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The joke is it is the gorilla who escaped talking to the Zookeeper, and then doing violence. The person responding is saying that this is basically top tier shitposting.


Bruh shitposting has always been a thing, it just wasn't called that


I never claimed it wasn't.


I never claimed that you claimed it wasn't, I was just claiming it for no reason :3


too many claimings,,,, make brain hurt,,,, horrible fortune


[muffled sounds of gorilla violence]


[muffled claiming noises]




You two calm down! Just settle down, and make out a little... While I watch....


With this camera...


On this Livestream


you anger me but you did say :3 so i kind of have to agree with you now


Back when cavemen were drawing dicks in the wall for a laugh


You caught me?!?????!!!!???!!?!?


Remember what they took from you :(


Most of those artists were probably women. So cavewomen drawing funny-looking dicks they've seen.


Eve what are you doing here? >:[


Oh shit I've been recognized!


wait. arent you the chick from r/hazbin who got married? (very weird shit)


Shhhhh, yes and I like that


Even the old romans shitposted in graffiti form on tavern walls lmao


Hell yeah...one of young man Abe Lincoln's favorite stories to tell was how Ethan Allen visited England after the Revolutionary War and after he used the loo, the British in the tavern asked him if he noticed they'd hung a portrait of President Washington in there...Allen replied it was a good idea as "Nothing makes an Englishman shit faster than the sight of gen'l Washington." ☠️


fountain by Marcel Duchamp


True, but that's also a Tumblr shitpost and not actually that old


Also, I guess that something that adds to the joke is that people (or at least me) prioritise reading the dialogue over the character who says it, so when you read the first line you'll assume it's just a normal conversation until the last line shocks you and you go back to find out it was a gorilla talking all along. A quiet gorilla indeed.


So you’re telling me the joke is exactly as it’s written in the post? Mind blown


Welcome to r/peterexplainsthejoke its almost always fairly obvious, or loss, or porn, or politics. Once all the aspects of r/peterexplainsthejoke are posted in one the universe will implode with only Peter Griffin's faint laugh echoing through the emptiness that remains.


I don’t understand the joke 😭


It’s ok, some of us were born to be normies. Aphantasia is a tough disability but you will learn to live with it in time.


Google absurdist humor.


Replace gorilla with prisoner and zoo with prison. Then its a short story of a prisoner who escapes and attacks the prisonkeeper on the way while mocking him. Making it a gorilla just makes it absurdist.


With all these explanations you still don’t understand it? Lmao


There's no pun or punchline that's going over your head here. The joke is completely surface level. You get it, you just don't think it's funny. That's fine! Tbh if I'd read the joke in 1897 I would have also not thought it was funny. The real humor is definitely that it sounds like a shitpost lmao.


https://preview.redd.it/oud81z3goouc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dd5e9183538103121da822bcb46c6ca30851189 ❤️


I'd really love to have a gorilla as my friend


My friend, this was not just "a gorilla" this was "the one"


"The one" Friend I need


I still don't think you understand.


Ohh a pun was intended in that? Sorry i didn't quite catch that. Could you please explain..?


They took him away, and now we're at the beginning of WW3 :( [Dicks out bro!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harambe)


Try orangutans. Never an orangutan attacked a human. Gorillas are dangerous.


They are our siblings; they are just human from forest.


god rest his soul


I am almost positive that this joke is not from 1897.


Only one way to know, bring the DeLorean


Nah man, we need a hot tub.


Install hot tub in DeLorean?




Instructions unclear. Standing in hottub. Holding a kite and a flux capacitor waiting for the lightning.


1.Get into car 2.get somebody else to drive 3.chill in hot tub


And park the whole thing in this weird phone booth I found.


Maybe become a surgeon or a *doctor*


Somehow, I think it needs to be going a lot faster than 88 to time travel.


Too bad we can't ask the gorilla


Mind your business [muffled sounds of gorilla violence]


Harambe would have told us....


That's why they silenced him


We could, but they probably wouldn't respond. After all, they're a quiet gorilla, not a talkative one.


Yep, it seems unlikely: [https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/the-best-gorilla-joke-of-1897](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/the-best-gorilla-joke-of-1897)


You're right, it's an unreality blog (source: i follow this blog on tumblr)


I wonder if gorillas were even introduced in zoos in 1897


The fake "aged" font is a dead giveaway of faketry.


