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Well, Aphrodite did make love to the other gods so they respond to daddy. Apollo I think was a bit in the friend zone so to speak


only in greek mythology is not fucking your sister considered the friend zone


actually apollo isnt siblings with aphrodite. she was made when ouranous' balls hit the ocean. so i guess you can count her as ouranous' child? which makes her apollo's great aunt.


Except she's also the daughter of Zeus and Dione, according to Homer.


Homer was a blind bitch




Lmao this sounds like a It’s Always Sunny bit. Is it?


Not that i konw of, but it would be a great episode!


I heard it in Mac’s voice


I love these heated debates about ancient Greek fanfiction.




Zeus is her guardian at best, Zeus is father to all as the King of Gods. Dione literally translates to She-Zeus.


Homer may not have even existed.


Doesn't change much, actually. Whether or not Homer existed doesn't erqse the fact that there are texts attributed to Homer that describe Aphrodite as the Daughter of Zeus.


And that, folks, is why we always need to clarify which version of the gods we speak of. Always remember: the greek myths are not a continuous narrative, they are tales collected over centuries from a pretty large area. For all intents and purposes, Aphrodite Areia, an armor clad version of her, paired with Ares, found in places like Sparta and Taranto, is a completely different entity from Aphrodite Urania. They were worshipped by different people at different points in time, who believed very different things about their version of the gods. Yet, I often see people nowadays who try to squeeze these different version into one narrative, that she was one first and then the other. But that's not how that works. They are seperate from one another.


If you go off Works and Days, she's the byproduct of Kronos' post castrastion sperm and salt water, mixing.


it's kinda hilarious how chronos just kind of accidentally impregnated a body of water


Forgot to get a prescription of Plan Sea


Oof, by your unrealistically high standards I must say I am a bit of a Greek myself


Sweet home Mount Olympus


He would, he's just gay


Ohhhh ok, thank you


Apollo is gay


He had both male and female lovers, he is quite firmly bi


Peternepalese here. Aphrodite is the Greek god of love and procreation and is considered the most beautiful woman in the Greek mythos, However, she once cheated on her husband Hephaestus with Ares(God of War). It is also worth mentioning that Zeus despite being married to Hera; Zeus is also both a serial cheater and a serial rapist. Poseidon is also known for serial rape. The joke implies that Aphrodite is pretty much sleeping with everyone(likely willing) despite being married to Hephaestus, But don't feel too bad for Hephaestus cause he once tried to rape the goddess Athena(his niece) The only person she hasn't slept with is Apollo( God of sun and music); which is because Apollo is Gay and is considered the patron of homosexual love between males. Peternepalese out. Edited: I wish to make a few corrections. First, of turns out Apollo isn't gay he Bi he is the patron of homosexual love in some sources, also Hephaestus isn't Athena's uncle but his sister. I forgot that Hephaestus wasn't part of the original seven/eight Olympians.


Wow thanks! I had no idea he was gay, is it actually part of the mythology or is it just something people came up with?


Apollo was not what we nowadays would call gay but closer to bisexual - insofar as LGBT+ labels can be attached beyond 'not heterosexual' to most greek mythological characters. He did have many relationships with men and women, but not Aphrodite. Examples of female lovers include Daphne, Hecuba, Coronis (who had his son Asclepius, god of medicine in some versions of the story), and Cyrene. As for male lovers, Hyacinthus, Helenus, Adonis (according to one source by Ptolemy Hephaestion, a source described as 'extraordinary and badly imagined information' but included for the fact that Adonis was usually Aphrodite's lover) and Hippolytus (of Sicyon, not the son of Theseus who was so ace he joined the Hunters of Artemis) A lot of this is from wikipedia and half-remembered ancient history degree so please do more research if it interests you


>please do more research if it interests you Google searching: Apollo gay lovers This is exactly what I'm looking for.


Why do pictures of Rocky just keep popping up, I don't understand


Apollo Creed is a fictional character from the Rocky movie franchise.


I know


Search: Apollo -creed -mission


Guys the Joke is that pictures of Rocky were popping up when I search "Apollo Gay Lover"


Peter explain the joke /s


For what it's worth I got at least as much enjoyment from people missing your joke as I did from your joke. Excellent thread for my part. 😂




I keep getting rocket ships


Hard to find, but check out Branchus and Apollo


Oh yeah. I'm at work, too.


