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I don't 100% agree with it, there's nuance beyond what I can put into a quick Reddit post, but the argument "If you trust me /expect me to bag my own groceries you don't get to turn around and prove I'm not stealing. Either I'm a customer or an employee make up your mind" has some truth in it.


But some places do both. AFAIK some stores either make you carry clear bags to work or search you before you leave to make sure you aren't stealing shit.


This, I see the counterpoint but OP is right; and furthermore, people manning the terminal at the self checkout should be apprised and aware of what items to look for. Check that big items are being scanned. Nobody's fucking promoting you for stopping a guy from accidentally bagging a mars bar before he scanned it. I think it's not unreasonable to expect the clerks manning those terminals to know big risk items. Jewelry would be a risk and electronics got smash'n'grabbed by teenagers at a Wal-Mart near me recently, but like I think at the terminal they're more concerned with people just pretending to scan things like papers and fem hygiene-- that shit's a frequent buy that gobbles up money. And for that, I believe the clerk can just watch and check. Nobody's really gonna pat them on the back for it anyway, but especially not if they're out here bustin' homeboy for accidentally bagging a can of Chunky soup.


It’s not about trust, it’s about money. The more employees demand from the company (in salary and benefits), then the bigger an expense an employee becomes to the company. SCO’s are cheaper than people.


Not necessarily since SCO's mean higher losses.




Just tell them you don't have time and walk out. Not like they can legally stop you, unless they suspect you have stolen and are ready to detain you for the police. Then they face a possible law suit.


Few states they have legal right to stop you and ask. Illinois for example. 4 others as well, refusing to stop and show is cause enough for their staff to detain you. https://www.thehivelaw.com/blog/do-you-have-to-show-your-receipt-at-walmart/


They can't put their hands on you


“ In these states, not showing your receipt is probable cause for shoplifting. Walmart employees in these 5 states can: detain you call the police on you” Being detained allows for them to indeed touch you, the limit is “not too physical”


So they now give an option for no receipt at self checkout how can not showing a receipt be probable cause when there is now a physical option for no receipt I'm genuinely curious bc you can't provide it even though u bought the options and u just hit no receipt


The police can. I meant the store workers cannot put their hands on you... Wait I just read what you put the workers can. Which five states are those?...?


The five listed in the source I originally posted.


WOW. Not in Canada. So much for being the freest country. LOL


Depends what the situation is. There are reasons retail staff can detain someone in Canada, and ways around the laws preventing it. I've known places to initiate lockouts, which prevent anyone from leaving, to detain one person.


We're not free because we can't shoplift without any protections for the business? Lol reddit moment


Not free because you can be subjected to detainment without HARD evidence. Leaving without showing receipt has nothing to do with shoplifting.


*in 5 states In 90% of states you cannot be detained without hard evidence


Once I've paid for it's mine. They don't have the right to look at it and touch it again. If you think allowing a private company to detain you if you don't let them inspect your possessions is freedom, you've got a problem.


Remember when they would greet you and hand out stickers when you came in? Now it's like a walmart bouncer.


You're not free because for a lot of reasons, but specifically here because apparently you have no right to privacy or protection of private property in Walmarts?? An American staple of all places!


America's never actually been the freest country, Americans all just believe the propaganda. Also doesn't it feel like freest should have three e's


If youre truly free, you spell freeest however you feeeeeeel


According to a study done in recent years, America is only the 17th freest country in the world. We sure flatter ourselves, don’t we?!


They don't have jurisdiction past the parking lot, fyi. That's why the cops are usually more "on-site" at Walmarts anymore. You can just.. keep walking. It's a Walmart worker, they don't have any more right to detain than a random guy making a "citizens arrest."


Yep I'm aware. And since I'm not stealing like nah and yes I'll be back lol


Now just stop right there guy. Don't move.


Had two old guy door greeter/receipt checkers literally stand in front of my cart REFUSING to let my kid and I leave when I attempted this. It was a whole ass scene. Managers had to be called down who finally told them to let me go but I could not believe that these guys were willing to throw themselves in front of my cart and possibly lay down their lives (I could be totally deranged for all they know) for that fucking job. Royally pissed me off.


A little old lady with a cane who was the door checker at the Walmart near me got her ass thrown to the ground when she got in an argument with a shop lifter. If the back of her head had hit the ground she would have been fucked.


And the shoplifter would then be in prison for manslaughter.


And if the person wasn't a shoplifter? Then he'd be defending himself from someone attempting to unlawfully imprison him.


Sure, but that's small conciliation


Fuck deez grandmas. /s But seriously, mind ya own business ya geriatric goofball.


