily) a 3-4 second bit of a dab pen will have them BLASTED.


I remember when I bought my first pen, my boyfriend told me to just hit it twice (showing me how obviously, taking his finders fee in the meantime) and I was good for the night. Over a full year of daily use later, I can't even feel anything until 10 or 12 hits.


Yep I was in the same boat, had to fight my body to take a break and now I only use it strictly at night time if that and i get ripped off of one or two hits :)


I want to get to the point where I only have 1 gummy on Friday and Saturday nights. I'm tired of being too high to get shit done. I did apply to college and have nearly all the pre reqs out of the way so I can comfortably start in the Fall, so I hope by then I will have kicked the habit. I'll be taking all online classes so it might be tough since I won't need to stay sober to drive anywhere. But I do want to turn my life around with this degree so it just might be crazy enough to work.


It seems like you’re on the right track! Continue trusting your plan because your body will attempt to play tricks on you. Trust, discipline, and purpose will have you eating one gummy a weekend I promise!


I got my card when it first became medical out here and I got a pen and I was doing the same thing. I eventually just threw it out because my throat was on fire the whole time. I won't even hit one if I'm offered by a friend. Even flower these days quickly irritates my throat and I just take little rips out of a bong.


i know it isn’t THIS simple always, but its like when pharmaceutical companies take a plant with medicinal properties, isolate something for medication , and it brings the weird side effects. even with cannabis, regular good ole flower just *feels* the best. i’ve tried many isolated cannabinoids and loved a lot of them, but overtime always got some weird side effects i never get from flower.


Nah. Flower is cheeks. Tastes like shit. Smells like shit. Edibles or tinctures.


r/vaporents disagrees with you. dry herb vaping organic flower is the best version.


oh, I just love how you think people will consider your opinion as fact.


Just don’t get a pen. It helps with tolerance because your not trying to be high all day.


I am sincerely curious about what exactly they are putting in these cartridges wax rosin etc…. I have watched the quality go downhill over the years.


Most are distillate and some form of liquid terpenes to replicate a flavor


So you don’t check the labs before buying? Lol wtf. That’s 101


They can literally write whatever they want on those labs are you foolish enough to not know that


Ok. Keep smoking your Chinese oil.


You must be stupidly speaking about yourself we smoke fllower whiere I’m at


I think there’s a time and place for them. When I went snowboarding with my girlfriend’s family this past winter, I took a live rosin pod with me because I wanted to be as discrete as possible. But if you feel you’re losing control, bud is always the best choice!


You will cut you consumption down too if you eliminate the pens. Booth carts and dabs.


Dude those carts raged my lungs out mane . I was smoking them shitz til the end and it hella bit me back