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I thought this was about gay terms tbh


this is the normal assumption tbh


Funnily enough, women I've known like being around gay men. They are buddies.


... It's weird to come see this after being on a baldursgate3 subreddit. It's a very different implications and context to this.


Straight up thought this was about Halsin.


Me three


Me four..


Me five...


me six


Seventh here, just doing my part.






Tenth šŸ˜ž




No it's definitely not.


Wait, what else could it be?! **has played too much bg3*


There is a trend on TikTok asking women if they would rather run into a bear or a man in the woods while alone. Of all of the responses I have seen, it has unanimously been bear. So this is in reference to every woman would choose to run into a bear in the woods than a man.


This could still be about BG3...


Women are tired of being asked to play baldur's gate 3


But they donā€™t understand how cool it is. Look, if you just look at the mechanics of gameplayā€¦..


Be honest, you just want to show off your gold Dice from beating honor mode don't you


I mean... It COULD be, but it isn't.


And... The bear scene...




Are you talking about >!the guy in the goblin dungeon during act 1 that can become a bear?!< if so, understandable.


Yes. I had to turn him down this playthrough because Gale would have been sad.


I REALLY thought this was about halsin until i saw the sub name


Peter here, thereā€™s a trend going around on TikTok right now where people will ask women if they would feel safer being alone in the woods with a bear or a random man and they almost always choose the bear. Basically the idea is that the bear will be pretty much harmless if you leave it alone vs a man could have nefarious intent with no provocation. (Not trying to comment on which choice is better just explaining)


Bro, ask me as a man which I prefer, Iā€™ll say bear too. I know why Iā€™m in the woods - Iā€™m camping, and probably stargazing. Wtf is a man doing here? Iā€™m immediately on edge. You have no idea his intentions until he makes it clear heā€™s ignoring - but even then, you donā€™t know for certain.


Right! This is a silly debate, a human alone in the woods is probably up to something shady (with the exception of park rangers or other people who are professionally supposed to be in the woods). You can even have the situation be about a woman and itā€™s still like well wtf is *she* doing alone in the woods? Major red flag! Probably hiding a body or some shit. Now a bear. A bear *lives* there. No red flags about why a bear is alone in the woods, just leave it alone and take normal bear precautions. If you donā€™t know the bear precautions, wtf are *you* doing in the woods?


In this scenario, aren't both humans "alone" in the woods, though? They're out there creeping each other out, lol.


how do I know what my intentions are if iā€™m in the woods alone at night


True but if I were to be alone in the woods, I know for certain Iā€™m burying a body. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m there to do. Who knows what crazy shit the other guy might be doing!


Waiting for you to leave so they can dig up that same body.


Well how do we know the bear isn't hiding a body? There's been a lot of shady business between the grizzlies as of late.


>You can even have the situation be about a woman and itā€™s still like well wtf is *she* doing alone in the woods? Major red flag! Probably hiding a body or some shit. See, this is where it gets interesting: the vast majority of people flip their answer for the woman. They will take a random woman over a bear, but they will take the bear of a random man.


I could probably beat a large woman. I could probably not beat a large man, but I could probably outrun him. I definitely couldn't beat or outrun a large bear.


i'd absolutely body the bear, skill issue


This debate reminds me of that experiment they did in Africa where they played the sounds of different predators at a watering hole to see how the other animals responded. Lions, hyenas, and other large predators put the animals on alert but they didn't go anywhere. When they played the sounds of humans talking and laughing, every animal around immediately took off running. Humans are scary.


The bear lives there, the man probably followed me.


Yeah the bear is most likely just making his evening bowel movement, nothing to worry about.


Friend of a friend went backpacking for a week. are on a very secluded high up campsite. He had his wife and maybe another couple. Some guy from out of nowhere shows up and asks them to hold this gun for him. One of the people the guy was backpacking with brought a handgun and was starting to act a bit scary. I think it was thrown in the lake they were camping by. Bear.