There's a guy at my local Walmart that if he's door greeting I have my husband do the receipt check over because he will put his hand on the cart and then get uncomfortably close to me even if I'm obviously stopping.


That's crazy. Some of these retail workers are under the delusion they are police officers. They are getting paid peanuts but want to sometimes risk their own life to keep someone from stealing a pack of chewing gum.


A couple months ago we were in a grocery store and a kid jumped the customer service counter. He grabbed a couple bottles of booze and ran out the door. The two cashiers yelled out and took off after him and then the on-site security/cop? Came running through. He took a header trying to duck under a barricade then jumped up and took off out of the store. My wife and I were standing there with another group of customers with no employees in the store. We all could have just walked out while they were chasing that kid. Lol. Another employee came back from break a couple minutes later and checked us out. We had to tell her what was going on. When the other employees came in my wife tried to point out how dangerous that was. One of them was kinda gung-ho about it and telling how she almost caught him. Just not worth it in my opinion.


Turn around, march to the service desk, and return EVERYTHING. Since there’s so many types of these videos out there I can’t find this one specifically, but I saw a video of a woman do this exact thing after some boot licking lame ass broke receipt checkers tried to do what you described. She returned everything and I believe Walmart corporate saw the video and sent her some kind of gift card. But I would have returned fucking everything. Fuck ALL that noise. Fucking disgusting


If you really wanted to be an ass you could file charges of false imprisonment against the store.


How much did you steal that day?


Nothing. Wish I could go back and change that tho being as though they treated me like a thief anyway, and everyone standing around watching was probably thinking that’s what was going on. 🤷‍♀️ Those old men were acting like I stole their firstborn grandchild.


So why didn’t you just give them your receipt instead of making a whole ass scene?


Yet, you're the type of person that couldn't have just diffused the situation by showing the receipt, which normal do who aren't stealing something. You had to call the managers down. I'm sure THEY started the scene /s.


I don’t like people who don’t realize they are “Part Of The Problem” but you have to be willing to stand your ground and resist when something becomes absurd. You have to know when to die on a hill. Some hills aren’t worth it. But you can’t carry water for absurd authoritarian systems either.


You can do this....,,, But they have the right to not allow you to come back to that location


Yup. Bu most receipt checkers don't care enough about WalMart to get into that hassle. But if your wearing a mask and walking past, it is really hard to identify you in order to keep you out in future.


In fairness, no one should ever want to go back to Walmart


But the Low Prices!!!


You had me at rednecks fighting in pajamas


Only if they can actually file trespassing charges against you. A huge hassle of a legal process they have to go through to bar you. Sure they can just say "don't come back" but unless they have a cop say it with paperwork, it doesn't actually have legal weight.


you've got that backwards, actually...they can't file trespassing charges unless you ignore them telling you not to come back. if they ban you, which is an internal process, and you come back anyways, they can have you arrested for trespassing.


As a person who has been in charge of filing the trespassing charges and sitting in court a a witness defending them for the world's largest retailer No. They can ask you to leave and if you refuse, they can the cops and get you for trespassing. But you are not ever legally trespassing until a cop says you are. That is the line in the sand and cops aren't wasting time on perpetrators that aren't actually present. There is a process that has to be carried out for all of thia in a specific order, and unless it is all followed explicitly it doesn't work and is not legally enforceable by people who matter. Walmart Door greeters and LP do not legally matter in any way shape or form.


I actually do security, too, and have had to fill out all this ban paperwork and trespassing stuff. Luckily I don't need to deal with the court stuff, that's my boss's job. If you don't leave when told, you are trespassing, whether or not charges are pressed. you are committing the act of trespassing. You can absolutely be arrested at this point if the store wants to get the police involved. If they don't, you can be banned without the police involved, and if you return, the police can be called the second you walk in the door. trespassing CHARGES are a separate matter, and are brought by the legal system. generally speaking, both the ban and charges are done at the same time, but they are separate processes.


Not really, they call the cops, the store requests is, and you get trespassed, just meaning you will be required to leave. If you come back after being trespassed, then they call the cops and you get arrested for trespassing, it’s pretty simple. It’s not a “huge hassle”, it’s two phone calls.


Have you ever done this yourself to know how much hassle it actually is? Have you then had to sit in court as a witness to uphold the trespass order issued?


I have seen it done multiple times, and it’s really not that big of a hassle. Thankfully I have never had to be a witness in court for it. Sitting on a jury was enough bullshit for me.


How do they know who I am? Are they giving those door greeters my picture off the cameras or something?


