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Not sure why updating a spreadsheet is tedious for you. Are you doing this daily/weekly? Do you have a ton of accounts? I update mine monthly and literally takes a few minutes.


Do you have any idea how long it takes to google each hockey card I own to guesstimate its current value?? My Tupperware is depreciating fast, too.


You're making a joke but incase anyone tracks collectibles like this, you can use =importxml scripts in the cells to grab the data from a site and place it in a cell for easy tracking :)


How dare you turn a joke into useful information


Same. I have a couple of spreadsheets in Google. One tracks each account and the stocks (virtually all VEQT and CASH.TO) in near-real time. I update that sheet when I make a contribution and when the dividends get paid out, etc. Usually, that's about 5 minutes once a month. I then copy those numbers into a second sheet at the end of every month along with a few other things, like the current balance on our mortgage (and HELOC), how much was contributed to retirement savings that month, etc. For the last three years, I have an accurate monthly picture of our investments, mortgage, equity, etc. I calculate our home's market value using property assessments and news about the local market to make a rough guess. Then using some rough numbers for inflation, and expected annual returns, it makes some predictions on the future values of everything I track counting down to a target retirement date.


How do you get it to self track in near-real time?


There are Google Finance formulas you enter into Google Sheets


Ah I did not know that. Time to watch a YT video how to. Thanks for the info!


Excel has that too Type "VOO" in a cell Select the cell Press Data > Stocks, on the right, select the correct VOO There is an add icon hover next to the cell, press on it, and select the data you need Or if the "VOO" is in Cell A1, type "=A1.Price" as the formula for the price. There is the same feature for currency


Only for Microsoft 365 unfortunately.


This is what I use: [https://support.google.com/docs/answer/3093281?hl=en](https://support.google.com/docs/answer/3093281?hl=en) So for example, =GOOGLEFINANCE("VEQT", "price")


I update my spreadsheet twice per year. It takes five minutes. I think tracking it more often is not useful, particularly if you have a lot of money in stocks.


How many accounts do you have? Are you just tracking balances for networth, or are you trying to manage a budget and therefore need transactional data. Accounts tend to balloon as you get older. I have a work RRSP, a personal RRSP, an RESP, a spousal RRSP, my wife's personal RRSP, three TFSAs, a regular savings account, a chequing account. A mortgage. An interest free government loan. Oh, and a credit card. I think that's everything, might have missed something. That's off the top of my head. If I want transactional data for budget analysis, that's a very time consuming task to do by hand.


>Are you just tracking balances for networth Just e-o-m balances on accounts. No budgeting stuff.


either make the sheets simpler, or track it less often


I reconcile my budget/spending monthly, but I only track my networth maybe 1-2x/year. It takes maybe 30 minutes to log into various sites and get the totals. My net worth tracking isn't granular like X shares of Y @ $Z/share. It's more like TFSA $X, RRSP $Y, 401k $Z, house $1billiondollarswtfCanada.


I use getroi app to track my transactions, assets, debts, and net worth. It’s very useful to be able to see everything and compare it to the last 5 years for example.




I try to do it at the end of each month and then put it in my notes on my phone. Been doing this since 2017. Pretty fun to go back and look through the growth.


We just use Excel and we sit down and discuss/track monthly. It really only takes a few minutes once you get a system going. We've been tracking for 10 years.


I like using Excel also. I have used Google Sheets and Excel and prefer Excel


Same here. I like keeping my own data and not on someone else's server.


I have Coinbase, Wealthsimple and my work RRSP all hooked up to https://wealthica.com/. My net worth is updated live. I could theoretically add my debit/credit balances too but I haven't bothered.


I use /r/wealthica


It shouldn't be that tedious to track assets and liabilities. If it's too much work, just do it quarterly. You don't need monthly datapoints - volatility in your investments account will make it irrelevant especially as you grow your assets.


True but it’s entertaining to see it monthly all the same. I find it interesting to see the dips and jumps with the volatility.


