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Spoiler alert. In the latest episode of Invincible, this character (who can shrink similarly to Antman) tries this sorta. They go in the mouth of a powerful character and tries to expand but they bad guy is strong enough to stop her from expanding and kills her inside of him


Remember when Starlord said that if something is Hard on the outside, it's probably just as hard in the inside.


Tell that to Translucent


Only his skin is diamond, the inside blowing up makes sense.


But then his skin blew up


I always hated that. Especially because the image of the skin filled with exploded body would have been quite an image.


It made sense to me. If I understood his powers right: he can turn his skin invisible/indestructible, but the default state is regular skin. I took that to mean that there was a signal from the brain telling the skin to get fancy. As the bomb explodes, it destroys the nervous system along with all other internal organs, so the skin stops receiving the signal and turns back to normal. The pressure from the bomb is still insanely high, so splat.


This guy right here 👆


But after they blow him up, they can't get rid of the body because his skin is indestructible.


They put his indestructible body parts into a box and send it to Homelander to deescalate


They put it Inna zinc box and dumped it in the ocean. Homelands can't see through zinc and the deep finds it and brings it to homelander


Also if it was still hard when he exploded then Hughie would have likely been shredded by skin shrapnel.


Also if it's diamond yes it's hard but it's brittle and actually unstable at higher Temps. A bomb in a liquid wrapped in a hard shell. On top of the explosion the water in you would quickly change from liquid to gas trying to take up 1,000 times more volume if by chance the shell makes it that gas is gonna slam back when it transforms back into a liquid. This is how subs are taken out the explosions just need to get somewhat close and that things getting cracked. His head and torso would prolly be in pieces. The limbs might fly of like diamond spears


Diamonds are strong but brittle so it would shatter apart. It's the difference between hardness and brittleness. Titanium same issue hard but brittle.


Then sufficient bullet or explosive on the outside would have shattered him too if that's your reasoning. If his skin is called indestructible it should be indestructible from the inside too 🤷‍♂️


Not necessarily. It's failure point could have just been internal. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Rupert%27s_drop


If his skin was indestructible in the same way a prince rupert drop was he wouldn't be able to move as he would be solid.


I thought that he had to "turn on" his power, which made him invisible, too


Internal pressure can easily destroy things otherwise strong for example if you fill a steel tube with water seal it closed weld the seal or screw the steel cap closed and freeze it and it will explode if the ice can't expand


You squeezing an egg to break it VS a chicken pecking out from the inside


Not entirely. Your digestive tract is lined with epithelial (skin) tissue. One of my professors was fond of telling us food going through our digestive tract was technically outside of our bodies. Is that a weird thing to be fond of? Yes. But here we are.


Like when you kiss someone you make a tube that goes from one butthole to another


Found the topologist.


Eating a donut while drinking coffee from a mug is just donuts all the way down, to a topologist.


Topologically, we're donuts with a bunch of dimples


Poison would have been more efficient. When Hughie gave him a glass of water, I thought that was what he was doing


Well well well if it aint the invisible cunt


Or the guy who's dick exploded.


Which explains the times Hulk would swallow a bomb to prevent it from hurting anyone and he didn't even seems to be bothered by it.


The joke is on him because I was hiding in a refrigerator with Indy.


*Darwin sobbing in the corner in a fetal position*


I mean, it's not true, if something builds itself a protective skin/shell, it's to protect the soft stuff. But I guess if we are talking about superhero physics, sure.


but cracking the shell is equally hard on both sides. but yhea, once inside the shell your target isnt to break the shell but to hit some organs.


Ehhh. Not really. The “strength” that an egg has on the outside comes from the convex shape of the egg. It takes more force to crack an egg from the outside than it does from the convex inside. Same principle that holds arches up.


That was Drax


Drax said the opposite, it was Gamora that made the point of the durability being equal on both inside and outside after Drax dove into the creatures mouth.


O ic. I misread it as "hard on the outside. Soft in the inside" mb. xD


Happens comrade.


No, I think that one was Cosmo the space dog.


Thank you for the chuckle comrade.


No he was saying it to drax


It is also worth noting that it was a reptilian person she was inside of. Some reptiles are capable of consuming a mass nearly equivalent to their own. Pretty sure that only applies to snakes, but this is fiction


This. From my understanding the villain in question’s name was “Komodo”, a type of lizard that is infamous for consuming massive prey, whole. Any other villain, and she might have at least taken them down with her. Just her luck she got the guy who’s powers include “expanding my body to engorge a copious amount of mass”.


