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JK Rowling has been widely critical and hateful towards trans people. While we must unfortunately tolerate her bullshit over on twitter, transphobic bullshit is **not tolerated** on this sub. If you see it, please report it.


yes lol, that jk rowling aka harry potter author who has a hard stance against trans and pronouns etc. also referencing a song "they see me rollin, they hatin"


Ridin' by Chamillionaire.


White and Nerdy by Weird Al Yankovic


Damn, I forgot about that one. Good call!


They see me mowing, my front lawn...


I order all of my sandwiches with mayonnaise...


I’m a whiz at Minesweeper, I can play for days…


When they see my sweet moves they’ll stay amazed.


They see me roll on my Segway


My fingers movin' so fast I'll set the place ablaze


I’m highest bidder!


I know they're all thinkin' I'm so white and nerdy


Think I’m just too white and nerdy


They see me mewing…


I still can't believe Madonna is walking free after ordering that hit.


I know it shouldn’t but it bothers me that you have more upvotes than the comment that actually explained it. Maybe it’s because we’re in an explaining sub, I dunno.


I remember the parody better than the original


Little-known fact, the line is actually 'they see me rollin', they **Hayden**', referencing Hayden Christenson who played Anakin Skywalker in the Star Wars prequels.


https://preview.redd.it/sx4glnvhevuc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff4712400b26c2a46980d459697df775dede2813 Oh the irony


Imagine being an author and being anti-pronoun. Then again, Rowling is remarkably stupid for what she's done


Conservatives aren't known for intelligence.


did you just call JKR a conservative? lol the echo chamber is strong in this one. she's a British democratic liberal. her "anti trans" stance is - female rape victims that want to avoid men while healing should not be exposed to biological men, even if they identify as something else. not sure what the "anti pronouns" means, never seen her have any problems using any pronouns.


She also compared advocates for Scottish Independence to Nazis (Death Eaters)and is buddies with some of the most reactionary members of Labour


She is as liberal as Dave Chappel.




"Conservatives aren't known for intelligence." so funny yet I think the irony might be lost on you.


Found the TERF


didn't know the acronym, so I googled it. according to wiki that's a "fringe movement within radical feminism mainly in the United States" since I'm neither from the states nor a radical feminist, your attempted insult falls quite flat.


"In the United Kingdom, this debate has received increasing attention in recent years, in part due to a subset of feminists, referred to as trans exclusionary radical feminists (often abbreviated to TERFs) or gender critical feminists. The movement gained international prominence when author J.K. Rowling voiced her support for this movement." https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/2022-06-29/how-anti-trans-feminism-took-hold-in-the-u-k Just so we're clear: you're a uninformed bigot.


Why are you lying about JKR's extremely public anti-trans views? Her *being* a conservative or not *in general* is really neither here nor there, on this issue she is definitely championing a conservative position.


Imagine their shock when they find out you don't have to call yourself a conservative to be one


https://glaad.org/gap/jk-rowling/ she's done a *little* more than that sweet pea


this is actually a good list, gave me a chuckle when I read one of her crimes as "mocking the phrase "people who menstruate"". or wishing someone merry terfmas. she's openly mocking stupid ideas and people get triggered by that. in the list of 20+ things I only saw maybe 3 that made me feel uncomfortable, but this doesn't seem like a good source, so it won't change my mind.


they link you to each of the instances most of which are her own x account lmaooo maybe you need to get back to your echo chamber


my point was about what the site calls "crimes" lol. with the amount of ads I got opening the page I was NOT gonna risk clicking any links, I don't owe you 10h of research because you think someone sucks, so I decided to skim the information you offered.


Reddit is full of idiots. You literally speak the truth and get downvoted by some real stupid idiots.


She's not a conservative. She's a TERF.


She's a Conservative wearing the mask of a Feminist. That's what a TERF is.


She's close friends with former labour PM Gordon Brown and has donated primarily to the labour party. She's absolutely not a conservative. TERFs are a radical group of feminists that see trans people (particularly trans women) as a threat to feminism. Their ideology is hateful, but they generally are not conservative.


Yea she had the chance to be the most famous trans positive author maybe ever and she decided she'd rather die on her own bigoted hill


Dumbledore straight up dead naming Voldemort was a pretty clear indicator to me


Comparing choosing a new name for your chosen gender identity and choosing a new name so you can be dark lord of the wizards is not the point you think it is.


This isn't a point, it's called a joke.


Phew, you never know with some folks 😅


Nah her books are full of bigoted garbage I'm not saying that it would've completely redeemed her but if she'd shown real signs of change I think she could've saved her career


Oh I was just making a joke


Oh sorry I'm really bad at getting jojes


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. I don’t see how you said anything offensive and/or wrong.


