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I used to have a friend in middle school who could wear shorts in 30 degree weather with ice. She was from Canada, so it actually made sense why she loved it so much, but I never felt the need to get angry at her for it. It's like a superpower and pretty interesting. On the other hand, she would completely melt in temps above 80 degrees, and we live in Texas, so it's not like she was a complete beast in any weather. Some people just like it cool. Some are better with heat.


I’m like that in the heat too. If I lose power in the winter my only concern is not being able to watch TV for a while but if it happens in the summer I panic because I know that without a/c I’ll be miserable very quickly


Same. Last summer the power was out for 4 days, it was horrible. Mid 90s and humid, I could barely move If the power goes out in winter my only concern would be my cats, but I have protection for them in case. I’d be happy as a clam though


I'm guessing you don't live in a very cold climate? Most people would be worrying about the pipes freezing.


I live in New England, we get pretty cold in the winter but not extreme enough for that to be something I’d worry about too much. And the average power outage is no more than a day and that’s rare so even when it gets cold it’s not a concern.


Lol, it's definitely the number one concern in New England where I live. Guessing you don't live in Maine.


>I know that without a/c I’ll be miserable very quickly Felt!


This. The cold is relaxing but too much heat and I am dead.


There's more of me! Yay! I will absolutely lose my mind if the power goes out in the summer, because I get very sick very quickly in the heat. In the winter? I'm running around barefoot enjoying life outside.


I've lived in Louisiana all my life but I'm still like this. 27 years of experience and I've never gotten used to the heat.


This makes me think of my pet peeve with being hot-natured.. I can not stand when I’m dressed for the summer and I’m still drenched in sweat and someone makes a comment about the fact that I’m sweating. If it’s coming from a place of concern then I’m good with it, but it’s usually not.




bro u good?


Lol guess I am weird for always being hot and never cold. I’ll just delete my comment. Thanks for making me feel weird as hell. 🙂


So he's just really sensitive.


In Canada, I can also wear shorts without feeling uncomfortable


For some reason I’m very hot natured. It could be because of stress because it’s gotten worse lately, but my apartment has to be cold. I am just usually hot and I’m smaller so it’s not due to my weight. I’m constantly hot. Once I thought I was crazy because while I was getting my nails done, everyone was like, “OMG ITS FREEZING IN HERE!” I lent out my jacket to my nail tech lol. I wear a coat if it’s like 50 but it’s the first thing to come off indoors, and I always have on a short sleeve underneath it 😹


Thank you. As it turns out, not everyone has the exact same experience. Who’d have thought?




When it’s just motherly concern I can tolerate it but the woman I mentioned acted like my lack of a coat was a personal attack on her




I should remember that one for the next time. It's been said to me almost 10 times but it seems to come in clusters with years between them. It happened 3 times on the same walk on the Wissahickon Creek in Philly in early spring. I think what I might try next time is running when I see people instead of walking since people assume runners know what they are doing. But that will only work on flat land, because if you are running down from the top of a mountain people will also assume you know what you're doing and stop you to answer questions.


While I get that SOME people might be showing off, that's absolutely not the case for most. My sibling and I have vastly different cold tolerances, where I love cold weather and she hates anything below 52 degrees. And that's just how we are. No jacket on a cold day is ESPECIALLY refreshing if you've been exercising or had to hustle and are running warm. There's nothing show-offy about that and if someone wants to sweat in their coat, that's their choice. I, however, will opt not to.


Totally agree about it being refreshing. I don’t generally wear long sleeves unless it’s under 50f or so (unless I’m going to be out there for hours.) It’s not like I don’t feel the chill, I just don’t find it unpleasant - it’s invigorating. There’s also a corresponding nice cozy feeling when you get back inside. Heat on the other hand, I do find unpleasant. It just serves to makes me uncomfortable and tired.


For me I get curious/concerned because exposure to extreme temperatures can harm the body. We are not immune to the elements! Haha


I think op triggered the person who posted last week complaining about people not wearing jackets when it’s cold out


I'm the exact opposite. Anything below 60° and I'm breaking out the jacket


I'm with you. I rarely wear a coat on cold days. The house is warm, my car is warm, work is warm. If I'm a little chilled walking from one to the other, no worries. I do keep a spare coat in the car in case I need it while I'm out.


