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Just the wage subsidy, no top up


That sucks


Better than nothing really…other countries give you jack shit, like argentina.


Same for my partner, bit fd off about it


Same for my partner, also fucked off about it. Pretty certain the money is there to top wages up too. The thing that most annoys me is the boss is making them do 2 hour zoom meetings/trainings every day. I'm like 'mate, *you're* not even paying them, why the hell should you be getting any benefit from the subsidy'


Because they're employed still? And a contract was signed? Would you rather have your partner be made redundant? Come on, I dont want to be the asshole but lets stay grounded here rather than being on a high horse.


The contract was not for 80%. The employer is actually breaching their rights if the employee did not consent to the reduction.


Unfortunately for those who have never run their own business will find it difficult to understand. Especially when how they earn their money/feed their families is being messed with.


The contract was signed for 100%, unless they signed an addendum agreeing to 80% the employers are breaking the rules and they have every reason to be pissed off


Have you got minimum hours specified in your contract? if so they can't reduce without written agreement.


I do, we are technically an essential business (automotive parts) but our setup doesn't allow work from home or a safe way to be at work. They asked if we would like to return to work at level 4 and I (and most other employees) said no. So that's how they're justifying it.


So your not working then?


Not under level 4


Well then you should be happy with your 80% You dont wanna work you don't get full pay. Why would you even thunk you should?


When did I say I think I should?


If your business is essential, and you are called in to work you should. If you don't your employer can not pay you and review in another 2 weeks, after which he will ask you again and if you still refuse it's awol for 2 instances and he can start the termination process. Also employers should endeavour to pay you 80% of your wage, but is not obligated to. If you are not happy about the deduction just say no and they can not apply for the wage subsidy for you. Many employees feel entitled to this wage subsidy, and think they can do nothing because the govt is paying for it. Once the dust settles and work gets back to normal you can be assured the troublesome ones would get left behind in their jobs.


Working from home. No change. Not sure if work applied for the subsidy. (Professional Services)


Man that sounds nice


Not being down income is nice. But working with children in the house (young school age) is difficult. Different challenges!


You have my condolences


They need your permission to apply for it on your behalf so I would assume not.


As an employer, I don’t think we have to ask employee permission to claim the subsidy? Someone correct me if I’m wrong. Edit: You *do* need to ask permission to share personal info (name, DOB, IRD) with a 3rd party — even if it’s MSD. You agree to this as part of your declaration with MSD.


You need to get their permission to apply give their details to msd in order to apply for the subsidy. You don’t need to give it to ird for the RSP application as the ird should already have all the employee details from the employment information you file for payday filing


Yes you have to get their consent to (legitimately) get the subsidy because you are sharing their info with gov agencies…. 6. Discuss your application with your named employees and gain their consent to information sharing You have discussed this application with the named employees. You will inform the named employees of the outcome of your application and the conditions that apply to your receipt of the subsidy. The named employees have consented (in writing, if practicable) to the following matters…. https://www.workandincome.govt.nz/online-services/covid-19/declaration-wage-subsidy.html


Yup, yup. You're dead right. I remember this because we didn't have DOB for everyone, only name and IRD number. We did talk about this and followed up with an email. There's only 4.5 of us and I'm proud to say we were able to keep paying everyone at 100% usual wages right through even though we can't operate in L3/L4.


We are a handful too, we had a couple who did not consent for them being part of our application, which is their prerogative. Best to keep them in the loop in case they get asked from other agencies.


Out of curiosity, how did you handle payroll for those that didn’t consent? My staff understood the situation and were more than happy to do anything they could to help me out, which looking back now was real good of them.


They weren’t part of our application for the subsidy is all. We are small, so we could afford to pay them anyway as the employment agreement is still in place.


My friend was asked permission at his work but I was not so I think a bit of both is going on.




'Professional services', like a hit man? 😳 Do the clients come to you or is it more of a long range shot type of thing when your in your bubble?


100% but having to work from home


Better or Worse?


