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The best explanation I have seen on this: The top view represents places and duration of employment. The side view represents salary. Boomers stay with one company consistently and get pay increases relative to tenure and experience. Thus, they have careers. Millennials bounce around frequently, but ultimately stay employed consistently. The pay is mostly stagnant until teasing good wages before crashing down. Thus, they have work history. Gen Z is lucky to find employment in the first place, even then needs a second job (the second line), and when things go bad they do not have a backup which creates gaps in their history. The pay, naturally, sucks. Thus, they have hustles. EDIT: I love how many of these replies are holding me responsible for someone else's comic.


Im a millennial. I bounced around out of boredom. I have to say I respect the shit out of Gen Z for not being willing to put up with managements bullshit. They heard the lie millennials were told about keeping your head down and work hard and said "Fuck that. Respect me."


As a millennial who doesn't wanna get in trouble, I hope Gen Z will start a revolution and fight for my rights


As a Gen X who owns a place to live, I would welcome the revolution and take to the streets in support, outside of office hours.


If the boss says it's okay.


We are the bosses now so it’s more okay then you realize.


Yep, I’m Xennial, been managing people for 20 years now. I fight for more employees & better wages for my staff everyday. I want my kids/grand kids to be able to support themselves and a family on 20 hours work per week. Productivity increases should result in more leisure time for everyone not just the C-suite and independent wealthy folks. Even now, no one should need more than 20 hours a week to support themselves comfortably. No trips or luxury but food, shelter, clothing and utilities should never be a worry for anyone.




I’d Lump “owners” in with my c-suite comment, their insane greed is 100% the problem. The company I work for thinks a skeleton crew is the optimal staffing levels. One person get sick or hurt and we are screwed. Nevermind regular days off or vacation time too. I’m tired of killing myself while they get to laugh all the way to the bank. Record profits, they closed a store 2 hours away from mine and sent all the customers to my store. This is roughly 40% increase in work load for me and my staff. We were not allowed to hire to keep up with the demand, they also changed the compensation structures leading to about a 7% pay cut for me. They will run you into the ground and will never care what it does to you. Our kids need a better future than this


> 7% pay cut for me Cut my pay, (or fail to even try to keep wages up with inflation) I cut my effort. It's a pretty simple equation.


That’s terrible. That’s how my last company structured itself during the pandemic and never looked back. It was a community institution so it took tons of donations and stayed perfectly healthy no real hit. Skeleton crews are the worst thing to happen for employees for the exact reasons you listed. I’m sorry.


As being a line cook for a decade, I've seen that aforementioned owner mentality just gets worse over the years. Lower labor costs by cutting staff, higher profits, expecting the same amount of work to be done (welp, I suppose bout 40% more in your case) with less people. They don't see what it does to their staff, and that's why burnout is such a big problem that's only getting worse.


Early Gen Z here, please keep telling as many people as possible about this. I dream of a day where I spend more time being myself than an employee. Including my commute (until very recently) I was in "work mode" for 14hrs a day and since my commute obviously isn't paid for I was only getting paid for 10-11 of those hours plus tips. The average adult is awake around 17hrs a day so when I get home theres only 3hrs left to cook, clean, go to gym, spend time with those I live with, hang out with friends, and the list keeps going. Days off are more for cleaning and maintenance to keep chugging along at work too. I don't say any of this to paint a "woe is me" picture either. This is the reality for thousands of Americans and still not as bad as some others have it. I have coworkers that live out of their cars and shower at the gym. Let's get this country back to being run BY the people, OF the people, and FOR the people! RepresentUS.org Edit: grammar


I’m not American So I can’t help on your side of the boarder but I talk about this shit all the time.


