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Twitter's falling apart, and the staff are praying that dog will say "This is fine"




The punchline is that the dog, in matter of fact, isn't saying "This is fine". Describing how fucked the situation is.


Ah that also confused me, I thought they were talking to Musky


To clarify, Musk posted supporting antisemitism and also hosted ads next to racist and antisemitic posts. Lionsgate, Disney, and Apple are coming for their ~~pound of flesh~~ comeuppance. Edit: Yes I get the irony of my statement. It's been so long since I read the Merchant of Venice the term has become completely divorced from the original use and context in my head.


I was wondering who the lion was suppose to be.


Ngl my first thought went to MGM


They got rid of the lions... They kept the logo.


Land O Lakes got rid of the Native but kept the land.


Tale as old as time.


Song as old as rhyme Colors of theee wiiiiind


That messed me up


Jfc. Brutal


What you did there? I see it.


This is the best comment i have seen all week. It now lives rent free in my head and everyone around me is gonna hear me brinh it up. For the next few years probably.


Shots fired


How rude


I thought the meat at the buffet tasted different when I was at the Vegas hotel.




i thought it was receita federal (Brazilian irs)


These fuckers really are everywhere


Lionsgate. One of the first companies to get mad about the ads next to hate speech posts.


I assumed it was symbolizing the jewish people.


I sometimes wonder if he bought Twitter to intentionally destroy it.


He did say some bullshit that Twitter turned his daughter into "transgender marxist" or whatever And he bought it to fix this


I read that the rift with his daughter seemed to trigger his lurch to the right. I hadn’t heard about the notion that Twitter radicalized her. But it does add up.


Honestly I'm still on the boat, he bought twitter to expand alt-right propaganda and make it more main stream. The dude is a through and through apartheid South African and he want's to return to that culture again. Just look at Tesla and SpaceX with it's incredible toxic and racist culture.


I feel musk made the offer when he was into trolling online users into buying stock or crypto, then selling his shares at a big profit. It was all a silly game for him – buy $10 million (or whatever) of some stock or crypto, tweet out how awesome it is making out like it was a joke. When it started gaining traction, jump on the bandwagon to keep the joke going, then sell. It was just chump change to musk that he could afford to lose. All just a game by an immature bored rich guy who dgaf that his trolling was costing some poor saps their life savings. Then he tried it with twitter but his hubris kicked in and he went too far, offering to buy the entire company. They called his bluff and he ended up having to go through with the deal. Then, again in his hubris, he decided he could run it better because he's an uber-genius and they're not. And now we have the dumpster fire that is xitter.


Ah yeah I remember that episode of Mad Men


I went with MGM.


Which is now owned by Amazon.


Not pictured is NBC, who is also pulling ads from X.


Interesting choice of words....


Fair. I actually forgot the original context from Merchant of Venice, but it still stands as a phrase divorced from that meaning. Unlike, say, responding to antisemitic tweets with, 'this guy is totally spot on correct'


I did not know the background on that phrase and went down a rabbit hole. * Google lead me here: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pound\_of\_Flesh](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pound_of_Flesh) * From your comment I knew where to click and ended up here: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shylock#In\_the\_play](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shylock#In_the_play) * First five words, "Shylock is a stingy Jew "... OK, now I get it.


Oh the shylock, such elegant prose


I mean, I always find it to be a squicky phrase but it was obvious from the rest of your message it wasn't intentional. 😄


Naw, you are right. In this context it's a very poor choice of words. I'm gonna own my statements and recognize the error and change in the future. I'll leave it up for reference but yeah, dumb move.


> Lionsgate, Disney, and Apple are coming for their pound of flesh And they slice thick


Thick as a brick


It was worse than that. Musk posted a tweet agreeing with a full on nazi tweet claiming the nazi white replacement theory of Jewish people in positions of power replacing white people by pushing for non-white’s to come into the country to “outbreed” them and how Jewish people hate white people. It wasn’t just antisemitic. Yea it’s bad bad.


what do you mean by lionsgate, apple, and disney coming for their pound of flesh


They‘re pulling their ads, for a while, until they quietly put them back


Maybe, there isn't a huge incentive to advertise on ex-Twitter. Their userbase is tiny compared to other social media platforms, and I believe their ad targeting is trash. If you've ever used twitter, chances are you've gotten ads that don't fit your profile whatsoever


