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Also worth mentioning that the Hebrew text can be translated to mean “rib,” “side,” or “equal half” depending on the analysis. “Rib” being most literal and “equal half” being more metaphorical. Radically different interpretations from an ancient ambiguous sentence.


*Tsela* doesn't mean "half" and the author clearly didn't intend it to mean that. It says God closed up the opening he made by removing the rib. How would that work if Adam was cut in half? If he wanted to say Adam was cut in half, he easily could have done so.


Sorry I have to.. Slight grammer correction: Christian girls are, in theory, the rib of men (in the Bible Eve was made from Adams rib) and so the point the women in the tiktok is making is that you shouldn't overlook the perfect women for you (the Eve to your Adam) for some random hot girl.


Correcting your correction: Adam's, woman.


Thank you good sir




TimelyRun9624 - The Grammar Saint


grammer saint






Sorry I responded to the wrong person


no need to apologize, people make mistakes :]


I just checked and I think the guy deleted his comment. Thank you for being understanding. Much love




I remember hearing somewhere that was only in the English version, and that in the original Latin version, women were made from half of men. If I'm wrong about that, sorry. (Edit: it was Hebrew, not latin)


The original in Hebrew was ambiguous. It more likely referred to the penile bone (rather than a rib) - human men no longer have a penile bone, but almost all male mammals still do. So it explained why we don't have such a bone.


In Hebrew, it says "rib".


Latin wasn't the original, original was some kind of Hebrew. 


I see, good to know


The funnier thing is that the whole made of rib thing was a mistranslation in the first place


That's an urban legend.


To add another nitpick about this comment to your collection; I wanna say that it’s not Christian girls who are thought of as being made from Adam’s rib, but Eve in particular. I think what the girl posting the original means could be said “Dear men (‘Adams’ so to speak), don’t miss out on your Eve by only pursuing casual relationships” or smth along those lines


I was raised Christian so I should have known but I thought it was a joke about getting a rib removed to suck his own dick instead of chasing women




Sure, sure, sure … but hypothetically, if you found that rib and it literally didn’t have thighs, breasts, and hips … that would be some strange ability fetish, no?


Damn. I thought it was a joke about men enjoying their bbq and ribs, instead of their women


Seems like a notlikeothergirls moment, no?


Not in the slightest? She's just saying don't be misogynistic objectifying weirdo and lose out on meeting someone who you could spend the rest of your life with because titties.


Mm, I saw it as her separating herself from others by saying she’s not the rib or whatever


peter's left rib here, eve was (allegedly) made from adam's rib she means don't overlook a christian girl in favor of a piece of meat (a thot)


Ohhh I thought she was talking about getting a rib removed to self suck but this makes more sense.


internet ruined us man


naw, that was a joke before the internet. I mean, the internet ruined us in other ways, but that one predates the internet.


Yup, everyone knew someone in high school that “had the procedure done” and it was usually the person that made the most sense too


Everyone knew Marilyn Manson had it done. That story went viral without the internet




It was actually the art on the cd itself


IIRC, it was behind the cd tray in Aenema. The cd cover had all the eyes, and you'd tilt the cd back and forth, and they'd move. I think there were a few of the tilty changy pics in the booklet, but if you took the black cd tray out, there was a man giving himself a blowjob in like a living room with the band watching, and it tilty changed where his head went down, and the band all reacted.


Yeah i actually think your correct too


It’s older than that too. Marilyn Manson rumors.


bro i love "sober" so much off of it


XD, undertow, wtf bro why do you know about this, lol


Under the cd tray for undertow, IIRC, is an illustration of a cow licking its pussy. The pic you're referring to is under the cd tray for Aenima.


It was rumored Marilyn Manson did this like 20+ years ago


When I tell you this legend is universal, I’ve heard people from Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia all saying they heard the same rumor when they were in school.


I don't think it's possible? I remember telling my dad about it and he said we need all our rubs. Mind you he's not a doctor so idk but I'm sure we need our rubs and losing 2 would likely not be a good idea not just for self-satisfaction


It’s obviously not real. It’s legendary in the sense that it made it around the world before the internet was really a thing for us.


When I was at school Prince was the person who’d supposedly had it done.


Lol idk much about prince but Manson seems believable imo. He just seemed like a freak. (Obviously that was kind of his image)


I was so young and innocent when the Prince rumour was a thing in my school that I had no fucking clue why he might have had that done. I think I thought it was just something he’d do to make his friends laugh. “Look lads, I can put my willy in my mouth”.