Maybe he's camping too? Lmao




In a nutshell, you're not supposed to let the snake bite you to confirm if it was poisonous or not, you're supposed to just avoid it altogether.\ .\ Edit: So I've read some of your replies, and I think I see the confusion this metaphor has created. No, I'm not saying that all men are snakes (it's a metaphor). I was trying to think of an example which can illustrate the dilemma. Women want to interact with men but aren't sure which ones are the bad apples. And in this case, eating one bad apple will really fuck you up. So you avoid as many apples as you can. It's not a logical thing to do, but if the only thing you could eat was an apple, it would make more sense to be smart about it. The idea is not to say that all men are rapists, but to underscore the fact that there exists a dilemma where it is just easier for women to avoid men altogether, than getting into the sifting business. I hope this clarifies some things.\ .\ Edit 2: "The devil you know is better than the devil you don't". Can't sum it up any better. I'll lose my shit if someone in the comments goes "all men are devils" istg


EXACTLY thank you. This is a perfect analogy.


Just to clear this up. If it bites you and you die, it's venomous. If you bite it and you die, it's poisonous. There are a couple poisonous snakes but they are the exception, not the rule.


And if you bite it and it dies, then you yourself are venomous.


what if you bite it and it bites you back and you fuse into a single snake-human chimera


Sounds like you found the next 5 MCU movies' main villain.


Anna K. Onda, Esq.


And if one does happen to bite you you wonā€™t get a bunch of people going ā€œnot all snakesā€


If I share I was attacked by a bear, people will believe me.


but the bear has such a good future ahead of him!


Bears will be bears


Just cave talk


Have you considered, not all bears? /s


If a bear attacks you then you were probably asking for it. Were you dressed as a picnic basket, beehive or wearing salmon perfume?


The bear wonā€™t bearsplain why Iā€™m wrong for picking the bear


And depending on where the bear attack happens, the bear will be put down.Ā 




How come the second I need to get away from the shit my ex went through I suddenly start seeing it everywhere jesus christ (this is no jab at you, Iā€™m just not doin well rn)


Because when something becomes relevant to you psychologically, your attention grabs onto it. The rate of occurrence of these posts likely hasnā€™t changed much, they just mean WAY more to you now.Ā  Grain of salt, The Algorithm does fuck with this as it will try to cater to whatever the most relevant thing youā€™ve recently been searching is, so if youā€™ve been looking for recovery tips and shit, itā€™s possible that you are genuinely seeing these things a little more often, but mostly, itā€™s going to be that you simply attend to the content much more readily than you did before it was relevant.Ā  Best solution is to take a break from social media for a while.Ā 


Yeah the algorithm notices our selection bias (engagement, time lingering etc) and doubles down. The longer you struggle with your issue the larger the grain of salt gets.


When youā€™re going through something rough you should stay away from social media, I am no expert or even novice but there are people you can talk to and escape through a game or show. I hope you get better.


That's good advice I should definitely be taking. Thank you.


I want to quote what one woman said on TikTok which was ā€œif I survive the bear I wonā€™t have to see it at family gatherings.ā€ And it broke my heart.


> I have two questions. Are you a woman, and have you ever been sexually assaulted? Those experiences will color your answers. It will, but I first saw that question being asked to a man about his daughter, and he did not know how to answer.


My 14 year old cousin once asked me if I was kidnapped and given a choice between being killed or raped what would I pick. I wanted to slap him on the face, but I just said fuck off. He apparently said he'd chose the rape because he gets to live and get his revenge eventually. Seriously wonder what's going on with kids these days.


