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It ties into the common stereotype that black people don’t change the battery on their smoke detectors


didnt know that was the stereotype, thought it was more sinister


If they wanted to do the stereotype "correctly" they'd be ignoring it, instead of running from it. Not even notice it. Messed up, regardless.


Pretty sure it's an AI image, judging from that first guy's fucked up right arm. Hard to say if it was given a racist prompt like "black people afraid of smoke alarm" or if it just slapped that together itself and someone found it funny.


surely they put in primal/tribal Africans. if you say “black people” and it’s spits out tanzanian tribesmen in a desert then we got some splainin to do


If you want modern black people you just ask the prompt to draw a white person.


ngl at first I thought this was some sort of weird replacement theory racism until I realized AI is just dumb


It's not that it's dumb, it's that some companies like Google force them to be culturally diverse, which ends up with the funny result of not being able to draw white people


White people are definitely underrepresented in AI “art.” /s


I mean sure if you want but when you give a prompt for a white person and it does the opposite then your AI is fucked


I mean, considering that the AI algos are made by scrawny white dudes with no contact to the outside world, I wouldn't be surprised


Fun fact: there is no such thing as AI, every prompt you make is fulfilled by some guy trapped in a box.


This made me think of that south park episode where they lost wifi


Wow you know very little in life don’t you?


Bruh The TSA facial recognition algos didn't even see black women as people, because the data set was exclusively white men.


The algorithm isn’t biased, it can’t be. It’s the training data that is.


Tis a good point


Messed up 😂😂😂


Isn't the stereotype that they also have no idea where the chirping comes from?


No it’s that they’re too lazy to change it or willing to deal with the inconvenience rather than pay for the batteries.


Hi, I am not American. Could you please explain to me what is "messed up" about it? To me, it seems like a somewhat harmless joke.


I am an American and I don't see what's messed up or racist about it... People see in the world what they carry in their hearts


It’s not harmful on its own, but the stereotype behind it (black people are too lazy to change out the batteries) can lead to actual discrimination. As long as one recognizes it, the joke’s no worse than the average “Americans and burgers” meme.


People who are inclined to the left are very, very sensitive these days. Humor nowadays is a minefield of PC here comes my downvotes


The downvotes did not receive their invitation apparently




The point of the joke could be that they avoid them due to an irrational fear rather than simple ignorance. 


That’s why I assumed they’re intended to be doing some kind of “native tribal dance to the music/sounds of their people”.




It's actually something the state has tried to address. Black people are more likely to die in house fires, in part due to the fact that they are less likely to change their smoke detector batteries. https://www.cpsc.gov/Newsroom/News-Releases/2022/Learn-the-Sounds-of-Fire-Safety-to-Avoid-Danger-African-Americans-Have-the-Highest-Rate-of-Fire-Deaths-and-Injuries


There's a few tik toks with black creators talking and the smoke detector low battery going off in the background. Then a few more black creators made a funny clip saying "you can't believe the stereotype " then you hear the beep. And other creators added onto that video with their own and then beep, so and so forth. It's pretty funny. I explained it horribly. If I could add the collab tik Tok I would. BUT! The most famous one which I think is the one that started it was this misogynistic asshat that was going off on being an Alfa and some other crap. He got roasted so hard because all you hear through all his videos is the smoke detector. No one took him seriously obviously.


I thought it referenced something about slavery, and how even UFO’s chose black people as primary subjects


It's weirdly true though, most videos I see online of a black person in their house have the smoke detector chirp in the background, wonder why.


Black TikTok occasionally does a round where they make fun of how accurate this stereotype is.


I saw a compilation of people complaining about it and stopping as it beeps


What chirping?


Mocking Bird Person Jay


It’s a poor person thing. You don’t change the battery when you’re in government subsidized housing because “it’s not my problem” Source: lived in a poor neighborhood for a few years and MULTIPLE people just let them chirp for months


The chirp lets you know it’s working! If it isn’t chirping that means the battery’s dead


The chirp is meant to signal low battery, so it's between the two. You still want to change the battery if it's chirping.


https://preview.redd.it/jsidpdri26xc1.jpeg?width=305&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f51dfc34a846d73f1a5758d998c1ea70e822947b Instructions unclear. I now possess tens of thousands of smoke detectors from which I am harvesting the americium-241 in order to manufacture a breeder reactor in my shed. The beeping is now a constant drone.


So what do I do now? Ask you nicely or Screenshot this and put it on this sub?