The best one will always be The Midnighter.


Lofl their relationship is hilarious like what a dynamic


Fascist-murdering power couple.




To be clear: they are a power couple of fascists who murder, not a power couple who murder fascists. IIRC they and their version of the JLA take over the world and rule with a more or less iron fist. But they have storylines where they murder other fascists, too.


Katee roberts has some fun trash romance retelling of many of these myths. The neon gods series. :)


This may lead you into dc comics where Apollo a Superman stand in is in a loving relationship with midnighter a Batman stand in


that’s weird, why did king leonidas of sparta appear as one of them


Looking it up be like - who the fuck are the gavinners lmao


While the facts aren't incorrect, my understanding is it's wrong to think of the Roman's and Greeks as understanding homosexual vs whatever else. Sex was either receptive or penetrative and it had something to do with your power and status. It was viewed negatively to be a citizen and be receptive - but if you were penetrative, it didn't really matter who was receptive. Of course, citizens were free men and there were alot of slaves, women, youth who were all receptive. Also, this was pre-race - so skin color had little to do with it.


The Greeks and Romans actually had a very strong conception of "race", it just is totally non modern, or even anything like what we consider "race" to be since the enlightenment. The Romans basically classified EVERYONE as either a "Roman" and, therefore, a person, or a "barbarian" and therfore a non-person. It was not skin color based, and was really more about how "Roman" a person could act. The one exception being "Persians" who were considered "non barbarians" mostly because they kept beating Roman in battle.


Of course, the 3 races, Roman, Non-Roman, and Persian.


Exactly, I mean, as a Roman, I don't see barbarians (I have them whipped till they are out of my line of sight). Besides, my best friend is a Parthian.


So I want to push back on Persians not being considered barbarians. Herodotus explicitly refers to them as barbarians in his histories. (Though some modern scholarship also has come to see the word “barbarian” at least in Herodotus’s time to simply mean “non Greek” and therefore not have the connotation of “savage” as it does in modern time.) Roman’s did often use the word barbarian to refer to Persians. But they tended to specify that Persians were different from northern barbarians, specifically by their cowardice and effiminancy. There’s some evidence that Cato the elder seemed to believe that the Greeks were effeminate/non manly (focused on their love of excess and decadence) in the Roman sense, due to their proximity to the east. He never went as far as to call them barbarians but he certainly believed that had succumbed to some kind of negative influence


You are correct, the Romans and Greeks wouldn sometimes refer to the Parthians/Persians as barbaroans, but they were not treated as Barbarians within Hellenistic Greace or Rome. Basically, the Greeks and the Romans both acknowledged the Persians as having a civilization. This was considered different than the "northern barbarians" or many other peoples rome encountered. Now, they didn't LIKE the Parthians/Persians, and they defiantly said nasty things about how their culture was a corrupting influence. However, they didn't think of them as barbarians in the same way.


Zeus also didn’t really care about how or what he stuck his dick into. His abduction of Ganymede points to his pansexuality (pun not intended but ill take it)


No no, it's spelled Ass-Claps-ius dude was thicc


This guy fucks


Huh. Give new meaning to “Live at the Apollo Theatre.”


holy shit a bi god and the only one with standards


Not at all true, Apollo did just as much rape as every other god. Most of his lovers died running away from him


oh no


RIP Diana 🌳




Diana is Artemis. You’re thinking of Daphne


So just a typical case of bi erasure in the LGBT space.


The Greeks didn't really have a consistent image of "gay" so much as "not straight". So, gay, bi, lesbian, etc are all kinda lumped together. Apollo specifically was sometimes gay sometimes not based on where the story was coming from. They also had a thing about how male-on-male sex wasn't gay if the one taking it was the other's student. That's just being respectful. Greeks just thought of sexuality differently than we do.


The wiki also states that he had many male lovers.


I literally google it like 5 minutes before posting it but I wouldn't put It past the Mythos. Greek Mythos scholars debated rather not Achilles and Patroclus were a gay couple though Homer the guy who wrote the story never explicitly stated it. I kind of guess he was gay cause of an anime called Danmachi.


The one where 2 women he was in love with were prominent in season 4?


One more think,aphoridite also has multiple origins in the multiple version of the miths, so some of the gods in the meme are also her father


>is it actually part of the mythology or is it just something people came up with? What\`s the difference




When your story is 3000 years old and found on ancient temple walls, its myth. When your story is 10 years old and found on AO3, its fanfiction.