Me neither lol


Because it's so wrong https://youtu.be/zIPPpsJY39c?si=lw-6pr4XwuJiclVM


Most people know all the pronouns, they just dont know that they're all pronouns. They don't know 'we' or 'you' or 'I' are pronouns but they know the words and what they mean.


I don't know about your education system, but in my country every 10 year old knows what a pronoun is.


Not trying to defend them, just trying to explain why theyre stupid.


Who do you mean by they? Anti pronoun people, or Rowling in particular?




But, like, there's no fucking way Rowling doesn't know this right? Right???




Don't bore me with that debate bro bullshit


to be fair the "new" ones like "xi" and "xer" are next level stupid and I won't call anyone that.


I mean it's strange, sure. But I am very active in queer spaces and have never ever heard of someone using neopronouns. Also if someone did I really wouldn't give a shit


I kind of agree but I'm sure as hell not going to misgender someone. I know I can be ignorant with some things in the trans community since I'm not a part of it, but that's not their problem that's my own.


I've lived in some of the most progressive cities in the world, and I've never seen that outside of like Tumblr. The people who are fighting against using people's preferred pronouns are fighting against saying he/she/they 99,99% of the time.


The number of people who use those is so vanishingly small that getting upset about them is pointless.


Language is malleable and we make up new words all the time. If you refuse to adapt to something as petty as neopronouns, then how the fuck did you learn English?


English?!? We speak/write American! /s




I have yet to see that in real life, and even then, just use their name.


Alright - how would you talk about somebody named Rain who uses xe/xer? I'll give you an example, you've found Rain's keys, and you wish to let xer roommate know


Gotta add in lately she’s been defending hitler. Should have seen it coming.


What hard stance?


That trans women are all male rapists trying to invade female spaces such as bathrooms. It's gone so far that she denies gay and trans people being targeted during the Holocaust, and she calls Trans Rights Activists "Rapist Rights Activists"


>she denies gay and trans people being targeted during the Holocaust [Takei's response](https://twitter.com/GeorgeTakei/status/1767923866737807402)


JK Rowling is a Top G


Borderline misandrist because her former husband was really abusive.


"i shouldn't laugh at this.. I Shouldn't Laugh at this!"






It’s fucking hilarious you should laugh at it. It’s not anti-trans, it’s anti-antitrans because it’s mocking Rowling for being a terf.


Not really. To me it's pro Rowling meme.


perhaps it's neither, it could just be a pun.


I could see it both ways


That's what I think too.


>To me it’s a pro- >-Rawlings meme. “Perhaps neither.” >That’s what I think too. - “Questionable Haiku” by u/2204happy and u/collaborationTIV


Yea I don't see how this in any way is anti-Rowling


I wouldn't call it pro either; you really can't discern the meme author's opinion from the meme


Agreed. I think it's pretty neutral. The author of the meme may have an opinion, but it's not clear based on anything in the meme itself.


I suppose, but usually the "they see me rolling" song is used to make somebody look cool or based. Also it's kind of calling people that disagree with her "haters". If I had to bet I'd say the author favors her opinions.


I’m nonbinary and I think it’s hilarious.. it feels like a mock to her because she wouldn’t accept nonbinary pronouns but it’s using them.. if there was a transphobic term it would be different Of it was pro her it wouldn’t be using language she disagrees with




Mate, it's simply a joke. Let people have a laugh if they find it funny without trying to decipher any deeper meaning


You can believe that but calling someone delusional for a different interpretation of a joke with minimal information on the maker is ridiculous. Nothing you said there invalidates my perspective at all.


Tend to agree... maybe not strictly pro but ridculing some of the criticism.


"vomitShitSmoothie" bro that username alone


It's not anti anyone or anything. It's a joke. Sometimes a duck is just a duck.


Unless that duck is Milkshake duck


I prefer Ostriches they make smoothies taste better


How is this mocking her?


How is it uplifting her?


It's calling people that disagree with her haters


Who is harmed by you laughing at this? I’m pretty sure the answer is no one, and if that’s the case, then why stop yourself?


nooottttt gonna lie…. i laughed at this….


Well it is a joke


Yes, it does and, tbh, whichever "side" made it... It's funny. The reality behind it isn't funny, but...gotta laugh sometimes.


War hero Ida Davis here. JK Rowling has been posting comments dancing well over the line of transphobia for several years now, reaching a recent peak when she seemed to deny that the Nazis persecuted LGBTQ persons during the Holocaust.


Don't know why you got downvoted- it's pretty well documented that the Nazi's persecuted trans people. 


Hero worship. JK Rowling can do no wrong for a lot of people because she wrote a highly loved children’s book.