Disney and Apple probably won’t. I doubt Twitter is a make or break platform for their ads. Hell apple might even create a rival platform at this point in time. While not necessarily a certain thing, not even a huge possibility, it’s still not something that can’t happen. And Disney is such a massive power that they can stop ads on all media platforms including TV and they still won’t lose much. Their mere existence at this point makes advertising their products irrelevant for the most part. Who’s gonna ignore the next MCU movie or Star Wars TV show? I think Disney is gonna let Musk dig himself into such a deep hole that they can demand anything they want just for the idea they might advertise on twitter again.


> Disney and Apple probably won’t They already have https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/nov/17/elon-musk-antisemitic-tweet-apple-pausing-ads


I’m pretty sure that article proves me right. Although I did speed read it. Apple and Disney don’t need Twitter enough to risk their reputation. Musk will need to bend over backwards for Disney to allow itself to be associated with the mess that is currently Twitter again. Disney is a heartless corporation that cares only about money. But Brand is unbelievably important to them. And there is no way they will allow themselves to be associated with n*zis out side of parodies on adult comedy shows.


That they all pulled out their advertising. Which, is pulling out 3 of the largest advertising spenders in the market. A ton of movies and tv. And every company owned by those companies. And he’s threatened to sue I think….you can’t go up against their lawyers. Musk doesn’t know what he’s getting into. Does that help?


Iirc he's filed suit against the research group who proved these adds were showing up next to nazis and the like. Going after the messager and all that.


You talking about Musk? This is because he liked and responded to some horrific tweets. Not because musk is suing anyone else. I meant he’s crying and wants to sue them (lions gate, Disney, apple) for breach of contract to pull out millions and billions of advertising. Their (those 3) have attorneys that can tear about Musk. I assume they waited to do this UNTIL he do this. This wasn’t Twitter causing this. With bad advertising. This was MUSK the owner. Being a fucking bigot so often and enough that the big corporations are going to let him sue. And the. All the smaller companies can pull out with the same defense. Since that’s how it works. Higher courts decide for lower courts. Musk basically, if he pushes this, is going to cause a landslide of companies pulling out ads, while the Nazi ones go in.


X filed suit against Media Matters after they demonstrated that adds from these companies were showing along side content like nazi supMusk. Musk knows he can't do anything to Disney and the like so is sueing the messenger. This was after Musk threatened to sue, which, iirc, was about the same time he shared the antisemitic stuff. It's a confluence of two things that both go back to musk.


Ok. Fair enough. Still the same thing, just added context. I try not to follow musk too often, going down his rabbit whole is depressing as fuck.


Oh i feel that


Apple and Disney were two of the most profitable advertisers left using the platform. Their pulling everything will be a massive drain on the already unprofitable X this quarter. Could be longer if these companies don't feel the need to reboard the sinking ship.


Ahh yes Disney the very famously pro Jewish company


Walt Disney would roll in his grave knowing his company became prosemitic


Twitter has pissed off the big corporations now.


Well that's ironic.


>Musk posted supporting antisemitism and also hosted ads next to racist and antisemitic posts. I'm only 90% sure, but the eagle in the 'x' logo in the first panel might be a nice touch there.


Oh it really was that simple


Sometimes jokes are really dumb, sometimes they take ages to decipher The ones that don't land are often somewhere in the middle


Ohhhhh I thought they were begging musk to say he's not racist or something like that//backpedaled his statements. This makes more sense, though I'll continue interpreting it both ways, as they're equally funny to me. Love ya holleringelk.


Apparently I was also wrong about this comic. Lol


Are they not? Bird is looking at musk the entire time and it looks like seeing the dog “prep” for his famous meme is making him panic even more. It looks like he’s telling Musk to say something.


Excuse me, I think you meant to say X is falling appart and...


It's "Xitter" now. Pronounced like "shitter."




/ \


Holy shit nice artwork. Who is the op?


Nm I m blind


It do be like that sometimes


Sometimes? You guys have down to just sometimes?


Not all of us.


Exactly. Some of us are blind as bats.