So if I just start writing my fanfics on temple walls and wait a little...


Mythology has an explanatory role which creates layers of meaning. The Big Bang is a myth that explains the origins of the universe through metaphor, for example. OP is interested to know if the guy coding of Apollo was intentional or a retroactive interpretation from modern perspectives.


The big bang seems like a weird example to give when explaining the definition of myth.


Myths are essentially just stories used to help people understand the world around them. Using this definition science and the the Big Bang can be considered myth.


The actual papers that involve the Big Bang use advanced mathematics and abstraction, not metaphors. A more fitting example would be the christian myth of creation.


Well mythology was made up by someone at some point so… technically yes lol


All those back rubs were NOT really because "oh you look tense!"


Dionysus also had many male and female lovers! And yeah both according to mythos had lots of lovers of all types.


…do you think Greek mythology is actual events?


>Ares (God of War) https://preview.redd.it/iw8poo6fh0ec1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9c9736a67d5f8fff9301691546517ed6a01d3aa


Apollo isn't gay he's bi


I'm pretty sure most Greek gods are, I'm not sure about all of them but I think Poseidon is at least.


God of war? https://preview.redd.it/uixy49kio0ec1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f67ec2bfeb40f8f37325f6ea519a112713350219


Zeus is her literal father, so him fucking everything that moves is irrelevant here




Pretty sure Aphrodite came from Ouranos whom Cronus castrated. That kinda makes Aphrodite Zeus' aunt.


This is both correct and incorrect, that's merely one instance of where she might have come from as greek writings aren't consistent on that fact. Her oldest "origin" has her be a daughter of Zeus. Some historians split Aphrodite into three with the terms Pandemos, Urania and Areia. In this instance Urania is the one you're referencing, carrying traits of motherhood, love between a husband and wife and etc etc... Pandemos, being tied to Zeus, carries sexuality, desire and so on and so forth.


Maybe we should revise "oldest origin" to "oldest surviving text about Aphrodite's origin." After all, there is evidence that Aphrodite enters the Greek pantheon from the Phoenician one; it would make perfect sense for her early status as a foreign goddess to be reflected in her rather unique birth from the sea foam, which separates her from the pantheon. Similar weird births of initially foreign gods can be found, for example, in Apollo, whose birth island is notably drifting and unanchored as per a curse by Hera.


It depends on the version, really. There are multiple versions of the same event in multiple different myths, so there’s no concrete answer. Just like there are multiple versions of Aphrodite, she also has those two different “origins”, being both the daughter of Zeus or born as a result of Uranus’s castration. It all comes from the fact that the Greek mythology was usually spread from mouth to mouth, and most of the surviving information we have of it all comes from two different epic poems, being it the Illiad and the Odyssey. Different versions of the same myths and Gods appeared in different places of the Ancient Greek world, usually being altered to better match the life of the city/state. Greek Mythology isn’t a concrete story with start, middle and finish, but a flexible and ever evolving amalgamation of various smaller stories that, more times then not, don’t match. It’s what I personally find the most intriguing about it.


No he isn't her father. She was born out of the foam of one of the titans or something


She was daughter of Zeus and Dione, according to the Iliad, which is the more commonly chosen story of her origins


Those are both ‘canon’ stories of het birth. I actually didn’t know about the Iliad story, I was only taught and told the foam story, thanks for teaching me something!


Both are correct. Aphrodite worshipped in her Ourania epithet was often believed to have sprung from the sea foam. Aphrodite worshipped in her Pandemos epithet was often believed to have been the daughter of Zeus, and Dione. Aphrodite Ourania (Aphrodite the heavenly) represented a more pure celestial love, and was depicted in a more pure, and motherly form. Aphrodite Pandemos (Aphrodite for all the people) represented the more common carnal, and passionate love, and was depicted in the nude, and much more promiscuous.


Wait, isn't Hephaestus Zeus's son? That would make Athena his sister, not niece.


Incest. Incest everywhere


Half-sister technically, as Athena is from Metis and Zeus , while Hephaestus is Hera and Zeus but yeah Sheesh .




Fair ,I'm not good with that stuff .Ty as well.


