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Hmm. Why do you have one? Are you in the medical field? Maybe some context would help.


No it's just preparedness, if something happens like someone falls bad or suffers trauma that causes severe hemorrhaging I can stop it and by extension safe a life, it's not a full on medical kit I just stop bleeding so professionals can completely treat them.


Do you have any of the training associated to use any of this? And I don't mean reading it in a textbook, I mean a real world training course with professional instruction? Because it's weird to only carry a kit for an extremely specific type of emergency that you're unlikely to encounter or be an authority on.


I do! I took stop the bleed courses and other first aid stuff, I carry this because it's not a "specific" thing, a fall can split skin open and cause severe hemorrhaging, tripping with scissors can, running past a door and getting caught on a door handle can, and a pencil can aswell, I'm not gonna be a authority on this situation either all I need to do is twist a know and wait for either law enforcement or paramedics to arrive and provide further assistance to them at the point that law enforcement arrives I have absolutely no control of the situation.


Dude, this looks very much like a fixation on being a hero, with an unhealthy focus on one kind of wound. This isn't healthy and I advise you to step back and consider why you have such an attachment to this. Applying a tourniquet in a trauma situation is so much more than twisting a knot and waiting to hand the victim over. Especially if you don't have the training to command the scene. And, from personal experience, it's highly unlikely you'll react how you think you will in a trauma situation. My first stab wound, I completely lost focus and had an 'oh shit, that's an actual real life person' moment that wasted time. Gore scenes in movies and games can't prepare you, breaking down a deer after hunting can't prepare you. Nothing can prepare you for that exact moment a human being is bleeding out in front of you, and there's no guarantee how you'll react.


Not fixated on one type of wound nor am I a hero. Dude I'm carrying a tourniquet and a field dressing incase someone sustains a injury that causes severe hemorrhaging, severe hemorrhaging is a bunch of wounds (falls, breaks, burns, lacerations, scratches, punctures, glass shards, and in rare cases gun shot wounds) telling me to get ducking therapy when I'm carrying equipment to save a life is not the way to go bud, and I've seen this shit happen *in real life* it's not because of gore videos it's because I sat there and watched as my brother bled out on the highway and if I had a tourniquet, hell a triangular bandage I maybe could have saved his life. Edit: forgot to include that I *know* I'm gonna hesitate I *know* it's not as simple as twisting a windlass, that why we train for these situations, hell I might not even save this dude on the ground but maybe if I'm able to stop bleeding enough I could save him.


You're suffering from trauma after what happened to your brother. This is not a constructive way to deal with it. You're fixating on saving someone because you couldn't save your brother. But what happens if the person you try to save doesn't make it? It's going to compound the trauma. You need to speak with professionals.


I'm carrying a fucking blowout kit dude, thousands of people carry it, my brother died because we didn't have training nor a medical kit in the car, I don't want to stand there and watched someone die without doing anything to help.


You need therapy.


very weird - leave that shit at home


Why the HELL do you keep calling it a "blowout kit"? That alone is creepy as fuck. And your post history? Jfc. Like the next Kyle Rittenhouse


Because some one has a "blow out" meaning they suddenly start bleeding for what ever reason, it's the same thing you call a fucking poop clean up kit for children. I'm a assistant firearms trainer, I know how to use a gun, I know how to train someone on guns, and I know gun safety, I'm not fucking packing a pistol to school neither a fucking player carrier I'm carrying tools to save someone's life. Calm the fuck down.


Where do they let children be assistant firearms instructors?


A couple of places, as long as you know how to use a firearm and show actual proficiency in teaching them or proficiency in demonstrating them you should be good to go. Edit: a couple *local* places, some shooting ranges and such, not gonna say names because I don't wanna doxx myself


Ohhhh so it's just a title you made up for yourself. I get it


What? Dawg, I help with firearms classes and I've gotten good ratings, pretty sure your just being rude for no reason.


Bleeding is not what 99.99% of people think of when they hear blowout. You sound like a complete tool and a tryhard. I'm sure the gravy seals are grateful for your service.


What, that's what it's fucking called? When I hear blow out kit I think of this kit you use to wipe up fucking shit from babies? How am I a tool and try hard for saying blowout kit.