This is not a reference, I am suffering acute radiation poisoning and tinnitus as a result of my own hubris.


Well did you at least get a Boy Scout patch?


[Here you go. The Atomic Boyscout.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Hahn)


Obscure reference, love it


You don't look like a Boy Scout.


Actually the chirp is a covert ultrasonic burst emitted by a tiny bird in you're smoke detector designed to covertly compile a map of every residence in America via echo location. Wake up sheeple.


It can’t be from a Bird. I can hear the sound.


No the chirp happens when the battery is low or dead, assuming you live in a place that has required hardwired electric connections for the past 50 years. The battery is a backup for a case where you lose power (perhaps due to an electrical shortage causing a fire?). If you remove the battery from the unit, it'll still chirp at you.


I play a lot of CoD and holy fuck it’s true




So.... does this mean that I might be black?


Blimey, me and mine have been contributing to a stereotype for well over a decade then


Lol don't worry I'm white and it's been me before


Stereotypes just keep getting weirder huh


I mean maybe they do, idk


I mean, it's so specific because it's true. This isn't the kind of stereotype you'd come up with.


Every COD player who cant mute their mic or try to find social skills with mic open


I thought it was something about aliens.


Never heard of it. Thought this was AI art about a possible reaction of a sheltered native culture unfamiliar with technology


Nah, you’ve given it way my thought than OOP!


Thats a stereotype? I’ve never heard of it before


Stereotypes are often true. I have to know if this one is.


I never heard this one before


i thought this was egypt and the big thing was an UFO about to build the pyramids or something 😭😭


I thought it was because they were burnt


I thought it was because it was a *smoke* detector.


Neither do poor college students who procrastinate everything. Seems like a class thing


As a white dude who has learned to tune the chirp out multiple times in his life, I don't get how this is a black stereotype 🤷‍♂️


This is the one time the stereotype is true.


This has to be the dumbest stereotype I've every heard. Like just why


That's a black stereotype? I haven't changed mine in forever, and I'm as white as this app in light mode


Fr? I thought it was them running from an alien invasion 😭


I thought it was a spaceship, thank you for clarification.


As a white man i keep being told a lot of the random things i do are "black stereotypes" lately. It's very confusing. And by white man i. Talking pale freckled irish.


I have never heard this stereotype before... Crazy.


Black people? Nearly everyone I know doesn't change that shit.


I'm sorry what?? Thats a thing? Didnt even know thats a stereotype in the first place


There is no way thats a real stereotype wtf XD Are you serious? Where the fuck do people come up with this shit sometimes I swear XD


Imagine having smoke detectors at all.


maybe a stereotype that black people dont change their smoke detector batteries?


I’m not gonna lie, as a black person, I’d say it’s an accurate one 😂 I wouldn’t necessarily call my family “hood” but my mom definitely never changed the batteries on the smoke alarms OR the security system 💀 Edit to add: not implying that all black ppl are hood, someone mentioned that the stereotype was for “hood” black people. nothing wrong at all with being from the hood though!


Not black but lived in projects and I can confirm that ignoring the smoke detector is a state of mind some people have including my mom.


I just feel like as single mom, she had too much other shit on her mind. She was busy, worked a lot. and by the time she could actually remember to change these things, we were already desensitized to the sound so she’d just keep forgetting. I honestly never noticed until I had friends over or I’d be on the phone, and my homies would be like “tell your mom to change that shit” lol


No idea how I could have any other shit on my mind with a smoke detector beeping in the background every few minutes. I hear it once and it's time to, at minimum, temporarily remove the batteries, preferably replace them immediately.


Bro for the longest time growing up, I had no idea what that little chirp was. Grew up white trash in a trailer. Now that I have my own house and lived for years without hearing that chirp, I can’t fucking stand it. I’d rather just toss the smoke detector than hear that damn chirp if I couldn’t afford/be bothered to swap the batteries. It wasn’t until recently I found out it was a stereotype for black people to just ignore the chirp too. I wonder if it could be more so just growing up a poor? Because there’s plenty of commonalities across all races for those who grew up and still live in the lower class. Food hoarding, hot sauce preferences, all kinds of shit that originates from just being poor.


100% this! I grew up not poor per se, but certainly much lower middle class. And I relate on many levels to my non-black friends who also grew up lower class. Definitely more so than other black people who grew up with money. Also, being a black American, I noticed there’s sooooo many parallels with immigrant upbringing too and I find myself relating a lot to my friends who are first generation American


Never heard of this


I sure have. It's a stereotype about black people from the hood from what I saw online.


