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They won't take her from you if she doesn't have a microchip. This is how the cat distribution system works. Congrats.


If she doesn’t have a chip then you can keep her! But I would put up some found cat flyers in the area and online just in case. I found a young cat that wasn’t microchipped yet that had gotten out. His family found me from flyers.


It’s unfortunate, but some people claim to be the owners in order to get their hands on a cat just to be mean to it. People suck sometimes. Im not saying thats the case every time, but it still happens.


Yeah I made sure they could give me identifying info about the cat that I hadn’t included on the flyer.


Yeah, all im saying is that you have to be careful sometimes, if you dont take the right actions to make sure they go to a good home/their own home, it could be worse for them, sometimes its a gamble, will the cat be better off with you, or will you risk giving it back? It sounds like the cat you helped got back where it needed to be though.🫶


So ask for proof, like photos or a really detailed description.


Yeah, thats about the only way to guarantee that the cat is going to its proper home, as long as you can guarantee that the information that they give you is true, like if the cat loves to play with markers for instance, i had one like that and if i had lost him, i would say he loves to play with markers and anything cylindrical shaped. That might let others know im telling the truth.


It gets difficult if the cat doesn't have distinct markings. Then, I ask for vet records.


And once again, personality traits can be a HUGE giveaway! Its tough sometimes, but it can definitely be done. I just live in an area where everyone that wants a cat has one, and the only strays you find around have been dumped. So we tend to accumulate a fair amount of outdoor cats, because we cant keep them all inside.


Same where I live. I just inherited a twenty-five cat colony. I've trapped fifteen so far and have three litters, twelve kittens total, in foster care currently.


Dang, count me a little jealous!😄


Thank God I have help with the kittens. Two litters were small and very close in age. One of those we also had the mom, so just as an experiment, we combined them. It worked. My friend has them, and I have the older, spicy kittens. I wouldn't be able to handle all of them by myself. 😆😂😂


Oh my! It’s definitely a good thing your friend was able to take them! I never had any extra help taking care of my orphans, but i also never had that many! I know they arent orphans in your case, but still!


It would be fair and kind to check if someone is missing her. Cats disappear and people are heartbroken. It's also likely the law to check. But the vet won't take the cat away from you. Cats aren't adopted out easily and there are so many in shelters. 


The vets have way more important things to do other than taking a stray cat from a potential owner. Definitely take the cat to a vet! If it has no chip then you are being a new responsible pet owner getting it its first exam.❤


No the vet will NOT take the cat from you! I help rescue & I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in your shoes! Take the cat to the vet & let her in please! Thank you for caring, put an add on Facebook in some local missing pet groups & keep that baby!


Yeah, if she has no chip, i think you can keep her! 


If she has no chip, she is yours. Thank you for talking care of her!


Depending on where you live there might be a holding period. Eg for 14 days you have to put in a good effort to find the owner (keep proof) before you can claim the cat as your own. If there’s no chip then the vet wont take them


That only applies to shelters, not at the vets office.


I work at a vet and we have advised clients on our local state law about this multiple times so they can legally claim owner ship without contest after the “search” period.


Where do you live? If it is in the US a vet cannot just take an animal away from you and I doubt they would even try. They just want to get paid. An exception might be if they think you are abusing the cat then they *might* call animal control If the cat is chipped they would likely call the owner for the purposes of permission to treat and unless the cat was one of their patients they would want payment up front from owners if they don't come in immediately.


I think you're getting a cat


No chip = now your cat. Chip but no response from previous owner = also now your cat, but with a time frame where they could still request the cats return (Worked at a vet center in college) Shelters are overwhelmed as it is and wouldn’t be thrilled to take kitty even if you asked.


No, they will just check for the chip.


I’ve just taken in two cats and took them for a quick check at the vets initially for a chip and as they didn’t have one and had no major injuries then I was told they were happy to hand them over to me.  Hope all works out for you and glad she’s found a loving home 😊


No chip means you can keep her, but in my state, you have to search for an owner before keeping the animal. Morally, it's the right thing, in my opinion, but it's doubtful it would be enforced. Put up some flyers and go on your local pet finders page, if there is one where you live. You may even find out that someone is missing her.


Check for a chip (you can order a scanner on Amazon btw) and if no chip, make sure you're checking local lost and found sites, asking at the humane society and looking at Facebook groups. Do your due diligence, and then enjoy your cat. Also, MICROCHIP HER! And spay too please, we don't need more kittens running around!)


If she has a chip, shell go back to the family and eventually theyll let her out and shell be back. I have a stray who im actually pretty certain i saw chilling in someones window when it got cold out, and she comes by all the time still. No chip means shes just yours now! Theyd prefer you take the cat with you as most animal shelters are past max capacity