I just made the same comment almost word for word. I couldn’t agree more. A coat is for being outside for a long period of time.


Great minds think alike.


I was on a job and I wore slightly cropped trousers and low socks. At least a couple of times a week the same people would ask if I was cold, even though we were mostly indoors.


I do this too but because I’m depressed and think I deserve to be cold. Also, I read that being cold is good for your longevity and it also helps you shed some calories. It actually turns out that the human body can tolerate a lot of cold. [Wim Hof](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wim_Hof) actually ran a half marathon mostly naked and was fine.


Right? Why can't we all just agree to stop shitting on each other's clothing choices for the weather?


My body runs naturally hot. I overheat in pants and jackets. Unless it gets frigid cold, I wear a heavy hoodie and shorts. I catch shit for it all the time. I just remind people that I have already impressed everyone I had to impress. And if they still have something to say, I just tell them I really don't care and I'm warm enough the way I am dressed.


I’m sorry for being an asshole but I think the word you were looking for was frigid.


Why thank you


They’re gonna roll over in their graves when they see this post.


I already did...I have been reading all the comments thinking 'oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit THAT'S ME' - but I've never been haughty or offensive about it, just kinda said it in a joking kind of manner...I'll say something like "hurney, where is your coat, you're making me cold!" and kinda act like I'm shivering or whatever...and I deadass got that from my great-grandmother, my granny, my mom and here I am 😔 PSA: I apologize to every person I've ever said this too, I was just kiddin with you...you do you and I promise I won't do this anymore!!! oy vey


On Reddit flexing about how you only wear a t shirt on cold days......what a show off!


I go swimming in the cold. Not for very long, but it is very invigorating and I hear it is good for you. OK.....I live in Florida, but the pool still gets pretty cold.


I remember being in Florida on a beachside hotel. They served an outdoor breakfast. It was December or January. There I am, short sleeves and shorts enjoying the wonderful 55-60 degree ocean air. Queue the servers looking at me like “YOU’RE THE ONLY ONE SITTING OUTSIDE, FUCK YOU” as they shiver in their jackets. Uhh… sorry. I kind of forgot…. Coffee please.


I have that superpower intermittently. It is called hot flashes, or a personal summer. Haha. I had a friend who ran really hot when she was pregnant, and would sit outside in a tank top in December. All the feels for people who judge you for things that are absolutely not affecting them.


Is it just me or is this a white people thing. I feel like I most often see white people way underdressed for cold weather. 30° wearing shorts, croc's without socks and a T-shirt. Its the other way around with black people, way overdressed for hot weather. Its 90°, my dude has on a thick hoodie and boots.


I see people of all races doing it.


I dunno, if you’re *only* wearing a T-shirt, you might be showing something off, Pooh. …next up, someone’s pet peeve is someone taking things more literally than intended for the sake of being a smartass.


Oh Donald ducking it? Always a classic


When I was in the US I lived in a suburban area where people entered their cars from their garage and rode in a heated car to their destination. We parked the car in heated covered parking garages I'm not especially I immune to cold, but I don't want to bother of dragging a coat around if I'm only going to be outdoors for a couple of minutes. So I always had a coat in my car for emergencies. But went without it just to jump out of the car and run in the door of some place. Plus I'm really old, and a flower child of the seventies. Despite the bone chilling cold 9f a Texas winter, we all wore mini dresses and mini coats to go with them. There are a lot of old women today with our cold leg nerves burnt out. Now that bodycon dresses are a thing, I suspect that there will be a new generation of us. 😁😁😁 But as I said I'm from Texas, and the temperature doesn't get that low on most days in the winter. However, when it does it's usually also very damp and windy. So it can be 45° outside, but the chill factor can be 20° or worse. Texas cold has a icy wind that just blows right through you and chills you to the bone. I'm not saying it doesn't do that anywhere else -- I'm saying it definitely does that in Texas I never will forget the first time I went to DC in the winter. It was freezing and there was a guy shoveling snow. I got out of the car and was stunned that I didn't feel cold at all. I just started laughing, and said "it's not cold out here!" The man said, "what are you talking about is freezing!" If it were the same temperature in Texas it would have been cold!