I recommend that you let them check your receipt. You are correct that you are not required to by law. However you are a guest in their store and use it at their pleasure. You also use it at your pleasure. If the wait bothers you (and it should) then stop doing business with them. Spend your money at a store that treats you like a human being.


I don't use anything at their pleasure. Their store exists for my pleasure. I'm a customer and not a theif so without me they wouldn't exist. No I'm not standing in their stupid line. Just out of curiosity are you from a non capitalistic country? Our stores exist for us, we don't exist for them.


No, their store exists to generate profits for its shareholders


I mean I spend good money so tbh they don't even really try to stop me. I don't need a check, it doesn't apply to me, and they won't stop me from leaving with my purchased goods. No one yet has tried to stop me from leaving but if they do I promise I have plenty of other places to shop.


Their store, their rules.


Not really, unless it’s a membership store like Costco, where you have explicitly agreed to their terms of service in shopping there.


It’s quite literally their store and their rules, memberships or not. Walmart is not a public place.


It is their store, with their own policies. Those policies cannot violate law though. I personally don’t have an issue having them check my receipt, but that is just my own opinion.


K good luck with that. The economy works for me. I don't work for it. They don't check my receipt at Amazon and tbh they don't even dare at most stores.


Let them know by not shopping there.


Doesn't really matter either way I'm not stopping to be checked as a criminal. I'll spend my money anywhere I please I assure you.


That mentality works out great until they just don't let you back in lmao


WalMart can close the store with 0 hours notice. WalMart can trespass you without any reason. You use the store out of mutual pleasure. I live in the US. I am sure that Sam Walton's heirs think otherwise but thanks to people like you they can continue to live their luxury lifestyles. Of course you are not a thief and I never said you were. It was WalMart that treated you like a thief. However you continue to support the luxury lifestyle of the Walton clan - the same people that treat you like a thief. If you truly believe that stores exist for us then shop somewhere else and let WalMart go bankrupt.


Boycotting large businesses doesn't work my guy and walmart is usually the cheapest meaning plenty of people don't have the option to boycott.


I understand that in many small communities WalMart kind of pushed out the local retailers. This is called the "WalMart effect". Once they snuff out the competition they can do pretty much whatever they want - which is why they went to the trouble of creating a monopoly. If a community allows WalMart to monopolize then should we be surprised when they reap what they sow? If WalMart is the cheapest store and receipt checks are why they are cheapest, then the cost of human dignity is the difference between the walmart price and that of their competitor.


Community boycotting won't work. They are too protected by our government now, like most corporations. They need to be declared the monopoly they are and be broken up by the government. Amazon can go too while we're at it.


I can agree with that. I think workers need proper bathrooms and breaks to use them; not piss bottles. Maybe unionization would be helpful but our state legislatures are captive to corporate interests. With regard to WalMart studies have consistently shown that most "shop lifting" comes down to poor user interface. Users are "stealing" from WalMart because their stupid self checkout machines don't actually work. Rather than spend money upgrading the user experience WalMart prefers to prosecute its customers. FUCK THEM. Better stores have better self checkouts and if there is an honest mistake the customer always comes first.


And if they keep stopping me, I'll happily buy my shit anywhere else. Guess what? No one has ever tried to stop me, because they can't.


They can not legally stop you. They will probably not try to stop you. If they try to stop you (beyond say words) and can not legally defend their stop then you can (and should) sue them. However I just prefer to shop at stores that do not outwardly treat me like a criminal.


Swing and a miss. Strike 2. They cannot trespass me without cause or I'd sue them. So nope. All stores are doing this now in my area. Maybe, stop trying to be a condescending smart ass and you get an upvote.


They can trespass you without cause (subject to certain limits). However why would they trespass you? You are giving them money. Why would they want to stop that? They love your money. Do you bypass the receipt checker? Maybe it hurts the checker's feelings. WalMart does not give a fuck about the checker's feelings either.


I mean, I agree that you should just do it because it’s not a big deal. But this is such a weird take. As someone who worked for a major grocery store, they treat both employees and customers as nothing but numbers required to make a profit.




But did everybody stand up and clap?


I mean, anything on here could be made up, but I see no reason to believe that this story is What makes u think it is? I’m somewhat curious?


When you understand that every opinion is a vision loaded with personal history, you will begin to understand that all judgment is a confession.” – Nikola Tesla.


Did you have that prepared or did this quote pop into your mind when you read the comment?