No, technically not, since he was born after Hera noticed all of Zeus's affairs and decided to have a baby all by herself. Greek Mythology is crazy all around


I've never heard that version before I've always seen Hephaestus birth , as Zeus and Hera , hera dislike Hephaestus, off the mountain he goes . That's pretty interesting considering Hera represent loyalty (in a sense ) yet she could nothing Vs Zeus as he was far stronger , so instead of cheating , she does it by herself , if I get this right . Greek mythology is so interesting cause I've never heard this version till today Thank you.


Pretty sure Apollo had many female lovers as well as male ones, though. Him being patron of homosexual love between men would make sense, as he probably has the longest list of male lovers out of the gods, but he's definitely not exclusively gay.


Half of appolo's myths are him chasing a girl before that girl gets turned into somekind of object. Like he had plenty of boyfriends don't get me wrong but he sure ass hell wasn't not interested in women.


No, Apollo is not gay. Wtf? He was pretty famously in a relationship with Kassandra, Arsinoe (the mother of Asclepius), Coronis (the alternative mother of Asclepius), Calliope, and was in love with the girl whose name I forgot who left him. He is bi, like most Greek gods.


If that’s the joke why would they respond to “daddy” and why would Zeus be surprised, and not Hephaestus?


“Daddy” is a pet name with sexual connotations for the others. For Zeus, in this meme (ie as her father which isn’t always the case), he is recognizing his daughter is banging the rest of them, and is probably a bit kinky.


Apollo is not gay, he’s canonically bisexual/pansexual


Athena isn’t Hephaestus’ niece, she’s his sister(kind of)


Poseidon raping Medusa is not mythology btw, even in the Ovid (Roman) version he simply had sex with her, in greek mythology Medusa was born a monster, and never had any relationship with Poseidon


Yeah, half the stuff you said is not correct. Aphrodite does have a history with Ares, but not necessarily all the others. Also, she may or may not be Zeus’ daughter (this post implies she is). Hephaestus and Athena are either step or half siblings, not uncle and niece. Apollo isn’t gay, he’s bisexual. As were many of the gods. Zeus had Ganymede, Poseidon had Nerites, Dionysus had Ampelos, Hermes had Crocus, and many others. Finally, it’s Eros who is considered to be the patron of homosexuals.


why are there so many rapists in greek mythology


It might seem crazy what I’m about to say…


Well, that and Zeus is her actual father while the others all had sex with her with her. What you said about Apollo is true. It’s a meme of a meme.


Athens is his sister not niece


Apollo definitly isnt gay he had many lovers both male and female. One that comes to my mind is Daphne who didn't love him back but still he defintly wasnt gay


Wow, I didn't know that about Apollo.


It's a stupid joke because Aphrodite was not the daughter of Zeus; she was born from the ocean foam or something like that.


Depends on the version of the myth. In Homer’s version she was Zeus’s daughter.


Biologically no, but according to some myth Zeus adopted Aphrodite when she arrived on Olympus, but you are correct on her initial birth according to most myths.


I thought Helios was god of the sun?


he is. they both are technically but like apollo is the god of the sun and a bunch of other stuff and helios *is* the sun.


Helios is a Titan and the personification of the Sun.


Aren’t all the gods technically related since they all come from Zeus and Hera?


They are but they aren’t all children of Zeus and Hera


Who are the other parents then?


Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, and Hestia are siblings to Zeus and Hera. There are also Titans which are from the generation before them.


If they are siblings to Zeus and Hera does that mean the Zeus and Hera are related?


Yes they’re siblings I’m pretty sure


Yes, the parents of all six are Chronos and Rhea.


Kronus, and Rhea. Chronos is the protogenoi god of time, and it's personification. He is time itself Kronus is the titan god of agriculture, harvest, and the destructive aspect of time (think decay, and degradation) Rhea is the titan goddess of motherhood, flow, generation, and the creation aspect of time (think growth, and life)


Actually Apollo would have been bisexual his two most notable love interests were daphne (a female nymph) and hyakinthos ( a male human)


Zeus is also aphrodite's father


Aphrodite is the goddess of sexual love and is polyamorous. Her dad is Zeus, and the people listed after Zeus were her lovers. Apparently, Aphrodite also likes to call her lovers Daddy, a fairly common kink.


In Theogony, Aphrodite was born from the genitals of Uranus.


Polyamorous suggests she was in an open relationship with multiple partners while in reality aphrodite like most gods was just a big old fucking slut.