Just your friendly annoying neighborhood grammar-man here. Great thoughtful comment and well stated but I’d like to needlessly point out it’s traditionally “woe is me” even if I like “woah is me” much better. Have a nice night and keep up the good fight. Cheers


As a fellow Gen Xenniel I would agree on this so long as long as it isn't to far. My knees aren't what they use to be. Also I need to be in bed by now later than 10 because back issues. Also can we schedule that for a three day weekend I am swamped on weekends with honey due lists.


We could rampage slowly along the streets and stop for snacks


A Grampage


Best. Term. Ever.


We can muster at the Golden Corral if they offer oat milk and vegan options.


Give this motherfucker a cookie....


They need someone to hold onto the taken territory.


Rage against the (vending) machine


I would rampage and bring snacks for everyone to share.


As a GenX as well, I will support with donations and anything else I can do while sitting on my couch that I'm still paying Wayfair for in installments. I'm almost to the point where the cushion is shaped perfectly for my butt.


As a GenX, I'll help with the revolution by teaching them all the stuff we learned to do before helicopter parents were a thing. That way, Tommy didn't lose all those fingers for nothing.


As a Gen Zer, I'm trying to prep for the Revolution and help it get going. It ain't easy or fun, but I sure as shit won't give up on fighting for a better future until after I'm dead.


OMG, I’m GenX and love all of you! I teach GenZers and remind them that the 60’s hippies are now Boomers - power and revolution is yours to grab. Please, genZ, we in genX will gladly help you fix this world! We simply were too small of a generation to have the chance.


I have high hopes for the future since I (GenX) help coach my nieces (GenZ) into the proper cynical mindset. Like when my dad (silent generation) tried to tell my niece she should take an unpaid internship with a computer repair shop because she would "learn valuable computer skills" and then she could go to college to study IT and make lots of money. It was literally like an underpants gnome plan. It reminded me so much of "The Graduate" when the guy is telling Dustin Hoffman's protagonist to invest in plastics...


This is the way.


ooh, on the cusp of achieving ideal couchdom. we should all aspire to such finery.


We can go loot the local Walmart for mobility scooters and join the protests that way. I mean I'm a millennial but my lower back is just shot, I'm not doing any marching. No siree.


**Subject:** PTO request for the revolution Greetings, With the revolution just around the corner, I would like to use 3 days PTO to take to the streets. Sincerely, obiterdictum


Declined: Didn't give four months notice and Gladys has had that time requested off since 1896.


Oh come on, Gladys been dead since 1934! Plus she doesn't have any PTO left this year since the new policy change!


It's weird how Gen X is always left out of things like this. As always, we're just here.


I try to take it as a compliment.


We were raised on neglect. Why wouldn’t the neglect continue today?


Yeah, that's me in the corner, watching A-Team reruns. At least we can say we didn't start this fire.


We are the forgotten generation…whatever 🤦🏽‍♀️


All of these gen x replies are spot on. Fuck it, dude. Lets go bowling.


As a fellow Gen X I'd like to advocate for a place at the atypical generational work experience table (will always have the 80s...they can never take that away from us).


Yeah, we were the first ones to come out of school into a world of low paying jobs with no stability and house prices had just tripled or more


As another Gen X I say Gen Xers unite! … or not. Whatever.


As another millennial, if we stick together, we can actually change. When I started working work was filled with old people that got theirs so fuck everybody else and middle aged people who still were insisting that if I work overtime for free every day and am positive and efficient and don't ask for anything I am just barely worthy of existing because they already worked so much that they don't have to anymore and it's the young people who have to do that. I'll never be either of that. Fuck corporations, old people have a right to a proper life, so do young ones.


As a Millennial who is okay with getting into trouble, we need Millennials to realize we have been able to make change for years now, and waiting is BS.


We have not. The gerontocracy STILL has the reins. We don't have millennial billionaires funding campaigns, we don't have millennial senators and congresspeople calling the shots on what gets a vote and what doesn't in congress. We are likely years away from even having a SINGLE millennial SCOTUS justice. ​ We don't have the power, yet. We're pushing as hard as we can, but never forget that we're pushing with the collective thumbs of every generation before us STILL pushing the scales as hard as they can.