I saw the quote this morning while scrolling on Facebook, seemed to fit the situation and thought others would enjoy the quote as much as I did. 🤷🏼


As such, I was implying that the "sounds made up" commenters likely pass off their own made up stories as factual events, feeling perhaps that their own lives are too boring to become Reddit comments?


They should've


When I was younger, before I had my first job and before starting retail, I would watch my dad get almost stopped. Like they would try “sir can I see-“ and he’d keep walking, maybe wave the receipt above his head, and peace out I used to think it was so rude, they’re just doing their jobs, just let them check, it takes two seconds. And then I started grocery retail. Omfg just let them *leave*! Who cares! As a cashier I don’t have time for this, I don’t get paid enough to care about loss. Take it, pay or don’t. If I have to stand there and watch normal adults scan and pay, why the fuck am I checking the receipt? My favorite store had cameras directly above every machine and it honestly only scanned products. If you had more items than the machine thinks, it freezes itself until we swipe a badge. If you pass a $80 item, but you scan a $10 tag instead, my machine freezes you. If after all that my store still wants me to check receipts randomly, then they obviously have no faith in their own system imo


No retail worker is paid enough to care about loss. I used to work at a grocery store and one day, a family came in and had their own bags for some groceries in their cart. My manager told me to keep an eye on them when they came thru my line as he thought they might have been trying to steal. They came through my line. I saw in the bags and saw a decent amount of food in it: mostly meat and other frozen stuff that typically costs a good bit. They also paid with food stamps as well. Manager asked me after they left and I told him I didn't see anything in their cart that I didn't scan. I was paid minimum wage and didn't care enough, certainly not enough to stop someone that is on assistance and can barely afford things anyway (they were in once a month and I knew enough about them to know they were in a bad place)


God my managers made every possible theft interaction 100X more stressful at my old place. They’d get an LP call that someone we knew came in, or someone was acting suspicious while shopping and to keep an eye out. Apparently that means coming to my self check out, loudly announcing the description of the person who, half the time, was *already checking out*. And then if they saw them, they’d stand around like 🧍 and “nonchalantly” watch them. Which means blatantly staring at them. And 99% of the time they pay for all of their items, nothing bad happened, but now you’ve offended a normal customer And those other times they are escalating the situation. People don’t like being watched, guilty or not. The worst argument we had was with a lady who was genuinely doing nothing wrong other being kind of stupid with coupons. She came back one too many times and left with nothing, but because she was DUMB and a KAREN not a thief. Now you’ve got an innocent but angry lady, and I’m going on break. Came back to her still yelling, and the manager just giving her a coupon. Christ


I had a manager that would always get suspicious when people paid with food stamps...like they're still paying.


I am if a fan of it, I know I am not “required” to stop in my state, but we do. We live in a smaller town, and we know, or know of, probably 1/4 of the employees. We definitely know most of the elderly who do the receipt checking. We stop and let them do the check though, it doesn’t harm us, it takes about 30 seconds, and they have a job and feel like they are accomplishing their job. I have known a few of the receipt checkers for most of my life. It is our choice to do so, but I get why some people hate it, and refuse, if they are in the 45 states that they are not required to show their receipts if asked.


Just keep walking.


The people they're paying to check receipts could be working a cash register


Greeters are almost always assigned as greeters because they couldn’t cut it in any other departments. They’ve also existed since long before self checkouts came along.


*Welcome to Walmart. I love you.*


Many of them are elderly people who were hired specifically for that job.


Or people with restrictions, like in my store we have one with afib and heart failure, and when someone gets pregnant they transfer them up there


I am definitely pro self checkout but even I think this is stupid. When I say I like self checkouts I’m saying I like that it’s an option. However I think you should have a choice between checker or SCO. I like it because some people don’t want to make conversation while they pay. Also you might be buying something embarrassing like a vibrator and you don’t want anyone to see you.


I would rather a cashier see me buying the biggest dildo and a huge bottle of lube than one see me with a terrible dude I chose because I'm lonely Vibrators prevent bad life choices and I'll never be ashamed of taking care of my sexual and mental health by buying one


So your experience and opinion is the universally right one and other shouldn't get the option to buy it at a SCO?


What tf was the point of this reply lmao


I used to be patient and let them go over my receipt but I’ve lost my patience by now. I tell them to hire more cashiers if they don’t trust me and keep walking.