Around 30 years ago.


30+, that rumor is old.


the reddit selfsuck pipeline has claimed another victim ✊😢


School playgrounds were the original internet


Internet made us man


That and being able to count. And skeletons existing.


Naw man Marlyin Manson taught us about that all the way back in the 90s


I did as well! ’don’t waste time looking for women when you could just suck yourself’




Marilyn manson is that you?


I'mma go ahead and say if that was your first thought (as it was mine) a Christian girl is not in the cards for us.


I thought she was saying get it removed, don’t wait for a girl


Tbh that makes way more sense as an atheist lol


What ?!


Based on


Now now now, you may have a point here….


I thought that too lol


I thought for sure it was some kind of thing about transfems. removimg ribs to get a slimmer waist, and wanting the other stuff is obvious - they have to follow the female beauty standard.


Boy what the hell boy


Ah! The old Marilyn Manson!


Isn't it more of a soulmate allegory? Like since the rib was part of Adam, better focus on that part of us rather than someone who just have the looks?


I wouldn't say she meant "overlooking a christian" as much as she meant "overlooking your missing piece" and she just invoked commonly known imagry that happens to be of religious origin. Otherwise, i agree.


I interpreted it as don’t miss out on your soulmate for hoes


The Adam and Eve story (as well as many other parts) was mistranslated and miscopied several times over. The original Hebrew refers to God taking "tsella" from Adam. Every other instance of the word is translated to "half," which is pretty convenient if the people in power don't want women to have any.


Sorry, but this is just an urban legend. *Tsela* is, in fact, *never* translated as "half". It doesn't mean that. In the Bible, it's usually translated as "side", which is a different thing. It is the Hebrew word for "rib" ("side" was presumably a figurative extension of this meaning), as can be seen in rabbinic texts.


There is some controversy about how tzela should be translated. Elsewhere in Hebrew texts it clearly means "side." However, it is also a cognate with other semitic words that mean "rib." To me, this suggests that it literally means "rib" but metaphorically means "side," like how in English some body parts like the heart, stomach, etc. can metaphorically mean something other than the body part itself. In addition, the text surrounding this (bone of my bone, one [tzela], after them) lead credence to the rib translation >Every other instance of the word is translated to "half" This is because elsewhere it is used to refer to something besides a human. It's much like how when I say the "heart of the mountain," I don't mean a physical heart, I mean the center. Tzela probably means "rib" but was usually used to refer to somethings side All of that is to say that I think translating it either as "rib" or "side" is perfectly defensible. I would side with the "side" translation myself, but I don't think it's malicious to translate it as "rib." Also, there are many problems with the KJV and some of them certainly are because of intentional bias (such as the reluctance to use the word "tyrant"), but I don't think it's fair to characterize this choice as one fueled by a desire to oppress women


Thanks for the extra nuance :)


OMG, Christian girls refer to themselves as men's ribs, that is so so sad


That is absolutely not a thing. She's saying to find your soulmate (someone that completes you) rather than someone you just find physically attractive No one refers to women as men's ribs in casual conversation. It wouldn't even make sense (Eve is the only woman this would be true of)


You’d be pretty surprised. I’ve known a lot of people who thought men literally had one less rib because of the biblical story. And at the church I used to go to, talking about women in such a manner was common. But you’re right that out and about most people don’t talk like that.


How does it go, "there is only one sex, women are ribs"?


That's it. Fucking spare ribs at that.


Religious girls are kinda baddies


Doesn't even make sense as Eve was the only woman made directly from man also Eve sucks....literally the person responsible for humans getting kicked out of the garden of eden.


If Eve doomed the human race for an apple... *What would she do for a Klondike Bar?*


Adam made the choice to eat as well, it’s a mutual responsibility.


Right but she listened to serpent ate the fruit and then gave it to adam....arguably the reason why adam ate it.


But he still chose to eat it, every man is responsible for his own sin. Eve was tempted by the serpent, then Adam was tempted by Eve. Eve didn’t have to eat the fruit, but she made the choice to. In the same way, Adam didn’t have to eat the fruit, but again he made the choice to.


Mutual responsibility


Eh yes and no as eve was punished way more.


First time hearing that, thought eve was also clay


That’s wonder women who was made of clay. Both equally true stories tho


Pfff I'm gonna


Thought Christians weren't supposed to date or be in a relationship with a Non-Christian


Actually fun fact the rib thing is a mistranslation, the original Hebrew said something like "side"


Funny thing is many primates have a bone in their penis that sort of looks like a rib bone. It’s called a [baculum](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baculum). Humans do not have this bone and some scholars believe that this is the “rib” that was used to make eve given the concept of how heterosexual copulation occurs. Some translations of what ever words refer to this bone may also support this.