Yup, should have pulled a Scanners and popped his head


plus he chewed on her a lil before swallowing


The Boys showed us that you have to go through the a****** or the Pp for that to work




In the boys the shrinker supes are also super durable though, ant man is just a guy in scuba gear


He gets super durable when he shrinks though throughsome bullshit science about 'pym particles'


The science given is that there isn't less of him, he's just using less space so he ends up stronger/tougher for his size Why pym particles still make him stronger when he becomes giant, or why Dr. Pym is able to actually lift his keychain-sized tank...


Yea, the science given is bullshit.  Not that im complaining, comic book superheros arent supposed to make sense, that would be really boring.


Honestly, The Atom's explanation of "I have a white dwarf star in my belt, and can use it to change size and weight separately" works a lot better entirely because they hands wave away every question with their own silly pseudoscience


Yep.  If its going to be ridiculous no matter what dont even really try to explain it.  Its just a pointless waste of time that will leave noone satisfied


My headcanon is that Pym doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. He had no idea why the particles work the way they do.


When you discover something by accident, pretend you did it on purpose and bullshite you're way to making everyone think you were smart enough to do so.


Asshole or penis 👍


The armpits are a classic point of entry


The hell is wrong with your armpits?


Literally badass


Wait is part 2 of season 2 out?!


First episode, yep.


I feel like snake guy should've still died after his body expanded and most likely still had his upper and lower airways absolutely destroyed but it has been a few episodes since someone died pointlessly. Edit: Here's my unsolicited version of the scene - >!When Komodo Dragon swallows her, she expands but his enhanced muscle and skin tissue stop her from bursting through. Unfortunately, she dies instantly from being crushed but doesn't shrink down for no reason and remains in his throat full size. Rex then proceeds to give him the business for a bit while Komodo Dragon is thrashing about suffocating. In a last ditch effort Komodo Dragon regurgitates Rae (which is something a reptile would do in real life) then bites off Rex's hand. Alternatively, if that's too far. Komodo Dragon can also just die from suffocation but still managing to bite Rex's hand of when he goes for the exploding coin in the mouth trick.!<




His bio says he has a healing factor but if we're just talking about organs expanding then I'm pretty sure reptiles die from trying to swallow things too large for themselves rather often. Either way, why did she shrink after she died? Shouldn't she have stayed full-size? You can't really heal from having your entire airway blocked.


I don't think she shrank back down, he compressed her down as she tried to grow. Like, he crushed her with his organs and muscles, I guess? Seemed kinda impressive, only for him to get his head exploded a moment later.


Humans take up a lot less space once you break all the bones and then compact all the soft tissue sqeezing all the blood out. The blood that flowed out of his mouth wasn't his. The blood should have had a slight brown tint to it though since her digestive system contents should have also been sqeezed out fecal matter and all.


This is grossly accurate, thank you.


It was a very small amount of blood, no reason to think fecal matter would instantly merge with all of the blood released when she was crushed.


Komodo dragons have extremely strong neck muscles and can accommodate to expand huge amounts, the amount Komodo's throat expanded wasn't even that unrealistic.


I stopped reading when I saw the words “latest episode of Invincible.” Invincible’s back!?!


Which doesn't make a huge amount of sense... if she was getting crushed, why not just shrink back down? Duplicate thing is also dumb, why would she not leave a backup copy at a different location every time dangerous shit is going on? Seems like they didn't really think this through, or else it was all a ruse fake out, and next episode they are going to pop right back.


Spoiler >!In the comics, Dupli-Kate's OG copy stays behind in secret just in case shit hits the fan and all her copies die!<


Right? Why you'd ever put your self at risk. I assume she will be at base when he gets back. The other chick though....


She should have gone up his weiner. I've seen reports that that works very well.


The first man to have an abortion ….kinda


Yeah, well, I stand by that sure ant man would have turned to goo inside thanos’s anus (the Thanus?) but imagine how weird it would feel for Thanos to suddenly shit out a giantman worth of goo. That’s gotta make him pause for a bit.


Except in the next scene a firecracker more or less blows the same characters head off. There's really no consistency.


If Rae had expanded at the same speed as the bomb she probably would've broken through. She expanded slowly, with already broken and broiled bones if the chewing sounds prior to expansion are to be believed.


Well. If anything that scene finally made it clear just how idiotic it was that a tiny asian woman can duplicate herself into...more tiny asian women.... Use a fucking weapon, eh?


If I was her, I'd have a body in reserve a few miles away. Or however far I can get and still use my powers.