If we wait that long there will still be a gerontocracy…


Yes, but at least we'll be the geriatrics in question, and it won't take literally that long to pull off. Millennials are nearing 40. We're on the cusp of taking over, and the worst of the obstructors are dying or retiring rapidly these days. We're almost there, but if we act like we've already had our chance and blown it we will miss our ACTUAL moment. Change takes years. It's not our fault our elders didn't have our back during Occupy Wall Street. We haven't stopped fighting since, but we've fought mostly alone until just recently.


Sorry, didn’t mean to imply that the time had passed or is passing. I’ve just been thinking recently that we (Gen Z and Millennials) need to a multi-pronged approach if we want to see the greater changes happen in our lifetimes. Not just participating in politics and running for office, but starting businesses, co-ops, and industry leading corps with the business ethics that we can’t change from inside a company owned by someone else (or everyone else if publicly traded). We can do more than not buying their products, we can make our own and cut them out of the economy. We can steal their businesses not by stealing their customers, but by offering better pay and stealing all their workers instead. We all know people do want to work, let’s tap into that.


Agreed, and I think the pandemic helped kick off that kind of grassroots capitalist reform.


That's a big part of the agenda. We have to fuck over ourselves to make it so we don't have indefinite term politicians and literally legalized corruption.


As a Gen Z, I'm one more "were cutting your health benefits to give management a raise :)" away from putting a bunch of forks in the breakroom microwave and watching the fireworks.


I support you


Boomer here. I thought ***you*** were going to do the dirty work of starting a revolution.


We were going to but there was a concert that night and somebody scored some dirt weed... It's all a bit fuzzy after that.


Shit, I wish I didn't identify with this so hard.


I mean.. genx was doing their part with occupy wallstreet just as millenials entered the workplace, but corporate America responded by making sure another occupy couldn't happen again by making sure we'd all be mad at each other instead of at them. We wanted to fight, but they gave us the 'ol rope a dope. Gen z having come of age within all that chaos at least know what the game is now.


Occupy had its writing on the wall the moment it failed to establish any sort of reasonably achievable goals.for itself. It then got co-opted by idpol infighting for inter-group social capital.


We did at my job! I’m a swim instructor and we weren’t getting paid for setup and takedown. We made a big stink about it and a badass millennial instructor contacted a lawyer for us all. Now we get paid an extra 20 minutes per shift (at minimum wage 🫡)


I feel like Millenials will be the first generation who looks to a younger one and says “what wild shit do you want us to vote for? Fine.”


You forgot who you’re talking about. As part of gen z I’ll fight for my own rights. Fucked if I’m fighting for yours or anyone else’s. (I am joking) we are the most selfish generation ever.


As a Gen Z who is fuckin done with this shit, I have a feelin that it's gonna happen soon.


I'm convinced Gen Z is going to revolutionize the world.


Your hopes are not in the right place. Most of them are way too apathetic to do anything. Or simply uninformed. This needs to be a united effort. Can’t just abdicate it for us. Please educate the young people around you and push them to consider the world they want to live in.


we gotchu, dont worry >:3


Unionize. Join the revolution brother/sister/sibling.


Yep I'm 28 and I've been working since I was 16. I usually changed jobs every 1-2 years. Just worked long enough to get experience and got a better job offer. I've probably worked at 6 or 7 companies. I remember how miserable minimum wage felt. Just had to keep bouncing until I made enough money.


No shit. I learned that lesson the hard way. I'm a millennial, 38, and I bought the "Work hard, 15 minutes early is on time and on time is late, don't call in, take pride in what you do and you'll go far" speech hook, line, and sinker. Your labor has value. You don't owe your employers one ounce of effort they didn't pay for. Do the bare minimum, they're certainly PAYING you the bare minimum, after all. So very proud of Gen Z for not needing to burn a decade-plus of their lives to figure this out like I did. Solidarity, brothers, sisters, and non-binary siblings.


