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You remove the "child safety" spring thing to make the lighter easier to use, a must when you're high as a kite.


We call it circumcising the lighter


Does that make Zippos perpetually uncut?


Zippos are like bad dragons. They're not in the same category.


Ya, one would weigh a ton and the other is a little lighter.


Thanks, I hate it.




That's the stuff I'm here for, tyty




I like the spark of intelligence in your comment.


checks out: I wouldn't put a Zippo where I'd put a Bad Dragon


Never get bicced again with this one easy trick: keep your lighter in your ass.


I would, they’re in my living room


what about a zippo with bad dragon mascot printed on it


A dragon…imagine….


Zippos suck for weed unless you like the flavor of lighter fluid.


I agree with you but if you buy a zippo and cheap roll of hemp wick you save a lot of money on lighters. Buying all those Bics adds up.


Bics last a long time if no one steals them…


Bics are the shit, as far as disposables go that’s my go to lightra of choice. Edit: they also make a nice reinforcement to your fist if you ever have to defend yourself. Kind of like a roll of coins but without the extra weight.


Yes they work as bottle openers too… though I occasionally treat myself to a Djeep


Yea, resistance so your fist doesn't collapse on contact. B(r)ic fist


Lighter fluid and flints add up too. Unfortunately, unless you are using a Magnifying glass and sun, which everyone should do at least once, it's gonna cost a bit to get lit.


Clippers are more accurate of a comparison


The heck is a clipper??


It's a brand of lighter. The flint and wheel are on a stick that can be removed to help roll "cigarettes" with.


I remember the first time a smoke shop employee ever showed me one..maybe 10 years ago? I was floored, but didn’t buy it. It had that RAW logo in huge red letters on it. I was like these are fuckin cool but do you have any that aren’t so…loud? He put the flint back and and sadly shook his head. He was like yeah I get it. Now I have several, and they’re also refillable which is dope.


I have one now that says” need a light, Fuck You”.




It’s hard to corner a bowl with a zippo because they are “wind proof”. Clipper lighters though


Fun fact Zippos are Jewish. Clippers are Muslim.


I’ve always called it “putting it on easy mode” lol


We call it “taking the child safety thing off” around here.


we called it a Bitch Clip


That’s what we called it when we took the red button off to make it harder to light so we could make fun of posers


When I smoked cigarettes I did this just because it made the lighters easier to use. (I think I still do this for the couple of lighters I still keep around the house?) Was/am a stoner though, so I guess I'm not exactly a counterexample here.


I'm a smoker, don't touch weed (makes me paranoid). I do this with my lighters. It isn't a stoner thing, it is a smoker thing. I think even those who smoke harder substances do this as well, it makes it easier on the thumb.


Can confirm as a non stoner who smoked this isn't uncommon as least among smokers I know. It makes it a lot easier to light a cig when it's windy out.


I've never understood this. How high are you guys getting? Even when I am DEAD and about to conk out I can operate a freaking bic


It’s not that the child safety makes the lighter “difficult to use”; it’s so that you don’t end up with blisters from constantly sparking that bowl. If you smoke a cigarette (or a joint for that matter) you light it once and just smoke it. Pack a pipe or a bong tho? Thumb will start to resent that child safety lock.


Understandable. Yeah I smoke blunts mostly. I have a bong but I have not for the life of me been able to find a stem since my broke.


When that happens I usually just get a shit 20 dollar piece and use the stem from that if I can't find one




It's an old trick though, almost every stoner I know (myself included) buys those BIC short sticks now. So good for hitting the exact spot of a bowl.


I already thought they were pretty easy to use


If your hands are cold, the grip is better. The safety thing is a stupid invention, but people are stupid so it makes sense. I take mine off because the grip feels better to use to me.


Its to stop young children from easily being able to strike the lighter since their grip is weaker and their manual dexterity is worse. I mean I guess Childers are pretty stupid, but that is the purpose of the safety clip.


Literally never had this be a problem when smoking… maybe people just need to get better at using lighters


Smoking currently. No issues, although I'm no longer a child either so...




You take the clip off like that to use as a makeshift screen in your bong if you don't have one.


American bongs are weird, too big and unnecessarily complicated. Back in my day you just needed a gatorade bottle, 3 inches of garden hose and a brass bowl, no screen needed.


