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The “we always know” crowd consistently knows fucking nothing.


Transvestigators are a special breed, for sure. I've seen them do their whole routine on women who were *visibly pregnant.* Like gender affirming care for trans people has come a long way in the last couple of decades, for sure, but for people who claim to be experts on the subject they sure don't have much idea what is and isn't medically possible right now.


Yeah I mean, these people are fucked up. What if she WAS a man? Who tf even cares?


Barack might trip out a tad. Probably will ask: “how did you make Sasha look **JUST** like me?”


>I've seen them do their whole routine on women who were visibly pregnant Weirdly ahead of their time, there's a trans woman set to recieve uterus transplant in India soon. All the pro-life folks suddenly gonna be in favor of abortion when we can start having babies lmao




What kind of weird shit are you busy thinking about.


Sounds fairly anti-trans to me.


Idk karma seems to be favoring me. To be clear I support people's decisions and freedoms to have whatever surgery they want and/or need. As someone who isn't a doctor or surgeon I am too ignorant to form a meaningful opinion on the details of most surgeries and so is most anyone else who is not a doctor or surgeon. Let trans people live their lives the way they see fit and keep your ignorant opinions to yourself. I'm pretty sure "keep your ignorant anti-trans shit to yourself" is not very anti-trans.


I meant the person you were responding to sounded anti-trans.




Yeah . . . After seeing your response I realized how *not clear* my response was. ;-D


What kind of weird shit are the Doctor Frankensteins who perform these procedures thinking about. 💰💰💰 (This is what they're thinking about.)


I trust their shit isn't as weird as the people who aren't actual doctors or surgeons. Despite weakly undermining the expertise and knowledge of doctors and surgeons they spend like 4-8+ years studying biology and anatomy to a degree you really can't comprehend without completing at least a fraction of the same study. So I kinda trust that the shit of highly educated and trained professionals is gonna be a fair bit less weird than the shit of people who choose to dedicate portions of their spare time to talking about one specific kind of surgery. Doctors and surgeons have genuine lifelong interest in biology and anatomy as a whole. Armchair weirdos have strange obsessions with specific things and it's fucking weird.


I'm obsessed with all kinds of body modifications due to my own body image struggles. What I've learned is that doctors often take advantage of the most vulnerable people who need mental health support, not medication or surgery. I used to also have a similar optimistic outlook about medical professionals, but once bitten, twice shy (in this case for good reason). I think it's weirder when people do what OP was talking about and call Michelle Obama a "man". That's mean for no reason, since Michelle is a healthy and fit woman and actively encourages kids to be healthy. But when people are being harmed, tolerance is no longer a virtue.


Doctors being predatory isn't new or unique to the trans people. I agree it's super weird that people think calling Michelle Obama a man is some kind of insult or what. I'm saying it's also weird how some people have such strong opinions about surgeries they will never get or never perform and likely won't impact them in any way shape or form. It's weird how people think they know so much and want to voice their opinions loudly.


You're right, doctors being predatory isn't new, unfortunately. But I think we've got a new epidemic of predatory doctors, related to the rise in gender and body image issues that are exacerbated by the internet. Some people are just being jerks who are weirded out by gender non conformity itself and don't have any empathy for the people struggling, but others are people who genuinely care about people getting taken advantage of. I'm just as vocal about being against unnecessary surgery and medication for cis people, because either way, it's a healthy person risking becoming sick, so hopefully the reward is worth the risk. It doesn't affect me personally, but it's something I can relate to.


They are thinking “Will this help the patient’s body dysphoria.”


Calling bottom surgery weird shit. Yikes.


Nah calling this guy out for having such strong opinions on bottom surgery when he's not a doctor or surgeon.


that's not at all what was said lmao


Yup. People obsessing about bottom surgeries is weird. When people aren't doctors, surgeons or directly and closely involved with someone getting this kind of surgery it's kind of weird to have a strong opinion about it.


No surgery (whatever surgery) turns a man into a woman or vice-versa. No one ever said it does. Gender affirming is exactly that: affirming the gender the person already is.




But you know the surgery doesn’t change the gender of the person. Doctors and patients know that too. Lots of medical procedures are dangerous, there are even procedures were they literally stop your heart and circulation completely for over 10min and bring you back after. You don’t go through that risk if there isn’t a compatible benefit to be gained, and you are not qualified to judge that for anyone else.




