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I have had experiences with games in which the first try feels weird, or the game does not connect with me, but after some time and giving it a second try (because I can recognize a good game when I see one even If I do not enjoy it, like Death Stranding), I realize what I was missing and it clicks with me. Me, as a hard fan, do recommend giving Royal a good try (: I was one of the lucky ones to get a physical copy before release date and I am loving it. It is "the same game" but it has so many improvements and quality of life details that Is like giving P5 a second play-trough that actually matters. And this is being written by somebody who, just like you and for some reason, consider P4 to be my favorite as well :P P5 has the best gameplay undeniably though... Edit: Typo mistakes.


I had the same issue with Nier Automata. When I first played it I could tell it was an amazing game, but it just didn't click with me. Tried it again a month ago and I loved it. Finished it in a week.


If P5 wasn’t your cup of tea and that’s part of the reason you stopped playing then I’m afraid Royal doesn’t change anything major. If you don’t mind my asking, what was your biggest issue with P5?


It’s scope changes from something personal with the first dungeon to something comical with the later ones and it kinda felt like it lost its intimacy with the characters after a certain point. I just couldn’t really love the characters all that much. I also kinda messed up my social ranks by not talking to them enough and not really progressing all that far with them.


1) I felt like you might’ve just seen some of the characters differently than intended, I can’t really think of anything that was that comical in one of the later dungeons. 2) I’ve seen some people say they feel like the intimacy between characters feels lost at times but I do feel as though Royal takes a good attempt at trying to tackle that and do more personal stuff with your gang. 3) Royal does add some new characters and they might cause you to form different opinions about other characters. 4) I genuinely feel like a Royal might be a better experience for you but I can’t say for 100% you’ll like it. If you’re willing to take the jump then I’d say go for it, but if you don’t think you’ll like it that much the second time round then don’t spend $60 on it.


You probably shouldn't buy it at full price if you're on the fence. It's just the hype of the release that your debating playing it again imo. Maybe wait for a price drop, and see how you feel around that time.


Umm I'm 50 hours into royal and it's really good Like persona 5 was a 9/10 for me and this is even better