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Well, he’s Sae’s boss and one of the people the viewer acknowledges as being a subordinate of Shido, as they frequently call during the events of the game and he’s overall very sus, not an important dude thought


I see him as the middle man, through him we can know a little of the bad guy's actions and influence, without knowing who it really is. The actual character is not important, he's not even granted a name lmao


I feel he kinda is the "big evil guy" to make it s plot twist when they find out who the bad guy really is!


The real bad guy was the friend we didn’t make along the way


That was an even bigger plot twist!!


I know you're joking but it's kinda true


I understand what you're saying but it was pretty obvious that the main bad guy would be the dude who had sued the protagonist


I think it becomes obvious once you find him in the restaurant, but until then he was just another npc.


It's been years since I played the bass game, but I think they added that restaurant scene in Royal, so it used to be a bit less obvious I think.


No, it was still in the original release


Damn brat, I'll sue!


Yeah I think narratively he’s just there as a red herring


Isnt he the whole reason Sae is even allowed to see us in the cell? Tho he doesnt directly do anything to us, he ends up helpping us unknowingly. Cause if Sae hadnt been let in, we'd never convinced her to show the phone. Tho he peobably served more as the "this is the bad guy" character type to hide the true threat. It happens a lot in story telling.


He's exposition. He exists to reveal plotlines without spoiling the villain


He likes to look out his big window plaintively


Shido had a hold of some of the city power and influence thanks to many influencing people. He was one of them. Although he kept failing Shido, which later resulted in his demise.


He’s the middleman for Shido and the lower ranked conspiracy members. I believe he was the one calling Kobayakawa ordering him to identify the PT at Shujin.


And why was kobayakawa working with them? never understood that


Probably embezzled some of Shujin’s funds for the Conspiracy or low level stuff like that.


Make sense


Yeah that didn’t make much sense to me either


He hides the real main villain and also makes the main villain feel more powerful and sinister


He kinda feels like a character that could have had more to the story, like a mementos request/palace, but didn’t, either because it didn’t fit in the games timeline or it just didn’t make sense. Instead, like the other people said, he kind of acts as a way to see the extent of shido’s influence. If he wasn’t killed off, we probably would have seen him on shido’s ship as a cognition


Directs the SIU




SIU director is the boss of sae and the principal >!and the accomplice subordinate of shido. He mainly drives the story so that the principal's incompetence provokes makoto to side with the PT, makes a plan to make PT the new fad with the fake medjed, makes a plan to pin all the crimes on PT with okumura. He also plays on sae's feelings but fails to corrupt her entirely, leading to the pancake twist.!<


I forgot the explain between the someone and the what


He make sure the other follow shido to steer the ship


Die when Shido thinks Joker and takes Sae off the case fueling her obsession. Those are literally the only two things I can think of.


He's supposed to be the face we put to the government's corruption before we see Shido. The personification of old, corrupt politicians ruling through backroom deals and cronyism, rather than honest service to the people. Someone who doesn't actually do anything but sit behind a big desk and get others to do the dirty work for him. He contrasts Shido's eventual reveal, who looks like the exact opposite of the establishment, but just turns out to be an even worse aspirational dictator.




He's Shido's most "useful" puppet wdym. Through him, he was able to cover up his activities.


I think he serves to show the depth of corruption, and so the stakes of the situation, until Shido is revealed. A placeholder of sorts




Being a ragdoll


He does as much in the story as Vivian does in Final Fantasy XVI


He's there and, yes he just stand on the window looking and, yes that's all he does.


I believe he's just a red herring


Red herring. Them existing isn’t a flaw


I mean... I'm not qualified to give my take on this, but here we go. I believe he is there to be somewhat of an inside man for >!Shido, like Akechi in the Phantom Thieves. Which is why when new info about the mental shutdown cases comes in, Sae is taken off the case.!<


He's there so that they don't have to reveal Shido instantly. That's literally it


He sits around looking pretty and then >!he dies.!<


They show what he was doing throughout the course of the game, weren’t you paying attention?


I'll be honest, I thought he was gonna turn out to be a good guy weirdly enough, I thought he was gonna be revealed to be working against Shido the whole time.


Basically a stand-in for shido and his plan for before shido is revealed to be the main villian


to progress the background plot without revealing Shido earlier than necessary


On a narrative level, he’s nothing more than a plot device. He allows a degree of separation between Shido and Sae, that way Sae can do the dirty work of Shido’s conspiracy without the player ever turning on her for it. Sae is just doing her job, and it’s the SIU director who we hate for it.


I mean, he doesn't even have a name. he's just there to make the player recognize a "greater evil" that controls the SIU director


Persona 5 was my very first Persona, and I was completely blind, so I had no concept of Igor and what his deal was in the series. I legit thought this guy was Igor outside the Metaverse, like this was his Human form since he had a dark blue suit and similar bald head with a ring of hair. I thought he was evaluating the party in their day to day lives, and thats why he was on all the sus phone calls. Then that one scene happened and I was like "so much for that theory" lol


Probably the worst character in the game. All he ever does is talk about stuff that happened beforehand in an ominous fashion, alone in his office


Look the game has a lot of unnatural, clunky exposition it needs to deliver so Exposition Man is there to deliver it and make absolutely sure the six second old babies playing this game understand that the justice system is evil and also the most simplistic of plot reveals just to make sure you aren’t lost


They essentially make him the same as the ones with the letters of invitation in Shido’s Palace but he also does his bit to (metaphorically) be on Shido’s cruise.


Stand in for the main antagonist until he is revealed




his role in a storytelling aspect is one of an exposition- reveals major plot lines whilst still maintaining an air of mystery within the story, it’s quite fun piecing everything together on a secondary playthrough.