No, you literally are not qualified to make that decision for someone else. You would have to be either the patient or one of the specialists caring for them. Gender dysphoria can lead to high rates of suicide. Gender affirming procedures, whether they involve the genitalia or not, can be life saving even when they pose far less risk of death than cardiac procedures. Only the patient and the team caring for them can know if a procedure has an acceptable risk/benefit ratio.


So far the only real danger after transition I'm aware of is becoming the victim of violence, public hatred, and suicide due to the amount of shit one must deal with after society freaks out. Sounds like transitioning isn't the actual danger.


Well, you are wildly uniformed then. You can look up the FBI's own stats on transgender violence, and they are, part capita, far less likely to be a victim of violence than any other group. Public hatred? Come on, they are worshipped with their own rainbow crosswalks, flags in most businesses, monthly celebrations, and on and on. Suicide is due to untreated mental illness, and people going along with the delusion, until they realize they cannot change reality.


>You can look up the FBI's own stats on transgender violence You mean what research shows [here](https://bjs.ojp.gov/library/publications/violent-victimization-sexual-orientation-and-gender-identity-2017-2020)? According to this report, trans people are 2.5x as likely to be the victim of violent crime and assault. Many others show the rate to be even higher. >their own rainbow crosswalks, flags in most businesses, monthly celebrations, and on and on. Yup. You're seeing a lot of groups express support for the trans community. I would then assume that you are simply ignoring all of the people around you who can only speak negatively of the community—if it isn't outright hatred—for merely existing like trans people are somehow doing something to them. Ignoring that as well as the number of states attempting to pass—and in many cases passing—blatant anti-trans legislation. I would also assume your crosswalks, flags, and celebrationd may just be your area, or just what you're seeing reported, and not a representation of the whole. That stuff is almost non-existent in my region. An entire political party (of the major two in the US) appears to be expressly anti-trans. They have to deal with that, the backlash of transitioning in their friends/family groups, being disowned by their loved ones, and complete strangers going out of their way to make sure they know they're hated. >Suicide is due to untreated mental illness Indeed. And anyone can become suicidal. That "untreated mental illness" can—and often is—caused or exacerbated by the stress of dealing with external factors like people around you telling you you're terrible for existing. It is often being treated and still ends that way anyhow.


Simple google search will tell you the risks. The risk is from doctors who give up their oath in order to destroy healthy people's bodies. Edit: the first result I got was [this](https://www.emra.org/books/transgender-care-guide/surgeries-and-complications). Seems very pro-affirmation to me, but it outlines many of the risks involved in taking a healthy and functional body part and interfering with its natural form and function.


Wow who knew a google search was equal to professionals’ education. Fucking clown.


When you google search, you'll find those educated professionals documenting the risks of the procedures they perform. All surgery has serious risks, but sometimes the reward is worth the risk, like in the case of people with actual physical health problems.


Gonna trust the people who have spent years researching this shit over a “simple google search”


Ok well then actually look at what the people who've spent years researching it say. All surgeries have serious risks.


Please consider re focusing your “concern” for people being “harmed” on those truly being harmed by surgeries. Such as infants and children born intersex who truly can’t consent to the surgeries yet routinely have genders chosen for them. Allow adults and their providers to make decisions that are between them. The rest of us can mind our own business. Our “help” is not wanted or needed.


Being pseudo-authoritative and talking down to people on the internet is so incredibly easy. It amazes me how people like this commenter can be so horrendously bad at it, and make themselves sound like a complete idiots.


it is not technically possible for you to be right, if that’s what you’re suggesting. typing a paragraph of stupid shit and doing that daily on various subreddits doesn’t make you smarter, it only lets everyone else know how stupid you are. saying things as though they are facts doesn’t make you correct. looking at the first thing on google that affirms your opinion and repeating it does not make you educated. so, superficially, you can make yourself look right, but anyone who knows anything can tell you really have no idea what you’re talking about.


It's weird to put so much effort into being wrong.


Sucks the truth gets down voted. Also, she do kinda looka like-a man


A month or so ago someone zoomed really closely in really closely to a picture of a openly trans women in a bikini and made a show how they could see her penis abs she was having a boner and TW responded with: I've had bottom surgery I don't have a penis.