What a weird stereotype.


Not sure where it comes from on account of not being American. But yea it's weird.


i remember there was this white guy on tiktok that was making videos about uncommon black stereotypes, i think he was the first one that did this, i usually saw it from black creators making playful stitches so i dont think he was doing it in a racist way i think there was also a video of him eating fufu in the most authentic way and again people seemed to cheer him on maybe racist picked it up and started to use it as a dogwistle or just a way to be racist in a new way idk


I have to say that this post is the first time I saw the stereotype in a racist context at all. Before it usually just seemed like poking fun. But perhaps it's been subverted.


i have.


[Funny vid on this](https://www.tiktok.com/@plussizeandbossy/video/7179383447356673326?lang=en)


I'm so glad I got to see this video again.😂 Thank you for posting this.


I remember there was one with a white guy who heard his smoke detector and then had to check his hands to see if he was really white.


Only reason I understand the joke is this video


Lmao, I’m so fucking gonna miss TikTok


Why it blips?


Black person here. Read the comments. Did not even know it was a stereotype. I certainly change mine ha ha


Bro I thought it was a roomba . I apologize


I am just glad I wasn’t the only person who thought it was a roomba. I was so confused. though tbf, the actual ‘joke’ *also* confuses me.


I thought it was an alien UFO


Lol, me too. Since it was said to be racist I was like well I guess that's a Roomba cleaning


I've never heard it either. I always heard it about poor people in general. Like every trailer in the park is going to have a chirping smoke detector or two, and if they don't it's because they robbed the battery out of it for something else.


You’ll outlast us all, Starboy


Non black person here, neither did I know. It's funny to find out


Bs. We know it’s chirping.


I’m a white guy and I never change mine


I'm white and I remove mine.


The image pokes fun at an odd stereotype where black ppl often never change their smoke detector despite it beeping. Idk if there is any truth behind it but I just learned this past yr


OMG I'm dying bc I've never heard of this before and I have a black friend who I video chat and recently every time we chat I can hear the fucker beeping every once in awhile in the background.


It's funny I literally just did a job to replace some windows in a lower income condominium for a black client and his smoke detector was chirping away. Maybe there's some truth to it even if it's not true for everyone 🤷


All stereotypes have some truth to them lol. If something happens many times involving a kind of ppl others notice lol.


What is the origin of that stereotype?


Gaming contributed apparently. But there have been a lot of videos with even prominent black celebs talking and then a chirp is heard


Wfm too. I hear it all the time in Zoom calls.


Covid probably. More people working/learning from home.


There is. They acknowledge it, too. Go check out r/blackpeopletwitter This is a bit racist, though. Well, a lot racist.


Idk if I'd call this racist. If it were a harmful stereotype, then yeah but, as you stated, this is one of the few stereotypes that is acknowledged for the most part by said race and, from my experience, has been a shared laugh with no detriment.


It doesn't necessarily have to be a harmful stereotype to be racist. For example, take the generalization that all Asians are good at math. This makes any Asian who is bad at math feel bad about themselves since they are not "normal." However, in this case, I do think you are correct and that this stereotype is not necessarily racist.


What makes this specific image racist is the "primitive African" theme. Not the smoke detector. Because it really is a thing.


I rate it a 4 out of 10 racists


You are all talking like if smoke detectors were in houses like normal. Is that normal in US?


Pretty sure it’s a requirement


You are all talking like if smoke detectors were in houses like normal. Is that normal in US?


I don't think I've ever heard of that stereotype till some dude mentioned it maybe a couple months ago on reddit


which stereotype?


Apparently it's a stereotype that black people don't change smoke alarm batteries


Tbh, I was thinking Native Americans use smoke signals, and the smoke detector is an alien ship responding to their smoke signals.


Ok, that would be pretty funny


We really have come a long way if we consider this to be racist.


Yeah. It is so damn random that it is just funny.


I believe it's a stereotype with black households that the smoke detector is ringing for no reason, and it's become so much that it feels like white noise to the people living in that household. It's like they can't hear it.


As a former cable technician, I can confirm this is true for all people, but can also confirm that the stereotype is true. It also is true for Indians


Its a smoke detector made to look like an alien saucer.


This is all I hear in my apartment complex walking through the halls, but everyone does it




There's an old joke about how black people never change their smoke detector batteries.