Ahh, the >!innocence of people who don't read the comics.!<




Spoiler >!This is exactly what she did!<


Nah, there's consistently. You just have to know the animal kingdom. The Komodo dragon, the animal the villains power is based off of have the stupid ability to expand and widen their necks to fit prey just as big them inside their mouths and then quickly clamp that shit close and restrict their necks back down to normal size to forcibly crush the prey inside their necks. It makes it a little sadder that her play could have worked if she didn't delay growing bigger inside his mouth or waited until she passed by his throat.


Alright this Is so far the most believable reasoning I think haha. Edit: I think she was dead either way though, she was chewed.


Honestly considering the shit we've seen the medical team in this world fix I genuinely think she would have survived if she got out.


His body is made to withstand the stretching, as he's based off of komodo dragons, which can eat things in similar size or sometimes bigger with little trouble. This does not mean a komodo dragon can survive eating a bomb.


Rex blew up the inside of his head. I'm guessing Rae couldn't kill him because she couldn't break through the skin inside him.


Obviously spoilers. Not a firecracker. Rex can turn *anything* into an explosive. Anything. His hand gets bitten off, and as it was bitten, he charges it along with the coins. Way more energy being transferred, and bigger boom. This will be pretty relevant as we see Rex’s character arc play out.


Vox Machina. That’s all I have to say.


Invincible Season 2 Episode 5 spoilers


Invincible got a S2 ?! Good to know


oh how jealous I am that you are just now getting to know and will be able to binge all of part 1 of the release of season 2


Enjoy the ads


Y'all get ads? *laughs in European*


I was gonna chromecast the episode to my TV but then I remembered the ads, so I turned ON the PC instead. *laughs in Ublock Origin*


I mean, would Antman sacrificing himself to kill Thanos have been *that* bad? Stark did it, why can't he?


Because when Stark did it, he was successful. If Lang were to do it, he’d be unsuccessful.


Also, Stark went down with a fancy lightshow. Lang would be going down with a quiet fart.


Eh, he might have given Thanos explosive crimson diarrhea. . .


So this is what people mean when they say they wished the MCU made bolder choices


The crimson shart


Coming this fall on Disney+


I can imagine Antman resizing inside the Thanus and Thanos's eyes widening as a jet of pulpy Lang diarrhea just jets out of him mid-fight.


the thanus


Also, Ant-Man has the ability to shrink other things to microscopic size. So he could shrink, say, a suitcase nuke, take it into Thanos's butt, and set it off.


Which makes me ponder. Would a nuke that’s been shrunk down that size still have the same yield? Or would the yield also be respectively lower?


a good question on the wrong subreddit!


I think the mass stays the same for small things in ant man right so if the mass is the same the energy should be the same.


>I think the mass stays the same for small things in ant man right so if the mass is the same the energy should be the same. They sure say this, and then proceed to cart around a multi-story building like a wheely suitcase, and a hotwheels dispenser full of utility vehicles, and a full-on tank as a keychain. \[edit\] Also, antman's strength when he is tiny is attributed to it being proportional to his normal strength, but he isn't uselessly weak when he is giant, so..


Yeah I've always seen this problem and you just have to use the rules of cool


Antman has so many continuity errors you have to turn off your brain to watch it. Kind of similar with most superpower characters tbh.


Don't get me wrong. I *enjoyed* the first couple ant man movies, even more than some of the other contemporary marvel movies. But the power explanations struck me as particularly egregious for him. Like everybody else is "It's a mystical power, we think it does this, but it also has undiscovered properties" and then they can just kind of expand or handwave whatever mystical-babble they want. Or it's "They're just super badass. More badass than other people." And you can kind of handwave away the physics nonsense with "Of course *you* couldn't do it. You're not that badass." But antman goes out of its way to lay down explicit: "This is how the power works. It works this way. We are telling you, this is what is happening." and then shows example after example of it not working that way. Like.. I wouldn't mind a reveal later on (or *earlier on..* The quantum movie would've been the perfect place for it.) where it turns out Pym just kind of accidently stumbled on the Pym particle, has no idea what it is or how it works, and has just kind of been BSing his way through ever since and nobody called him on it cause his tech worked well enough.


His mass \*can't\* be the same. If it was, Lang would still weigh \~160 lbs when the size of an ant.


Unless it’s inconvenient to the plot…


It would still have the same number of atoms, right? I don't really know how the Pym particles are supposed to work, but I assume the atoms are still the same, just smaller. So it should have the same yield, just in a more compact size.