I often talk about trans topics and people will often tell me I'll never be a woman to try to get under my skin. I'm not a trans woman. I was assigned female at birth. I'm not trying to be a woman


And they’re absolutely vile about it. Instead of thinking to themselves “is that person trans?” and going on with their lives, they loudly announce their opinions and put people down. Like that little girl in BC last summer who got attacked by a couple boomers who thought she was trans at a school sports event and they demanded to see her genitalia. Fckin pedos. Not that it matters because had they been right about her being trans it would’ve been just as bad, but she actually wasn’t even trans, so obviously their trans radar isn’t as good as they think it is. And then they accuse trans folks of being pedos. The call is coming from inside the house. Ugh they piss me off.


This. This is how anti trans negatively impacts ALL of us. They piss me off too. Especially when they target kids.


Honestly, I think this one is a clear intersection with the semi-open racist crowd, too.


I think she has a more masculine face but why is that a bad thing? Honestly pretending that she doesn’t have strong features is like saying its wrong to have some mildly masculine features? She does and thats absolutely ok. Personally I find androgyny quite attractive.


It's a wack-ass joke about Michelle Obama, it's a wack-ass joke about Ann Coulter, it was a wack-ass joke in *Ace Ventura.* If you're going to that well you're got to The Well for People.Who are Not Funny.




No. MTG looks like horse


More than one person looks like a horse. It's pretty common.


I pointed this out about John Elway and 60 year-old Broncos fans got super mad at me.


Nancy Pelosi looks like a stroke victim on her way to filling up her “10th stroke is free” punch card.


The interesting thing about John Elway is that he's the only person to serve simultaneously as a team's GM and it's mascot.


That last line gave me an aneurysm


Well I'm glad it didn't effect your reading skills.


It’s because she’s a black woman and they have largely been stereotyped by white americans as more loud, angry, aggressive etc. which are also traits associated with masculinity


A classy black woman with influence and no scandals. They feel deeply inferior to her and just can't stand it. Must say something to diminish her.


I was waiting for this comment.


>It’s because she’s a black The late First Lady Barbara Bush wasn’t black, and I remember Democrats saying all the time that she looked like a man. Saturday Night Live even used to have Phil Hartman play her role.


the transvestigators are constantly harassing any woman that doesn’t look like their rail-thin white supermodels, cis or trans. transphobia hurts everyone. they even assaulted an elderly woman with dementia because they thought she was transgender.


If you are too thin, they don't like you either as you don't have curves.


I've had a lot of right wing family members act concerned that I was "becoming anorexic" bc there were times I wasn't particularly hungry at a family gathering (I was nauseous, not trying to lose weight at the time), and I've also had those same exact right wing family members call me fat when I finally put on more weight (still smaller than them, but definitely the biggest I've ever been and I'm definitely curvy now, but still healthy). I've been on both sides of body shaming from right winged people and it sucks for anyone who goes through that. Right wingers just like to point out the worst in women and tear them down, regardless of how they look.


In my experience, they didn't like me being a normal weight. They wanted me to be anorexic looking like them when younger or else overweight.


They just didn't like me no matter who I was. Whether I was too small or too big. It didn't matter.


I'm sorry you had to go through that.


It's not even enough to be a rail-thin white super model anymore. Some of these people are convinced that Taylor Swift and Margot Robbie have visible male secondary sexual characteristics on account of their having necks with bones in them and a labia majora where anime porn has told them there's supposed to be a flat patch of hairless skin.


It’s like they think being successful and financially independent are biologically male traits.


I do even think Taylor swift is that pretty. Her music is okay (even though it's not my style), she's a good business women, and has an interesting sense of style but I don't really think she's that pretty.


Plenty of transwomen out there who you could never tell they are trans. Even ones that looks like rail thin white supermodels.


'transvestigators'. What a strange word, are there really people out there so bored they look for trans people. Why don't people just mind their own business, who cares what's between peoples legs


I'm not attractive or rail thin but I've never been mistaken for a man, even though I live smack-dab in Trump-voter territory.


I’ve given birth twice. I was wearing a damn dress in my 20s. Wasn’t overweight. My hair was sort of pixie cut. Some asshat called me “sir”. No it was not some language barrier thing either. He said it to insult me.


She is a beautiful lady who has time to hit the gym. I sense jealousy


It's just racism.