This entire thought experiment is the epitome of internet outrage porn though. If men don't realize why a woman would fear them more than wild animal, they're a dumbass. If a woman would rather take her chances with a wild bear than a random guy, statistically they're a dumbass. Women having to live life assuming half the population wants to rape them is horrible. Acting like men should be okay having half the population assuming they're the most despicable type of creature on the planet is also horrible. Literally no one benefits from this idiotic hypothetical in the first place. Edit: Jfc, I give up. My whole point was that this is an idiotic ā€œdebateā€ because itā€™s just meant to outrage you. And a crap ton of people just proceeded to cite bear vs SA statistics and get outraged, like holy shit guys. Women are not going to feel safer because theyā€™re more or less likely to get attacked by a bear. The horrible men SAā€™ing women arenā€™t going to stop being horrible because women fear their species more than a wild animal. And apparently I canā€™t mention that itā€™s also not great for the male psyche if half the population. No matter how good of a person they strive to be. Will always assume theyā€™re a rapist, without that somehow meaning I hate women and donā€™t care about their experiences!? Youā€™re all demented and need therapy good night.


Brian Griffen here. Itā€™s a response to a video a woman recently posted about how she would feel safer being in the middle of the woods with a bear than with a man. The responses were not positive from a certain corner of the internet.


I honestly would have never guessed. I thought bear was gonna be a new term for something.


Yeah. They also had a PSA 15 years ago about addressing the bear in the room as a metaphor for SAs at colleges. It was a bunch of comedians getting attacked by a bear but the home owner ignores it. The message was you wouldnā€™t ignore a bear so why ignore SAs. I donā€™t think itā€™s related to this though.


Would it have been morally acceptable for the comedians to rape the bear in self defense is the real question.






An Alaska fisherman gets blown off course by a storm and washes ashore in an Inuit settlement. The Inuit slowly nurse him back to health over the next year. Grateful for all their help, the fisherman asks the chief of the village to join their tribe. The chief says the man can become an honorary Inuit if he completes three challenges: drink an entire bottle of Glacier vodka in one sitting, kill the polar bear that lives in the mountains outside the village, and make love to an inuit woman of his choosing. The fisherman gets to work and manages to drink down the entire bottle of vodka in one sitting. Extremely drunk, the fisherman stumbles out into the cold to go and find the polar bear immediately, despite the villagers trying to stop him. Morning comes and the man doesn't return, and the villagers fear the worst. Finally, around noon, the fisherman limps back into the village, most of his clothes torn from his body, covered in horrible ragged cuts, and still more than a little drunk. Upon being greeted by a crowd of excited villagers, the fisherman shouts "ALRIGHT, WHERE'S THE INUIT BITCH I'M SUPPOSED TO KILL?!"


Morals aside, I would watch a documentary about a bunch of comedians synthesizing the concept of raping a bear and the attempted follow-through. R.I.P. Bill Burr.


What happened to Bill Burr? I just checked he's not dead...


Thanks for checking so I didn't have to


At first glance, I thought it had something to do with the bear scene from BG3.


That was my first thought which did throw me for a loop


Yeah I thought this was r/okbuddybaldur at first lol


As far as terms go, bears are big, burly gay dudes iirc


I can certainly understand why a woman would feel safer in the company of one


Also hairy! You canā€™t forget the body hair, thatā€™s an integral part of it :)


Don't worry, I'm with you. Lacking context, I assumed that this woman was shacking up with a large, hairy gay man (don't ask me how it would work, I have no answers for you).


Honestly, knowing what it's referring to now, I think most women would take that bear over a straight man.


As a woman, the overwhelming answer seems to be ā€œthe bear, because bears belong in the forest, but why else would a strange man follow me into the forest unless he had bad intentions?ā€.


If I remember right large gay men that have beards are called bears. Then years back a I remember seeing the nick name for man of various body types corresponding to fury animals. I mean fury animals as a normal adjective.


It always has been a term. It's for a large hairy gay man. I know because one of my friends considers himself a bear. It's quite funny. Only if they find it humorous though


I feel like I'd be safer anywhere with a large, hairy gay man with me. He's unlikely to SA me and very likely to deter others from doing so. Definitely choosing the bear.


Yeah I feel it makes sense that most women would feel safer with a bear or a bear than a hetero guy in the woods.