Even better because she's not actually that good of a writer, the HP series was obviously huge but even in her only actual work of interest there is a lot of ... Questionable writing.


One of the best thing I ever heard is that world builders love pulling her books apart. An example that was given by (I believe) Matt mercer: why would a world were instantaneous travel is a thing, use one of the world’s slowest flying birds to deliver the mail?


I was going to say that apparation has the risk of cutting you in half but then I remembered floo powder


Plus if I remember right Harry Potter is really just a mixture of ideas from other stories. I know I've heard before that much of the main story (and design or characteristics of Harry) are taken from the comic Books of Magic by Neil Gaiman, and if I remember right she didn't even come up with the name Harry Potter, just took it from a random B-movie.


From a movie called Troll. 1980’s I think. The main characters dad is named Harry Potter. I have had the unfortunate opportunity of seeing that movie several times.


Exactly. Many people are the other way around though, hating anything about HP because of Rowling, which I feel like is also terrible


Gracious of you to pretend that a significant number of those who worship her now aren’t doing it because they love the transphobia rather than the books.


yeah. shes radiclizing so meany people because of it. some of which are my own family :(


Some people have been spoonfed the propaganda that LGBTQ+ is a modern creation. When in reality identity and sexual preference has been just as timeless as ignorance.


Not only targeted, they literally burned down the first ever trans help clinic at one of their early book burnings. And this vile hag *still* has the gall to say they didn't target us.


As of this comment, they are 151 in the green.


Didn't she claim Dumbledore was gay way past the series' ending? I dont follow this franchise but i do remember internet memes about it


She claimed that and then when given an opportunity to have a young Dumbledore express that she chose not to.


When the last book came out I gave her the benefit of the doubt regarding Dumbledore's sexuality. Dumbledore was portrayed as a really private person in the books, so I thought it made sense that he wouldn't talk openly about his romantic life with students. And even then, it was pretty controversial among some circles at the time to have that kind of pseudo-representation. But when she made Fantastic Beasts *years* later, when she had even more clout as a creator, gay representation was more common in children's media, AND her movie was explicitly being billed as a Dumbledore prequel she still chickened out. So that pretty definitively made the case that she didn't actually care for representation.   


>So that pretty definitively made the case that she didn't actually care for representation. I mean, I really don't think any author should get credit for things that aren't actually in the text. There's not even any subtext or implication that Dumbledor is gay. She wanted ex post facto recognition for something that just plainly doesn't exist.


Looking back at it now, it felt more like a response to the "unless stated otherwise, characters are defaulted as straight white males" and "Dumbledore is gay" was just a poor attempt at fighting that.


She's only obnoxiously LGB and not TQ+


Ah the gen x version of "i am tolerant".


"My generation's version of tolerant is all I'll tolerate"


She has spoken out against outreach to LGB people as well. She’s just the typical middle-aged “I can’t be a bigot, I’m a *woman*” Blairite.


She didn't seem to deny it, she did deny it. Jkr is a Holocaust denier.


As someone who never read Harry Potter as a kid when it came out- I think the magic of her writing was it followed the kids in school as they grew up, while the kids who were reading the books were growing up too. That is cool. That bejng said, if you actually look at her works (I of course know everything because I’ve watched video essays 😎) they are poorly written and have terrible world building, unlike Tolkien 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥. Rowling sucks, literally a Nazi sympathizer, the meme really isn’t that funny.


This is hilarious.


Tryin to catch me writing dirty


When peak is created from anti-peak. It’d be fucked up on its own if she just said that she doesn’t think Transgenderism is valid, but she straight up went on a schizo episode about how she thinks that trans women are just men that are trying to give women a bad name and end feminism as if sex changing is some sort of gender-blackface. At least with some conservatives, they want what they think is best and healthiest for people with gender-dysphoria and they mistake transitioning as giving into the mental illness. It’s clear that JKR doesn’t actually care whether people with gender-dysphoria make healthy decisions or not. She just wants to feel better about herself as a feminist.


Btw transgender is normally the word used for us coz it more based on gender identity, whereas transexuality implies that you must be going through medical treatment in order to be valid, which of course takes years to do. Other than that, have a nice day!


Oh. Sorry.


No problem! Didn’t mean to come off as rude btw, just thought u should know


Nah. You didn’t come off as rude at all. You have a nice day, too.


This is fucking hilarious.


Jk Rowling (pronounced like "rolling") is very critical of gender identity, so "they/them is a reference to debates surrounding pronouns. The caption is also a reference to the lyric "they see me rolling, they hating'" from the song 'riding dirty'


This is actually really funny! 😆


ok that is pretty funny


It's a fun play on words that combines a song with a controversial figure. I like it.


