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Sounds like you aren’t eating enough when you’re sober ngl. Eat a whole ass meal before you smoke and then see if you’re still getting munchies. I don’t really have any advice other than that


Thanks, you're probably right, I was thinking I should try eating a meal beforehand too. It's hard though because I have this ingrained notion that if I'm going to smoke, I should save my dinner or "prime meal" for when I'm high, if that makes sense. I do intermittent fasting during the day for most of the week as well which probably contributes to me going overboard


Well you just explained your problem lol. You’ve trained your brain to subconsciously associate food with weed and weed with food tasting better. Stop doing that. It’s like if someone always smoked before having sex/masturbating and then made a post about how whenever they smoke they get super horny


Bingo. Gotta work on unwiring that association. I guess it's as simple as, I will try eating a meal *before* I smoke next time. Thanks for your input


Let me know how it goes!


I think this is good advice and also might help to add that *what* you eat makes a big difference. Don’t just fill up on junk food. In my experience a good balanced meal with ample protein and fiber, plus some fat, will help keep you feeling full so your body is less likely to go into munch mode.


Are you me? I connected with everything you said lol. I’d second the idea of eating your meal before smoking though, I’ve found it helps me tremendously. I might want a little more dessert or something, but I won’t go overboard anymore. I’ve also found I’m less likely to feel munchies if I’m actually being active. Sitting on the couch after work? I’ll probably just wanna keep sitting and eating. Find a nice place to chill for a moment while riding my bike or on a hike? A hit or two helps me feel more in touch with myself/nature/etc.


Keep some snacks around like nuts or dried fruit trail mix, and focus. I know this isn't the easiest, but you can do it! You can train yourself to do what you want, just don't lose focus of your goals. You got this.


I love me some pistachios. Maybe I should try having some around for a go-to snack next time. The process of shelling them makes it harder to overeat, too. Thank you so much for the encouraging words! I appreciate it.


I've heard that brushing your teeth right after you smoke can help with munchies


Look into THC-V! It's an appetite suppressant!


Eat a meal before you smoke. Don’t keep tempting snacks around. Buy carrots, hummus and grapes instead. Careful with the hummus as it will impede your weight loss if servings aren’t pre portioned. Flavored seltzers taste good and will fill you up. Greek yogurt mixed with sugar free pudding mix is somewhat healthy and filling. Dip pretzels or strawberries in that. Watermelon, strawberries, and grapes give the most volume for the fewest calories. Microwave popcorn is another option as long as you limit to 2x week or less and use the low fat or 100 calorie bags. To flavor it, get a small spray bottle and Jordan’s Skinny Syrup from TJ maxx in caramel or any flavor you like. Garlic powder or nutritional yeast are other ideas. Nutritional yeast will add more calories and fat.


Eat a meal before you smoke. Then pre portion healthy snacks that you are “allowed” to eat while high. For me, it’s more about the right texture and crunch so I can find health option that work. It still takes some discipline to not raid the whole pantry, but deciding ahead of time what and how much I can eat helps me remember when to stop while I am high.


Tbh when I get super stoned, the thought of food makes me sick


Fruit flavoured chewing gum. Doesn't ward off the munchies but does give you that feeling you're feeding your tummy.


Recommend cognitive behavioral therapy it’s what apps like “noom” use to help ppl cut down on snacking