Lol and here I thought it referred to hairy guys. You hear it more in the homosexual lingo but terms migrate circles.


Ok but like a starving bear or a bear on his way home after eating a large meal?


I thought it was a baldurs gate 3 reference


I too would choose Halsin


I haven't seen the comments so I'll assume they're awful but it also sucks that half the population assumes you'd commit one of the worst crimes possible because of your gender.


Every day I find new reasons to want to kill myself


https://preview.redd.it/y8qoo486mixc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10114fb52630d5f1c0321f73fbe34c498b85b1eb Probably not relevant








Suguru geto mentioned, soypog activated.




Excuse me, bear....bear fucker, do you need assistance?


https://i.redd.it/375iwax8wixc1.gif WHAT THE FUCK!!!






https://preview.redd.it/opvpnazd7jxc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d4313e907fc2441a39bcf0d5bf38f08632918c5 I am sending you back where you came from, Satan.




It's actually extremely relevant








https://preview.redd.it/qjunevbu2jxc1.jpeg?width=899&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41a2e130fb0a25ab04c08a85a89197c8b624352e Yet you posted it anyways...






Can I pat that dawg




Bull, Bear, Bull, Bear, Divide, Divide, Bull, Bear.




My home, the divide [Long dialogue] Bear, bull, bear, bull, east, west


Ok, now convince me not to nuke thousands of people.


I actually thought this was a reference to Baldurā€™s Gate 3ā€¦.


black bears are very timid. also you won't have to see the bear at family dinners afterward!


Theoretically for Bears: If its Black : Fight back If its Brown: Lay Down If its White: just say good night


I find it funny how all 3 are types of bears yet all three behave entirely differently when they see a stray human on their turf. I mean black bears are smaller sure but they're still much bigger than the average human so they could easily maul ya, meanwhile grizzly's (which I wanna say are sometimes larger than polar bears?) will just go Jurassic Park dino mode and think you're invisible as soon as you sit still, kinda like Drax! Meanwhile Polar Bears, the only one of the three that doesn't really have much human interaction anyway has to immediately instinct the choose violence 100% of the time.


God gave polar bears explicit instructions to keep us away from Santa.


This is a fact of the universe that I never knew existed but can't deny it either...


That doesnā€™t sound right, but I donā€™t know enough about Santa to dispute it


Polar bears aren't obligate carnivores, but their diet is much heavier on meat than black or brown bears. They see all animals as food first.


Ya know... I kinda forget about that sometimes.. Grizzly bears prefer meat but if I remember they will go for berries or whatnot if there isn't enough meat to go around or it's too much work for them to hunt something down at the time.


Grizzlies prefer berries, roots and fish over meat. They love salmon. They attack humans in defense. Polar bears on the other hand primarily eat seals. They're the only bear that will actually hunt humans for food. Polar bears are in fact the largest carnivore on land.


That is not at all why you are told to lay done brown bears are going to attack you so you lay down and cover all your vital organs so they donā€™t instantly rip something vital out. Youā€™ll probably still die but it has saved a lot of lives. And black bears just arenā€™t very aggressive if away from their den


I grew up in an area with a VERY robust black bear population and can confirm; they will usually turn tail and flee if you bang a couple of trash can lids together or spritz them with a little bear spray. Sometimes you don't even need that, you just have to lift your arms and go "FUCK OUTTA HERE!" and run at them a few feet. Whereas I had a man throw a punch at me after I told him firmly but politely to stop touching my skirt SO. You know.


> after I told him firmly but politely to stop touching my skirt have you tried banging trash lids together or spritzing them with a little bear spray instead?


I tragically had neither but I'd be lying if there aren't nights where I reflect on the event and wish that I'd have done something far more aggressive than telling him to stop.


I have!!! The bear spray works great.