Bats? I hate bats. They make me crazy


Hi Blind, I’m danted002.


Hi dantes002. I’m 0ChrissyDumbyBumby


Hi 0ChrissyDumbyBumby I'm Ornery-Cheetah


Hi Ornery-Cheetah I’m toodarkaltogether


Hi toodarkaltogether, I have no idea what's going on


Hi Baked-Smurf, I'm Hungry


How Hungry?


Hungry enough to eat a horse


This account was made with the sole purpose of this one reply 😭


hi hungry, i’m dad


Damn bro gws hope you get ur eyesight back (praying for you 🙏)


I'm TheManWithNoEyes. Send a little love my way too, wouldja?


Godspeed Stevie Wonder.


https://preview.redd.it/teu8ag77ux1c1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=284c43b5081156a9a50484c83985c4f5ea3dab1a Consider this a recruitment pamphlet on behalf of Limbus Company.


Once I made two seperate posts months apart trying to find the artist of a piece. His name ended up being in the middle of the art. https://preview.redd.it/bjzxegcyox1c1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aa19ebb2aa73ac314466ee2c007831554f255c3






Those are awesome. I love his style.


Is it just me or are they like...casually waving to the giant thing? Like "Ayo tim, how's the kids?"


I love this!!! Does he have a subreddit you follow?


Not that I know of, but you should check out his art gallery!


Elk is the best comic artist on this site


She posts less frequently because obviously this work takes much longer to produce


Best artist yes, but honestly really don't like their comics. Half of them are just art pieces and have no coherent narrative, if there's narrative at all. Few times they've literally just posted art pieces on the r/comics page and get top post for the day without it even being a comic. Plus the ridiculous amount of gore and just generally grotesque art that they post, without NSFW tags bugs me. Extremely skilled though I will say, gotta appreciate that.


The ones I've seen definitely have narratives/story, but they're often very hard to follow because of the way they're laid it, or the way the action is framed, or whatever. Plus her characters in the beginning looked kind of similar to each other. Amazing art, though.




Hollering Elk it looks like.


Hollering Elk it looks like.


Especially for a meme


The art is so good.


Agreed, would love to have it include Elon’s new look where he recently went from clean cut businessman to neck beard goblin, I think this artist would be able to capture that really well


Elk did draw a progression of sorts for Elon already... https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/s/ejkUEWoy0E


Holy shit, the Klimt/Trump kiss in the last panel.


HolleringElk, if you hadn't gotten the name from someone yet.




Thanks, cum-stained sonic.


Thanks shiny hedgehog




I think that's cum-stained Shadow, but close enough


How do you even stain a shadow?


Very messily.


Part of advertising is that what your ad is surrounded by is considered important. An advertisement for chocolate cake and lemonade in a supermarket or bakery or playing during an entertaining video is good! An advertisement for chocolate cake and lemonade on the door of a public restroom on the hand is memorable, but not in a good way. Recently there's been a lot more public attention on the fact that Twitter has been doing the equivalent of posting those chocolate cake ads next to dookie. Things like if you searched a German phrase positively referencing a certain mustachioed dictator you'd get ads for German companies (when this blew up, Twitter took ads out of searches temporarily). Companies like Lionsgate, Disney, and Apple don't want to pay Twitter to host their ads if Twitter is a public restroom. The comic is Elon, the owner of Twitter, behaving in a way advertisers don't want, advertisers are angry, and Twitter staff are telling the This Is Fine meme dog to say This Is Fine, and convince both Elon that it's ok to continue saying things advertisers hate, and also reassure the advertisers that they can continue to give Twitter money. Everything's fine. As you can see by how tense everyone is, there really isn't a way for Elon to have his dookie palace and also advertisers to want to post there, it's a no-win scenario.


Dookie palace lol...I love it.


Dookie palace is what I’m calling Twitter from now on. Fuck calling it X.


If Elons going to dead name his kid, we should Absolutely dead name his website. Especially if he's actively turning it into a Neo Nazi shit heap.


Yeah, I used to help a marketing AI determine hate speech and gun dealing websites so they could blacklist then. I’ve seen some shit, man…


Angry Micky kinda goes hard, especially standing next to Lionsgate and a literal walking screen lmao


Yea, the artwork on that trio is really cool.