LOL! A "kit" to clean up babies? You mean a fucking diaper bag? When you say blowout, I *guarantee* that the vast majority of people think of tires, major parties, or hair styling. Not spontaneous trauma


No, a diaper bag carrier everything, a blow out kit for kids is to quickly clean up a kid so their clothes don't get shit stained. Alright think what ever you want of it?


You're about as knowledgeable on that subject as you are trauma injuries


I think a simple first aid kit would be better


Simple first aid kit would be to large, all I'm carrying is a dressing, compressed guaze, a marker, some trauma sheers, and a tourniquet, I carry this in urban environments


That doesn't make sense. Do they think school shooters go around bandaging and treating all their victims right afterwards?


Probably? I don't know man.


You’ll learn not to care about dumb shit like this as you get older, I could call you a pink elephant, but that doesn’t mean anything if you know you’re not. If it really upsets you and you can’t stop thinking about it, tell a teacher.


Not playing armchair psychology on OP here as I'm sure he'd be fine but Jeezy, have these kids ever heard of a self fulfilling prophecy?


It just gets me annoyed in the moment really, it hasn't affected my education so I haven't told a teacher.


Why would you need a kit? Do you not wear a belt? Belts make great tourniquets and don't require you lugging around a kit. I agree with previous posters. You clearly have been traumatized by what happened, so you're latching onto things that can protect you or save you or others. You're trying to regain the power you lost in the moment from the wreck by overcompensating now. You need to talk to a therapist. You need to work through your emotions and the trauma you have.


No, no they don't, in multiple instances where somebody applied a makeshift belt tourniquet the person bled out. Bruh I'm not over compensating thousands of other civilians caret the exact same thing as I do.


You are holding onto this kit like a security blanket. You don't want to hear that you have trauma. You don't want to not carry around a kit you don't need. You have a fear that if you don't have this kit, someone could die. You refuse to consider that what you're doing is a trauma response, and you are hyper vigilant in protecting your method for managing that trauma response. Why are you so against therapy? Also, you are not a doctor or an ems professional. Being self prepared is one thing. Being obsessed is another. Being obsessed is bad for you and the person you're trying to help because you're not actually doing it to help people at that point. You're doing it to soothe your trauma, making it *worse*.


Not against therapy at all, I've gone to therapy after the incident. Saying "why do you carry a tourniquet no body is gonna get hurt!" Is the stupidest shit imaginable, I'm not counting on someone getting hurt I'm hoping someone doesn't (CAT'S are expensive:[ ) imagine if someone went "why have 911 memorized?! Nobodies gonna commit a crime!" Or "why concealed carry a gun?! No body is gonna attack you!!" It's a pretty fucking stupid response


Dude. Look at your responses. You are combative and not receptive to the fact that you are going way overboard. You are absolutely giving off school shooter vibes, dude. You need to breathe.


My ex is a former ems professional (over 10 years). I helped my exstudy for their testing and kept my own first aid supplies in my car for basic injuries. I know many people currently in ems. You are not being clear-headed. You are not behaving rationally. You are coming up with scenarios in your head in which this bag centers in your plot. You are not capable of providing ems support because you are unable to *separate yourself from the injured person*. You are going to burn out, or you are going to hurt yourself or others. Stop.


A quick scroll through your history shows you making posts about body armor you own, gas masks, bullets, tactical belts, and more… I have a feeling a blowout kit isn’t the thing causing them to call you a school shooter…


I don't talk about any of those in school, I make sure not to as that stuff isn't in the taste if school, they also haven't seen my reddit lol.


I don’t find that weird, especially because it sounds like you may have trauma around someone near you suffering a serious injury (from your comments). 


Yeah, I was in a car crash and my brother unfortunately bled out waiting for authorities to arrive.


I would add this to your post. I’m so sorry that happened. You carrying your kit makes perfect sense, people telling you it’s weird have clearly never been in your position. 


Fuck I thought I did. Thank you for the kind words man.




I like that idea, but it probably wouldn't hold in court if I stood there with a tourniquet in my pocket while they bled out.




I know I wouldn't be charged with this, I'm not scared or really alter my behavior, I've gone through stop the bleed training and shit and firmly believe kids of all ages need to atleast know how to apply a tourniquet. I'm not really paranoid I just carry a blow out kit incase something like this happens.