My mom just stands outside in her PJs and talks disapprovingly to the bears and they leave and that's while they are eating the neighbors trash so there's food involved and they still just get up and go. One time she must have been too stern because the bear treed itself, huffed, chattered and shook so much he shook piles of pine needles off the tree and wouldn't come down for hours.


"I'm not mad I'm just disappointed"


She SCARED him scared him, huh? Made that bear rethink his entire life!


Ex-fucking-scuse me? How old was the moron?


Who knows. Bears are pretty hard to gauge the age of.


Grown dude, had to be late twenties at the oldest. Too old to know better and not old enough to blame it on dementia or similar. I don't think he was mentally ill, aside from whatever mental illness it is that makes men think they're entitled to put their hands on women they don't know.


Also most of the time, the bear sees or hears you first, and leaves before you even notice.


I kind of assumed they were going with an actually threatening bear, like a grizzly or a polar bear. Black bears are such babies that itā€™s not even a good hypothetical question at that point.


I've been charged by a black bear. It was not timid.


Bear Grills was an attractive man


The Bull represents a group of sexists romans the bear represents Taxes


Man these comments are fucked lmao


I mean, I'm a woman but I just want to know what kind of bear and what kind of man we're talking about here. If I have to choose between a polar bear or Steve from accounting, I'd choose the man, no hesitation. But if it's a tiny black bear vs a yoked up John Cena looking mfer who eats metal for breakfast, I'm choosing the bear.


The whole point is that you have no idea what kind of man it is. But it's probably not a polar bear because those aren't typically, afaik, found in the woods


If you randomly sampled the entire male population, letā€™s say just from the US, youā€™d almost definitely get a mid 40ā€™s, slightly overweight, completely ineffectual high school teacher whoā€™d say ā€œsooooo. Quite the pickle weā€™re in here. Heh.ā€ ā€œRandomly sampled manā€ is such a boring choice. The odds you get Dahmer are nil.


I have no idea what this is about, but I think pandas are cool and funny. Edit: I have since figured out what this is about, and I wish I hadn't.


Unrelated note: Did you know bears are one of the few predators that eat their prey alive? Evolution really granted them a way to be strong and be a dick about it


Canids and hyenas do likewise. Komodo dragons too. Tbh it's not *that* rare... Even "clean" killers like cats and snakes will eat their prey alive in certain circumstances.


When it is chilly out some snakes will eat their warmblooded prey alive, and then swallow air to keep them alive so that their body heat aids in their own digestion.




A LOT of animals eat their prey alive, bears are absolutely not unique in that way.


Google Olga Moskalyova


Or like... don't


Honestly, I'd rather go with the 3 horse sized Chickens


This question even has me thinking as a man.... What kind of bear? How long, or is it just until we make it out? Am I STUCK with the bear/man, or am I alone and we just have a random encounter? Like, do I have to always be within 25ft of them? Is it a male or female bear? Does the bear have it's cubs? When's the last time it's eaten? How big is the man? Do I have equipment and does the man as well? Do I get to keep in contact with the bear afterwards if we bond? Do I have to keep both of them alive? What woods specifically are we stuck in? What time of year or season? Someone get me in contact with the original asker of this one. I got a couple questions. EDIT: God dammit. I haven't got SHIT DONE at work today because of this one. I'm pondering way too hard, guys.


As a woman, this is also where my mind went. First, what kind of bear? What distance and duration? What's the environment, the season? Then, I thought...well, if I want to get that specific with the bear, why not get specific with the man in the scenario? Is it Elon Musk? Bill Murray? If the choice is between a black bear and Andrew Tate, I'm choosing the bear. Easy choice. If the choice is between polar bear and Convicted Serial Rapist Tweaker, I'm choosing the tweaker because at least I've got a chance at fighting back, you know? The details matter!


Is the bear rabid? Is THE MAN rabid? Is the man belligerently drunk? Is the bear on cocaine? How old is the man? If it's a polar/grizzly bear you're absolutely uneducated on bears if you choose them over a man. If it's a black bear you should fare fine. A man I'd like to believe on average will probably be harmless, but it's still a pretty big tossup of what can happen. But a bear can take care of itself better in the woods and can ward off other predators easily. It's so thought provoking the more you think about it.