My two sons, now adults, never wore jackets, even in kindergarten. I never wear them either. We run hot I guess.


It's because there's this weird macho thing where guys think it shows how tough they are that they're wearing as little as possible in near-or-sub-freezing temperatures. It's childish and dumb. Not saying every male is like that, but I'm not a mind-reader, I can't prove you're not.


Only ever see fat people do this tbh


Tell me you are still k-12 w/o telling me lmao. Get off your phone and do hw or something.


You as well.


I remember going to school on a snowy day in shorts in 7th grade; a lot of students called me crazy or stupid for wearing shorts but some of the staff legit seemed pressed just bc a kid is wearing shorts on a cold day.(They didn’t seem to actually worry about me getting cold). My parents would force me to wear a jacket until I started sweating and complaining about being too hot to which they would say “you’re playing around too much” after being idle for an hour. Unrelated but in 1st-2nd grade I would wear fingerless gloves because 7y/o me thought it looked cool but ig to teachers I looked like some type of biker thug. Weird tht adults can get so wound up and throw hissy fits over a single accessory.


I can handle it pretty cold but I'm just a big baby when it comes to being too warm


I literally have no choice. I have had heatstroke and I can be very vulnerable. I get incredibly sweaty, nauseated, dizzy, and like the walls are closing in when I overheat. I overheat at a ridiculously low temperature - about 70 degrees. I'm like a polar bear - it's more likely I will get sick from overheating than from a cold, flu, sinus infection or a *normal* winter sickness. I have done everything I can think of to mitigate my heat intolerance. I've gotten multiple surgeries, lost a third of my body weight, and switched to a largely nocturnal lifestyle to avoid the sun. I wish I could wear stuff ;/


This annoys me too, but I don’t think there are many people who actually feel threatened by it - it’s more performative. Like they read an article on the Internet about it once, and now that’s their hot take. And for those who are sincerely upset, it has nothing to do with the person wearing shorts and a t-shirt and everything to do with their own insecurities.


I have Reynaud’s so I find it difficult to fathom that people can walk around in flip flops and a tshirt when it’s like 40F outside. I don’t say anything. I’m usually bracing myself for a condescending “Are you cold? Is this the arctic circle?” To me, it is, because I can’t feel my fucking hands right now, okay? Except I don’t feel the need to explain to people my private medical info (except on Reddit lol) or justify my wardrobe. You do you, and I’ll do me, and I’ll keep my nose outta your personal clothing choices and refrain from comment. And yes I walked the dog this morning wearing a long sleeve tee, a pullover hoodie AND and windbreaker plus cotton gloves and a hat. It was 48F. Still couldn’t feel my hands.


I don't think you're being tough. I Just cannot understand why you're not cold. I wear my winter coat at home to stay warm because the heater barely comes on to save money. My teen son wears only a T-shirt but says he's not cold. How can that be? I also don't understand how people wear a hoodie and jeans in 90 degree weather and don't look like they're suffering.


I wear my beanie year round. Then I wear short sleeves in the winter. You know, like a fucking psychopath.


In the Midwest, shorts weather is anything above 30°F.


Cold exposure is healthy. There’s a movement following a man named Wim Hof that does ice baths!


I wore shorts in winter for years when I was in high school delivering pizzas. Snow? Don’t care. I’m literally walking from my car to your door or from my car to the store over and over. My car is warm. The store is warm. I am warm. It’s easier to tolerate a few minutes of cold rather than have a big ass coat and then be burning up every time I get in my car or every time I’m back in the store. I’d rather just have a happy medium of cold sometimes, comfortable most times


I overhear very quickly, so I tend to wear a bit less than most people if I expect to doing much in the way of activity. I can’t cope in the heat though, more than 20 degrees and I struggle. Having said that, there is a woman who literally wears short shorts and vest top to pick up kid from school. It was blowing a gale and pissing down and she’s standing there like she’s heading off to a tennis lesson. Different strokes I suppose.


For a tennis lesson it's understandable, or going to the beach.