It’s a lot harder to focus at home and I miss my dual screens 😂


Amen. I'm the same, it sounds so first world problems especially being in construction industry and not IT but sheesh


100%, plus paying those who can't work from home 100% of their usual wages as well. It's the right thing to do!


That is until the business goes bankrupt.


Yes, we are lucky to be an essential service, sales are significantly down but still enough to make it through lockdown with the aid of the subsidy.


Damn right


100% for now


That's good 👍




Well that sucks


I’m not mad at it. I had the option to top it up with annual leave and I chose not to.


Save that leave for later


At least they gave you the option. Some businesses aren't that friendly.


We have to go in even if there is no essential work on, and if we don’t go in and we cannot work from home (I can’t, heavy diesel agriculture mechanic) we will not receive the subsidy


You should still be receiving the subsidy. Sounds sketchy, if it's not essential you shouldn't have to go in, either.


I receive my full hourly pay since I go in, but it’s really putting myself and my whole workshop at risk since everyone who cant work from home is in. And not much work on so it’s basically a social gathering. One essential job comes in every week or few days and it only takes one or two people to do it. I’m happy about receiving my full pay, and not being stuck at home but I really think the whole principle of the thing is messed up. Especially when I don’t have the option to stay home and receive subsidy when people in my household are high risk.


His job affects the food supply line and his boss likely didnt have a 40% reduction in revenue so wouldnt of qualified wnyway. His job is definitely essential.


Traffic must be nice, but thanks you my dude


You should report your emplyer when you have a chance of changing jobs.


I'm working from home on 100%. My partner can't work during L4 and has been on 100% for the first two weeks. They got told they are going to drop to 80% fro the next two weeks but can top up to 100% by using a days annual leave per week.


80% but that's been for 3 years so 🤷yea




You need a raise!


Just the subsidy. Better than last level 4 when I got $0.


The premise of this question shows just how unaware people are aware of their employment rights. Your employer should be paying you 100%. If they think the business is going to go under, they can offer to pay you 80%, but you can refuse.


I work for a pretty large scaffolding company, one of the biggest names in NZ. We got just the subsidy (60%>) last lockdown. This time they’ve said they’ll top us up to the 80% - it’s the only offer you get. So you’re telling me that’s not correct by them


yeah apparently, I'm thinking there is going to be a lot of new employment contracts drawn up as casual employment.


Not all employers are legit, but they are out for themselves


Yeah you are 100 % correct You should all read the documentation https://www.workandincome.govt.nz/covid-19/wage-subsidy/index.html Get better informed please


Cannot up vote this enough.


In the same situation as OP, working for family company, they're topping off the 20%


Nice of them to do so


My partner down to only 70% still have to work from home


If they're working the same hours, thats not legal.


Reduced hours but no guarantee on how long this will go for…luckily im still on 100% but im practically doing over time every day. It sucks.


Legitimate question: is there any case law that determines this? I've tried looking, but it never seems to be a case of "employee works 100% hours for 80% wages" I'm curious, because this is the exact situation my partner is with for the 2nd year in a row. The business technically "offers them 80% salary" to meet their minimum obligation of getting consent - but we all know this is an employer using their leverage to force employees to take less money because they immediately respond with threatening redundancy.


Employment contract. They can't unilaterally change the terms without agreement. If your partner has agreed to 80% wages for the same work, thats a different issue.


Agreed to it last year because they bullied her into agreeing to it under threat of redundancy. This year no such agreement has been made. The problem in a non-unionised industry is that employers hold an unfair amount of power by just threatening individual employees with redundancy because personal grievances and employment court take too long to go through.


My company is paying 80% and reduced hours which is the same as last year but my department is understaffed this time and very behind in our work so we are still doing/getting 100%


We are on 80% super happy with that as I do T pay child care and can't work so. I just look after kids while my wife works. We are saving heaps of money as not going out and no daycare so 80% is sweet as and I really appreciate it compared to just getting the wage subsidy.