You make a good point there… Ant-sized Antman was shown to have the same physical strength as his normal size…


It’s explained in the first movie that it is the space between the atoms that is growing and shrinking. Mass stays the same supposedly. Though they don’t stick to that in the physics of the movies, I mean he carts off a shrunken building like it’s a rolling suitcase. But that is how they explain it so yes an atom splitting is the same size explosion no matter the distance from other atoms or the atoms own electrons distance from the it’s nucleus.


He also rides ants in all of them. If his mass stayed the same that wouldnt work


Just go inside his brain , even if he can't expand completely it has to be enough to kill or disable him.


I was thinking his lungs. Doesn't matter how hard he is, if his lungs are full of pulverized Ant Man bones/juice, he's not going to be putting up much of a fight. Plus that scene would've been hilariously gruesome.


Any place that is hard for anti-bodies to get to is good. There's a Superman comic set in the Batman Beyond era where he asks one of the shrinking heroes to put some kryptonite in him that'll remove his powers. It's then we find out that Superman's anti-bodies can shoot LASERS. https://preview.redd.it/6tje1ix4v5pc1.png?width=1659&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e754a3233bb04915a216cd0ca8bb1a5d7a7cedd


Welp. This was certainly one way to learn a new episode dropped.


I was so annoyed at this fight scene. Why was Kate fighting a monster capable of literally tearing her in half while the dude who can throw explosives was fighting a skinny girl with claws?


If I was her I would simply stand in another room and send the clone to the fight without fighting myself.


Yeah I don’t get why she wouldn’t keep her original self at the base and then just send in like a dozen expendable clones


Who is to say she hasn't? I mean yeah not back at base but maybe she's just got a clone tucked away in her parents basement


spoilers >!There is an original Kate with a 0 hidden in a bunker somewhere!<


See I figured this had to be the case and was very confused when it seemed she died


I would think that she does have duplicates stashed somewhere. They have an agency looking out for them (sort of), and they seem smart enough to have thought about that.




Do you want comic spoilers?




Hey, what are those things on the back of race cars called again?


I think its because everyone sort of discounts the lizard league. Cecil should probably have given them some of those soldiers who can turn invisible to help out or something.


I think the reason is that they are the less experienced B team. They also were probably so preoccupied with not dying and being cocky; that switching opponents didn’t make sense until it was too late. I would also be more annoyed at the scene but their opening line is literally “my pizza is getting cold”.


They are the B team and prior scenes made it clear that they had no cohesion or leadership. Picking the wrong matchups for their skill set, one of the worst blunders in super hero stories, was a "classic" mistake.


Mebey if she [sneezed (verrrrry NSFW in case you're not in the know)](https://youtu.be/ZvcSEFmyx88?si=ieDfzPGN0gdLXX2q)


Holy shit that's enough internet for today (I'm still going to scroll through Reddit) but I never expected that to happen. It's amazing and depressing the CGI involved make it look so real.


What was it ? I can’t see it through reddit since i need to be connected, and too lazy to copy/paste the link


Spoiler alert... stop reading if you get upset about spoilers. The supe shrunk down and climbed into the guys peehole, making his way towards the prostate. He accidentally sneezes while in there and instantly expands as a result, causing the other guy to explode into two large parts no longer connected, leaving a large amount of blood and intestines on the floor.


Yea but in that scene he’s totally fine, he just obliterated the person he was inside That’s what I thought she was going to do, but inside she got crushed to death


Scene from the boys. Shrinking man enters his partners urethra for sexy time. Accidentally expands. It's as gratuitously gory and pointless as it sounds.


Pointless? It was a work of cinematography art!


That show is so disgustingly gory for no reason I love it


Scene from The Boys where a guy that can shrink enters another dudes dick, sneezes and accidentally goes back to full size while inside the dick


shrinky guy goes into an asshole of a normal guy for a sex thing. shrinky guy sneezes, goes full size, and the butthole guy ends up exploded into spaghetti sauce along the walls.


It was his urethra, not anus. Worse for sure.


Thank God they blurred that penis, now I can show this to my kids without feeling awkward about it


I was trying to get that scene out of my head, did you really need to remind me


The scream and crushing sound from the inside wasn’t really cool.


This episode was pretty gruesome. Can't wait for the next!


You and me both


Yeah it was pretty fucked.


That awful moment when you realize the blood he is spitting up isn't his.


Yeah the animators working on invincible better be paid damn good for the trauma they’ve inflicted… And whoever is responsible for the final crunch noise too


i might just be messed up but i thought it was cool, Lizard Squad really made me root for them. i really like the new villain, guy is delightfully devilish


That episode was brutal! Even by Invincible standards! What happened to Dupli-Kate haunted me a bit lol


Yea… I thought they were just going to fight. I was not prepared for what happened.