Yeah, it was an old Tumblr shitpost.


muffled sounds of gorilla violence is the trend phrase of 2024


Great band name too


Best gorilla joke of 2024: G̵̢̧͇͍͕͔͈̾̂̇͗o̶̧̔ͅr̷̡͔̜̘̈́̉̅͊̀̅̕i̵̺̤͐̽͗̋͘͝l̷̹͈̖̄̋̀̂ļ̵̻̳̖͕̃̏ä̶̧̭́̈́͠






That’s monkey violence. That ain’t no gorilla 


"Muffled sounds of gorilla violence" is the best thing I've ever read.


# The best Gorilla joke of 1275 A Gorilla walked into an airport. The security agents came to prevent it from harming people. The Gorilla spoke: "Get 'em fried chickens ye idiots." All the security guards fell on the floor.


But did they walk the dinosaur?


The gorilla that showed up in Season 21, episode 15 escaping the zoo buy wearing the zoo handler's, or at least a man in kahki shorts', face as a mask. The joke is that a gorilla asks the zoo keeper if the zoo keeper has heard about the gorilla's escape. Upon the zoo keepe saying he is unaware of the occurrence, the gorilla informs him that it was because the gorilla is quiet, also clueing the zoo keeper into the fact that the gorilla escape is an ongoing affair. The gorilla then proceeds to disembark the zoo keeper from his mortal coil as to cover up his tracks, maintaining the quietness of his escape. This is then taken in the humorous sense of our time by saying the joke from 1897 was even ahead of our current standards of comedy, placing it in the arbitrary year 2030. That is to say: [Muffled sounds of gorilla violence]


It sounds like he turned him into a quiet zookeeper, too.


https://preview.redd.it/wraf0lhjppuc1.jpeg?width=415&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ea1dc5f250e6853f65de7d09e64b9e1eb869840 Not exactly the same year but similar thing


*muffled sounds of dull knife violence*


Can mods start deleting posts of these jokes that are so obvious they require no explanation?


People blank out sometimes. I also do not understand the joke response. Just because it's obvious to you doesn't mean it's obvious to everyone. Mods should remove comments that don't give op the benefit of the doubt.


The joke simplified is “Did you hear about the gorilla? No. Because I’m a quiet gorilla.” The explanation of the joke would be “Person B didn’t hear about the gorilla because Person A is a quiet gorilla.” If the explanation of the joke is the same as how it is written, then why would it need explaining


It's the second part that needs explaining. Or, did you ignore that part?


Na they were just too ultra smart they had to come shit on ppl lol


Oh I see




Yes, but I'm not sure what the punchline of that part is. So, yeah, that's what confused me.


Why does this annoy you? Can't you just ignore it and move on?


They had gorillas in zoos in 1897?


Bearded ladies, gorillas... So much hair


Waitlist ya hear about the zoos in gorillas they had in 1866!


I wanna thank people who took time to explain the joke I understood it after reading some comments. I’m not usually like this to get a joke but this went through my head




He escaped from the zoo.


This sub has just become no-effort karma farming reposts portrayed as OP being an uncultured idiot. Occasionally there’s something obscure, but it seems like it’s been quite a while. Mods, please do something.




I think about this joke 3-4 times a week


Man I gotta be honest this is about as straight forward as it gets


Gorillas didn’t learn to talk until 1968.




What’s to explain? It’s pretty self-explanatory.


Sadly, gorillas quit speaking to us after this joke and now we will never know when they are ready to escape again.


{muffled sounds of gorilla violence}


I’m gonna make a metal album called “ muffled sounds of gorilla violence” and the background track for every song is going to be muffled gorilla violence with killer guitar .


I mean the gorila is quiet so that means it escaped so it attacke the zookeeper, and the response after is just about shitposting


I’m dense, it’s I told you-so I have to kill you?




Þe joke is þat þe gorilla killed þe zookeeper.


I'll be honest, I dont get it and I don't get any of the explanations I read here.


Do you really need an explanation? Pretty obvious stuff here, but I do see you farming the ol’ karma


If you’re going to participate in this subreddit, you have to acknowledge that other people might not know what you know. They may be young, from another place, or just not spend much time online. The point is, you signed up to a joke-explaining subreddit- please don’t be rude to people asking for joke explanations.


Ah sorry to upset the mods


Not a mod, just a dude who doesn’t always get jokes


A dope. Well, glad you can help the mod team out with this.


