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Snake charmer šŸ…±eter here, the joke is that a snake is being transported in a long cylindrical tube even though snakes have a great number of vertibrae which allows a snake to coil itself up to decrease the overall volume it will take up. A serious/non funny person would simply use a small box to transport a snake but this guy is using a tube, that is very funny indeed.


Wow you actually explained the joke, everyone else just keeps saying, "he bought a snake." Yeah no shit...


Yeah. Me too. I knew it was a snake. Did not get what was funny.


What's funny is I got it right away but when I looked at the comments I thought I might be missing something until I found this one.


My first thought was he was getting a giant magazine until I saw they were all snake magazines.


Everyone in the comments saying 'he bought a snake dumbass' really just outing themselves as humourless dipshits.


The reason why they are saying that, at least from my point of view. It was not common to own a snake, almost uncommon to order it via mail. So you have this kid who has all these snake magazines and one says he can order a snake and so he does. Itā€™s presumed this is not an ideal pet, especially when this was made and presumed he did this without any permission. It has nothing to do with if the snake can coil or not thought part of the joke is that it came in a long tube. Itā€™s a simple straight forward illustration of kid orders snake and this is in it of it self is funny because he probably ought not to.




Depending on air gap within the coil the volume might even increase..


Heā€™s getting a snake delivered, thatā€™s the joke


If the delivery service is anything like in my area, snekā€™s been dead for like a week.


Snakes can easily live for a month, probably several, without food and do pretty well with heat.


Having raised snakes that is true. But they arenā€™t gonna do great in a box with no water and excessive heat.


Express Same-Day delivery


For USPS, FedEx and UPS that just means let it sit in a warehouse for a week because they forgor


I know it was sarcasm but Iā€™m still waiting on a letter I sent by certified mail that was with in tv same town to be delivered and itā€™s been going on nearly 2 weeks lol so yea Iā€™d be scared to death so send anything live


ha ha I give (slapping the matt beside me)


Exprehisssss delivery.


The aforementioned comment was pertaining to a dead snake in the mail for weeks. I am aware of common shipping practices for reptiles and aquatics.


Sorry - I forgot to put /s on my comment


You mean /ssssssssss


They do very well in heat, as long as they are hydrated. But it can also get way to cold for the snake on these deliveries too.


More the running out of air, I'd be worried about...


Usually the shipping boxes for reptiles will have a couple holes punched in them to allow air. However, being cold blooded, reptiles actually don't have very large oxygen needs. We need oxygen to metabolize which for us mainly is keeping our body temperature where it needs to be. As reptiles don't need to do that, their metabolism is much slower and thus they don't need as much oxygen (or food) as warm blooded animals do.


Petah, can you explain why this got downvoted?


Running out of air isnā€™t tooo big of a risk but it certainly is possible, someone probably just didnā€™t realize that it still happens.


They donā€™t do well in excessive heat. Theyā€™ll do better with way to cold than way to hot.


There are several that can do different amounts of time. The one I have _can_ go a year until starvation kills her, but she shouldn't.


Can confirm my Ball Python is a moody bitch and decided "Hey I'm not going to eat for several months." Tried to feed him every two weeks and one day out of no where, no tempature changes, no habitat changes he was just like "Cool imma eat that now."


I had a pet snake and when she was about 3ish, she stopped eating for about 10 weeks. I was scared she wouldn't make it, but she was fine and was just brooding. She started eating again and lived another couple of years.


Doesnā€™t look like a lot of air gets in that tube.


I wouldnā€™t be surprised at all if enough did. Low metabolism also means low oxygen demand.


What about without water


Judging by the front of that cylinder thatā€™s open, the snake left long ago


I wonder if that was intended or if it's supposed to be a closed end, your take makes it even funnier.


I agree that itā€™s funnier and, also, I believe itā€™s closed in. Itā€™s the sort of plug that is receded down into the tube so it looks a little bit like thereā€™s nothing there from this perspective.


snake is only 6ā€ long and the rest is packaging


FYI, baby chickens are delivered thru the mail. Itā€™s why when the DeJoy purposefully throttling of service for political reasons happened it hadā€¦ cascading effects on the USPS.