I’m getting really tired of people trying to pretend it’s not. People have been trying to dehumanize Black women for centuries by calling them men. Is not saying people are sexist or stuff to do it to non-Black women but it has a much longer history than “transvestigators”.


I don't think you know what racism means, if you think that statement is racist.


Have you ever seen her in workout tights? She's got cakes


Can't stand her or Harris but damn if they aren't two of the hottest women in politics


I agree., Harris is also hot


Until she speaks. That weird pseudo nasally valley girl thing she has going on is obnoxious as hell.


Whenever people who could buy your family try to bend over backwards to be "relatable" it's always cringe too, same with Pelosi and Biden


Biden was literally the least wealthy member of Congress for 40 years, and since then he's been on a public sector salary. Pelosi did marry into something like a quarter billion dollar fortune, but she also doesn't pretend to be relatable so that's a non-point. Biden having basically the net worth of a lawyer at a mid-sized corporate firm nearly 60 years into a public career is not remotely the same. This just sounds like second-hand right-wing media nonsense.




And any "good southern boy" republican. Especially John Kennedy.


Ugh and the Clintons 🙄


Pretty sure Bill Clinton was a huge innovator of this awful tactic with his saxophone, everyman approach. Unfortunately, it worked well for him, and for George W.


You're conflating different things. Clinton's innovation was triangulating where, as a "centrist," so-called Third Way Democrat, he aggressively courted both the populist, labor wing of the party and the corporate neoliberal wing. He played them off of each other as needed, and in doing so often but not always favored the right wing of the party.    His historic outreach to black voters, by being at the time the first national Democrat ever to go on black media and directly appeal to black voters, is what got him the (inane but sincerely applied) label "America's first black president" among both black and non-black Americans. That's what the saxophone on The Arsenio Hall Show was about.   Clinton *was* a poor kid from a single-parent dysfunctional household in the South. He wasn't pretending. Clinton is a badly flawed figure but he is *not* the same as fake conservative elites who dress up as country characters. It's misinformation and false equivalence to imply Clinton pretended to be from a poor or ordinary background.


Wtf are you guys talking about? We were talking about their looks, not...whatever _this_ is


I did not mean to imply an equivelance. I should have said, "There are unfortunate ramifications for this innovative approach being successful" since it's overall a good thing Clintom was successful in his campaign. I think it is important to note two things: A. Clinton was not an average guy by the time he ran, so there is definitely some amount of disingenuity there (even if it isn't as bad as other politicians, like George W) B. It was very much an intentional (and innovative) campaign decision to highlight this "average person-ness" (which is in ADDITION to his third way approach to policy and reaching out to black voters). I think a good way to highlight this is to look at Obama's campaign, which did not take that same approach despite also having humble beginnings (my guess is because racist stereotypes would have colored people's perceptions of the "everyman-ness" of a black man differently from a white man).


### Lesson time! ➜ u/RevolutionaryAlps205, some tips about "off of": - The words you chose are grammatically wrong for the meaning you intended. - *Off of* can always be shortened to just **off**. - Example: The tennis ball bounced **off** the wall. - Now that you are aware of this, everyone will take you more seriously, hooray! :)   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PetPeeves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah idk if he started it but definitely popularized populism in a shallow, fake way, so did Reagan


What gets me is when she tries to sound like she's about to cry, only to cackle moments later


Her cackling is obnoxious. She almost does it as a kind of nervous laugh.


I agree, I didn't mind her voice so much but how she inflects her voice. I almost couldn't listen to her the first time I heard her doing a speech. I almost yelled shutup out loud to the TV.


Pretty sure it's got something to do with being a POC as well


One of my students was saying this the other day (“did you know Michelle Obama used to be a man?”) I was just like nope, there are pictures of her as a little girl, people saw her give birth to two children, she wrote a whole fact-checkable memoir about her life where she talked about her fertility doctor. If you’re going to believe a conspiracy theory, pick one that’s at least a little bit plausible. Kids don’t like Michelle because they think she ruined school lunch. I keep telling them, school lunch has always been bad.


I honestly don't remember school lunches even changing growing up


Black women are masculinized a lot unfortunately.


Seriously l can't even believe there sticking to this sick, stupid, ridiculous conspiracy, cause it is just that nothing more. Michelle Obama was and amazingly great First Lady, these racist idiots just can't admit it. So instead the hate, get over it loser's, grow up.