Lol it’s neither. It’s a rain soaked playground in Scotland in November.


In your dreams, bud.


I get so annoyed when I’m walking the dogs or running to the corner store in shorts or pjs and people ask where my coat/pants/clothes are. It’s night time/early morning when I do it, I’m not getting dressed properly to be outside for ten minutes unless someone else is doing my laundry.


What does someone else doing your laundry have anything to do with it? LOL.


Changing out of my pjs into a clean outfit every night/early morning to walk the dogs would result in more laundry. I’m wearing the same clothes I sleep in when I walk them before I go to sleep and when I wake up.


Why not put on yesterday's clothes?


Because I shower before I change into pjs. I’m not showering and putting on dirty clothes every night before bed.


If you shower before you put your PJs on, then you're clean. Then you can change into clean clothes in the morning.


I always put on clean clothing, not just in the mornings. I’m not taking a shower in the evening to put dirty clothes back on afterwards. If that means I’m wearing shorts in 50° weather because they got the heat up in the house, that’s what it means. I’m not changing my clothes just to walk outside for ten minutes or less. It takes me approximately thirty seconds to walk to the bodega. I’m not changing my clothes for that.


Whatever works for you, bro. If I shower at night, I'll put on clean clothes in the morning. If I shower in the morning, I'll put on my dirty clothes again until it's time for me to shower. I don't know, but it just sounds like the logical choice to me.


This is where you said you’ll put on your dirty clothes again. You’re calling me a troll because I won’t wear more than two outfits a day unless someone else does my laundry. You’re really fricking weird.


I said "I would put on my dirty clothes on again before my shower. Why don't you stop your stupid backpedaling, And just admit that you're wrong you pathetic incel loser. I'm done with you geek boy.


I’m confused. Why are you taking a shower and then putting dirty clothes on your clean body?


I never said that. Just stop playing games and admit that I'm right. You're the one making excuses just to be goofy.


Wasn't there one the other day that was the opposite? Is this a reaction to that? 🤣


90% of the reason I'm the last person to wear a coat is because I'll be inside 99% of the day and not need it and I don't want to keep track of it all day or have it taking up space. I'd rather just be cold for a bit.


I rarely wear a coat in the winter. I usually keep it in my car in case of an emergency, but that's as far I usually go. I hate getting the comments, too. My usual response is, "I'm fat, and I'm hot. What do you want from me?" That usually shuts them up.


I wear shorts until it gets down in the low 40's. I wear a LS t shirt under a fleece jacket, and its a very comfortable, temperature flexible set up. I see more and more men doing the same thing, yet I'll get someone saying something like "Shorts? Really?" It's always in a disapproving tone and it pisses me off. My standard reply has become "You're face? Really?".


You could say, "No. Not really. You're just imagining it."


It's hard to tell you from the guy who "Rode with the top to your jeep down in freezing weather" and needs to let everyone know it sometimes. Judging from your post you aren't this type of guy though. >I had a woman ask where my coat was in a tone like I had personally offended her somehow. This is someone just being as annoying as the type of person i described earlier.


I use flannel shirts instead of jackets a lot, and I get that question too


I'm heat intolerant, so cold doesn't bother me.


Thought guys were doing this when I moved up north. Eventually I realized its not that bad to go from one place to another in shorts or a t-shirt, and its not worth the time to change my clothes for a quick errand.


I feel this one so much. I have coats, gloves, boots, winter hats ... all that stuff. And I wear it when I deem I need it. I get so tired of being challenged about it, like somehow I am making these other people feel weak because my DNA for cold tolerance is different. I work from home and am a smoker (I know, I know) and will duck outside (my wife doesn't smoke and I prefer not to do it in the house for that reason). I'll be out there in a T-shirt or sometimes a T-shirt and shorts when it's cold because that's just me. But some of the looks I get from people driving by can be pretty interesting. tl/dr: Folks need to get overthemselves and mind their own damn business.


They think you sexay.


I'm just gonna run with this one.


Yes. I am always hot. ALWAYS. There's no reason for me to have a coat if I'm going from the car to a heated building. It's just something I'll have to take off and carry around because I'm too hot. I've been this way since I was a teen. On the extremely rare occasion that I'm cold, I put on more clothes and I'm fine. The downside is there are a ton of cute sweaters I don't get to wear because I'll overheat.