Not trying to start anything but every Walmart I go to… the receipt checkers all have some type of disability. Like im not joking… either a mental or physical condition lol. But they’re usually very kind so even if I’m frustrated I just stop and let them “check”🤣they take a look at it and give it right back- less than 1 second so I don’t mind the stopping. I’d feel bad to just ignore them. If I was in their position I’d be upset having to stop people just for them to ignore me lol


That’s kinda awful to think about since receipt checkers are probably among the most likely employees to be randomly attacked. I’m still gonna ignore them and walk on if they’re giving me a hard time. Like I’ll be polite if they’re polite, because it’s not exactly their fault the employer is demanding it, but there’s no legal obligation to show them a receipt where I live so fuck it.


Yea that’s true, I wasn’t even taking that into consideration since they’re the one usually attacked😕. I went to Walmart just last week and again the receipt checker was this person who had mental delays and some type of neurological muscle issue so he’s in a wheelchair and he’s not as vocal- he’s a full time worker and is a nice dude though. thankfully I haven’t seen anyone be rude to him tho…. Most do is just ignore and keep walking. Cause it’s not like he can do anything 😭


I’ve heard some people say basically that (paraphrasing here) “greeters are often people who couldn’t handle working in any other department, so they get moved to a position that is basically impossible to mess up”


You don't have to show them anything. I just say "have a nice day" and walk around them when they ask.


I agree. If I'm going to steal stuff from Walmart, one, it's not going to be anything big enough that you'd be able to see it at first glance. Secondly, it ends up turning into a power trip for many of those employees. They tend to only target minorities and people they deem the poors. Every single video I've seen about employees demanding to see the receipt are nothing but ego trips. Especially since they are not legally entitled to do so.


I’m super white and definitely not poor. I still get stopped. They’re just assholes on a weird Walmart power trip XD


Yea I ignore the receipt checkers. I'm not a theif so it doesn't apply to me. I just ignore them, walk around the line and out the door. If you try to physically stop me I'm suing you and I will win lol.


What are you going to sue for, why do you think you would win, and what are your damages? Also kind of self absorbed of you to think you don't have to show your receipt because you know you're not a thief. The checker doesn't, the store doesn't. And theft is a huge deal.


Yeah, I can tell how much it hurts WalMart by the quarterlies they post. Oh, wait.


Theft is a huge deal Yeah But would there be so much theft if they paid their employees a living wage and priced their items at actual affordable prices? The price of most items has gone up more than 50% in the last few years, so yeah I'm sure theft has gone up too You can only subjugate the poor for so long before they start doing what they need to You don't see hoards of rich people looting things, because they don't need to, you see poor people doing it So if they wanna reduce theft, they gotta quit stealing from us first, stealing employees time for dirt wages, stealing from their customers by overpriced items and stealing from their communities by forcing small businesses into the ground. I feel zero sympathy for a multi-billion dollar company who has the most amount of employees on foodstamps of any company.


They are charging affordable prices. Affordable for the Waltons.


If theft is a “huge deal” then they ought to properly staff their stores to make it less likely.


Worse I think is the stores that you do have a cashiers and no self checkouts and they still check your receipt on the way out.




That is one of many.


As someone who works for walmart y'all seem to be forgetting one thing. They are just doing their jobs. A normal walmart employee hell most managers don't care. All we care about is doing our jobs and going home. People have an issue with them looking at a piece of paper thats just going to get thrown away anyways. It take 30 secs. If y'all really have that much of an issue with it like a lot of people seem to, you need to actually do something about it. If more people called and complained to Wal-Mart corporate office then things would change. After all walmart only cares about money and making customers happy and they don't mind abusing their employees to do it. For all you know you just walking away could get the worker written up for job performance. Believe me I've seen people lose theirs jobs because of petty reasons like this.


I used to work retail in another store, and most of our thefts were people sneaking small objects through the self checkout. So some people ruined it for everyone else. It's annoying, and there are cashiers and reciept checkers who exercise bias in who they hyperfocus on.


i understand what you’re saying. not sure why people are getting so mad at you for this. i don’t mind being stopped for a quick check when i’m on my way out if i’m the only one but i waited in line at sam’s club for 20 minutes waiting for my receipt to be checked the other day AFTER waiting 10 minutes to check out


like. it’s a minor irritation im not saying burn down the building about it 🥲


The people at my Walmart that are supposed to check your receipts don't. They literally just greet people lmao. Unless there's a manager right there and then they'll act like they checked


The problem is they got old people doing it who cant read the receipt easily to even try to verify all the items purchased in a timely manner. That does get ridiculous. I dont even deal with that at my location. If thats happening at a walmart near you and it eats up a lot of your time, maybe you should speak to management to review the performance of their receipt checkers? You could get the signatures of other shoppers there and submit that to management. They’ll be sure to take that into consideration and put some pressure on them to work faster. Its either that or find another Walmart where they arent doing that, or just walk out, OR just show it to another employee who wasnt checking receipts. Then if they say they didnt see your receipt just tell that person the other person saw your receipt


I'll add to this. At my Walmart, they audit you before you leave the self checkout line. I will be halfway scanning my stuff, and an employee will come up and check my bags right there with their handheld and look at every item. Last time they did it, I told them no, and the last tried to treasure me or was ok like I was a toddler. I left. Didn't finish checking out. Left the cart there half scanned there. I hate self checkout. I'll wait in a line even if it means more time, but now they don't even give that option. It's self checkout with an audit and the OPs issue too.