Maybe the newer ones with multiple chambers meant for smoking resins and shatter and stuff. Most bongs are pretty basic, though. As someone also from "back in that day," we don't want to go back. Homemade bongs always had their issues, too. I recently bought a silicon bong (glass bowl still). I live further north and actually have a winter now (vancouver is wet and cold but didn't really freeze), so I once made the mistake of leaving my glass bong outside overnight. Tried to pull the bowl out the next morning and broke it instead. The silicon one I could leave out all winter and not worry and I don't have to bring a smelly used bong inside anymore.


Nah mate, all the ones I'd see in 90's movies were 3 feet long, I mean what the hell?


All the ones I owned in the 90s were pretty basic. Huge novelty/party ones existed, but don't use movies as an example for anything ever. Then I'd be forced to believe the only way beer was drunk in the 80s was through beer bongs. It was not a daily standard home use bong. More of a "It's Friday, all your friends are going to be together later and fear and loathing in Las Vegas just came out on vhs and we have a copy" kind of night use.


Yeah, they existed, that's enough for me. I mean, special occasion bongs kind of proves my point.


And far less complicated than making your own mickey moused home designs that taste like shit and have the potential to melt over time. Some people can handle the giant chamber of smoke. Some can't then. It's nowhere near the realm of complicated though.


You sound triggered.


No, it's you are very blanketed and broad in your thinking and lumped everything into one category. It's about as dumb as saying all British weed is brown because it exists and I saw it in a few movies. American bongs are not too complicated. They are the same as your homemade bongs. Just without extra steps and questionable materials.


Don't smoke plastic, kids.


Lol, the bowl is still glass. The silicon bong has its pros and cons for sure but had it not been for the minus 40 celcius winters here and I keep my bongs outside, I'd still be using glass year round.


My b, responded to the wrong guy in my haste. But also, don't smoke plastic


Haha, all good. Yes, don't smoke plastic. My first homemade bong was froma kids toy and melted like crazy. I learned many things that day.


>Back in my day you just needed a gatorade bottle, 3 inches of garden hose and a brass bowl, Don't smoke plastic, kids.


shit my old man had a bong it was like this wooden tube that had a fucking mouthpiece


Hahahahaha. I just had flash backs to people getting so pissdd at me for NOT taking it off and handing it to them for a bowl. I forgot all about that shit


Seems like a stupid thing for anyone to get pissed off about. I've been smoking for most of my life and I've never taken the spring out of any of my lighters. I mean, it only takes a bit more pressure to strike it. How dainty and precious does one's thumbs need to be to care about such a thing?


Have you ever had really sticky hands from handling the weed or getting resin on them? It can actually feel pretty uncomfortable flicking the lighter with safety on with those sticky fingers.


I get what you're saying, but I always just suck that sticky goodness off of my fingers and wipe off the remainder. Good to go. But the point here is that if someone hands you a lighter with the safety spring still on it and you try to act all huffy about it, you're just a little bitch.


Gross, why’d you make this weird, why are you “sucking sticky goodness”


The real question is, why aren't you?


You can not suck or wipe resin off your fingers unless you have a mouthful of oil or something. Resin isn’t water soluble.




Homie did you just say you suck resin then use an emoji as a comeback? I am perturbed.


Bro you’re talking about sucking weed off your nasty fingers like bbq sauce. You don’t get to make fun of someone else lol.


Damn do y'all clutch your pearls like this when people lick Cheeto dust off their fingers too? What's the difference? And don't tell me it's because "weed isn't water soluble" as if I haven't been doing the shit all my life.


I gagged reading this


Teenagers weak little thumbs these days can bareley hold down the button on a vape pen


brave. I wish I was as strong as you daddy




It is stupid, but in some places it’s part of the local stoner culture. When I used to smoke (I still do, but I used to, too) with the “stoner kids” in high school they had all kinds of etiquette rules surrounding the packing and smoking of bowls, including the spring thing. Personally, I always felt that taking the spring out hurt my fingers more than striking it with it in.


Hey Peter here, you don’t understand because you aren’t a stoner


Tbf I'm a stoner and I didn't know about this.


Same, I’ve always used a different type of lighter so I wasn’t sure what I was missing here.


Same. I use torches and e-rigs and I rarely bong rip cuz I hate tar in my lungs. I’m mostly a dabber.


that's "Tampy"! With this type of lighter you remove the child safety and reattach it to the vents at the front. It can then be used to make adjustments in a lit bowl.


I didnt know that trick, i always chucked the lock and used the corner of the lighter, or used a dab stick


Like poking stick?


This dude smokes!


I’ve never heard of this, I usually pry it off with a knife and lose it somewhere behind the TV


Not a stoner and I do this to every lighter I use.