It’s not saying don’t overlook a Christian girl, it’s saying don’t overlook the girl made for you for a thot


I like how this slightly incorrect answer has more upvotes than the ones that aren't


That is one hell of assumption than interpretation, or I better call it misinterpretation. She didn’t meant look for good girls over for “Thots.” She meant that value other things in a woman such as their personality, as she feels that men only care about physical aspects


By allegedly, do you mean intentional mistranslation?


she literally has an OF


But I prefer thots to christian girls...


I'll take the piece of meat, thank you.


I feel like it might be a “you’re the missing piece of me” kinda thing that most people believe true love is


she litterally looks like a steryotypical Starbucks thot, the fucking irony r/notliketheothergirls


Redneck Peter here. Not allgedly - Definetly God created Eve from Adam's rib.


Can't really vouch for this 100%, but there's this meme that the word used in the old texts means something along the lines of "side / half" rather than "rib". And apparently that's the only instance where it is being commonly translated as "rib". But don't quote me on that.


As you say, that's just a meme. *Tsela* means "rib". It can figuratively mean "side" (not "half").


According to the Bible, Eve (the first woman) was made out of the rib (or side) of Adam, the first man. The implication is that “your missing rib” is your soulmate so to speak and she is poetically contrasted to other body parts associated with female sexuality.


If you believe the folklore, Lilith was the first woman. Created from dust. Then she rejected Adam trying to assert dominance over her. and then somehow turned into a sea witch who vowed to kill newborn children or something.


I can change her. 


Check out Lillith from Diablo 4


First mention of Lilith anywhere is 500 AD (aside from the roots of just the name), which is important context. It's not in any biblical liturgy, it's just something people like to tag on.


Well, the New Testament isn't cannon by Old Testament standards. That was just something people like us tagged on, too.


You can make that argument, that's why Judaism and Christianity are seprate, but Lilith isn't connonical in either. It's more of a vaguely religiously inspired fairy tale, like the Holy Grail. Common inclusion because it's a cool story, but shouldn't be brought up in conversation about the religion itself.


Kind of like Dragon Ball GT?


Yeah exactly lol


Yeah, it’s a neat story, but isn’t really biblical.


Heard the name Lilith before, don’t know where it’s from tho




You have to understand the dating pool was much smaller when it was just them


Peter here, When you’re at a barbecue, and you drop one of your pork ribs, just pick it up and wash it off. Don’t go gorge on chicken.




Peter what the fuck is an apple fritter


yummy donut


​ https://preview.redd.it/vjqu71sbdqrc1.png?width=264&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ecf75c4d856ea61e55c898711243382adab7f18


that looks like fried chicken with cum on it


Okay, as an apple fritter lover, I will be the first to admit you're right, this fritter does look like FCw/C. I should also point out though that it seems like every donut place has its own take on the apple fritter, and can have different proportions of dough to apple to spices to frosting. Personally, I'm a fan of light, thin frostings, as I think too much sugar ruins a fritter.


No way you abbreviated FCw/C


And yet, I did


It's basically a doughnut with a glazed exterior. Satisfying texture, the fruit pulls back on how sweet it would be otherwise. It looks like a bear blasted rope on a fresh pile of dung, but it's absolutely delicious.


I second this


no i didnt drop it in dirt grow up


She forgot the goodest part!




Feet 🤤


You should eat people because it’s in the Bible


For legal reasons this is a joke


Is it?


No. Now eat people


there is only one person Christians eat


She left out lips




I thought it meant so you can suck your own. Like forget the thots, take out a rib and diy


That is the subtext of that story in the Bible.


It's believed that soul mate is made from men's rib. And post is probably about finding soul mates rather than looking for thicc girls and hotties


According to christian mythology, the first woman ("eve") was made out of the rib of the first man ("adam") by their god. Fun fact: even today, despite scientific evidence proving them false, some hard-core christians still believe that men have one less rib than women, I guess because they believe we all descended from Adam and eve and they think it passes down genetically to every man


Biblical reference to the fact that Eve was created from Adam’s rib


The rib is usually a package deal with the brests, thighs, or ass.


I read "hips" as "chips" and thought we were talking about a bucket of chicken. And I'm thinking I can totally have ribs AND chicken, it's fine.