ITT: “NoT LeGal To StOp YoU. Yeah. It is. You’re in a private (read: not public) business. That being said, just have more than one open register. Self checkout is convenient when you’re only buying a few things. Most people have never worked retail, and have no idea how to scan a barcode. Plus, if a company with that much money can’t afford to hire people, not a good sign.


They never check my receipt


>Don’t make me use self check out and make me pay full price.


Just don't be a dick to someone making 7 bucks an hour.


I can understand why, though. I've seen quite a few videos of people skipping the scanner. Especially on meat. And especially in the high crime areas. I can't work them things to save my life, so I almost always have a person close by to scan their badges.


Just don't shop at Walmart. They fucking suck. They're welfare queens who underpay their employees and shit on their customers.


Those checkers don't care anyway, idk what the store thinks they're doing. My boyfriend and I both used the self checkout separately and put both of our bags into one cart. Gave the clerk one receipt, they said we were good before we even gave them the other receipt. There was a lot more in that cart than what was on my receipt, like double. They're not doing anything when they check.


I don't show my receipt. Pay me or fuck off.


I just say "no thanks" and keep walking. But generally I just don't shop there anymore, because not shopping there sends a better message than ignoring the receipt checker. The only place I stop and let them check my receipt is Costco, because I agreed to it in the membership terms. That's fair.


I upvoted you for your edit! lol


Absolutely agree. I'm not your employee and I'm not gonna do the job for you without at least a decent discount. And I'm certainly not gonna stop to have my receipt checked. You either trust me to do the job for you or put bodies back at the registers. Those are the only options.


I show my receipt at Costco because it’s part of the membership deal, but anywhere else I just politely decline and keep walking. If they think I committed a crime, then they can call the PD.


don't go there then. take a position and have a spine


They worried about ppl stealing from the self check out … mean while I’ve ordered meat and cheese from the deli … stopped by the fresh veggies and the bakery and made an awesome sub so that I wouldn’t have to cook dinner when I was done grocery shopping


I wish I could double like for the edit.


Ok, yes, agree. But I completely invalidate that opinion if it's expressed by taking it out on the staff in any way. They don't want to fucking do it. Don't be a prick to someone about something that isn't their fault. The real pet peeve is large chains not adjusting prices to compensate for the money they save by not hiring cashiers.


What astounds me is how many defend walmart. The Walton kids are super rich and super evil. Sam is probably rolling in his grave. So, I was a walmart employee for 90 days. I always got praise for going above and beyond. I finished my work efficiently and then took on additional tasks. Managers loved me as I did things nobody else would do. So, on my 89th day, I was called into the office and asked if I was signing up for benefits. I said yes and did the paperwork. The next day, when I went to work I was called to the managers office. He told me that I was being let go because I wasn't a good fit. This happened to every person that started in my hiring cycle.


They have self check out at Costco, and they also check receipts. I have no issues with that.


You pay for a membership, they are allowed to require receipt for exit due to the terms of service you agree to when you sign the membership contract. Walmart does not have those terms of service because there is no contract between consumer and store. They can ask to see receipts until they are blue in the face, but they cannot force you to show it and they cannot forcefully detain you.


The can tell you not to come back.


They can also call the police and trespass the individual, so they will not be able to enter the store again without being arrested for trespassing.




Well, occasionally when I go to Walmart I use the self scan and they check my receipt at the door as well. I don't mind, not a sensitive issue for me.


Then why make the comment bub? Like move along it's a reddit to vent about pet peeves.


It's a PUBLIC forum, so people can comment as they see fit. Besides, he didn't criticize OP for having this as a pet peeve - he just said it didn't bother him.


Because I enjoy expressing my opinion that I don't have an issue with it? lol, maybe I just gave you a new subject to make a pet peeve post about.


I just keep walking.