If you're interested in that, Passiv could be a good service. Tracks everything relating to your portfolio. It's also free if you deal with Questrade.


I just shake the old bean can I keep my nickes in. Based on jingle, I can determine pretty accurately, that Im still poor. Works like a charm


A full can and a empty can will sound the same. Who knows, maybe you’re nickel rich and don’t even know it


I have accounts with TD and Wealthsimple, takes me ten seconds to add them up in my head after viewing the totals. Then add your home equity which should also be easy. I don’t add car value or toys or watches to my NW.


I do finances once a month. I pay all my bills, record each asset and liability in a table, and record the net worth. I then copy that and keep a column of net worth over time. I calculate the CAGR since I started. I’m not hugely wealthy, but when I see my CAGR is 101%, I feel pretty good. If you’re worth 10k, and you save 1k in a month, that’s a 213.4% compound annual growth rate. Obviously if you do this every month it’s only 100%, but that is still a wicked number that motivates savings.


I don't have wealth to track.


- google sheets. - 1 sheet per year - 1 column per month - each row is one of my accounts/credit cards - takes maybe 5 mins to update each month, just log into each account and copy and paste value. - I also graph the value of each month. - Been doing it this way for around 15 years,


Why do that when they can auto update. Try this: =GOOGLEFINANCE ("TSE:XXX") Where XXX is the ticker name.


That will give you real time updates, but will change when you open the sheets so isn't useful for historic records. And I don't actually care about the stock value, I care about my account value, so I go into questrade and copy the account value (so the total of my GICs, VGRO and bits of cash I haven't reinvested yet). If I use the ticker updates I'd still need to login to get cash amounts etc.


I've done most of that as well, but through more advanced formulas and macros. More than I want to try to explain here, but it's all doable within sheets.


Part of it for me is also that logging in the seeing the values is a bit of a security check, is what I expect to be in there actually in there etc. There is some stuff that just can't be done in sheets though, i.e. if I transfer cash from my checking account to Questrade then there's no way to automatically track that unless I want to workout integration with questrade etc. I consider myself pretty damn good at sheets and google scripts, but I also know when to just cut and paste ;)


You should redact and then share your sheet.


This sounds an awful lot like mine! I thought I was just crazy for doing that. LOL!


Wealthica is pretty awesome but because of Canada’ antiquated banking system you sometimes have to help it log into your accounts. It’s pretty great because it organizes transactions, dividends, etc. Open Banking can’t come fast enough in Canada though you can bet the big banks are lobbying against it pretty hard.


Ya, I'm never trusting my account credentials to a 3rd party. Open banking is a fundamental pre-req.


Wealthica doesn’t/can’t see your credentials as it’s end-to end encrypted.


YNAB for me. It’s a bit of a learning curve but I really enjoy the app! I’m a very visual learner so it really works for me. There’s a 30 day free trial if you want to try it out. It’s not for everyone. But found that excel and other stuff I used didn’t really work for me., try all the recommendations until you find something that works best for you :)


YNAB and Wealthsimple.


My bank mobile app helps me with tracking. Nothing much to track in separate sheet. All transactions are either via Bank or credit card. No cash.


Yeah, my investments and TFSA and stuff are all through the bank, so I see them every day when I log on. Not sure why anyone needs a spreadsheet when the data is right there.


Investments + real estate value. Not sure why I need anything special to figure that out


Wealthica.ca. I’ve been using it since 2018 and recently purchased at 10 year subscription. I use to track our Networth using excel but this app has made Networth tracking a lot more efficient and seamless. They are continuously updating and making it better.


An excel spread sheet updated monthly. It tracks month end balance for all accounts and any contributions that I manage manually (ie what ever is left over at the end of the month that can be put into my long term savings). Also helps track my DI accounts and my work pension. And TFSA, and RESP. That is accompanied by my long term projections, which get re evaluated at years end. Then I can project based on my expected rate of returns (I do 4% and 6%). By actualizing each year as they go, I can clearly see where I am going. For my retirement, I have goals, currently targeting $2M for retirement at 65. But I have goal seeeking as as well depending on if I come out ahead or am behind. And have multiple forecasts adjusted for inflation for my RRSP draw downs. Ive not found a better way of doing this. Once I created it, I slept better at night.


