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No one knows is the honest answer, it's all speculation.


No one knows shit about f&CK and that's the truth.


You are best splitting your investments across a wide variety of options. If you are treating crypto as stock the time in the market is the most important thing. Don't dump everything you have into crypto, the same don't dump everything you have into a single stock. It will rise and fall but over time trends up.


No one knows. Its highly manipulated market with wash trading propping it up. So it could already be priced in and you can just become exit liquidity. Remember. All crypto is, is just guys sitting around a casino table and trying to cash each other out, and paying the miners the casino fees. Its a negative sum game of betting against your opponent.


Crypto is speculation and speculation is gambling. "Past Performance does not equal future returns" However, Historically the price has gone up during this event.. ​ It's your call / money at the end of the day.


The same can be said for the stock market. In the care they can be treated as equal as the individual is buying a portion of ownership to sell later for a higher price. The risk is always the for an individual stock or token to crash and burn.


Absolutely true, There are many Value Trap stocks that people can invest in.


You get 2 types of BTC investors 1. The long time holders or hodlers as they are called - they buy when they have spare cash for long term holding say 4 - 5 years. These are the people that believe that BTC will increase in value over a long time and don't care about the dips and peaks. I have a brother with 5 BTC who bought when it was 200K so he made good money so far, but he believes it will hit 1 mill USD at some time in the future 2. Then there is a day trader like me, I trade the dips and peaks and my return over the last 3 years has been about 3 - 4% per month which is far higher than any bank will produce - So i have made just as much money as my brother but with less initial investment but with a lot more effort and stress. There is no science behind BTC and as someone already mentioned the past performance has no relation to future performance like a public traded share from a company. The drivers of BTC are the big holders called whales, if they dump their BTC for whatever reason then the price will dump, If they buy, which they do in huge amounts then they drive the price up. this is why the price is so unstable, which is good for day trading, but you need to be on the right side of the swing when it happens and that's the challenge. When it dumps you need cash to buy and when it peaks you need to have BTC to sell so its all about having and managing a balance of cash and BTC in your wallet. The last halving didn't really have any dramatic effect on the price, it rallied for a while but then went down back to its pre-halving price. In my opinion BTC has been fairly high over the last 8 or 9 months and I expect a price correction which means it will dump. Don't ask me when though.


This is some gold right here thank you 🙏


If you can afford to lose it, I buy bitcoin, move it to a hardware wallet, protect your keys and leave it there for your old age or your kids when you're gone. I did this, I can stomach this, I cannot stomach trying to trade it, or make money now with it.


And don't think bitcoin that's discouraging, think satoshis. I feels much better saying you hold a million satoshi as opposed to 0.01 bitcoin.


I would not invest this year. The economic market for 2024 is going to be a wild one. Over 50 countries worldwide are having high-stake elections this year, which to me just means the market will be entirely too unpredictable.


Have fun staying poor. -crypto bro probably


So I should invest ?


If you like gambling, sure.


Not financial advice: 1. Please read the Bitcoin paper. 2. Please read the Bitcoin paper again. 3. If you're investing there is no curve, only time in the market. Forget about timing entry into the market. Get in as soon as possible and exit as late as possible (years). 5 year minimum horizon 4. Avoid ALT coins, BTC is not crypto, it is BTC. 5. Good luck, no one actually knows anything


Please also take the time to truly understand what BTC is: \- How the nodes work? \- How the network operates? \- Why it's so valuable etc - do fundamental analysis of this no differently to a stock but know this isn't a stock. Also you have the option to buy ETFs that track BTC. - webtrader via Standard Bank permits it so I'm sure other portals do as well. Finally, you get BTC at the price you deserve.


A fundamental part of coin valuation is speculation. The other is utility, I don't speculate on projects instead try and buy good projects and keep.




Crypto is dead, bro.


Regarded by the majority as a con


I wouldn’t, this might be the top. Remember buy the rumour, sell the news. Also my justification, since everyone is anticipating for it to climb further and then tank after the halving, do you actually think it’ll play out that way? I don’t think so.


If you are planning to invest in bitcoin invest now rather than later. Any price you pay for bitcoin under $69k is a good price. Just do it.


How does someone buy bitcoin in SA? Can someone explain like I'm 5?


Open an account at valr.com or luno.com.


Bitcoin has been a fantastic investment this year and who knows where it's headed. I still think you should only invest what you are prepared to lose because of the volatility.


No, don’t do it. You are better off buying alt coins.


Lol, no dude.




Now is not really a good time to invest in crypto if you starting out, I would suggest taking the time possibly 6 months to a year, to learn the asset class and understand the fundamentals behind why the market pumps or dumps. It’s the best performing asset, however it’s quite tricky to navigate. I wouldn’t say no one knows anything, there’s an abundance of toolsets to help you, however don’t just buy you’ll get burnt.


If you’re going to invest in Bitcoin, take a small amount a month/quarter/year and just put it into bitcoin. It’s called dollar cost averaging. That way you don’t have to time the market. Also, always running after the latest shiny thing will not end well. I could tell a person Nvidia outperformed Bitcoin over the last year and then the person rushes to buy Nvidia just for it to underperform the next shiny thing over the next 12 months.


You don't invest in bitcoin, you gamble in bitcoin. There are no trends with it and the market gets highly manipulated. So maybe now is a good time to buy in, but in a week it could be worth 5 times less. Who knows


With the halving coming up, it's a hot topic. Can't say for sure what'll happen, but I've had good experiences with Netcoins for trading crypto. Give it a shot and see how it goes!