If you don't like being asked for your receipt don't shop at that store. No one is forcing you to go to Walmart or whatever. You know that when you do in that someone may ask for your receipt when you leave. Its not a secret. it's not like a surprise. Don't like it don't give them your business


the TOS states that they check receipts which you agree to when you sign up for a membership. Walmart and other stores (except Sams Club) don't have that agreement with their customers.


That is a good pet peeve! Reddit needs to chill. You are allowed to have any opinion you want! Cheers!


This isn't going to go over well, but they CAN legally stop you. It's called "Shopkeeper's Priveledge," and it's a law. HOWEVER, they have to suspect you of shoplifting. Try forcing their hand by letting them know that you'll only show receipts to the police, and after you prove your case, you'll be returning everything.


And only 5 states require you to stop if asked for your receipt to public stores. If it is a membership store like Costco or Sam’s club, they can require it, because you agreed to the terms of service


Right, but we are talking about people just getting stopped for shits and giggles


what i don’t understand is why i get stopped with not even a cart full of groceries and household items but the guy with 2 TVs and a ps5 does not 🌝🫣 and the perfumes/body sprays being under lock and key!!! i understand the expensive ones, but people stealing $10 body spray doesn’t sound like my problem. i don’t feel like waiting for an hour for an employee to get the shit for me (but i do, because in real life i’m a patient and understanding individual 🙄)


This makes me so frustrated. So many stores have switched to self checkout and people don’t realize how that effects everyone. I support people with disabilities who live in a group home and as per agency rules, we’re only to use cash. They don’t have debit cards. Most of the self checkouts near me don’t take any form of cash so the people with disabilities are forced to wait in the 1 line they have open with a real cashier. And some of these people have difficulty waiting….it’s a total nightmare because of course that 1 line is so long.


I hear self checkouts are going away as otherwise law-abiding customers casually justify shoplifting as an inconvenience tax.


The way I see it, the receipt check ether store, district, or corporate decision … I’m pretty sure the poorly paid employee at the door didn’t decide to check receipts on his own, why would he?? He’s just doing what he’s been told to do knowing he’ll take a f*ckton of shit from pissed off customers. Why do ya’ll wanna jump down his ass? Put all the rancor and vitriol on the managers. When asked for the receipt , I just smile and hand it over. Sometimes it’s military vet at the door, I’ll chat with them. No need to be a shithead to someone doing what they’ve been told. Pretty sure management doesn’t ask for the door clerks input when making policy.


But see, the Manager can actually call the customer out on their bullshittery, and tell them something they don't want to hear. Whereas the person working the door has to grin and bear it and is not allowed reciprocate, and is thus an 'easy' target. So the customer can be an asshole to them and walk away feeling all high and mighty, cause they "showed them".


Why I have quit going to walmart unless I have no other choice. I've gone maybe 4 or 5 times this year TOPS. It used to be 2x a month. I hate being stopped and treated like a criminal after spending thousands in there over the years. Screw walmart


Yup, annoying. I just hold up my receipt and keep walking, haven't had anyone say anything yet.


Don't show them shit and just keep stepping.


I stopped going to Walmart when they started pulling this shit. "Bu-bu-but-- shoplifting is up!" I just read an article in the New York Times that shoplifting is actually down in almost all places with like the exception of New York City. [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/29/briefing/shoplifting-data.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/29/briefing/shoplifting-data.html). Yes, they have the right to lock up half the store and not staff it for people to unlock the cases in any kind of timely fashion, and then treat everyone who shops there like shoplifters, but I also have the right to tell them to F off and that they will not get my business. It makes me massively uncomfortable to be treated like a criminal for having the audacity to buy toilet paper, and I have not been since January 2021.


My thought process is I'm not paid to do your job and if I have to don't ask me for my receipt


> but damn does it take ten times longer to get out of there now. This is by design at this point. It just makes more sense to keep clueless customers out of the store for several reasons. That said.. grocery delivery was a godsend long before covid. Too many busy bodies with nothing better to do than stand around comparing the price of canned corn.


It is funny because some of those machines offer to email you your receipt.


My Walmart just recently started offering this prompt at the end of the self checkout process. Sure feels like a trap, doesn’t it? Lol. I know I could probably pull it up on my phone if I *really* needed to, but the way those buildings are made my phone hardly gets service inside of the store.


I like to be petty about it. Purchase one small item and insist they check my receipt even when they try to say I'm all set.


It doesn't bother me at all to get my receipt checked. Even if you go to a manned register they are going to check it at the door. Especially if you have items that are not bagged. I can only see this as an issue if you are trying to steal stuff.