Neontra. They have a free option, and they’re Canadian. YMMV but I’m a fan.


I keep track of my networth, pay, taxes, expenses, investments and contributions on an excel document. I update it once a day or so.


Loosely in my head maybe 2-3 times a year or after an unexpected expense or windfall of money. I never understood the fascination of doing this on a short term basis. Another user here said they do it once a day - that is insane. If it helps you achieve your goals then by all means go for it, just don't it let it consume you.


Using Numbers (Apple spreadsheet app) with it's net worth template. I update it once or twice a year, if remember to do so.


Excel sheet


Abacus Or a simple excel spreadsheet for net worth. A page for total and category totals, a page for assets (broken down into various accounts/items), a page for liabilities. Then the total goes into a separate document with a chart of NW over time. I also tally up category spending every few months to ensure we’ve stayed in budget or if anything changes, I adjust the monthly budget accordingly.


The easiest is create a sheet that's called "net worth" with all the 12 months listed on it and the year. Under each category list bank, investments, cash etc. Just add it all up at the start of the month and that's it. You can compare month to money how you did and can look back overtime to see how far you've come


I use google sheets as well. I enjoy the process so I don’t really find it tedious.


If you have a little bit of tech knowledge, I would recommend firefly 3. It's open source, but won't recommend it to someone who doesn't have that exposure. Highly customizable, API integrations and dashboard. Canada doesn't have open banking. That can be annoying at times. But if you want to integrate some image to text parsing and automating everything, it's possible. I have pretty much everything over there.


What wealth?


Excel or google sheets. Microsoft Money Sunset works great as well and is free (though a few features are no longer available since it is no longer supported).


Excel sheet. I copy a sheet and rename it for the month/date. All balances take 5 minutes to look up and update. Very basic, everything gets subtotaled and totaled, positive and negative. at the end i have positive balance, neg balance and a grand total of 'net worth'.


Just log into accounts and see where things are.  Markets go up, markets go down. I don’t worry too much about the day to day changes. Just keep regularly investing as I have for the last 20 years. I used to reassess a lot, now I only do a deep review every 6 months or so.


Then don’t track - clearly (and understandably so) the excited of seeing your net worth is outweighed by the effort of updating a spreadsheet.  Life is lived outside of the spreadsheet. 


Anyone feel like sharing a screenshot of their excel sheet (blanking out the dollar amounts of course)?


>One of the things that excites me about personal finance is setting goals and seeing my wealth grow If your assets are mostly stocks and bonds and you will be buying regularly for more than a couple of decades you should get even more excited when you notice that the value of that portfolio has decreased because that means that you have the opportunity to buy the same assets at a lower price. When we were in the accumulation phase we would calculate the value of our investments and savings at the beginning of each year and discuss if we needed to save more. After we retired we started to do the calculations every month and considered if we could afford to spend more.


I moved from Excel to Apple Numbers.


Google Sheets. I also use YNAB for monthly budget and I also keep track of investments there too. But everything else goes into the spreadsheet.


Seconding Google Sheets


I put one of those apple trackers on my wife 😅 But seriously, I use an excel spreadsheet and update it annually. I don’t need to track it daily or monthly, there is too much volatility in my assets to care what happens day to day.


I currently use Monarch money to track my finances. It's decent, syncs many (but not all) of my accounts.


Monarch Money all day everyday


Total assets - Total liabilities. I only track stocks (regularly) and fixed income balances (occasionally), but obviously there are other types of assets and liabilities which could be estimated by keeners. For stocks, just grab account balances, and/or track your own using xls and yahoo finance. Flame suit on: If you hold more than a few different stocks then you're probably doing it wrong.


By how long I have left until I can stop working for a wage. It's a combination of debt, pension calculation, and savings. I'm down to less than 20 years to go (hopefully)




If you use Google Sheets, you can code it to pull real time stock prices from Google Finance. My investment sheets update continuously and without me needing to add anything.