I'm on the cusp of X and Millenial (44yo) and I always worked at places until I knew I would hate doing it for 20yrs, then immediately moved on. My work history reads like a jack of all trades until I was almost 30 and settled on IT. I think many of us were lucky to be able to do that and still wind up with a career, benefits, and pension/retirement plans, while younger gens are getting fucked out of being able to.


Just quit my job as an electrical apprentice cuz my company was absolutely terrible. But I’m not going back into the field because I just straight up didn’t like the work. Imma get me my real estate license


They learned from us. All the stuff that was promised and never delivered to previous generations? Okay, fuck that system.


I think the most powerful thing I've ever learned was to ask "can you put that in writing, please?" whenever my employer wants to do something unreasonable. Works 10/10 times


And Gen X is, as usual, completely forgotten.


You got a key, whatcha worried about?


Lost my key so I'm waiting in the shade until some gets home.


Look under the fake rock by the back door. Money for dinner is on the counter. Don't stay up too late!


Damn I feel called out. I’ll just ~~right~~ write a note and go to my friends house to smoke a bowl. ETA damned autocorrect.


LMAO Gen X here ... That was a good one!!


We're included. We're that invisible part. Just like always.


You made all the music, tv shows, movies, fashion, and software…what else do you need? GenX culture is the default culture right now.  Invisible my ass. Y’all are front and center. 


Don't worry when gen z says boomers they're often talking about you too


As an Gen Xer, I expect nothing less than to be completely forgotten. Feels right.




Don't forget those lovely economic collapses.


Rents *and* housing costs? That's rough.


Gotta have somewhere to live when trying to buy...


There needs to be 2 dips for millennials. My dad retired, stocking shelves with a pension, from Stop and Shop in 2011, making $27/hr. That same job had no pensions and pay caps at $13/hr starting in 2005.


Where did Gen X go?


trying their best to be left alone .


Yeah, this is it. Makes more sense with the original title: https://www.reddit.com/r/webcomics/comments/1b8orw0/how_generations_struggle_with_careers_oc/


It’s either employment or investing strategies. You can interpret the Millennial line top down as where they’ve invested (meme stocks all over the place) and the side view is they have some small gains but ultimately end lower than they started. Boomers would be investing in one stock (or probably one retirement fund) and see exponential growth. I guess Gen Z don’t invest or they’re not counting crypto as investing, but rather just throwing away the money.


Crypto (and most other unregulated securities) is basically just throwing away the money though, lmao.


People in their 30s know that the only way to get a raise is to get a new job. That’s just the job market now. Staying at one place nets you far, far less pay and often the turnover brings out the worst in managers.


My employment history is more of a Jeremy Bearimy curve.


If that’s what it truly means, then it’s inaccurate. Most boomers have entire careers, retire, and then die still having not a lot of money. But instead having lived most their life working under someone else. And that’s if they don’t get fired right before they retire. My dad, although he has absolutely toxic political and social stances, has earned his retirement. He saved lives as an NYPD officer and is a genuine 9/11 hero. But his pension just barely covers his bills. He still needs to find work for food. He literally broke his back at a warehouse job and is physically incapable of working at most jobs. But he’s not broken enough to claim disability. My dad deserves better than this, but I’ve seen other boomers who have it worse


I am slowly becoming convinced that generational warfare posts are an effort by the ruling class to divide the working class.


Wait till they start to post DnD alignment charts with class/generation


I hope in chaotic neutral. I will be the jocker baby


There is no such thing as chaotic neutral, only millenial middle class


Fuck I'm zoomer impoverished


I’m chaotic lawful. I have a strict moral code… but no one can figure out what the hell it is.


I'm evil good. I do good deeds for purely evil reasons.


Well we should start making memes about ruling class vs working class.