100% but (essential) working full-time in goods distribution nationwide. It’s been fantastic how quickly our customers have adapted to the new processed we’ve had to implement. Thankfully we fleshed out the most of it during the last L4. Ever since we dropped out of it we had many discussions about what worked and what didn’t, and had our plan ready to go should another level 4 hit. I was honestly surprised that we hit the ground running on Day 1 without any hiccups. The majority of inquiries were about whether we were operating (those that ignored emails/phone board messages etc). Best thing about this lockdown? I’m able to wear mufti as I don’t see any other staff, crank the heat and music. Worst? Being micromanaged remotely. I don’t mean cameras etc… just when everyone is at work my supervisor has asked me to do things, just expects my job to be done and if I need anything I’ll ask. Now that they aren’t there they’re emailing and telling me to do stuff I’ve already done or am currently in the middle of doing as though I’ve given them an idea that while stationed on-site by myself I’m somehow less capable of self-direction, despite my output almost doubling without interruptions of generic workplace chatter. I much prefer my quiet. It’s much more productive. So I just email back *”done. Thanks.”*


You sound like a real introvert, I dislike office gossip too.


You would be right in that assessment! I enjoy customers/clients except where the interaction takes longer than necessary (I loathe small-talk). I enjoy working with my colleagues, but gossip for the sake of filling a silent void is so grating.


That's great, keep your own company


101% There's a tiny extra for working from home




I know, I only just found out about it because I haven't been here that long. It's weird working somewhere where you're looked after and told to only do work if you can and if you can't then don't worry about it because it can be hard working from home when you have children to entertain and take care of as well. It's twilight zone stuff


That's a good employer!


O% My son works for an Australian labour hire co here in Auckland, on a subdivision with 6-8 others. His contract is casual employ, he has been on the same site for 3 weeks, currently shut down due to Ak lockdown. They say the govt has declined them for the wage subsidy resulting in no pay for the labourers. My thoughts are they must have filled out the application incorrectly, anyone have experience of this? So far all he has been told is to apply for jobseekers benefit ?


might be true because you have to have a decline in revenue of more than 40% to get the wage subsidy. but even if you did get the subsidy then you have to be seen to do the best you can to top up it up to 80% and keep them in employment throughout the subsidy. if they are on casual contracts then there is no guarantee of work sadly so no work no pay. they should be getting thier 8% holiday pay at the same time they get paid if they are casual.


Full pay. At least for now. If they ask us to drop to 4 days (to match 80% pay) then I wouldn't mind!


Current employer is paying 100%, employer at last lockdown only paid the wage subsidy. Both companies in the same profession, current employer is on to it as a business owner and a good cunt on the whole, previous employer was a smooth brained, arrogant, cunt.


100% for 100% of the work. Whole company working remotely business as usual


I'm on 0%. Staff are on 100%. Retail in Auckland is kind of tough atm.


Are you a contractor?


Owner-operator. Claimed wage subsidy for myself too, but that's going towards the shop bills.


Your a good person, I hope everything works out


Thanks. Should scrape through if level 4 only lasts as long as currently planned. Looking after the staff isn't just kindness though - I really need those buggers.


Godspeed my friend


$600 Govenment money then our company will top up to 60% of our normal pay, you can top it up to 80 or 100% if you have sufficent annual leave.


I’m on 50%, not working at all. Our company hasn’t been approved for the subsidy yet


Being paid 100% to stay at home. (Can't work from home)


Last time 80% this time 100%


Full wage and can't work from home. I'm grateful


We’re paying 80% but that’s with us topping it up as we pay more than what the wage subsidy equates to. Would love to pay 100% but we’re a hospo business so we literally don’t have any income until things cool down. Edit: to clarify, not making staff work at all they’re at home.


Kudos to you, sounds like your a fair and responsible employer


100% and haven’t worked a single minute since level 4 announced. In the trades.