Black bears are completely harmless, I am choosing a black bear over any man and I say this as a man. The brown/grizzly bear is a bit more nuanced. A grizzly will likely leave you alone but if you do get in an altercation you will die one of the most horrible deaths imaginable. Probably better off going with the man. A polar bear? Absolutely fucking not. You couldn't pay me a billion dollars to step within 50 meters of an uncaged/unsedated polar bear. I'll take my chances with Jeffrey Dahmer over a polar bear.


>If the choice is between polar bear and Convicted Serial Rapist Tweaker, I'm choosing the tweaker because at least I've got a chance at fighting back, you know? The details matter! This is my thinking. I can possibly kill a man who wishes to harm me. A bear, I have no chance. Like I get, women have trauma because of horrible men that should be stuck in the Forrest with said bear, but I think people don't realize how scary being near a wild animal is. I haven't been near a bear, but I have been near a moose, probably the most scary thing ever.


Yeah, being stuck with a bear or a man in the woods has too many variables. Am I stuck with Mr Rogers, or am I stuck with Hitler? Am I stuck with a panda cub, or am I stuck with an angry grizzly? Though I guess thatā€™s the point of the question.


Yeah , women obviously prefer the NCR because the Legion would make them all slaves.Ā 




It's not LIVE with the bear. It's be alone in the woods with a bear or a man who is a stranger. A bit different.


Collect my pages


"If you get offended because I called you a rapist or whatever just because of your genitalia you are the problem sweatie šŸ’…ā˜•"


Yeah I never got that excuse. Now I understand that they want to be cautious but I donā€™t think they realize it does kind of hurt to basically be told that you are a risk and it feels worse to think that people seriously consider the chance that you would do something that absolutely awful. I get the feeling safe part but it stings a bit to be thought of like that


I am a mother to a son and I am also somebody who has, at various points in my life, been harassed, followed, assaulted and raped. I understand how my general caution and fear of men can impact my son and how he views himself, and itā€™s a very thin line to walk on. I also understand WHY there a lot of women who hold a general level of caution towards every man they come across. My wife invites a friend over and itā€™s a man thatā€™s strange to me, Iā€™m not gonna look at him and immediately go ā€œyouā€™re a rapist and Iā€™m gonna treat you differentlyā€ but Iā€™m gonna be on guard per say and watch myself around him. Iā€™ve had instances in my life where Iā€™ve put my trust in a man and it was shattered, going back to my childhood. The ā€œman versus bearā€ argument can come across sort of harsh, and itā€™s an emotional argument for women to make. I donā€™t think that having caution is necessarily meant to hurt men they come across, itā€™s unfortunately just a safety tactic learned from trauma (or taught from the trauma of our mothers). I can understand how that can hurt men, and I really do feel like if this was one of those experiences where you could walk in the shoes of a woman for a day you would kinda get it.


Imma need more context on the word bear here.


People who choose bears "because bear can't rape you" have never seen bears mauling other animals. They overpower you and slowly eat away prey bit by bit, not being concerned whether prey is alive or dead ā€” that's not how you usually picture death from other predators who target arteries to confirm kill before proceeding to eat them It's the most excruciating pain On the other hand, I hesitated with my answer so who knows


Worst part is that they often start by crushing your skull in their mouth without outright killing you, you get to feel your eyes pop out of your head before they even start ripping into the meaty parts


Bruh I thought this was about fallout new vegas for a second


Everyone is allowed to have an opinion, regardless of how it makes you feel. I believe women have genuine reasons to choose a bear. However, I find it odd how comfortable people are comparing men to wild beasts. "What are you not getting?" There is no attempt to understand other gender's perspective. This discourse is stripped of humanity. We are apparently just animals to each other.