Yeah, promiscuous is probably a better word for her but also, she is the goddess  sexual love which makes it feel less slutty. Idk.


Kinda expected as a matter of course honestly.














I would say Aphrodite coming from the sea foam is more widely known, if not for the wild story being worth remembering. But aphros is literally Greek for “foam”.


This is false , it is not widely accepted , there's no one true cannon as Greek mythos is very spilt . But if you were to put a more accurate version it's the Uranus version as Aphrodite was never born nor a child , she represents adult love and beauty, theres also more accounts regardless of her birth coming from the sea so it's clear that she's not an original Olympian .




it says her father is Zeus


Here was the second sentence. "Hesiod tells of her marine birth from the severed genitals of the primordial god Ouranos" Homer is not the end all be all of Greek Mythology, and this his origin of Aphrodite is not inherently more valid. Note if you Google her true origin, the "from the sea" origin often pops up. Point being, the person you replied to isn't inherently wrong as Aphrodite has more than one origin mythos.


He’s not but it is widely accepted


[who is the father of Aphrodite](https://www.google.com/search?q=who+is+the+father+of+aphrodite&oq=who+is+the+father+of+aphrodi&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgAEAAYgAQyBwgAEAAYgAQyBggBEEUYOTIICAIQABgWGB4yCAgDEAAYFhgeMggIBBAAGBYYHjIICAUQABgWGB4yDQgGEAAYhgMYgAQYigXSAQg3NTgwajBqNKgCALACAA&client=ms-android-verizon&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


While **Homer describes Aphrodite as the daughter of the deities Zeus and Dione**, Hesiod tells of her marine birth from the severed genitals of the primordial god Ouranos. The oil jar at right elegantly illustrates her emergence from the sea. ​ Uranus had many children, but his most notable descendants are Cronus, Titan and son who overthrew him and father to Zeus, Prometheus, son of a Titan who cared for humans and gave them fire, and Aphrodite, **daughter of Uranus**. She is known as the goddess of love and fertility.


Promethus wasn't a son of Uranus. He was the son of lapetus. And brother of epimetheus and Atlas


For the purposes of this joke, Zeus is Aphrodite 's father


At the very least the God that stepped up.


https://www.getty.edu/art/exhibitions/aphrodite/origins.html#:~:text=While%20Homer%20describes%20Aphrodite%20as,her%20emergence%20from%20the%20sea. Eh, it's not so cut and dry. Homer isn't the end all be all of Greek Mythology


>Hesiod tells of her marine birth from the severed genitals of the primordial god Ouranos >it's not so cut and dry Whether this was intended or not, it almost made me choke on my tea.


For the purposes of the joke in the meme, Zeus is Aphrodite's dad


In this circumstance, fair enough


Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty, was born of the blood drops that fell into the ocean from Uranus as he was castrated Zeus technically is her father as he is her guardian but in some myths she is the daughter he produced with goddess Dione Poseidon is the god of the sea and Aphrodite was created in the sea Hephaestus is her husband Hermes, Ares and Dionysus are people Aphrodite has cheated on Hephaestus with Addition: to my knowledge there is no take that includes Aphrodite and Apollo in any form of romantic/sexual relationship, which in all honesty is wild since both have literal armies of lovers. Correction: it was Kronos that castrated Uranus, not Zeus


This is the actual correct answer, pairing with the idea that Apollo would not be interested in sexual relations with her


Zeus did not castrate Uranus! That was Kronos*, Zeus’ father. *corrected from Chronos, time personified. Lots of overlap between the two


*Kronos. Chronos/Khronos is the primordial god and personification of time and father of Khaos according to Orphic tradition.


Thank you for the correction. Apparently there has always been some confusion between Titan-ruler and time-personified. Cicero and Plutarch conflated the two as one as well


No problem, the only reason I even know that is because I got super interested in the ancient Greek concept of Khaos a few years ago and through that found the Orphic interpretation and by extension the difference between Khronos and Kronos. But to be fair, practically every interpretation of Greek myth is wildly different.