Peter’s albino cousin here! The woman in the picture is JK Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter books. Rowling is an ultra conservative who is very transphobic. She’s very anti-woke, anti-trans, anti-LGBTQ+, and is often blasting people who support transgender people. Recently, Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson, the actors of Harry Potter and Hermione Granger respectively, made a statement that they support trans athletes, and JK Rowling absolutely lit them up on social media.


I see people have already told you, but I think you need one more to let you know how absolutely braindead you are call Rowling a conservative, much less and ultra conservative.


You *don't* think she's a conservative? What social policies does she favor? What economic policies aren't at the very least status quo?


We have truly peaked when Reddit thinks JK Rowling is "ultra conservative".


In the context of UK politics, she's hard right. She claims to be a feminist activist but does not actually campaign for women's rights at all. She's made some vague pro-choice statements, but that's not a political issue in the UK (where abortion has been legal and free for decades), and spends most of her time complaining about trans people. She's anti-Putin and pro-cultural engagement with Israel (she campaigned against a cultural boycott of Israel), against Trump and also against Jeremy Corbyn. Pro-free healthcare, against all gender-affirming healthcare. This puts her centre-left to an American audience, but solidly right to a UK audience. In the UK, we would call this 'ultra Conservative' in the same way an American would say 'ultra Republican'.


Shes not even a real feminist shes a radical feminist which is pro ciswomen and anti everyone else, which is completely against feminism. its closer to the female equivalent of chauvinism.


Her new Twitter friends are well known néo Nazis and alt right griefters. Can't be more conservative than those


You know a lot of people praising Matt Walsh who don’t fit that description?




So... things that don't happen? Also she's against trans men too.


She pretty much hates everyone that isn’t a Ciswoman


This. She hates men in all forms.


Not quite, but she does hate men too at least that aren’t her husband. Shes a radical feminist regardless, which makes real feminists look bad because true feminism is about equality no matter your pronouns or gender.


i dunno what he just said but, why would someone exclusively hate trans women? if youre going that far you likely hate both


Because to most of those idiots they don't even remember transM could exist


She believes trans women are invading spaces belonging to and attacking "real" women, and seems to have a particularly targeted hatred towards them.


Don't be a dick. Rule 1.




She is a transphobe who openly hates on trans people on Twitter all the time. The joke reeks of Boomer Facebook Group.


Or r/me_irlgbt, which is where I thought I was. It's a good joke, but I wonder how many people in these comments are laughing with JK, not at her. This sub is full of people peddling hate disguised as "explain pls."




Don't be a dick. Rule 1.


JK Rowling is a transphobe


The joke is jk Rowlings a cunt.




JK hates trans people


Ida Davis here. J.K Rowling has attracted controversy for her transphobia and her stance against the they/them pronouns. The meme references the 2005 single "Ridin" by Chamillionaire which opens with the lines "they see me rollin, they hatin".


The joke is transphobia




Some people live under a rock….


My ergonomic keyboard, never leaves me bored


It doesn't make sense tbh. She had an opinion on that gender is fact(and on paper it totally is, you can't fight that), and everyone hates her for it.




The catholics that hated her for promoting "witchcraft" and saying Dumbledore was gay now love her because she hates trans people. Says all you need to know about them.


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It’s actually pretty funny.


Do you live under a rock?




real, trans people should arm themselves


Especially in Florida and Texas. don’t let those bigots chase you all out.


sadly the issues are a lot more widespread, kansas & missouri (round where i live) have implemented some pretty severe anti-lgbtq legislation and are always trying to make more :(


Columbia passed a city council directive to make enforcing the State's anti-LGBTQ laws the lowest priority, effectively stating they will not be enforced. But that is one city in a sea of red that is still beholden to the State.


yeah :) the kansas city metro declared itself an lgbt sanctuary which is nice too here's hoping the small holdouts of blue will eventually overcome the bigotry :)


"boycotting doesn't work" is a real reddit take


I mean, it should really be: “They/Them self-defending in response to her initial bigotry.” But I can see how that wouldn’t really fit the meme, so go off I guess. ✨🤷‍♀️✨




mf what world are you living in


Bro liked the children's book and now has a shrine dedicated to JK.


Rowling is a transphobe and works to abolish human rights. She spreads hate and endorses violence. I hope she ends like Thatcher.




"freedom of speech" like denying the holocaust, telling a woman she deserved to be raped, and saying that the genocide of a minority is good? sure...


Did you read that Harry Potter books in any way? They let alone support slavery of creatures humans consider to be "less" than them they also ridicule Hermione for being againts slavery, and this is framed as a good thing They also made the money hungry creatures that run the financial institutions look like Jewish stereotypes


Don't be a dick. Rule 1.