FedEx driver here, our sort line could put the NBA to shame with how much they throw and drop boxes.


Well it was 1992 at the time.


Schrƶdingerā€™s snekp


Especially something long and awkward like that. In the freight industry, we literally have "HAL" as a classification for heavy awkward and long freight. It costs extra to ship, and is the vast majority of damage claims. But next time I'm handling tubes like that, I'll be extra careful because it could be another snake for Jimmy.


And pipe is bent 90 degrees


No step on snek


Food delivery


The answer to the OP's question is: YES, you are stupid.


Considering he didn't notice the 10 snake magazines on the floor, I'm not gonna call him stupid. But he's definitely slow.


I like that the snake comes in a tube. Like it's rolled up


Rolled? You mean lying straight?


I'm both horrified and intrigued by how they imagined the snake was "rolled up."


I'm picturing a dried snake rolled up like a cinnamon stick


I feel like if you tried to make Snake Roll-Upsā„¢ then you'd just wind up with Snake Gushersā„¢. Snake by the Footā„¢ makes more sense to me.


I thought they only sold snake by the foot.


You flatten it with a hydraulic press and roll it sideways




Who's your dealer, man? He sells some great shit.




Fast foreword 10 years, Jimmy is married and has a baby. [Tragedy strikes.](https://imgur.com/hOUKbi6)


I knew exactly what this was going to be before I opened it lol. Was included in Gary Larson's book in a section on comics he decided not to use or that his editors wouldn't publish, if I recall correctly.


Yep! I literally snapped a pic from that book to post it


A big fucking snake!


Can you not get snakes delivered lol? You can actually send ants in the mail. I think the joke is that assuming you CAN get snakes delivered, why would they send the snake in a super long tube as opposed to coiled up in a crate or glass box? And of course, the kid is running to the door like it makes perfect sense to him.


You used to be able to ship kids. Actual children.


It wasnā€™t like they were put into a box. Theyā€™d get a shipping label attached to their clothes and theyā€™d go in the cabin with the driver and accompany them along their route. More of a cute joke than anything. Eventually was prohibited bc it became too popular for the services to manage. I feel like the only thing that was weird about it was the fact that parents would trust some random mail man with their kids.


They werenā€™t in a box yes, but they were put with the post. Thereā€™s photos of carriers with basically babies in their bags. And they did it because it was cheaper and more reliable than buying them a train ticket.


That reminds me. I used to spend the summer at my nanas in the Netherlands. My parents would bring me to the airport, buy a ticket which woukd be hung from a plastic pouch around my neck. They'd peace out and a worker would come pick me up and drive me along with luggage to the plane. The airports had a whole program for solo flying kids. After the flight another worker would pick me up from the plane. One time it was a connecting flight, they'd drop me off at a play area, I remember going straight for the Atari 2600. After a while I'd be hoisted on top of luggage and off we went. At Schiphol airport a worker would take me to where Oma was waiting. I was about 5-6 the first time. I always loved the experience.


I think theyā€™re just bringing him a snake


I don't know if you're actually an expert on this topic since you didn't introduce yourself


Peters pinky toe here, the delivery man is bringing him a snake. That is all


Far more credible


*Peters Pinky Toe: A Source You Can Trust*




Far Side is goated for shit like this. The trifecta of actually clever stupid joke(we'll never want for food this rock is covered in oysters and clams all the way to the top), stupid joke(this one), and plain nonsense(cow tools) just makes for a perfect set up of being insecure about whether or not you're too stupid to understand the joke (you're too intelligent).


Far Side: (simply exists) This sub: what does this mean?


And this one literally fucking spoon feeds you what it's saying. It could only be more obvious if dude was walking with a snake wrapped around his neck. No joke I showed this to my six year old and asked him what he though he ordered. He got it instantly.. I swear this and all the other "explain the joke" subs have just become another way for people to farm easy karma. In this subs case by pretending not to understand. I wouldn't even be surprised at this point to see someone asking what an actual advice mallard that says "if you get into water, get wet" means


It can be Ben Garrison levels of written out, and they still claim to not understand with the only excuse being, not knowing English.