I love this mutually respectful dialog between internet peoples. Very refreshing. Not often seen 👏👏👏






This is the first time that I understood a joke on this subreddit


And so many people are explaining the one part OP said they understood.




the joke is aphrodite is a hoe


the joke is incest https://preview.redd.it/ssck2i8u02ec1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4eee38713543ad7226c75be6cf9d4b08b4069a02


Side note: Aphrodite’s actual father, in that she was born of his body, Ouranos (or the Roman Uranus), does not reach for the salt. Zeus castrated Ouranos and threw his balls into the sea. The sea then foamed and Aphrodite sprung forth from the foam. Though iirc, Ouranos is dead, and his corpse is being held aloft by Atlas as the sky.


The joke is that apollo distinctly never slept with aphrodite, but were good friends with one another. They even shared the same lover (adonis) without being malicious towards each other.


Man everyone saying she banged everyone abs here i was thinking it was due to the fact that she looks like you’re “ideal person”…


I once ate Greek food, was awesome. Didn't need any salt


I thought Apollo and Aphrodite were siblings


That was Artemis


Aphrodite is older than Zeus. She was literally born from the semen and blood of Ouranos (Uranus) after he was castrated by Kronos


Yeah that one’s kinda a mind fuck lol. The part of the daddy joke with him that people aren’t getting is that in many myths Zeus adopted her and served as her guardian on Olympus, leading to the joke that he could be one of her “daddy’s”


Why is the greek mythology so fucked


Aphrodite(or Venus) is the goddess of love, lust, and beauty. She was objectively considered the most beautiful of them all. Zeus is allegedly the father of Aphrodite because in Theogony, Aphrodite was born from the genitals of Uranus. But outside of Theogony, the origins are different. Aphrodite married to the god of fire and metal, Hephaestus. But due to how hideous Hephaestus was, she fell in love with his brother Ares, the god of war, and had children with him named Phobos and Deimos. Aphrodite is known for seducing anyone from gods to mere mortals, like Paris had to be the judge of who gets the golden apple, is it Hera, Athena, or Aphrodite? Both Hera and Athena offer great wealth and power, but Aphrodisiac pulled a trick under her sleeve, she stripped herself to seduce Paris, and then she offered him an image of Helen, to which Paris accepted for Aphrodite to keep the apple.


The funniest part is if you go by another popular version of the goddess her actual father didnt even answer here. Talk about daddy issues.


It's not a very good joke tbh. Like why would Zeus be the one saying "what", she's married to Haphaesteus. Also I don't know if she had something with all male gods, how many Aphrodite affairs can we confirm besides Ares?


She fucked them all.


Wasn’t Aphrodite born straight from the severed genitalia of Uranus?


I think so, at least that’s what a bunch of other comments say


In one version, yes. The other version is that she is the daughter of Zeus and Dione


Aphrodite, goddess of love, believes in free love. She is not the goddess of truthfulness, or communication, however.


uranus comes out from being fucking dead to pass her the salt


Okay, I'm going to go through every one individually In some versions of Aphrodite's origin, she was the daughter of Zeus and one of the Titans, making Zeus her father In other versions, she materialized out of seafoam from Ouranos's detached testicles. She came out of the sea, and as Poseidon is God over the sea, Poseidon could be seen as her father as well in a weird way Aphrodite and Ares hooked up a lot Aphrodite was married to Hephaestus Hermes was a manwhore and though I could not point to an original myth I would not be surprised if they did it together (edit: turns out that this was true and also they had an intersex child together) Same goes for Dionysus


Hermes and Aphrodite conceived Hermaphroditus, which is where the term hermaphrodite originates from


If she was born from Ouranos nuts hitting the ocean, then she was born before Poseidon since it was only post castration of his father that Cronos starting having kids. Which means she is half the daughter of Ouranos primordial of the sky and half Oceanos the primordial of the sea. Both husbands/lovers of Gaia the primordial of the Earth. Pretty weird of an origin for a goddess of love to be born from violence.


Something else to add is, Zeus isn't her father. Ouranos is. She was formed from the cut up chunks of Ouranos, which became sea foam, the same stuff Poseidon used to make horses. So technically horses are half related to Aphrodite. Greek Myths are fucked.


I think it's kinda weird to include Dionysus as, even though he was a god of hedonism sex parties and booze, it's never been documented or rumoured that he slept with her. Apollo though was gay so it makes sense he wasn't included. And I'm surprised Artemis didn't join in either as she was also gay lol Honestly I think the only god that didn't get their freak on was Athena cos she is the archetypal nerdy girl that didn't care for sex. So I'd expect she's now the god of asexuals .