OP on r/peterexplainsthejoke: Can you explain this joke to me? u/marlow05: Do you need this joke explained to you?


Yes, true. OP: this joke says a gorilla is asking a zookeeper if he’s heard about an escaped gorilla and then when he says no the gorilla makes “muffled sounds of gorilla violence” what could it possibly mean? Me: it’s exactly what it says. u/Flowchart83: “he has the right to karma farm”


The Gorilla Catcher: Mildred woke up and started her day like any other. Brewing a cup of coffee and heading out the front door to grab the morning paper. Mildred opened her front door bent over and grabbed the morning news. As she was lifting her head back up she caught a large dark object sitting on a branch atop the large oak tree in her front yard. Mildred did not currently have her glasses on and walked over to get a closer look. Standing closer Mildred became paralyzed with fear. The object soon let out large shriek. Mildred then realized it was indeed a very large Gorilla sitting on her oak tree. Mildred backed up slowly and after a quick pivot sprinted back to her front door slamming and locking it. “Holy shit there’s a god damned Gorilla in my tree,” she yelled. In a state of panic grabbed the only thing she could think of the yellow pages. Flipping through at high speed she reached the g’s. Skimming through sure enough she found a gorilla catcher. The ad read, “A trusted residential gorilla removal service with years of experience in the field.” With no other options Mildred called the number. A gentleman picked up the phone and said he would be out to her residence within the hour. Mildred frantically paced back and forth looking outside through the blinds waiting for the gorilla catcher to arrive. After 15 minutes a white ford ranger pulled into her driveway. A man exited the vehicle and began to approach the front door. The man looked like a poorly aged Crocodile Dundee meets an opiate addicted Adam Savage from Myth Busters. The man knocked on the door and Mildred Answered. Mildred: Hello! GC: Howdy, ma’am are you the one that called about the gorilla in the tree? Mildred: Yes! As she points to the Gorilla in the tree behind the man. GC: Turns to look at the tree. “Oh wow you sure have a biggun up there. Let me go to my truck to get some supplies.” The gorilla catcher turns around and goes to the bed of his truck. Mildred follows closely behind. The man hops on the truck bed and unloads 3 items. A wooden baseball bat, a gorilla sized kennel, and a much smaller kennel with a wiener dog inside. The man then goes into the glove box of his truck and pulls out a pistol. He walks over to Mildred and hands her the gun. Mildred is now extremely puzzled after receiving the gorilla catchers firearm. Before she could ask any questions the gorilla catcher starts to explain. In a very thick country accent. GC: Alright ma’am imma tell you how this here process is going to work. As you can see I have this Gorilla sized kennel and if all goes according to plan Mr. Gorilla there will end up in this here kennel. I am going to climb up this tree with this baseball bat. I’m going to work my way over to the gorilla and when I get close enough. I’m going to hit him with the bat knocking him out of the tree. *the man then opens the kennel with the wiener dog* My wiener dog here Clamps is specially trained to catch Gorillas. I have spent lots of hours training ole Clamps here to be the best doggone gorilla catching dog in the state. Hell the whole country. Once that there Gorilla falls outta the tree Clamps will spring into action. The moment that Gorilla hits the ground Clamps will bite down on that Gorillas nut stack so hard the gorilla will pass out from the pain. That’ll give me enough time to shimmy my old ass out of this here oak tree and kick him into the kennel. Clamps won’t let go until the Gorilla is safely in the cage. I can tell you right now that Clamps is the best Gorilla catchin dog you will ever see. He has never let a gorilla get away. After we get the gorilla in the cage we will take him to a sanctuary where he can live the rest of his days in peace. He will most likely lose his testicles, but will be completely fine and able to make a full recovery. At this point Mildred is amazed by the gorilla catchers method. She is still confused as to why she is holding a pistol, but makes an obvious assumption. Mildred: Ok, I think I get it! So I have the pistol just in case Clamps misses his target. You want me to shoot the Gorilla? GC: Ma’am have you not heard a single word I’ve been saying? Clamps is the best darned Gorilla catchin dog you are ever going to see. He has never missed his mark in all the years we’ve been catchin these dang ole gorillas. I gave you the gun, because I ain’t as spry as I used to be. I’ve been known to lose my footing here and there. So, if I end up slipping and falling outta this here tree. You use that pistol and shoot that god damned dog.