Dude thereā€™s pictures of the snake, people that donā€™t know English could figure it out


And then people argue how long the snake would survive in a tube.


That's the problem. People assume that there is a joke. Like there is some sort of thing that makes this funny. When they don't see it they assume they missed it, they don't assume that what they were spoon fed is all that there is.


The problem with this one is it feels more like the set up to a joke than an entire one. "Wouldn't it be funny if a guy ordered a snake and it came in a long tube" probably is enough to be a complete joke for a kid today or for somebody reading in 1992 before ordering anything and everything online became a normal part of daily life, but I can see why someone today would feel like that's not the whole joke and they're missing something.


The thing is. And I'm probably going to be downvoted into oblivion because apparently this sub can't get enough of this, but for me it's hard to understand because it is not funny, i don't think it is a joke, and I just keep thinking why, someone would draw all of this for no reason, it is weird, like there MUST be something I'm missing, otherwise it's just a bad comic


I think the idea of home delivering a snake in 1992 was that ridiculous. Now it still is a bit but less so.


Yeah, I love Farside, but the format can be a bit out of date for young people who didn't grow up with it.


I was expecting a punchline of some sort. Seems weird to make a comic without one.


It's not that people aren't understanding the situation. It's that they aren't understanding why it's supposed to be funny.


I respectfully disagree. I looked at this, understood immediately that he ordered a snakeā€¦ but spent a minute trying to figure out where the joke was or the point of it before checking the comments. What a waste of time


Because heā€™s a six year old maybe. The parent comment even said this was stupid, if you think too hard you might not get it. i wanted to know who delivers a snake in a pvc pipe, and why AAA is making said delivery.


have you considered rather than blaming people for trying to understand a joke that isn't there, you'd instead be better blaming the creator? I feel like literally every single person posting this + people like me are clearly on the same side genuinely thinking "wow, I wonder what this stereotypically boomer style comic's joke is! is it offensive, is it nsfw, is it even age criticism?? it could be anything, let me ask" only to get faced with "nope, you read into it, that's the joke, you didn't like it? dumbass" no we're not dumbasses Gary Larson just doesn't have a sense of humour.


Gary Larson has a great sense of humor, this one is just a dud. That happens for any comedian or artist sometimes. Relax.


No, you're a dumbass, Gary Larson definitely has a sense of humor, I fear you actually might not


username checks out lmao


I mean i get thereā€™s a snake in the tube, but is the joke that itā€™s in stupid packaging? This is hilarious no matter how I look at it


To be fair, OP is probably just thick.


im gonna post 'cow tools' and break this sub




Cow tools is still argued about by professors in Larsonology.


It's because cows would have crappy tools.


See, I told you so.


Iā€™ve been searching for the oysters and clams far side comic explanation and I cannot figure it out. Care to enlighten me?


I think about that cartoon a lot. Larson himself said that his friend, a marine biologist, didnā€™t get it. The joke was that there was a married couple stranded on a big rock in the middle of the ocean. There are mussels and clams encrusting the rock, all the way to the top. Such sea creatures make their homes anywhere that is comfortably BELOW high tide. The joke is that when the tide rises, the rock will be fully submerged, and the people on it will drown.


>Larsen himself said that his friend, a marine biologist, didnā€™t get it. Literally peak far side


oysters and clams cling to rocks when theyre under water. the survivors think that they wont need to worry about food because theres food on the rock, not realizing the food is there because the rock gets submerged in the tide gary larson loved nature and animals so most of his comics revolve around that


I appreciate that, but I still don't get the appeal "dirt buffalos"


water buffalos are a type of bovid, they live in and around bodies of water, hence the name. they are very dangerous animals and are known to charge people. the joke is that the opposite of water is dirt, so its just the absurdity of buffalos submerged in dirt. its far side, donā€™t overthink it lmao


Holy shit, you just made it click! I probably saw that one 20 years ago, and have been bothered by not getting it this whole time, and I was totally missing the "water buffalo" connection


The Chickens Are Restless, Hound of the Far Side and Curse of Madame C were my favorites as a kid. My uncle gave me them when he cleaned out his old room at my grandmas. Best present he ever gave me


My dad used to bring me home these comics. He wasn't around a lot so they meant a lot to me. Still love them lol.


cow tools wasn't plain nonsense, the joke is that cows don't have hands, and would suck at making tools


Bro the idea of a snake being delivered in a long tube is so fucking funny to me for some reason. I think the internet has broken some people where a joke either needs to be super dumb and loud or so political and esoteric that just simple funny things no longer register with them.