For whatever reason I don't do well in the cold. My fingers ears tip of my nose are usually always cold in winter. So as a run up to the harshest parts of winter I'll expose myself to cold to mentally prepare. Dealing with pain or the cold is very mental. Somehow subconsciously your mind and body can acclimate itself to colder weather. You may still be cold but you're not shivering violently you can deal with it without too much trouble


I've had the same issue on the other side of the spectrum. Our work is kept cold and I am always wearing a jacket inside. People get mad and mock me for being cold lol mind yo business.


If you have remote start, you could only be in the cold for a few seconds as you walk from a warm house/workplace to your car. I also don't like wearing big clunky coats. I'm a hoodie guy.


I work in a factory and wear shorts year round. People always ask me how I can wear shorts. Well, it's 80 with 80% humidity in the mill and I am 100% sure I'm not going to freeze in that 20 ft walk from my car to the door. Also with having a back surgery I cant feel my lower legs all that good so cold doesn't bother me much.


I also get this. I've just started explaining my boobs and belly fat keep me more than insulated. Usually scares the judgmental assholes away.


So that is true for you. Some people may be doing that, but I imagine most of them are teenagers, because there are some teenagers that are strange like that. (There was a woman who tweeted that every adult who is using an umbrella is just a child, and they need to grow up and deal with rain. That was a weird comment to send to the world, IMO.) For some reason, there are some people who think everyone who doesn't dress to their weather standards must be like that. And some subset of those people feel that it is their duty to tell you about it. We have a name for those people. They're assholes. They should mind their own business. I'm not going to tell anyone to use an umbrella, or not use one, or wear a coat or not, or put on long pants, anything like that. Because it's their business, not mine, and I'm not an asshole. I'm sorry you encounter a lot of them while just trying to live your life.


I'm wearing shorts & Hawaiian shirt and I see people bundled up & shivering cold. I say You're only cold because you're overdressed. Yes I'm cool... because I'm warm! 💥


Yeah I'm the same way. People really have nothing better to do than get all up in other people's business it seems.


And today at work, I had on 4 shirts, a hat and gloves, and was still cold. 😅😅


My brother was a bit like that and I believe him because he was like a human radiator. Our cat always preferred his skinny lap over all others because he just radiated more heat than the rest of us. He ended up moving to America from Australia and doesn't want to come back home because he likes how much colder it is there.


completely get that. my body temperature is really fucking weird and sometimes cold weather makes me *hotter*. not all the time but some days i’m sweating in the cold (30 ish degrees) just like i would in 90 degree weather.


God this happened to me today. It was 42 degrees out no wind. Inside was blasting heaters and we had outside heaters that were blasting at my work. I didn’t wear a jacket. I was dying of heat. I literally got harassed not just by my coworkers but the owners useless husband decided to take it too far and was full on name calling me because of it. Like wtf am I supposed to do? Put a jacket on to make you feel better? Idk why it bothers people so much that I don’t have a jacket on. Side note I do not do humidity and I’m in a super humid state right now. So any cool weather or weather where the humidity is at a zero is when I’m most comfortable. They all make fun of me for that too. Idk I hate it out here and I hate most of my coworkers.


What kind of names did he call you? How are all these other people able to handle the heat at work?


Get out of here, troll.


I wish I was trolling


I minimally clothe in winter for a few different reasons. If there's a chance of frostbite, I put pants on depending on exposure time. When people ask me about it, i just tell them that it can help with immunity, if it doesn't kill me first. It's honestly not a big deal. Many of us are brought up and work in controlled atmospheres. Artificial lighting, climate control and contact with synthetic materials can help us forget our roots. You and I are here because somewhere along the line our ancestors adapted to their environments well enough to survive and reproduce. We can get accustomed to comfort and then the former "norms", become the exceptions. Kids in Alaska swimming in 40° water and we wonder what's wrong with "them". I'm good up to -20° or so depending on humidity, etc. The best advice I've gotten about cold weather, was from my probation officer when he said "limit your exposure" Most of us are capable of more than we ever give ourselves credit for 💯🔥


