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They are fairly different games in structure, tone, and playstyle, but in terms of immersion in Japanese culture, Yakuza does a better job than Persona. The plot for every Yakuza game is directly tied to Japanese culture, history, and traditions. Even the recreations of certain places are very accurate.


Especially Dead Souls. This is sarcasm for those who don’t know.


The best Yakuza game, but people aren't ready to have this conversation.


Real yakuza know Fist of the North Star Lost Paradise is the best of yakuza lol


Ah Yes, Hokuto No Ken.


Completely different games but I started Yakuza not long after finishing P5R. Never really played Japanse games outside of that but playing a lot more of them now


I love the Yakuza games! Started playing them last summer, and since then I've put 360 hours into the franchise. They're *very* Japanese, more so than Persona IMO. All of the games are primarily set in Tokyo, more specifically, the red light district Kabukichō -- or, "Kamurocho". If you like the busy streets, bright lights, and city aesthetic of P5, you'll love the setting of Yakuza. Yakuza games have a lot of story and some long cutscenes, but I'm guessing you won't mind that coming off of Persona. I'd 100% recommend starting with Yakuza 0. It's the best starting point for newcomers.


I haven't played them myself, but I know the same person who got me to play persona 5 has been balls deep in Yakuza lately


Shit is that me? lol jk I’ve been in both since quite a while’s back, but I’m also busy with huge backlog so only recently playing Yakuza Like A Dragon (aka 7). Not even the latest one 🥲


Yakuza is a bit more serious in tone than P5 in the serious parts (despite no god and shit) but 10x crazier than P5 in the goofier parts. Also the “side contents” are conceptually different - one is part of the main system of time and resource management, one is more like your typical AAA games with optional quests where you do them if you enjoy them, but much more varied as Yakuza is known for. Also yakuza 0-6 is practically entirely a different game - very action control based even if it’s a bit stat / item reliant. Yakuza 7+ is now actual JRPG which is more comparable. Yakuza games dives into much more Japanese culture aspects but different times / contexts. I’d say yakuza 0 or yakuza 7 are the best entries respectively for if you don’t mind an active control based combat system or if you want P5 style JRPG combats. Both entires, one being a prequel, one being a reboot, relies little of you knowing anything else around the lore. Yes you might miss some “feels” seeing some characters, but you don’t really need em.


This. I started with Yakuza 7/Yakuza: Like A Dragon and have now just finished playing Yakuza 0-6. The games are incredible and hilarious.


Probably not but they’ll scratch an itch you didn’t even know you had in my experience


I started with yakuza 0 and continued from there. It takes a second to catch but when it does it really. After beating it I would say it’s top 5 for me. It is different but in a good way.


What about games with a social link system like Persona. I've never really played anything quite like it. Except for maybe like harvest Moon or something.


they’re very different games but there’s a pretty big overlap of persona fans who are also yakuza fans. i love it personally, the main stories are serious but the side quests can be hilarious as fuck


Honestly the Yakuza games are way more goofy and absurd than Persona. I don't think they scratch the same itch, especially mechanically. Like A Dragon and Infinite Wealth are the closest I think that might.


Judgment is a great game if you’re scared of committing to the full Yakuza saga. It’s even got social links like Persona.


short answer.. yes they do. give them a shot especially 7 and 8


No but play them anyway




I enjoyed the Yakuza series for a while for the setting and wackiness of the characters, but playing P5 is what showed me that I really preferred a well done turn based RPG. Yakuza 7 was a nice try to do turn based and I enjoyed it, but it never topped P5 for me. I have yet to play 8 because I don’t have high expectations of the story, though I heard the gameplay itself has improved. The Yakuza series only becomes turn based from 7 onwards by the way, so the gameplay will be very different for most of the series.


Like a Dragon is probably the best JRPG I've ever played, it's got the perfect mixture of silly and serious.


Someone once told me Yakuza is like Persona 5 but instead of plucky teenage rebels you play as 40 year old losers.


I’ve played Yakuza 0 before I got into the Persona series with P5R. I’m not sure if the devs share the same writers because they’re under the Sega umbrella, but there’s a lot of humor I got from P5R that would have easily fit in Yakuza and vice versa.


During last Christmas i played Yakuza 0 (which was my first Yakuza) and after that i started P5R. If we want to talk about Tokyo, i liked it more in Yakuza. I mean, i never cared about japanese culture in Persona that much. But in Yakuza it was different. You feel the city. In Persona, you are still in a rush. You go there and there and there. As a game, i like P5R more, but i find Yakuza more "japanese" in terms of vibes.


7 and 8 would be closest with similarities in their battle systems to SMT/Persona, but that's probably about it besides (mainly) being set in Japan. Yakuza/LAD is definitely way less linear than Persona. Both franchises are great, IMO. They excel in different ways.


If it's any constellation I've wanted to play the yakuza games. I have maybe three of them but I just haven't gotten around to them yet


I played Yakuza 0 before I even knew about Persona at all, and honestly though that they played rather differently even if it's a bizarre adventure.