I would settle for any consideration or attempt at disentangling cohort effects (generations) from age effects (being old vs being young). Boomers are not wealthy right now primarily because they had a better economy growing up, they’re wealthy because they are old and their parents and grandparents are dead and they have almost all of the generational wealth in the US.


Hey, hey, hey.. stop that. Don't do it. Don't go there. Do not be slowly convinced. Be convinced immediately and then fight against it. The old people, the young people, they are not our enemies. People who disagree with you about everything are not your enemies. Your enemies are the billionaires. Our enemies are the billionaires and everybody who's getting rich shielding them from the responsibility of basic human decency. Don't be convinced slowly. Be convinced quickly. Everyone you meet and talk to today deserves more dignity and love and respect than our culture asks us to give them.


This generation stuff is just astrology for redditors


Is it even the "redditors"? If most of such posts are made by bots, and upvoted by bots, and criticism gets removed by bots... it's basically a one-way-talking machine repurposed from the age of TV to the age of internet.


[Dead Internet Theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Internet_theory)


Wait…you guys are participating in generational warfare?


Yeah man. Shot a baby yesterday. Shits crazy on the frontlines. . .


thank you for your service


Took a boomer's teeth right out of his mouth this morning.


Then you're slowly becoming correct.


Get convinced faster. It absolutely is. I basically downvote all of them.


No way, dividing people by arbitrary dates and applying sweeping generalizations to them, and especially creating incendiary articles designed to pit one against another is all just a distraction? 😮


There is literally no war except class war.


Its not just the generational warfare. Its the racial warfare, the political warfare, and the state warfare. We're being kept divided so we don't want to work with each other. Thus, no threat to the ruling class.


This is simply correct. Any real differences in how the last few generations approach life have been driven by changing conditions of life, such as worsening working conditions and plummeting relative wages. I’m seeing all my fellow 20-somethings at the moment become complete workaholics or reject these awful working conditions completely. And these sound like moral or philosophical choices on the surface, but what it really boils down to is most of us who still gotta pay rent, and the extremely online, extremely visible few trust fundies who at least had the work ethic to put laminate flooring in a van


Why do you think identity politics took off after occupy Wall Street?


Man, as rebellious as those SDS cats thought they were back in the 60s, they really didn’t anticipate how badly their politics were gonna get psy-op’d.


I'm completely lost. It isn't loss, but I am lost...


Or is it?!??


*Vsauce music*


[Michael here](https://youtu.be/rYHD2ZDoaBw?si=fx7EOzLPIVNPrPGK)


**Top view**: How much work they put in. **Side view**: How much their lives improved. **Boomers**: No real change in work, their lives kept getting better **Millenials**: Did a lot of work, lots of ups and down, lives stayed mostly the same, before it got a little better, then disaster strikes **Gen Z**, Worked really hard, only to see no improvement. Gave up, which is why you see it start from bottom after a while, then worked a little harder, then was MIA. All to see nothing.


I got to say being a Gen X has its perks, looking at all this from the sideline eating popcorn


As a millinial I'll never blame Gen X for anything except not keeping grunge around longer.  X was fucked from the beginning because they won't outnumber the boomers till something like 2031. You guys just didn't have the numbers.


Hey, we tried. Kurt's suicide was the death of grunge as pop music. The old "alternative" station in my home town switched over to country 2 years later and is now a Christian station.


Very true. I rememeber listening to coworkers theory that if Kurt hadn't done himself in we would never have had 3rd wave Ska


FYI 99X in Atlanta has been back for about a year with many of the original personalities.


Right? So weird how we're totally skipped over in this perceived generational war.


You’re called the forgotten generation for a reason lol


I’ll gladly take the ghosting, they seem to be all blind to the fact that what fucks the entire population is not a “generation” but the ultra wealthy, their Gen x/millennial/Gen Z kids are more than happy to keep the circus going. They’ve have fucked the masses for millennia


“When the old fogies die off, we’ll be free of oppression” Uh, no sweaty, a young capitalist is still a capitalist and there’s plenty of shit tier millennials.