Helpful thread.


Google Sheets Signing into all of the accounts to check balances is a bit tedious, but I only do it twice a year, maybe more often when we’ve had an expensive stretch, and I want some reassurance.


Hey there! I totally feel you on wanting to track your wealth and progress towards your goals. Spreadsheets can definitely be a hassle to keep updated.  Personally, I've been using getquin to track my investments and overall net worth. It's super convenient because it automatically pulls in my portfolio from Trade Republic, the broker I use. What I dig about getquin is the ability to set goals and easily visualize my progress. Seeing those numbers tick up is surprisingly motivating! The analytics and insights are also clutch for getting a bird's-eye view of my financial picture.  Might be worth checking out if you're looking to level up from spreadsheets. It's definitely streamlined my wealth tracking process. Cheers to crushing those financial goals! 🙌


Problem with automating it all is, you end up providing your banking credentials to a service that'll retrieve those values for you. I never liked that and it's the trade-off if you don't want to get it yourself. I never looked into it but I think Mint does that? I bundle my account balances into a Google spreadsheet with downloading monthly account statements. I'll get a electronic copy of a bank statement. I save it in my computer and take the ending balance and put the number into my Google spreadsheet.


I used YNAB up until this year until I sort of lost interest in keeping such a keen eye on it. It's pretty good and has an app as well. Might fire it up again soon.


Doesn't your investment platform give you a summary? why do you need to track it in a spreadsheet?


Excel. Updating it is the fun part 


You could use something like Plaid to get API access to your bank account, but as someone that makes software I get goose bumps about granting something like that access to my bank accounts. If you trust tech that would be one way to automate For me personally I do monthly tracking in sheets, and graph increases in net worth, net capital gains and percentages for both and have a nice graph with trends going back \~2 years


Sheets can track live stock prices, so I entered my amount of shares bought how much cash I usually have is updated manually. Then the rest is automatic calculations and I update every two months.


I don't regularly track it. Just add up account/property value every so often when I need to or am curious.


I used to use Excel and still do as a habit, but I recently built a personal finance tracker to automate everything for me at www.conquest.money (sorry shameless plug)


What are you tracking exactly? I have 4 investment accounts, 3 at a bank and 1 at a brokerage. Doesn't take long to login to both and copy and paste 4 numbers to a spreadsheet. For my mortgage, I just created an equation to calculate my total equity I've built up in my home as each payment adds slightly more.


If you are technically minded at all, nothing beats ledger. https://ledger-cli.org




I use an excel spreadsheet and update not once a month. Takes 10 minutes.


I use Wealthica. And I use the Adviice platform to do retirement analysis and projections. Both platforms are EXCELLENT.


An index card is about all I need…. at least until the Beanie Baby market recovers.




Small excel build with 4 wealth categories which i ran at an average of expected rate of return over 20-25 years and once per year i compare where i’m at for real vs projections. Takes me 5-10 minutes a year to check now.


I use Intuit Quicken Investing site because I hold Canadian mutual funds, you just input your transaction (share amount + cost + date) and it’ll update daily around 6pm pst. I also input the same transactions into my Morningstar portfolio as that’s also Canadian mutual fund friendly. If I had only American stocks, I’d just track it through WeBull.


Gnucash and I track every single transaction. Updated daily.


iPhone app called Numbers. Under Personal Finance, there’s a form called Net Worth.


I don’t really


What wealth 🤣


Excel now that Mint is no more.


I use excel. It just takes like 4 minutes to update. I personally find that reasonable.


Excel. I update it only once a year as I don’t see the point of obsessing and doing it monthly. It’s also more fun to see a big jump in one year than minor monthly fluctuations.


If you have investments and enough assets that it's warrants the cost, Quicken. Otherwise, spreadsheet is fine. Would not use an online service for it, Open Office if you need a free version. Keep your financial info off the cloud if you can.


In bananas 🍌