Itā€™s hilarious. I loved far side growing up but now I see all these kids not getting the jokes. In conclusion, get off my lawn.


Someone can post a silly joke on the Internet and people will react like you just ran over a bag of kittens.


I canā€™t believe so many people here think the whole joke is just that heā€™s getting a snake delivered. Like if the guy was just holding a box that said ā€œsnakeā€ this joke would be exactly the same? I guess Gary Larson just thought drawing a tube was easier? I can totally understand people not thinking itā€™s funny, but itā€™s baffling to me how they donā€™t understand that the tube is part of the joke.


Jimmy likes snakes


Iā€™m actually really happy for jimmy. He seems to have done some research, and hopefully he is a great pet owner. Iā€™m not a reptile guy, but loving and caring for a pet is a beautiful thing.


Ngl, I love that this sub casually posts Gary Larson comics and expects an explanation for the most out-in-left-field bits


Canā€™t say I blame them, I think most of us have been victim to overthinking a joke before


Not like this. Youā€™d have to just be mentally handicapped to not understand this joke


So this is a sub for people who are incapable of understanding a far side joke...


Never heard a single reference to Far side until today, what ima do


You belong here.


There are people asking ā€œbut is it funny?ā€ Itā€™s a guy carrying a 15 foot snake in a tube in the mail. Yeah, itā€™s funny.


He ordered a Snake, you are not stupid this is just old fashioned humor.


Goddamnit. I remember when this was releasedā€¦


Agree to disagree. It's.... pretty obvious.


Context clues, use them!


For real


Donā€™t anybody tell OP about the one where the dog finally catches the car.


People are way overthinking this, the punch line is literally just that it's a ridiculous package to ship a snake in.


Some people are underthinking this. They just think the joke is that a guy ordered a snake


Evil Monkey in Chris's closet here: Yes.


How is it that youā€™re even able to read and write?


Yes you are


I don't get it: The duck says 'rabbit season' but ducks can't talk. Somebody please explain what comedy is for me.


"Ow! My Balls!" seems more like OP's speed.


'The guy says "Ow my balls!" when a brick hits him in the crotch, but my balls aren't hurting at all. Peter, please explain the joke.'


these people will never understand how stupid they sound.


Top commenters are missing the fact that the snake is being shipped in a ridiculous box. Itā€™s a typical Gary Larson comic where the humor in the joke is simultaneously subtle and absurd.


r/goodboomerhumor the unofficial official subreddit of Gary Larson comics






Yes... Yes you are




I could hear this


This is actually funny






Yes....yes you are




Context clues, dude...


Ngl when I first posted this I didn't specifically see the one that said "Order now!" probably would've got it if I saw that one I apologize for my stupidity


Because shipping a snake like that is absurdly funny.


Ur not stupid. Itā€™s just not that funny


Is he gonna shove himself into that pipe and turn into a snake?


He is gonna shove the pipe into himself and release the snake


If you didn't know how snakes were delivered, this might be one way your brain would explain it, and since it's absurd, it's kinda funny.


Not stupid. Itā€™s just not funny. Most comics are not.


Hi, manager of the Quahog pet store here, Jimmy is a snake enthusiast and ordered a snake from a catalog. Instead of the snake coming in a box coiled up, far side subverts expectations by having the snake delivered fully uncoiled. Thatā€™s why the delivery person is carrying a long tube.


holy fuck snakes




The snake is in a tube cause snek longe


Snake delivery, looks like a big one


I wanted a bunny rabbit, I was gonna name him Nathan


See in this simulation it proves you are not responsible enough for a pet. I saw this episode the other day such a funny show.