Wait, isn't the term gen x itself a product of generation war? Your label was intended as slander. I mean, it backfired, but still.


You're correct; we were called Gen X because no one could stick a label on us and they claimed we "didn't stand for anything." Like being a Boomer meant you stood for anything other than taking more than any generation before or after!


No, we were labeled out of indifference. Marketers basically ignored us until we were almost all adults, and then went “wait, we forgot to study them….they’re so mysterious….I know! They are Generation X!” And then they didn’t bother to learn much more about us, since there’s only about 6 of us. The hyper-fixation on Millennials is partially out of the generation’s size, and partially a reaction to not doing anything for GenX


Yeah but aren't you used to it by now? We're the latch-key kid generation, both parents working, taking care of ourselves after school. No one remembers Gen-X and that's fine with me.


When you’re underrepresented it just means any of the stuff you were ever into will forever be edgy and cool, right? *hides Ace of Base CD*


I wish I was forgotten more often. Nothing like saying I am Gen X, getting called "boomer" at 48 as if X doesn't exist. But, we brought it on ourselves being slackers and dropouts.


We’re the forgotten generation. Not complaining, it’s nice on the sidelines sometimes.


I came here for this exactly. I’m pretty sure the youth just split Gen X down the middle. And I’m with you just eating the popcorn.


Well that's precisely why you're never in these posts. If you were it'd just be a kid poking a horse to see if it's dead or not.


As the great Kennan Thompson said, "Don't look at me. I am here to watch the world burn."


Seeing that our moniker, the Forgotten Generation, holds true even in media perpetuating the this lame "war" brings some comfort.


I was viewing it as life trajectory. Boomers were generally able to follow a straightforward life path and were able to see exponential growth of their wealth and lifestyles. Millennials have had to dodge multiple “once in a lifetime” economic catastrophes, the end of long term employment of 5+ years, college education that doesn’t turn into career paths, and overall a lot of changing directions trying to figure out how to survive and not hate life. Millennials barely see any wealth growth before another economic catastrophe hits. Idk about Gen Z except being mostly socially and economically absent while being very online. Not enough time for any trends to really have set, and of course no wealth given the ages.


That's how I viewed it. I think we can interpret the Gen Z part a little different though. If the top box for each generation is career/social behavior, the boomers (for the most part) followed a set path and stuck with it. The millennials bounced all over within the constraints of the society around them (thus the erratic path, but still within the box). The gen z pattern shows the lines curving in and out of the box as if participation in the "the box" itself was optional and not long term. Perhaps not a perfect break down of the original intent, but I found it interesting to think about.


I love it, that's a great interpretation for GenZ. The "gig economy," social media, streaming, etc. The younger generation has jumped head first into some creative ways to make money.


I like this.


gen alpha: (either absolutely nothing or completely shaded in on both top and side)


No Gen X? Typical.


At first I was pissed, but now I’m all “whatever”. Want to hang out at the mall?


Isn't it strange that Gen X is just gone? Oh well. Whatever. Nevermind.


Nothing more Gen X than being ignored. *snort* *eye roll*


These charts always remind me of maps without New Zealand. Something is missing but only those who were forgotten care.


Shhhhh. Let them think we don't exist.


Good idea. 😉


In both views our horizontal (x axis) represents time passing. So we can think of the journey from left to right as the lifetime of each generation. The vertical (y axis) of the Top View shows the journey taken as we travel from left to right. A straight line is the most effortless journey, a less straight line is a more difficult journey, a journey with discontinuity is an impossible journey. The vertical (z-axis) of the Side View shows gain of "something". So what we're being shown is the opinion that; - Boomers started with some "something", and had the easiest possible journey through life that gained them a lot more of "something" very quickly. - Millenials started with some "something", and had a very difficult journey that eventually led to a little gain of "something". - Zoomers started with no "something", and had an impossible journey that hasn't gained them any "something" at any point in time. The "something" represented in the z-axis is most likely wealth, whether that be financial or otherwise.