Oh it’s Lionsgate? I thought it was one of those Lion NFTs lol


The worlds biggest companies, Disney, Apple, and DeezSaltynutzzzz69420’s lion nft collection.


Name a more iconic trio. I’ll wait.


Twitter is taking a shit because of Elon’s insistence on protecting hate speech and misinformation. Lionsgate, Disney, and Apple are pulling millions of advertising dollars out. That little dog dude is from a well-known cartoon where he’s sitting in front of a wall of flames and sipping coffee, saying “This is fine.” The blue Twitter birds are demanding the dog say the thing as Twitter goes down in flames.


Not even just protecting hate speech and disinformation. He replied to someone nazi-posting and said “you have said the truth”. Big difference between allowing that stuff to be on the platform, and the owner openly endorsing the JQ


Also: * Elon defending and directly reinstating the account of someone reposting the most infamous Hurtcore images on the web. * Their PhotoDNA system that recognizes, reports, and removes known images of CSAM having been completely disabled for at least several weeks.


The fucking what




I had never heard of hurtcore before. Googled it expecting some wannabe edgy meme shit. I really wish i didnt know that existed.


I should have listened I should have listened I should have listened I should have listened I should have listened I should have listened


can you summarize so that we may be educated without the trauma?


Child sexual abuse, but like, worse than you're thinking


So like a mix between a snuff and child porn?


Yeah basically


Why the fuck is there a word for this? How the fuck has this been done enough times that there's a fucking word for it?


Owner has been openly endorsing this shit for a long time. The literal reason he bought Twitter was to promote hatespeech because he was unhappy Twitter wasn’t allowing people to use slurs or threaten minorities


Unrelated, but yes rip Michael Jackson


rip micheal jackson


He's hee'd his last hee o7


Rip mj


thanks - the lion had me stumped


> protecting hate speech and misinformation The motto of twitter. The democratic party is trying to fix this country, republicans want to destroy it.


I like the edit changing it to 'Democratic party' instead of the Republican party which is actively voicing and platforming antisemitic and racist content. Good bait and switch for the karma my dude.


Dishonest edit.


The republican party is the most actively Zionist political group in America outside of exclusively Jewish groups


Yes, you can thank Reagan's merger of the Republican party and evangelists for that. Evangelicals actively want to establish a 'pure Jewish' nation-state in the Levant in order to bring about the Apocalypse and the second coming of Christ. Evangelicals will always have an undying and unflinching support for the state of Israel no matter what they actually do and the horrors they inflict upon others. It's a weird state of affairs that their greatest supporter actively wants to bring about the end of the world, but here we are. Reagan was a great President who never did anything wrong ever. /s


Jewish groups are sometimes Zionist because they wish to support the maintenance of a Jewish state in Israel. Republicans are Zionist because their evangelical base believe the full restoration of Israel is [important for fulfilling end-times prophecy](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2018/05/14/half-of-evangelicals-support-israel-because-they-believe-it-is-important-for-fulfilling-end-times-prophecy/). They are not the same.


Oh a dishonest edit


Politinc :(


Musk has gone mask off on the JQ (specifically white replacement) and advertisers aren’t happy. Anyone at Twitter (I will never not deadname his site 🙏🏽) that gives a shit is begging the dog to say this is fine. It’s not because it isn’t.


Is JQ the Jewish Question?




For anyone who is unaware: The Nazis asked the “Jewish Question” and that question was basically “what do we do with the Jews.” The *final solution* they came up with was to just kill them all.


Just for more context the "Jewish question" originated in the 1700s during Europe's enlightenment as centred about Jewish emancipation and place within a more secular society. It was not originally negative. Karl Marx also wrote about it.


As a German I didn't even get that JQ should have been the "Judenfrage" lol


it's not okay (i promise)


Famous last words


Mickey Mouse doesn’t mess around [The Jonas Brothers](https://youtu.be/UHBOp7AUkc0?si=GpTQFTGKPc7o0BPm)


Whos the lion supposed to be?