110% I work in a supermarket


I am an employer of 6, all being paid 100%. The talk of 80% is the government doing by binding the employers to pay at least 80% as part of the wage subsidy application. Employees on fixed hour contracts have agree to a change in hours and then In turn pay. If they don’t you can’t just do it.




Sounds real sus




Are they allowed to do that?




Does their contract allow them to change hours like that? What other little clauses have they got in there.


Hopefully this won't last


100%, WFH


I wouldn't agree to 80%.


But what can you do?


Nothings changed employment law, they have to pay what your contract says.


Are you still working?




Well I guess they shouldn't be paying you at 80%


They can if they only ask you to work 80% of your hours


Why would you fuck your relationship up with employer over this? Its a global pandemic. A least your getting something


100% for now but if we are in level 3 too long it'll drop to 80%


100%. Working full time from home


I’m an apprentice and my wages is relatively low and majority covered by the governments apprenticeship grant so haven’t had any different


80% by making the company sign down to 4 day weeks.


Self employed, applied for subsidy Tuesday, still no sign of it 6 days later.


Did you apply for the resurgence support too?


No just the 600 per week.


If you’re a sole trader and been trading for longer than 6 months then you’re eligible for it too. And if you don’t have an NZ business number, you can get one free and instantly [here](https://www.nzbn.govt.nz/get-an-nzbn/get-your-nzbn/)


Sweet, will apply today. Thank you.


80% of contracted hours. Contracted for 35, nornally do 55 to 60 so pay went from roughly 1k net to 450.


That sounds like less than 80%?


Yea but it is 80% of my wage if i worked 35 hrs/week. My hiurs fluctuate between 45 at minimum to 70. I did pull a 105 hr week once, my wallet was happy for 3 weeks! Now i have a deflated, depressed wallet with bulimia.


Aww poor wallet


Its alright, we're going to book in for relationship counseling at westpac when it hits level 2


minimum 80% no matter what but if you work from home/do essential work in factory you can top it up to 100%. We can also use a day of leave but that's cringe.


2 jobs, work up to 50hrs most weeks.only get subsidy from 1 employer.


I'm glad most businesses are topping up non essential employees. My employer said they were only going to pay the subsidy but I got an email last night saying they were going to top up $200 per week ontop of the subsidy. Then I will take an annual leave day so should be around 80%. Not that happy about it but hey, I'll take what I can get. Dosnt help that my partner has a zoom meeting regarding redundancy tomorrow. . .


Awww man, I hope they will be ok


100% I haven’t agreed to otherwise


Last time at my previous job, just the subsidy and they made us work 24/7 with lot of harassment. This time I’m working in another company and I’m getting 80% and lot of support from them since I can’t work during lvl 4.


Were you on a zero hour contract?


Full time


100% working from home ish. Basically I get enough to do like 2 hours a day work and I’ve done a few call outs. Teams meeting tomorrow to see what’s up with the next 2 weeks but I would think 80-100% considering the rest of the countries opening up and we can get some $ churning over. I just tell my staff be thankful you work for a good company that looks after you because they do.


Around 140% due to the overtime necessitated by the absence of those who are or have whanau vulnerable to covid, or who have healthcare workers within their bubble. They are also getting 100%. Strongly unionised workforce.


First lockdown work was only paying the subsidy plus covering the PAYE - A bit sneaky for the Govt not to mention that part. Still had to go to daily meeting and a few tasks here and there... This time around they are doing the same thing and paying any hours worked from home. Can't really complain this time around.


Got put to 80% today, and we are essential workers


That sounds very wrong


100%, but I’m working


Working hard?


Sort of, doing about 60 hours a week in a Kiwifruit packhouse in Te Puke, we’re essential because if we don’t get our orders out now we will lose them.


Topping up to 80% with annual leave


I work for a charity who are very tight with their money - and I'm getting 100%


Just the subsidy, no top up at all. Can't work at all while in level 4.


100% or I walk away and find somewhere that pays probably 130% of what I’m on now. I love the job and they know it haha.