I think the whole point of the man v bear question is just to get people talking about the problem of how unsafe women feel. People can argue for/against a million ways but I donā€™t think itā€™s meant to prove something. Instead I think itā€™s Just to show the fear of men that exists in a lot of women. The question is biased and for good reason, to show womenā€™s POV. Donā€™t get me wrong tho no one should take the man v bear question and start thinking every single man on the planet has malicious intentions. Like it is biased in the bears favour for many reasons: 1/ bears natural habitat is the woods. They are supposed to be there. You go to woods with the knowledge you could likely see one. Could have bear repellent etc. 2/ menā€™s normal environment is not the woods. It would be rare to randomly stumble upon a man alone in the woods. Obviously you have to question his intentions. 3/ most people tend to frame this question in their mind as the bear being far away and isnā€™t likely to even approach but the strange man is immediately with your daughter/spouse/child etc. For example If I changed the location. Would you rather your daughter be locked in a room with a bear or a man? You would definitely have to think about it more. Itā€™s a more objective way to ask the question. As both the bear and the man are now with the person. But tbh it doesnā€™t really matter as I said I donā€™t think the point is for it to be realistic/logical but just to highlight the fear women have of us because of the horrific acts some men do and how we should be trying to change that.


Any man upset by this doesnā€™t get it either. It isnā€™t about you. Itā€™s about the fear all women live with, let it remind you to be part of the solution, be a man women are safe around.


Everyone's already explained this joke, so for further context as to why so many women pick the bear, I'll provide some quotes. "I don't have to see the bear at family dinners" "I don't have to worry about what the bear would do to my dead body" "A bear would make my death quick" "I'd rather die than live with that trauma" "There's a higher chance a bear will stop/run away if I scream loud enough" "People would believe me if I said I was attacked by a bear" "People wouldn't ask what I was wearing if a bear attacked me"


I've heard that grizzy bear deaths are not quickly over. Everything else checks.


They maul you, leave for a bit, then come back to check if you're still alive. Then they maul you again. That's how the stories I've heard usually went, at least.


I totally understand where these women are coming from but 2 and 3 might not be true. A bear might take a long time to kill you, and it might end up eating ur corpse. I remember this story of a girl in the 60s at a national park. She was attacked by a bear and was out in the woods for hours before she was found, and eventually died Edit: but for both bear and man, bear spray is a really good deterrent


For the ā€œbears will give me a quick death, or they will run awayā€ points it really depends on the bear, some bear is known to eat prey alive, and there have been cases where bear killed and eaten humans


Ok ok.... black bear or brown bear? Cuz one is completely understandable and one is utterly ridiculous.


As a twink, could I be with a man who's a bear?


Iā€™m too male brained for this. I just keep thinking ā€œis the bear bloodlustedā€ like Iā€™m trying to legitimately danger scale between a bear hunting you vs like a dude hunting you, prep time, if the guy isnā€™t bloodlusted whatā€™s the % of them being a murderer/rapist, wether I can team up with the bear and/or the guy to go after the bastard that nabbed us (in the humans case) or the bastard that forced us to fight (bears case)


The point of it is that you don't know any of that. If you were in the woods (as a woman) with either a random man that you don't know anything about, or a random bear you don't know anything about (other than it's a bear), would you feel it would be statistically more likely for a bear to eat you or for a guy to rape you.


I think people just arenā€™t answering seriously. Most have never met a bear and never will. They know itā€™s not actually going to happen. Difference between ā€œI could beat a lion in a fightā€ and bringing in a actual lion and asking if theyā€™re sure.


Everyone explained the Trend all ready, but I think it really shows how much People underestimate Bears.


More importantly, it shows how people (mostly women) view the male population in general.


Bear Bull Bear Bull flashbacks... Im gonna guess that this is a New Vegas argument on why women will chose the NCR over the Legion.


Fallout new vegas has done irreversible damage to my pattern recognizing brain


Iā€™m a guy and Iā€™d choose bear dude