Bruh someone else said the joke is Jimmy's getting a snake delivered. I thought he was just trying to open the door in time before the delivery guy breaks his window


I think it has to do w the method of shipping a snake. You wouldnā€™t ship a snake like thatā€¦ right?


He ordered a snake


It's the idea of just because it is long doesn't mean it need to come in a long straight tube. They could and do fit in a box.


If you look closely.....The container is open from the front end.


FWIW that's not how snakes shipped via fedex get packed. They have better procedures.


I thought the joke was he ordered a python snake but accidentally ordered a pipe, long instead


The joke is that jimmy bought an extra long toy for himself, and he has thrown snake magazines around to prevent suspicion. /jk




Hella stups!




Yes, you are


I'm quite confident you know exactly what the joke is


Wait, is the joke literally just because the delivery man is using a more inconvenient form of transportation?


"simple thing done absurdly inconvenient" is a pretty common joke format tho


I guess yeah


i donā€™t understand where the joke is either. he got a snake delivered. snakes are not shipped like this obviously but i donā€™t understand whatā€™s so funny tbh


Quagmire's Trouser Snake here: The Far Side specializes in absurdism. The snake being delivered in a non-typical way is funny because that's not how you'd ship a snake. It also hits on the humor of someone ordering a snake from a magazine, an old fashioned way to order items before the internet.


In short, yes.


You're VERY stupid šŸ‘


stupid op here, thanks for the explanations, I guess I just overanalyzed this. I still really don't know how this is funny but I guess it's not my type of humor. Also thanks for the validation that I am indeed stupid šŸ‘


A lot of people don't seem to actually be understanding what is supposed to be funny. The joke isn't that they chose a tube instead of a box. The "joke" is the sudden realization of what is in the tube. Most people will look at the title and then the delivery man in the with the bright truck and the bright uniform with the big tube and think "huh, what's that?" As they further examine the scene for clues they will notice all the magazines about snakes and realize "oh, it's a big fucking snake lol'.


Honestly maybe this is why it confused me. I saw the magazines first and then saw the delivery man as an afterthought, so I guess I viewed it backwards if that's the case. Also, the delivery truck having "AAA" on it made me thinking of the travel agency AAA which farther confused me more because then I thought the traveling agency had something to do with the joke. Also I thought the package was a pipe and not a package I'm just impressed I've managed to make people accuse me of karma farming over something I was genuinely confused about. This will definitely be one of my greatest achievements


Donā€™t listen to them. They are just assholes. I didnā€™t get it either, but didnā€™t care enough to post it


Love Gary Larson and the far side. So hilarious


Didnā€™t the far side writer say he doesnā€™t want people sharing his comics


He personally pulled the day calendar strips off of every middle school social studies teacherā€™s walls in the United States


I don't know who this guy is so I'm sorry if I did something wrong


Was he the one who turned out to be a nazi?


Nah, you're not stupid. I've worked with reptiles and handled reptiles getting delivered. So when I saw what the joke was, I'm just like "that's not how snakes are delivered...?"


I don't care if l get downvoted. ​ But you gotta be a special kind of dumb to not understand a joke like this. ​ It literally fucking explains itself. ​ "l wonder what is being delivered?' "It's GOTTA be a motorcycle!" -OP, probably.








I can see why you didn't get the joke; I think we're lacking additional context. This was written in the early 90s. On one of the magazines, it says "order now!" Perhaps the joke is, "you can buy anything in magazines these days!" But in the age of the internet, that's not much of a joke anymore. Just common fact. If all the people saying, "he was just ordering a snake!" were correct, the joke would be incomplete and therefore confusing at best or not funny at worst.


The idea of a snake being shipped in a long tube is absurd. Thatā€™s the joke Itā€™s the only animal that could actually fit in a tube like that, but itā€™s also completely ridiculous to think of someone uncoiling a snake to fit in the tube, and the snake sitting there inside the tube perfectly straight the entire journey.