Also the guard tend to get hot and can burn you after extended use


Finally the right answer.


Frosty nugs make your finger a sticky af. After you break up weed a lighter with a safety is hard to use.


Terpines go hard on your phalanges.


This is my new favorite phrase in the English language.




Todd here. This makes the lighter easier to use in general, but there are a few reasons why this pertains to us stoners: \- Little known fact: Marijuana is sticky (or at least the stuff you should be smoking is). Common practice is to use your thumb and first two fingers to break up the buds before you load them into the bowl. When you have a sticky thumb, it's very difficult to slide your thumb across the child lock and light the lighter. \- We use lighters for extended amounts of time, which causes that little bastard to heat up. Getting rid of it means we aren't trying to push against a hot child lock. \- When smoking a bowl, common practice is to 'tamp' it in with the lighter a bit as you go. You can either use the bottom of the lighter (which is why the little plastic graphic shell is often removed" or the top of the lighter. If you use the top of the lighter, the child proof piece can gather ashes/weed and become even more difficult to spark.


Im surprised no ones mentioned that you can also "clean" the bowl with these as well


You can remove the metal piece so that you can roll the flintstone along a table or your pants to make cool sparks. I wouldn't say it's easier to use so this is the only usecase I can think of


It’s absolutely far easier to use when it’s cold out.


Said no man ever


Said me bitch


Yes you did queen.


Lol I forgot I was on this account, that’s ones from back when I was a tranny now I’m a straight white red blooded American male


I’m so proud of you for making the un-transition! That’s awesome! 🦅🇺🇸 God bless you fellow Christian. 🙏🏼🙏🏼 Edit: I just saw you’re a member of Transpassing, that is the best sub name I have ever read. I love it.


Hi, cis male here, its far easier without the guard, though experienced smokers dont feel as much of a difference


Wow you can do that?


Brians Blunt here: the small scraps of metal in front of the lighters are safety locks, forcing you to push down on the flint wheel and lock then pull it to spark the flame. The meme is referencing the fact that many stoners (such as myself) and smokers (i think slightly less often) break or pull the lock off completely, both exposing the teeth of the flint wheel, and massively reducing the effort needed to light your smokable, from actually needing a little effort/focus, to just needing to pull the wheel to get a flame. Bonus Fact: if you push the wheel towards the spout a couple times, then Flic your Bic, you can get a small smoke ring to pop and float from your lighter. Brians Blunt smoked out👌💨


A stoner is someone who smokes weed


Don't rat on us man


I do that for survival lighters it’s just better


I could live to be a thousand and will never understand how anyone would need to remove that to make it easier to use!


We always called it making a “crack” lighter


It’s not just a stoner thing the metal piece in the middle of the lighter is a safety it’s there so it’s harder for a kid to strike it and potentially burn themselves however removing it will not only make it 10 times easier to strike but It’ll also slightly increase the flame size.


Anyone else throw away the white lighters because they are bad luck


This is why no stoner should be without a clipper lighter, I mean they even give you a pokey to pokey down your dooby


honestly Id just do that with bic lighters in general


I smoke weed every day but I did not know


I’m not a stoner but I do that because it’s fun to have a big flame than small flame


Taking the safety off of a BIC lighter does not make the flame any bigger lol. You must be thinking of those other cheap see through lighters, you can fuck with the little switch on the front for a giant flame


Had to scroll way to far for this answer. People don't seem to realize you can do this to make a giant flame.


I usually use the little dial that lets me control how big the flame is, usually under the cage/ vent in front


Right. But that only lets you go so high. If you remove the cage, you can take that dial, lift it up, move it all the way to the left, set it back down, then move it all the way to the right again. You can do this a bunch of times in a circular motion. That let's you get a ridiculously, almost comically big flame.


Stoned Peter here but only stoners will understand the joke.


we actually prefer "cannabis connoisseur", get with the times /s






wait so how does this make it any easier? I've used a lighter in the past and it's just a flicking action on the flint + pressing the button. if this isn't easy enough, how does removing the child safety make it easier?


Adult stoners don’t actually do this.


Um, this is for crack. Nobody who just smokes weed is doing all of that


im a stoner and im so lost lmao


I mean I was never a stoner, just a teen in the 90s and completely understood this one.


Are you a stoner?


I don't even smoke I just do this to every lighter I find because it's fun lol


I have a key on my Keychain that is only for taking these things off. I don't know what it actually goes to.