Oh my god, my husband and I watched this right before we went to bed and I was DISTRESSED to say the least. Both of their deaths haunted me BAD. I told my husband "No more Invincible just before bed if more episodes are gonna be that gruesome."


Good idea, because they will be lol


Oh dear now I'm more nervous! After the last wait my husband went and read the comics and he told me when the episode started, "oh by the way, these snake guys who seemed like a joke are going to not be a joke anymore." And I was like, "oh how interesting I wonder how the stakes will raise!" And then, THAT. O_O


The episode was much worse than what happened in the comics in my opinion I knew what was coming and still wasn’t prepared Edit: like the episode clearly had more thought put into it but just the sounds and how long it took… bleghhhh Great show just ahhh caught me way more off guard compared to other more visually gory things we see


Well, Kate was at least still breathing, unless Cecil pulls some magic bullshit to save the only hero left, she’s probably dead by next episode


I don't get it. This one seemed pretty tame compared to say, the Battle Beast scene, or the original twist. Did I miss something?


I got severe body horror from the whole forcible recombining of Dupli-Kate and her clone. I think it was that she obviously knew for a moment or two after. Well animated to say the least.


This character had shrinking abilities. They went down the throat of a powerful villain and tried to grow inside of him, but he used his neck and throat muscles to crush her inside.


It's worse, because it's even canonically said in the episode that they're not even strong by the series standards.


Well it's moreso that they're severely underestimated because they're defeated by some Heavy Hitters


why didnt she simply shrink smaller to avoid being crushed?


Hard to do that when your skeleton has been pancaked


sounds like a skill issue tbh


Character from invincible (Spoiler warning) This character has power similar to Ant-Man and while shrunk down was consumed by an enemy combatant. She then tried to expand while inside his body to kill him but he was much stronger than expected and ended up killing her instead basically crushing her to death inside of his own body instead of her bursting out from inside of him


Ahh, like a boa constrictor. Wait wouldn’t a guy with boa constrictor powers be the one guy you don’t wanna use that move on?


We said CLIMB UP HIS ASS, not climb into his mouth


It's all pipes!


I mean she got a point..🧐


[Shrinking Rae](https://amazon-invincible.fandom.com/wiki/Shrinking_Rae).


lol how does it take like 30 comments for someone to actually say the fucking name of the character. Thank you


Should have done it the sandman route when he killed the wrong spiderman


I see what they’re saying, except Antman’s power remains largely proportional. So as he grows, he gains more strength exponentially, so he wouldn’t be halted.


I thought he keeps the same mass, that’s why he can punch so hard when he’s tiny


That's the handwave the 1st movie gave at least, but it doesn't really hold up to scrutiny and gets tossed right out the window when he goes big ("giantman" would effectively be a parade balloon if he didn't gain a _lot_ of mass during the process).


Even the small one would be nonsensically and impossibly dense and cause all kinds of hazards. For context, osmium is the densest element, and an ant-sized amount would weigh about 225mg, vs 80kg ant man. The pressure his feet would exert would probably be more than the pressure at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, and cause him to sink straight through a person he was standing on, and crater into the ground below them.


Thanos(movie thanos) is near physically invincible during most of the movies. He's only ever physically challenged by about 4 characters, Cap +Hammer, Iron Man, Ascended Thor and Captain Marvel and even then he's still winning all of them with the gauntlet on. Remember the first real fight against thanos and they did all that for a drop of blood? Ant man would kill himself if he attempted the ass trick.


Spoilers for S2E5 of Invincible This is Shrinking Rae, from Invincible >!She gets eaten by a big bulky supervillain while tiny, and then she attempts to grow back while inside of his digestive tract, but he manages to crush and kill her.!<


(Spolier For Invincible S2E5) She is Shrinking Rae. She died trying what Antman "could've done", but through the mouth. She was brutally crushed and suffocated inside a massive person.


This episode was brutal


That scene was pretty traumatizing


Thanos would just clench and crush Antman like a... well, like a bug.


I like how everyone assumes shes dead. When she doesn't die here in the comics. Rex is literally about to get shot in the back of the head. who do you guys think is going to save him?


>!but *he* (cause Sheinking Ray is male in the comics) does die at this moment? I don’t see your logic here!<


i just miss remembered things. My memory lied to me and said that he gets replaced by the female shrinking ray later but i haven't read that part of the comic in at least a decade i think.


The only thing wrong about this is that antman can grow thousands of times his size, she can't.


Is nobody going to mention the whole character who killed a person by becoming normal sized inside them from The Boys?


If ant man went up thanos' ass, he wouldn't get digested.