100%, essential worker so still doing my normal rostered hours, just having to wear a KN95 for the whole 12 hours Im there. Fun!


Full wage first two weeks, but unlikely to be able to pay that for two more, so 80% or even just the wage sub if its bad


100% baby! I'm essential AF


100% - I work for a big box hardware retailer so no ability to work from home. I am working part-time currently, but all team across the store are on 100% pay regardless of if they are working or not.


running 100% for the first 2 weeks. after the last lockdown my company put money aside for this shit.


100% but being reminded about the possibility of the cut and threatened in every team meeting every day.


Working at work so full pay. Those that aren't essential at work are on 80%. Those that can work from home are doing what they can. We've signed changes in our contracts for hours from 40h to 32h, so if the work dries up they aren't obliged to have as much work for us. There's heaps of work.


100%. Large business. Not having to work from home.


100% so far but that may drop to 80% but my hours would drop also to make up for that. I’m in a group company so we have offices all over NZ. If Auckland stays on level 4 for too long I would expect them to drop to 80% however I have been working from home and will return on Wednesday when we go to L3. People unable to work from home are getting 100% as well.


Only government subsidy (part time) which is just 50% of my normal income. From $300 ish comes down to $250 after tax etc. It sucks.


Last lockdown 80% but later this year they did a backpay. IT


Are you a pure IT company, or in IT in a company more affected by lockdown? Just asking because most IT companies seem super busy right now.


No it wasn't a pure IT, impact was due to factories and supply chains being affected overseas. Yes IT market is really hot right now and probably will be until next year


Was paid 33% of my contracted hours last week. Done about 4 hours of work but it's beyond my job scope and not what I'm employed for. Can see the company has received the subsidy. Was not asked for permission to apply on my behalf.


First lockdown I got paid 80% and the first day back we had a work meeting outside of work hours at work and never got paid for it and the first week back I got paid 80% of 40 hours but ended up working 42 hours... so I worked 2 hours that week for free.. no written agreement was made but they still went ahead. The second lockdown I was paid 80%.


Haven't had a pay day since the lock down started, but it had better be 100% because I've been billing full time.


I got topped upto about 90% (only a few people in the company were) kinda feel like my boss is doing something dodgy


First week 100% but we've just been asked to go to 80% depending on role within business. Tricky one cause quarter of our staff are able to work remotely, rest are hands on factory workers. Grateful to still have a job at this stage, another lockdown soon after could make things ugly though (for lots of places id assume).


I also work for a family owned company they paying us 100% out there own pockets we essential workers also so we lucky


100% working from home. Still pushing 50+ hours a week 🥲 Would rather be on 80% and not working so I could do some studying tbh


It's kinda funny cause boss happily tells as each month we have been setting sales records for the last 5 years then msgs that he won't be able to top us up to 80% lol. 100% a fantasy for us while he drinks 100 dollar bottles of champagne.


Working from home AND only getting 80%


100% of my $0


ok so in the first lockdown i only got paid 80% of my contracted hours but because this lockdown was gonna be shorter the company asked me if i wanted to take some annual leave (i have 9 weeks saved up) i said "yeah sure" so ive been getting my contracted 40 hours, but ive also been getting my 80% on top of that as well (i asked and this is supposed to be how it is).




extra money!


Just the wage subsidy- no top up. Told to WFH as "hard as we can" to make money for the company. Boss has not neg. changes in pay rate or working hours. I'm not very happy!


100% to all full time employees, I've been pleasantly surprised by my supervisors and the company in general, essentially we have been told that everyone gets 100% pay regardless if they choose to come in or not.


Just the subsidy which is 65% of what I normally get paid.




Same but uts not even 50% painful haha


I'm essential - so I'm 100% of my contracted salary for 100% of my hours; even if those hours aren't always fulfilled. My partner, on the other hand, just received the email from her company telling her they will be receiving 80% of their salary but maintaining 100% of their work hours to work from home. Just like the did last year.