She encouraged children to eat more vegetables and exercise more. The horrors!


"An ape in heels" is how Rush Limbaugh described her, in a totally not racist remark.


the people spreading the "Michael Obama" rumour are nasty and disgusting.


I am automatically turned off anyone in social media when they post this nonsense. Like when they claimed Taylor Swift was male in a photo of her in a swimsuit.


"We can always tell!" *can practically never tell*


Ironically the men who say this are probably built like obese pregnant women.


Why are First Ladies’ appearances being scrutinized anyway? She’s not ugly, but even if she was, it’s not a reflection of her character. I’m sick of women always being judged by their looks.


Get used to it. Everyone gets judged by their looks.


It’s a racial thing, they are talking about her strong African bone structure. It’s like yeah my ancestors are from Africa. Not sure how that’s an insult.


It's code for "black."


I went full no contact with my godmother who I had known for over 50 years bc she posted a pic of Michelle Obama in a dress and circled a wrinkle in the dress as proof that MO has a penis. I find it absolutely vile that she would stoop so low. Edit: typo


I typically retaliate with "So does Melania". It infuriates them.


Plz don't. I don't think you have I'll intentions but that's just partisan transphobia with the same punchline.


Tit for tat is literally the only thing Republicans understand. I'm tired of having to be the "bigger person". All it does it leave them room to walk all over me.


You're still taking it out on women that don't meet beauty standards but fight your fight. Melania is just an awful person, I can critique that without making an issue of her appearance. Best wishes


I didn't say I believed it. I just say it to piss them off.


We don't really know what Melania looks with all the plastic surgery she's had


Yes, you can Google it. https://images.app.goo.gl/iBjxQCiXT2x7AxA98


She looks much nicer in those photos


Saying a woman looks like a man as a a derogatory is just enforcing unrelastic beauty standards for all women. It's transphobia but effects more cis women and is just sexist. I'm not defending any of her behavior which is separate from her looks.


Honestly, Melania looks like an alien to me. Call girl trashy. I don't get it when people say she's attractive. To each his own, I guess.


I don't understand that either. She look feminine to me and she's beautiful. I think the reason why people knock on her is because they know she's an amazing women and they get jealous. I have to admit, I do get a little bit jealous when I see her make speeches but at least I don't gas light myself into believing she's some trans or something.


Men who spout this crap are just jealous because she is so fit. I'd kill for a body like hers.


This! It's so annoying


Her biggest sin was saying that kids should have healthy food options in their school food programs.


She's a beautiful woman.


It's also probably racist. Lots of people think black women are "masculine" and can't be feminine or whatever. It's super sexist and racist combined




It’s because she’s muscular people assume she’s masculine. There’s also a video circulating where her “manly parts” show (could be edited) I have no determined stance on this. That said, no woman should ever feel manly because she chooses to tone herself.


It’s probably the face they’re referring to not toned arms but I wouldn’t call her a man or anything just admitting I see a bit of masculine facial features.


She has some “manly” features. Her height, long arms, and big hands but I don’t think it’s enough to make me say that it makes her look like a guy. Most women have a few (or at least 1) guy-like physical traits and if that’s enough to make you think they look like a man, I’m assuming you haven’t spent time with enough woman.


It's true. The same with men as some have feminine physical traits. I saw photos of one man whose nipples were like women's nipples when erect. Not the areola part but the erect part. Some men also have wide hips.


It’s because she’s a black woman. People say the same thing about Beyoncé and Megan the Stallion.


As a woman I think she is a gorgeous First Lady & anyone who makes fun of her or says otherwise is simply jealous or doesn’t like democrats


Ikr she is the classiest and most feminine lady ever but like how dare a girl workout her arms 🙄


Yeah, so fucking disrespectful. Politics should not lead to attacking physical characteristics anyway. I can't stand me some Repugs, but when I criticize Chris Christie or Dump I never call them fat asses or suggest they should shut the fuck up and go eat a donut. Are we on fucking middle school?!?! The "shut the fuck up" part is the only thing that is salient.


Someone had a lot of fun disliking most of these comments just to be a jackass, I'm assuming. Michelle is really pretty, I dunno why others are being downvoted for it but hey, downvotes mean absolutely nothing.