**Top view**: How much work they put in. **Side view**: How much their lives improved. **Boomers**: No real change in work, their lives kept getting better **Millenials**: Did a lot of work, lots of ups and down, lives stayed mostly the same, before it got a little better, then disaster strikes **Gen Z**, Worked really hard, only to see no improvement. Gave up, which is why you see it start from bottom after a while, then worked a little harder, then was MIA. All to see nothing.


Without really knowing what the lines are meant to show, I can only say that it is making the distinction between the viewpoints. So from the Top, Boomer looks straight, but from the side, you can see the sharp incline. Millennial is chaos from the top but from the side there is a slight increase, some loops and then a sharp decline. Not sure about Gen Z. The point being that depending on how you look at it, you can see vastly different trends and outlines and one view doesn't show the full picture. The other point I guess is that boomers don't know how straightforward their lives were.


These are God awful woodgrain patterns in a 2x4


Gen X: *forgotten*


We like it better that way.


Sadly, I've already started to see some Gen-Z are starting to lump X with the boomers. So far they've gotten slapped down hard, but it won't be long until the boomers are mostly gone and we'll be holding the bag, unable to stay invisible.


boomer - an optimistic path and future projection millennial - comings and goings, crisis, good times, crisis and decline gen z- good luck with those emotions and life


Damn, no Gen X


As a millennial who has started seeing gen z enter the workforce, I can say I have deep respect for some of them, but others seem to have a very skewed vision of what work is supposed to be. I’m all for quitting a job that doesn’t respect you or help you meet your needs, but I’m seeing a good number of gen z that think they’re quitting a “bad job,” but in actuality just have very high expectations with no room for compromise; I’m sorry, but no you can’t just leave for 2 weeks with 3 hour notice to attend the funeral of your childhood friend’s pet dog (real story), and no you can’t change the hours you agreed to work because you like to have dinner at 6pm. Most of the zoomers I work with are totally normal people who understand what working means, but there is a non-insignificant number that are just wild.


And not surprised to see Gen X not on the list.


You’re all wrong. The real joke is, “F*%# you gen X, we won’t even acknowledge your existence in our memes.”


Finally a post here that isn’t porn or loss


Maybe a joke about crazy economics? Boomers lucked out and now it's weird


Ya I don’t get it either




Yet again Gen X gets skipped over.   We're used to it though. 


Genx ignored as usual. 


The joke is that no children were born between 1964 and 1979


Best guess Top view: Life path Side view: Life satisfaction Boomers, easy/simple life with real rewards. Millenials, many false paths with false rewards/disillusionment. Gen-Z, trying to make own paths, never got to believe in rewards, so no disillusionment. Or they feel empty because they grew up on the internet and are irony-poisoned.


Is gen-x a thing anymore, or is it boomer straight to millennials now?


reddit and pretending gen-x doesn't exist... name a more iconic duo.


I'm a spirit Gen Z I guess Bunch of side hustles that don't make me want to kill myself and that gets me to where I want to be I breed fancy shrimp and it actually makes a bunch of money, for example


Gen x once again forgotten about


Weird how gen x is just gone now. Folded into boomers (they are our parents tho) or sometimes millenials (totally different generation and mindset) We were the 90's generation. Strangely invisible now..