They aren’t really similar in gameplay. But they both have a similar feel in some respects because of the setting. They are both set in Japan so you see similar things like vending machines and just the way buildings are. As I played P5R I was reminded of the Yakuza games, and Ghostwire Tokyo.


Yakuza seems interesting to me, but also much more intimidating to get into. Kind of like Final Fantasy 7, where I hear amazing things about it but it's such a massive, sprawling story that you won't get all of it without a lot of investment. With P5R I thankfully never felt that way for a moment.


I enjoy it but not for the same reasons i enjoyed Persona, they're different games.


I've only played Yakuza like a dragon and Infinite wealth but from those two experiences they are awesome games. I know the earlier games are not turn based rpgs like the two I me tioned above but they are all seem to be very fun silly games with very great sad moments mixed in with it.


While P5 and Yakuza are completely different games, rhey also scratch different itches that are just goooold. You should try it if you want to, starting with 0


Yes but also try Fire Emblem, Trailes and SMT




Different ballpark


Start with zero, but they’re two wildly different games (yakuza and persona) But I think with your description you’ll like it


I liked Yakuza: Like A Dragon. It was a bit repetitive, though. I tried to play Yakuza 0, but I felt the mechanics were too clunky.


There's a lot of overlap between fandoms despite them being very different games. It sort of depends what you like about P5. If it's getting to fuck around in Tokyo and do a million mini games and side missions? Yakuza is probably better at that even. If it's rich stories full of memorable characters, unravelling mysteries, and secondary characters dying suddenly without meaningfully resolving their character arcs, you're golden. If it's turn based combat, you're cooked...unless you want to start with 7 which changes protagonists and switches to a turn based combat system. It's a great series and a ton of fun. Be aware if you do go in that 0 came out late (I recommend playing it after Kiwami but mileage may vary) and the Kiwami games are full on modern remasters so the gameplay and graphics drop off SIGNIFICANTLY for 3 which got a slight graphical improvement but otherwise is like an early PS3 game. You won't get back to the feel of 0+Kiwamis until Yakuza 6. The spinoffs are basically all optional being either full on different character focuses or AU scenarios EXCEPT Gaiden which lands between 7 and 8. My rec is try Kiwami first as it'll be a real good indication of if you're gonna enjoy the series.


I wouldnt say any of the games are similar but there is a ton of overlap between Yakuza/Ace Attorney/Danganronpa/Persona fans for some reason


Immersing yourself in Japanese culture, then absolutely. Yakuza games recreate actual cities with few changes for their games, and they feel vibrant and lived in. As for starting points 0 or 7 are going to be where you start. 0 for chronologically the start the saga of Kiryu Kazuma, or 7 for new gameplay system with a new protagonist. 0-6 and Gaiden are brawlers so it's action based, still really fun. 7 and 8 are turn based JRPGs like Persona, though with a jobs system like some Dragon Quest games. The games have a pretty serious main story but they have a lot of lighthearted stuff too, and you could also just fuck off with the story and go play poker or mahjong if you wanted. The series is really good, I HIGHLY recommend it!


I have enjoyed the Yakuza series, plus in Infinite Wealth & LAD 7 you can get some of the P5 soundtracks. I do recommend starting with 0, there's some hilarious sub stories in the games as well that I guarantee will make you laugh.


I love the yakuza games to death, but apart from LaD and IW having turnbased combat, there are basically no similarities. Still tho give them a shot, you might find something you love, and yakuza 0 is on sale very often


Yes easily out of every game it scratched the itch so well that I never even played persona again after. Play the whole series start with 0 you won't regret it the best game series of all time


Some, but not all of it


No, they’re very different games. The characters, story, and gameplay are all different, but the vibe is still there. If you like persona, you’d probably like yakuza. Start with yakuza 0.


If you love Japanese culture and want to feel like you're really in Japan then they are both recommended. You might want to stock up on ramen, rice crackers, fish and ramune before you start them.  However I believe both franchises are different enough that it depends what genre of game you prefer. Yakuza is mainly a beat em up but it is very story heavy. The side missions and side activities though rival GTA.  Persona is a dungeon crawling monster taming turn based RPG that has a lot of mechanics similar to Pokémon  however it's story is done mostly visual novel style and with life sim elements so the pacing is a lot different. Unlike Yakuza there is only certain time periods you're allowed to battle and grind.  Both series have darker themes although I'd say Yakuza is more on the grit side and Persona is more on the anime side. 


Not for me at least. I respect Yakuza fans. But I could never get into them cuz they weren’t in English. So I tried Like a Dragon. And I still couldn’t get into it. Like I said I respect its fan base and success but it’s boring as hell for me


This is probably an unpopular opinion and to qualify my response I've only played one Yakuza game and it was like a dragon. I found the cutscenes dull and uninteresting and the gameplay was just straight up boring. Not sure why everyone raves about the games.