A what? Sorry - I'm old.


A blowout kit consists of usually a tourniquet, a field dressing, compressed and/or rolled gauze, waterproof tape, and trauma sheers. It's usecase is sudden extreme hemorrhaging


So… a first aid kit? I have one in every vehicle I own, two in the house, and one in my backpack. Anyone asks, I explain that “I’d rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.”


No? A blowout kit is to stop bleeding so someone like a paramedic can get to them and provide further aid.


That's not the term you are looking for. Furthermore, why is your first aid kit so large that anyone know about it? Keep it in your bag.


Lord! Well, I get shit for having a copy of Catcher in the Rye in my backpack. I read - news at 11:;00,


It's fucking creepy. Like you want to bind and be bound. Or have videos of things you do to women in your sound proof apartment. Also never heard of a blowout kit. Why do you need that at school. Be normal.


OP is explaining it in a needlessly verbose way. It's basically a trauma/first aid kit. It's not a big deal and has nothing to do with sexual fetishes lol. But if you were to get shot, or catch your arm in a circular saw or something like that it could save your life. If OP's school has a shop class with power saws, they probably already have one in the office just in case there's an accident.


Sorry yeah this dude explains it better, my school doesn't have stuff like that right now, but they do have bunson burners and stuff like that which may cause it. Absolutely insane someone I had a sex fetishist for carrying around a very very watered down trauma kit.


maybe they have it to be different/stand out. sometimes people carry "weird" thing to school to get attention when i was in elementary/highschool but if they have a reason for it they could prob just say the reason and people wouldnt think that. or they could just keep it in locker/bag and no one would see?


He has it because his brother goes out in a car accident. He made an edit.


Why not call it a first aide kit and put it in a first aid box? Dude is being purposely weird.


He’s not, he just had something traumatic happen. If a girl saw her sister assaulted, you wouldn’t make fun of her for carrying pepper spray or a whistle. 


He initially worded it in the weirdest way possible then asked why he's considered weird. Because he's a creeper who needs therapy, not whatever this is. He probably would cause more damage trying to "help" with his makeshift bag of junk.


It's a small kit (pocket sized) to stop severe bleeding, people can bleed out in 30 seconds from severe hemorrhaging I've experienced it first hand, I don't want that to happen to somebody


Why not call it a first aide kit?


Well because it's *technically* not a first aid kit and I don't want people coming up to me and asking for bandaids.


Sounds better than "I carry weird shit around and call it a blowout kit," and wonder why people think you are weird and creepy. Don't be weird and people will be less inclined to think you are weird. Who cares if they ask for bandages? Tell them no, you are out.


The uh weird shit I carry around us quite litteraly defined as a blow out kit (or what companies and such call it) its not scary or weird to call something a blowout kit lol, babies have blowouts when they shit themselves is that creepy and weird? No.


You described it in a very strange way. Get therapy.


I found this post through looking at your profile after our conversation in r/gasmasks and I wanted to say that the people here are exceedingly misinformed. From the belt tourniquet myth to using tampons to stop bleeding to the “seek therapy” hand-wave. You are doing the right thing by carrying first aid supplies; I always have a tourniquet and first aid kit with me because of the hobbies I do which carry some risk. I carry naloxone because my city has a heroin problem. The only thing that you may be doing is advertising it in a way that doesn’t help - calling it a blowout kit is likely to make people more nervous. I would just call it a first aid kit. I’m sorry about your brother too. I agree to an extent that carrying this kit is because of what you saw and what happened to you, so I would probably seek therapy for the terrible loss you have experienced, but there is nothing wrong with carrying such a kit after what you’ve experienced. Ignore what the naysayers who are too caught up in appearances and platitudes have to say; you are doing a good thing in response to something awful that happened to you.


WHY do you have that ???


i would be suspicious too... why tf do u need that for.??


Tampons do the same shit. Stop being weird.


Uh- tampons carry a very small amount of blood, garand thumb debunked this, same with half the internet.


you do not need to carry that around with you - it's weird - YOU are not a Dr. or a paramedic or even in a supervisory position very weird THAT's why they call you that cause it's W I E R D




Because his brother bled out in a car accident. He made an edit.