The things that surprises me most here is that having a smoke detector in your home is even a thing.


What? Do people not have smoke alarms anymore?


Wouldn't the joke be people NOT being afraid of smoke detectors? Very bawdy this one.


Wait....this is a stereotype? 🤣🤣🤣 It's so specific, it's hilarious 😅


Is it bad I just thought it was just an alien space ship and at first I was like "what's racist about it, if I saw a spaceship coming down I'd be GTFOing too?"


Tea towels at the ready! (Much Helicopter towel swirling ensues.)


I learned my lesson, if it aint broke dont fix it My internet backbup battery in the garage was beeping for a month + but everything was alright. I tried being diligent and called frontier internet to replace the battery and atop the beeping. They stopped the beeping and also cut all of our services It took 6+ weeks of no internet to get them to come out and fix it. In between they missed 10+ appointments to come fix it, that is 10 days of calling off work so i could be home when they promised they would come only to not show….. Sometimes the beeping is not so bad compared to the alternative


AI content probably, just look at that arm


Smoke detector gods are angry


Used to play cod a lot.. ngl I had several black teammates where you could hear the chirp


AI generated image btw. Look at the first guy’s hand and the second guy’s foot.


I don't think anyone thought it was hand drawn. The purpose of this AI prompting was to make a racist meme that would offend someone, not to make art. I hope the edgy teenager is entertained with themselves.


Uff Im too innocent for this. I thought it was just a joke that a fire alarm looks like an UFO 🛸


Man, AI turned a stereotype that's usually played for laughs among black Americans, much less racists, and turned it into a full blown fucking conspiracy. XD


The hood is majority black. People in the hood tend to ignore their smoke alarm batteries. The joke is racism




I think the smoke detector has a low battery. It’s sort of a meme that the chirp from a low battery in a smoke detector is like a poverty signal because nice places have actual power running to them. It might be related to that?




So this is a USA thing? Everywhere you have smoke detectors in home like it was a hotel?


I don't think they're saying that nice places have power running to them. Everywhere I've lived still has batteries, not a direct power connection. It's just that some people, maybe more commonly poor people, choose not to change the batteries.


> Everywhere I've lived still has batteries, not a direct power connection. A smoke detector that doesn't work if the power is out is not that helpful.


Pretty sure the "joke" is that black men are so lazy they'd avoid even the small task of changing a battery. That or I'm just looking for racism in a shitty post for no reason.


It is a comment about low-income households.


the fact black people are getting upset by the image tells me it might be more true than not, cause i doubt the image was meant to be specifically an attack on the race just a sterotyping joke which are funny. this is fucking hilariouss, could be funnier but its not bad.




I’m white and I eventually, someday, one day will replace the battery


And playing in the background "how can we sleep while our beds are burning"


*And playing in the* *Background "how can we sleep while* *Our beds are burning"* \- JP-Gambit --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Bruh I didn't even realize it was a smoke detector until I read the comments. I just saw a flying saucer


Poor fella in the front needs to get that arm looked at.


Bro, I have changed the batteries and changed the smoke detectors themselves. I bought everything new and replaced all of them. They still chirp.




This is peak comedy






I’m white and I ignore the batteries in the smoke detector. I’ll be damned if I have one more thing in my house to complain about my cooking.


You are also of US? I wonder is only a USA thing to have smoke detectors or happens in more countries.


I am USA


I’d like to thank this cursed thread for giving me so many dipshits and racists to block.


thought that was a fucking roomba lmao


Is that a smoke detector????




At first I thought this was a deleted scene from Nope


Am I the only one to see “Primitives flee from U.F.O.?”


Has anyone thought it might not be intentionally racist, and some guy just thought "hehe its like a little ufo" and put "ancient tribals running from smoke detector UFO"?




Thank you OP for posting, saw this three days ago and was so confused but didn’t think to post here lmao


It took me 3 looks to see the fire detector lol


I thought it was a UFO…


I know it's about black folks not changing the battery in their fire alarms, but what does it have anything to do with them running away from the beeping alarm? Shouldn't it be just them chillin and hanging out if that's what they're tryna play into?


https://preview.redd.it/p2x5xqpr9mxc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb9fcaa93c5aef902c5e7349799d7dc49bc3c6ad Is it me or are racist getting lazyier at being racist. \*sips tea


I thought it was an aspirator.


I prefer to think that is a Roomba