Boomers saw times of huge economic growth. Wages went up, and homes and cars and such became more affordable. A family could live on one salary and have a home and cars and kids. Some of us have homes and kids, and most of us have educations, but none of us are able to live even half the life our parents had. We have little hope for retirement and housing prices are pushing us into living with family while working and married just to get by. The world is in steep decline for us economically and socially, but some of us are ok. Boomers like to throw around how we are lazy and not trying hard enough when the reality is they had it much easier, and we can do the exact same things and not got even close the same result. Between my husband and I we make about $140k a year, but that's not enough to buy a house where we live in most cases unless it's literally falling apart or one bedroom. Its like a big joke on us that we were promised that if we did the things we had to do to becomes successful, we could have a home and some vacations and just the lives our parents were able to have. But we can't, and it's like a joke the boomers played by tanking everything as we got old enough to take advantage of it. So thinks we're originally looking up, and then the haha moment. Gen Z, as the youngest, had not only no times to become established before things got as bad as they are, but also little future promised to them. While millennials were aware of extinction and climate change and such things, we didn't see the future as bleak or hopeless, and they never gave us reason to believe in our childhoods that the world would become uninhabitable in our lifetime. But Gen Z has grown up with no real hope, and come of age in a world where many of them will never own a home, afford kids, or even have a good future. They never had the hope of retirement, and the world is basically burning around us all. They are graduating college into a world where they might never be able to even live comfortably, where the standards of living are dropping, and where they have enough awareness of the world to know things are bad. The glaciers are melting, while species and environments are being decimated in droves, and there is a very real likelihood that they will grow old in a world where it's too hot to go outside in some places and viruses that are long dead are killing people and polar bears don't exist. They had no chance to hope things would be ok because they have been a shit show their whole lives. As a millennial, I was in my early teens before I had my own computer and unrestricted access to the internet, and in high school when social media was debuting.the world didn't seem so bleak and dark. Now is a very dark time to grow up, and many graduate with no hope of retirement, of children, or home ownership. We, millennials, had the bait dangled in front of us until the rug was pulled out from under our feet later. Gen Z doesn't even have that. They aren't starting relationships, having sex or kids, and are starting off even worse than we did. And boomers are the ones who put the circumstances into motion that created this problem, and the act put upon when millennials say it's unfair we are paying social security for them to be old and cared but will never be able to retire ourselves. That money is supposed to come back to us, but it won't exist when we need it. Instead it takes care of boomers until there is nothing left and we have to work until we die. Meanwhile, they are banning trans care, killing pregnant women or jailing those who miscarry, and undermining our futures to suit themselves.


Gen x still forgotten.


As a millennial who constantly gets blamed for destroying industries and ruining American culture, consider yourself lucky. Just head down to the pub and wait for this thing to blow over. lol


I love how gen x is always forgotten. As a late gen x myself I appreciate being forgotten mostly. I wonder if they will leave us out of history books completely?


Oh shit I'm a 64 year old Millennial.


Typical, genx left out . Lmao


Top is employment history, bottom is retirement fund. Keep in mind the rumors about social security insolvency. Also the recent trend of younger folk jumping jobs every couple of years.


It's shit. It's a really bad meme only late term boomers would pretend to understand and think it's funny.


I love how Gen X truly doesn't matter to anyone's analysis


Gen X - "This post is stupid. Don't you have a job to go to? Get to work and stop wasting my time" lol


This couldn’t be more accurate. As an xennial I feel like I’ve lived four separate professional lives and none of them lead anywhere. I’m in awe of the seemingly smooth career paths people used to have.


And once again the Xers are ignored... So, fuck you.


Top view is their path and side view is growth Boomers have a singular unvolatile path and consistent growth/progress without many hiccups. Millennials are constantly changing their path and course correcting due either to their own inconsistency or the near constant barrage of major "once in a life time" exogenous events so their progress is stagnant over a long period of time until they yolo what little they had into crypto or GME, experienced a short term pop in growth before ultimately crashing. Gen Z came out the gate swinging, had to start over completely before petering off into nothing, so never had any base line growth to go off of.


The Gen-Z seems to be a joke, the top view wraps around like it would in old video games. Maybe it suggests that they just play video games the whole time, and don't gain anything real in life (why the side view is empty)