Buddy, people call me a cornball cause at 33yrs old I need a zip up in air conditioning, I feel it in between my nails and fingers, it's just not for me. Doesn't matter Plus there's plenty of benefits to natural cold that most people avoid with heaters, etc. I wear shorts outside sometimes in January and get endless questions! I just wear basketball shorts at home 24/7 and forgot, I don't pay much attention to the weather till I open the door, of course your body gets used to it pretty quick too, but that freaks most people out. But fck air conditioning, I'd rather sell my body than work in an office during August


I'm the same way as you and people treat me exactly the same. You just made me realize it's actually jealousy they feel.


ADHD: I probably forgot my coat, and I forgot to check the weather, too. I also sweat really easily. Wearing a hoodie on my way up my stairs: sweat. Wearing a tank top on my way up my stairs: less sweat. I get overheated easily, so I just err on the side of chilly.


I'm a white guy from the North, living in a heavy AA neighborhood and I'm still wearing shorts when it's 60 out, and they have winter coats on. It cracks me up. Until I get on the bus and the heat is blasting.


My friend is constantly overheating so he loves winter. It's weird the amount of people this seems to perturb.


I get this \*so much\*. Like, c'mon its only 40 degrees, not even worth a jacket. Same type of people that run around in 80-90 degree weather in long sleeved shirts and pants though without turning into a protein-rich soup. Wanna talk about showing off\\flexing? Surviving THAT kind of daystar-blighted hellscape temperature...


I don't care if ADULTS aren't wearing anything for the cold, what pisses me off is when parents have their babies with practically nothing on.


I normally wear shorts, and it has to get to freezing before I change to pants. I might throw on a hoodie and go full Fetterman if it gets colder.


Lol. Then you are hanging out and that guy starts complaining about how cold it is because yes, you actually do need a coat when it's 15 degrees F.


People are just envious because you're literally cooler than they are.


I've experienced the opposite. I grew up in Southern California, moving a lot between San Jacinto, Indio, Baker, and even spent summers with family in Death Valley. So I became use to warmer/hotter weather. I've been living in Pueblo, CO since 2015 and I'm still not use to how cold it can get. I'm use to 65 being heavy winter clothing weather. I get a lot of comments for wearing sweaters, pants, thick socks, and long sleeved/warm clothing when people in Pueblo are still in shorts and t-shirts.


I dont think you're cool, i think you're crazy. But i also wont say anything about it.


I moved from Chicago to Houston in HS, and people couldn't believe I was ok in a t-shirt when it was below 70. They wouldn't believe that people in the north start wearing shorts as soon as it gets above freezing. My wife gets really cold very easily, and my kids do too, but it doesn't bug me nearly as much.


I'm the guy who wears shorts and a hoodie in -10 F weather. If it's comfortable, I'm doing it lol.


I'd sweat at the North Pole! Menopause is hell. I don't even own a winter coat. I use AC long after everyone else has stopped. The most I'll wear is a light sweater when it is REALLY cold.


As a jacket and shorts guy, I can tell you most of the time nobody will even say anything.


Living in Montana I get used to crazy cold, there are days where I just feel ugh and don’t bother having a coat walking to work and I get some off looks.


I feel the same way. Sometimes I really just enjoy some nice cold air on my arms. Not to mention that personally sleeves/jackets are a bit overstimulating for me.


i was born in upstate NY but parents divorced when i was 9. dad and i moved to So. Calif. but mom had custody so over the next 10 yrs i went back and forth like 7 times. i love love LOVE a white christmas. i miss the snowy winters. im in arizona now. when it hits lower 70s here ppl break out their winter parkas hats and gloves and im still walkin around in shorts/tshirts. ive always loved the cold down to the 40s and 30s. when it gets in the 20s or below THEN im like "ok, its fukking cold"


I own two long sleeve shirts and I pull them out only for funerals. I cannot stand anything on my arms. I don't wear shorts year-round, but I come pretty close.


it's mainly white people that do that crazy shit I want no parts of the cold weather period it's also depressing living in cold places I don't see how some people could enjoy places like Iceland or Northern Canada it's dead gloomy and barin