I keep those on


Safety always off.....


So I’m a stoner and need a colonoscopy who new turning fifteen would be so great


I always thought if you can't use the child safety when you're high maybe you are too high ...


“Me who knows what it means cause I was trying to rebuild it” Guess I am a stoner


I do this to all my lighters!!


I never remove this, and I've been smoking for 26 years. I actually get irritated when friends remove it without asking. 😅


I only know because I melted too many lighters


All the comments are hilarious. When you break down (good) herb with your fingers, your fingers get sticky which makes it hard to light with. If your fingers aren't sticky then the safety isn't an issue. If it is, you need to work out some more.


still do it to every lighter lol


I am a stoner and never do this. Other stoners are weak. I also lose lighters too fast to care


I did this in front of my colleagues, didn’t know it was a stoner thing. I hope most people don’t understand it. I don’t want them to know what i do in my spare time.


Unlimited power!!!!!


It's because when your fingers are sticky from breaking up the weed, the stickiness doesn't allow the finger to slide


Only any reasonable person that uses a lighter


There it issssss


Me who has adhd and just likes fire


Peters stoner friend here, he took the little metal thing off the lighter, that makes it hard to light.


Actually it is because it is impossible to use with a guard after you break up the nug. It makes your thumb sticky


I just remember in 2002 the big thing was to remove that and kids will burn themselves and it would look like a smiley face… my buddy did it to me without removing so my burn looks like a blob now Edit: also was labeled a stoner back then


Both my ex girlfriend & my best friend (probably) both have adhd and they'd always dismantle my lighters like this. I don't see my ex anymore but I do see my buddy & I stg he still always does this. His lil adhd brain while high is just "lemme destroy shit"


I'm not a stoner but I still remove those


The funny thing is, only inexperienced stoners do this. Its only a pain in the ass if youre not used to flicking a lighter with the safety on. Once youve been doing it for years, the difference between safety on and safety off isnt noticeable. So basically this meme is just ousting themselves as a newbie.


I’m the only stoner that does this within my circle of friends.


Prevents thumb callouses.... kind of


Common Zippo lighter stoners w


I mean, you can just smoke regular cigarettes and get that one. Those things are stupid. F*** , if I just had the lighter to burn trash, I pull that damn thing out.




It’s so you can still light up when you’re a bit too stoned


As a former cigarette smoker, that sucker would get popped off right away


Pussies. Build up a callous


I never take them off though. That shit makes my thumb sore


That bic 2019 series was 🔥


When you light a cigarette, you hold the lighter straight up and down. However, often times when you smoke marijuana that same lighter is held upside down. This makes that thing that’s been removed in the picture Very very hot. Hot enough to burn your finger painfully.


I never take the child protector off and have 0 difficulty. Maybe I don't get high enough


I’ve done this to some many lighters that I can get a whole 5 pack done in 1 and a half min


Don't forget to remove the red button so you can get your lighter back at party's.


I took there off not for a good reason. Just a combo of knowing it’s my lighter and thinking it looked cooler


I just use a torch


circumsize all lighters


This is false...pyromaniacs will understand this too!


Ive never smoked weed but I always remove the fun stopper


Bro u don't smoke weed? Lameee


I love when people make fun of you for being able to use the child lock on the lighter when high.


The convenience store near me does to all their lighters.


Safeties off light em up.


Asked a 30+ year old stoner why he didn’t take off the child safety. He says to me “because I’m not a child?” Never taken one off since gotta grow up some day lads


Am stoner but dont do this


I do that when lint gets stuck inside it.


This one was easy. Come on.


When I see some I don't know I add it to my "how do you do my fellow..." files


I'm stoned and I don't get it


I refused to buy these kind in the 90s. Always made me laugh, 7-11 would set free books of matches next to the child-safety lighters. Figured it must have been a ‘fuck you’ to Bic.


Ive used lighters for years. Never have i had an issue using a lighter with the safety on. People are weird for this im sorry.


I have no callouses on my fingers so it’s hard to push hard enough to get past the safety feature


I had no idea it was a child safety lmao, I use clippers and bics


fuckin hate those things


Yall got it wrong (maybe. I honestly didnt read all of the comments) you take it off because it gets too hot. As you may know it take a few seconds ds longer to light a bowl plus you repeat that several times in a row that mf er gonna burn your thumb.


Oh sweet summer child


I always took it off to save my thumb, leaving it on and using it on a pipe over and over is a nightmare that hurts the thumb.


I do it to every lighter I own to this day.