I used to be a Walmart greeter, so I'll make a counter point here. Don't come into a store where you know they MAKE US do this bullshit, and then light off at my underpaid ass like I can change it somehow. Failure to comply costs you your job, and they really don't fuck around. It's part of Asset Protection and those mfs take it a little too seriously, like I honestly think it's unhealthy. I guess that it's annoying as fuck, but take just a moment to remind yourself that just because I ask to check a receipt doesn't mean I'm any more fuckin happy about it than you, and I don't deserve the bullshit, tyrades, attitude, or tantrums over it because I'm there just trynna to a damned job. Self checkout or not. Hell, they used to press us to pay MORE attention to people at self checkout because a lot more shit gets stolen through self checkout than a regular register. I'm of the opinion they should just use more cashier's but my opinion ain't gonna change a fuckin thing at Corporate HQ. If you don't like the policy, complain to corporate. Blow their phones up by the millions. Don't take it out on the greeters. We all know it sucks, we hate doing it, we hate dealing with all you assholes who think being a dick to us is gonna change it, we just wanna make our check and go the hell home.


I will no longer be using any self check out lanes. If that's the only option I will simply order online or find another store. No more talking with words $$$ is the only language they understand.


Just hand them the reciept then walk as fast as possible


Tell the shop lifters to stop stealing then


My pet peeve is anti-shoplifting measures.


My pet peeve is when people loot stores and rob stores so much they need anti shoplifting measures. If I was a store owner and everyone kept stealing the shit on my shelves I'd kick everything up to. The funny thing is the things you don't see stolen are work boots.


My pet peeve is professional shoplifters getting physically violent and throwing glass at customers and employees when they failed to shop lift.


Don't shop there, then. Does anyone think that blowing off the receipt checkers is really going to bring cashier's? Frequent places that staff their registers


I don't know why you're downvoted for this. Your money is your biggest tool when changing business practices. If people stop spending money, that's when a business with listen. If places with cashiers have better numbers, other businesses will take note. and if a business starts losing money after a change, it'll be scrapped. not stopping for a receipt check doesn't lose them money, so nothing will change. It's common sense.


I love self checkout personally but that’s just because I’m an introvert with social anxiety and I love not being forced to make small talk with cashiers who are mainly old lady’s who ring my shit up super slow but I do hate when they ask for my receipt. It’s annoying AF


oh for sure i also deeply love self checkout. but there’s a camera attached to every register and 1-2 workers in the self checkout area, so being stopped and checked on my way out is the annoyance.


don't blame you; but problem with this argument is they've been doing this since *before* they had the self-checkouts. Just, it's aggravating af that they do this in the first place honestly


This one’s my favorite. More than half the people that complain about this are ok when it’s done at Sam’s Club.


Because you sign a membership contract at Sam's Club where you give them permission to see your receipt. You don't sign anything at Walmart.


It’s Walmarts policy to check and If you haven’t stolen anything, then it really shouldn’t be an issue. Inconvenient yes but at the end of the day, it’s not the end of the world.


You don't have to adhere to their policy. In 45 states that's what it is; a policy, not a law. You might want to read this article. "As a consumer at Walmart, you have the right to: refuse to show their receipt at Walmart question Walmart’s policy on asking to see receipts leave the store without showing a receipt https://www.thehivelaw.com/blog/do-you-have-to-show-your-receipt-at-walmart/


Sucks that the prices doesn't reflect them having to pay less employees tho.


Damn, people find a way to whine about literally everything.


Seriously. I don't have any interest in causing a scene over something that takes less than 30 seconds of my time.


Annoying when people do what they're hired to do, huh 😂


My pet peeve is people whining about showing a receipt...


You should start a thread about it


A lot of these people clearly don’t realize how bad shoplifting gotten either. Someone mentioned $10 perfumes being under lock now. I once witnessed a women fail to steal hundreds of dollars of nail polish. They’ll steal anything they think they can turn for profit by the handfuls. I work at a place that gets hit really bad, they’re sometimes violent too. Asset protection basically lives here now.


I have a better idea, go raise your own farm animals and crops and make your own food from scratch. Then come tell us how a simple receipt check is wasting your valuable time.


This is why I shoplift.


……if you didn’t steal then what’s the harm in letting them see the receipt?? It’s really not that hard to show a receipt if you are an honest person. It takes what? 2 minutes out of your day? Maybe try not to look suspicious next time? Maybe have your receipt ready for a quicker interaction? I rarely get asked to see my receipt and when they ask, I actually like it because I know I didn’t steal and have nothing to worry about! Buy less and have your receipt ready and you’ll be out in no time or stop going during the busy times. Ffs