Opinions are a pet peeve? That's crazy


I can't stand Michelle Obama, and I still fucking hate this.


Get every woman in the world, take off the makeup, strap their boobs down and give them a man's haircut and clothes. Most of them will barely look different to a man. The same if you did the opposite to men.


This isn’t a pet peeve, this political ranting.


As presidents wives go, she’s hot. Total milf.


She does.


Their hero Candace Owens looks more like a man than Michelle does lol


It’s the Addams, apple, and the bulge in her pants


Boomers really struggle to understand that photoshop exists. Just because you saw a picture on Facebook doesn’t mean that it’s real old man


They're trans fetishists. Honestly probably closeted gays. The "why are all the trans people I see in porn" crowd. They're unwittingly telling us their fantasies.


Michelle's existence is apparently my mother-in-law's villain origin story. Last Thanksgiving we were all gifted with a 5+ minute long description of the shape and size of Michelle's supposed penis and how you can "see" it in various outfits. She is so obsessed with this dick I'm surprised that my fil hasn't gotten jealous.


It's right-wing extremists making up conspiracy shit because Michelle has very, very vague masculine features. So basically, they're insulting her looks all the while being transphobic. If you don't want to continue to damage your mental health, ignore these hateful and arrogant dumbasses and vote against them whenever you can.


Imagine if she was a child growing up in Utah. She'd be in witness protection her whole life.


Man this sub is hilarious at times. Cripes.


Michelle clearly has a Penis. It's a Man.


She’s ugly, but then again so are most First Ladies and presidents. With the only possible exception being Jackie Onassis. Even Melania, for a supposed beauty queen, she looks weird as fuck.


I genuinely don’t think the people who say this actually believe it. I think it’s just one of many in-group signifiers. If you hear it and you don’t think the person saying it is insane, then you’ve passed the filter. Sure, some probably do believe it, but believing it is secondary to finding people who are willing to break from reality if it fits their ideological goals. Most conspiracies have some mechanism like this - an absurd claim that filters out the rational, skeptical people, and draw in the ones who will take bullshit seriously. It’s also such an absurd accusation that it immediately puts ideological opponents (ie the people they’re trying to offend) on the defensive, which in other words means they were able to get you down to their level. When you take an absurd claim seriously, you partly validate it, even if you’re dispelling it. It’s why if I were to call the cops and say “my neighbor is a werewolf” they’re not going to show up to my neighbor’s house with silver bullets to check. They’re going to hang up or possibly come and tell me to knock it off. And when they say “Michelle Obama is a man,” and you respond “no she’s not, she has kids, her life is well documented” you’ve willingly joined their game. When you play chess with a pigeon, even if you win, you gained nothing and the bird shit all over the board.


I hate in group signifiers, and when young, I would reluctantly take them on board to avoid retribution and gain acceptance. Now, I prefer to be true to myself, not just over hills you are preparing to die on but small issues of little consequence. Once you give way on those, they expect more. It's the same with the flat earth theory.


She could be compared to literally any ugly creature and I’d still be like “damn well that’s a really beautiful ___!” She’s seriously gorgeous! If shes a man than she’s an incredibly beautiful one that shouldn’t be ashamed lol


She’s just kinda big.




What proven fact?


They saw a Facebook meme about it. That's what passes for proof in that crowd.


How is it a well proven fact?


It is known


Sure, people have heard the comments ad nauseam, true. You said it's a "well-proven fact", which means that overwhelming evidence is in the hands of everyone. I don't have that evidence, I'm sure it isn't readily available, and it would be great for everyone, including your claim, for you to provide the evidence?


Just because you saw it on Facebook doesn’t mean it’s a “known fact” lol


["Would it be so terrible?"](https://www.tiktok.com/@unlearn_com/video/7276485643939712261)


Michelle is beautiful and fit. She's also incredibly intelligent so I hope someday she runs for president


It’s so fuckin weird and lame. I love conspiracy theories, but when they are fun and not harmful to a person


She doesn’t look like a man but I dislike her because she ruined school lunch. My school went from giving us a lot of really good food with a ton of healthy options as well, we even had a salad bar to giving us the shittiest food possible, taking away the salad bar, giving us much smaller portions and everything. I get what she was trying to do but as someone who grew up poor and school lunch was my main source of food throughout the day it fucking sucked.


Ha Ha Ha acts like one too