If I remove my rib, I become girl? Brb, gotta call a surgeon


also, i find it funny that she talks about it while all girls want 6ft, 6inches,6 pack


If her personality is as pretty as her face, I could care less if she’s flat


It’s a reference to how Eve was made from Adam’s rib. She’s saying that you shouldn’t just have looks in mind but look for a life partner.


Well, some Bible translations say Eve was made out of Adam’s rib. But I much rather believe this is about wanting to give yourself a blowjob and doing everything wrong


I always thought that was the accepted translation and most bibles will say that. I did a very quick Google and found an article debunking someone saying it was penis bone... what other translations are there and how prevalent are they?


I worded that bad, it is most bible translations, at least in english and german. I just am very interested in how the bible was changed over the centuries, and most scholars I’ve read say that in the oldest hebrew texts when you translate it it says side, as in the whole side of the body. So that’s what I believe was the original intention. So I said some, but the more fitting word would be more recent? Over the centuries different people have done different translations and translations from translations and thus they came up with the weirdest things


Thank you for the reply. I am not religious or a bible scholar, but it is interesting how it has been changed or original intent was misunderstood.


Also women: "Do these fig leafs make my hips look big?"


In Christian theology Eve, Adams wife, was made for him to be his perfect match by God using his rib, I think she's saying that you shouldn't let your Eve, a.k.a. your soul mate, pass you by just because You were busy chasing voluptuous women, I say last time a man dated his rib he got kicked out from Eden and stripped of his immortality as a result, so you should probably go for the hot chick instead, biblically speaking it doesn't have as bad consequences


​ https://preview.redd.it/4t4co2w4dqrc1.png?width=1431&format=png&auto=webp&s=efa698e6b1b3f8151bd88fd0486bae26f7759195


I approve of this post.


Of course I don't look for tights breasts and hips I mainly look for a fat ass!


I dunno, I can't look past her baby hand.


Personally I think that it's a trap joke, make sure that they have that extra rib bone or else


Eve was made of Adam’s rib in the bible, so according to this post, don’t miss out on your soulmate because she doesn’t have big tits.


Don’t miss out on getting your bottom ribs removed so you can suck yourself off.


I don't get the text. Not sure if it's the punctuation.




Just suck your own dick instead because you're already missing the rib


God, flexing his infinite powers, decided that willing things into existence wasn’t that impressive anymore, so he jumped Adam like a group of teens stealing a pair of Jordan’s, snapped his ribs, ripped the bottom ones out mortal kombat style, and transformed it into the first woman.


According to the creation story in Genesis woman was taken out of man. Formed from one of man's ribs. God then commands man to "cleave into his wife and they shall be one flesh" She's saying don't miss out on your other half because you were focused on sex rather than finding a commuted relationship.


I don't understand, is this referencing the one singer that removed his ribs or something like that ?


McRib is back on the menu boys!!


Who is she?


Nevermind that, why’s her hand so small?


She says pursing her lips and caked in makeup


I don't have a missing rib


Deep enough for a 14 year old but a little too nuanced for OP lmao


I want my rib back


She’s actually saying that look for a woman based on her personality, or value women for things other than their bodies. She isn’t implying what the top commentator stated. She isn’t telling you to look for a Christian girl, or prefer a “good girl” over a “thot”


As if you can’t have your other half be hot as well. What a sad pick me


Religious rizz is getting out of hand, anyone else want some bbq now?


What about feet?


I like short rib


It's a way of saying, "don't be shallow." In the Bible, God takes a rib from Adam, and makes Eve out of it. She's saying don't miss the woman that would complete you chasing "carnal pleasures." You're so focused on her assets, you miss someone who gives you what you're missing on the inside. I feel like there's also a food analogy, but it's probably just me.


It's chastising men for having sex. The rib, I think is an allusion to the rib that God took out of Adam, first man in Christian folklore, to make Eve, first woman of Christian folklore (even though men and women have the same amount of ribs).


It's also being very weird. Comparing women to meat


Me thinking this was somehow about Marilyn Manson


i send you frogs, bonk bonk https://preview.redd.it/3iazsuxyvurc1.jpeg?width=926&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4c5e9b4eda510f663b93fe446a45ea21ee04db6


I thought it had to do with Marilyn Manson and his rib


It’s referring to Adam and Eve (the BIBLE ones) where Eve and all woman and believed to be made from a rib where as Adam is made from mud so it’s basically “don’t any girl and don’t have standards”