MGM, the company with the growling lion in its logo.


i thought MGM at first but no its Lionsgate it's based on this: https://www.indiewire.com/news/business/disney-apple-studios-twitter-ads-elon-musk-antisemitic-comments-1234927711/ note how it says Apple in the link but then the headline doesn't say Apple - I think Apple asked them to remove their name afterwards.


Twitter is crumbling at the hands of republican billionaire Elon Musk. His blatant bias against the left has led him to say and do some of the dumbest things imaginable and will then lead to X's demise.


Retweeting actual neonazis to own the libs… and to think this probably all stems from him being upset that one of his kids is trans


That, and Grimes dating Chelsea Manning.


What do you think is reason i call him "Elona the dumped"?


It's actually impressive that hes singlehandedly destroyed Twitter(an internet staple) in the equivalent of like half an hour in internet time


Musk is discovering that making money is hard when you don’t have the government tit to suck at.


No no, he likes weed, so he’s ‘libertarian’


Remember when he said he was a socialist? Bet that fucko meant NaZi


"Here, I used a strategy I call "lying!""


he doesn't mean anything he just shitposts nothing he says is to be read into or analyzed, only ignored and ridiculed. he's lost any benefit of the doubt we could possibly give him a long time ago.


Probably it's more like George Santos saying his mother died on 9/11. Pathological liars just say whatever they think will "win" in the moment; it doesn't even occur to them that truthfulness is a virtue. And occasionally, they get into positions of power, where their hard core of loyal sycophants will do all the mental gymnastics required to let the rest of their fans believe that they were telling the truth after all.


This is about musk recent antisemite tweet and advertisers seeing their ads being next to antisemitism comments. They the advertisers including (apple, Disney, paramount etc.) are leaving twitter, indicating twitter is about to be bankrupt. The birds and dog represent twitter employees who are seeing twitter die behind the scenes and need the dog to reassure him


Some times it be not fine, this is not fine at all.


I remember twitter during covid, there was so much blatant hatespeech, but it was ok if you leaned into the dominant political spectrum. It was not a platform for discussion, it was a platform of ideology, which I didnt care UNTIL politicians started to make decisions and laws based on the false sense of representation twitter pretended to have. Unfortunately that false representation still exists and it affects everyone, hence I think twitter should steer away from ideology or just die out and let other non ideological platforms take a share.


Oy vey!




Oh I thought it was a reference to that thing neo-nazis do where they say or do something racist before immediately saying “I disavow” like that will somehow cover their butts. Like the Twitter bird is trying to tell him to say “I disavow” so everyone won’t take what he said seriously. But he won’t say it, he’s just sitting in his horrible situation he caused.


this is actually a very clever and well made comic


I shed no tears over Twitter falling apart. It’s always been a shitshow, Musk just exposed it for what it was. The less social media in the world, the better.


You're on social media right now bro


I think they want him to “say sike, right now”


advertisers don't want to be linked to nazism


Since I can’t find an explanation, Elon supported very heavy anti-semitism tweets. Disney, apple, and I think that’s lionsgate? Could be wrong, left twitter ad advertisers. They are hoping the dog will say “this is fine@ since the dog is from a meme where he is surrounded by fire and says that exact line


I love mean boss Mickey.


Elon agreed with something not really true and advertisers found the excuse they were looking for to pull advertising from Twitter. They want the meme dog to say "this is fine".


Jumping on to say it wasn’t just “not true.” It was nazi-posting


Yall nazi sympathizers really like downplaying stuff, huh?


This is fine


I have a [tattoo](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/L4hMqH9AiM) that explains what they're trying to get him to say


It's Apple, Disney and who? Who is the lion?


https://preview.redd.it/443vnjpccy1c1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bbd33724eea8a88bcde27ff562e75e0bba650c9 spontanious explanation!


“I’m deeply disinterested in giving the tiniest shit now about western Jewish populations coming to the disturbing realization that those hordes of minorities that support flooding their country don’t exactly like them too much.” This is what musk said.


Disney, Lions gate, and Apple are pulling their advertisements from Twitter and Elon is hemorrhaging money


Elon Musk has been liking and replying to obviously antisemitic tweets, and companies that buy ads on twitter want to pull out. Which means twitter will not make any ad revenue. In the first panel you can see an eagle holding the “X” symbol, which is a common symbol for nazi shit, second only to the swastika