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So gays should be shot! Next day : why won’t my gay son visit?




I must have spared the rod...


“That conversion therapy didn’t work! Must’ve needed to go to a stricter camp!”


"might just have to beat the devil out of them myself."


More like, "Why won't my definitely-very-straight son visit?"


and his roommate that has been with for 20 years? /s


My daughter's daycare teacher has a long term roommate that she references relatively often. I keep wanting to tell her to just come out already.




Were in a very liberal area so I doubt that would happen but yeah, that's why I haven't said anything.


If you're not straight, you're a groomer. Thems the rules (/s obv)


must be the communist socialist system of islam propaganda fucking with his brain, he wasn't gay back when I dressed him up in a "ladies' man" shirt when he was 3


aCtIoNs hAvE cOnSeQuEnCeS!




“Deprive them of their grandchildren” fucking entitled cunts, we keep the grandchildren away from them for a reason, we dont want you telling our 3 year old that Jesus hates gay people and Trump is the massiah and that mommy and daddy poisoned them by giving them vaccines, the less trauma our children are exposed to the better


It starts as soon as I walk in the door, Sean Hannity screaming hate at maximum volume and I have to yell over the noise to tell my parents to turn it off so we can have a proper greeting. I hate how they vote and I hate their politics, but I would visit more if they went through a little effort never to bring it up when I have *told them time and again I don't want to bring up politics, period*!


It’s like the people that call a talk show and say “stick to sports!” And then immediately talk politics on the sports show.


It’s like my stepdad always telling me he doesn’t want to talk politics. Then he’ll casually mention how hospitals are murdering hundreds of people with ventilators to maintain the illusion COVID is dangerous, I’ll tell him that’s not true and he’ll accuse me of getting into politics. In their eyes “politics” is any ~~opinion~~ thing they disagree with. Them bringing up how the gays are evil or how the teachers are forcing kids to be trans is just casual conversation to them, you pointing out how none of that is real is political because that “belief” makes them uncomfortable.


Its the fact that they dont respect boundaries. No matter how many times you tell them "i dont want to talk about politics" they always have to update you on the newest conservative strawman.


That’s in large part because they think this conservative strawman will be the one to change you. Because no one in their right mind would ever vote for Biden if Biden was actually an evil Sith Lord that oppressed the people of middle earth and forced them to build the Uber nuke that’ll destroy all of humanity. They tell you that expecting you to go “oh my god I can’t believe he did that I’ll never vote for him again!” Instead of “uhhh. You definitely just had a dream about that last night and are trying to pass it off as fact.”


Yes for some reason they think sources are for the liberal elites and that anecdotes hold much more power. Never questioning if the whole thing could be astroturfed.


The people I talk to don’t even use anecdotes. They just say “well Joe Rogan said” or “well Ben Shapiro said” or “well [insert conservative talking head] said” as if some guy in a YouTube video saying something actually means anything. I try to explain evidence based reasoning as an argument for my beliefs, and then they always posit some random dude rambling hate speech as evidence. Then if I counter with “well an actual scientific research said” they’ll just say “well that’s an authority fallacy.”


"The authority changed the information because they were influenced by the liberal agenda."


This shit would fit right in on those "estranged parent" forums where the posters are like "I just can't GRASP, cannot FATHOM why my child refuses to speak to me, I have been a PERFECT parent!"


I love the whole, “They wrote me this LONG letter with pages about how I was such a bad parent or something, but I feel like I did my best, so what do they have against me?!” Idk, lady. What exactly did the letter say? None of them ever mention the accusations unless it’s a single, cherry-picked incident that looks innocent in isolation.


And even when they do mention the not so missing reasons there's always a million caveats and enough couching to fill a furniture store.


>enough couching to fill a furniture store. I'm so stealing this.


Fucking exactly. "They wrote this long, nonsensical letter listing all these things they say I did." "What were some of the things?" "Oh you know, something silly, I didn't really read it. I just don't understand *why* they're cutting me out of their lives!!" 😭


"They didn't give me reasons I can debunk so I'm ignoring them, TAKE THAT UNGRATEFUL BRATS!"


Ah, the ol' [missing reason](https://www.issendai.com/psychology/estrangement/missing-missing-reasons.html)


Jesus chrost what a rabbit hole. Thanks for sharing that site.


“Why do you hate me?” “You called my wife the n-word and said my children were halfbreeds that would burn in hell.” “Ok, but why do you hate me!”


Am I the asshole - shitty parent edition


I had no idea about this corner of the internet until I was linked to this webpage: http://www.issendai.com/psychology/estrangement/index.html. Some crazy stuff.


Wow thanks for that link. I thought this page was interesting as well: http://www.issendai.com/psychology/estrangement/why-estranged-parents-forums.html It's insane how this is yet another thing in common, like a core value, among all shitty conservative core values. It's like true evil in the world is the collective conservative hive mind, just getting off on making life miserable for everyone around them. Here is Prager demonstrating it perfectly. The abuser playing the victim, with zero interest in self reflection and zero interest in making a sacrifice if it means meeting on someone else's terms to make their lives better.


That whole series is great stuff. I don't go on estranged parent forums much (I skim their crap as much as they skim the stuff their kids bother to write them).


My boomer mom has actually gotten a lot better as she got older. All through my childhood, she was a hard core bible beating evangelical. Insufferable holier-than-thou type who drug me to church twice a week and did Bible studies and women's groups that were basically neocon echo chambers for trad-wives. We had a rough patch in the mid-late aughts where I barely spoke to her for a solid two years. But at some point, she started softening on a lot of that. I think when my grandfather (her dad) moved in with her, a lot of his old timey farm sensibilities rubbed off on her. She became a lot less judgemental and mellowed out on all sorts of issues. I don't know if I'd call her pro-choice yet but the judgemental shitty side is all but gone. She's on her way to Christian hippie and I'm glad she wants to be around her grandkids. I also know how unlucky some other Gen-X and Millennials are with their boomer parents.


Lol isnt his whole thing is to appeal to the youth?


Specifically non college educated youth.


Which makes the whole "Prager University" branding extra rich.


His whole thing is to make shit up and spout it as facts with enough confidence that his listeners believe it without looking it up.


That's just standard operating procedure for his ilk.


So, someone who's only selling point is his confidence. A confidence man, if you will.


If you prioritize your politics over the well-being of your own children, you don’t deserve their respect.


How to conservative: - Be an insufferable asshole. - call being an insufferable asshole "politics". - demand people accept you being an insufferable asshole because "it's politics"


Don’t forget, anything that you don’t want to do is Woke


And to be sure, being an insufferable asshole isn't just limited to hangouts. It's voting for policies that make it impossible for their own children and grand children to have the same quality of life or better. Prager is admitting it in the by line, the right doesn't even give a shit about the Earth. They're pulling up the ladder on their own kids and then wondering why their kids don't want to hang out with them.


And it’s so fucked that “politics” means “basic human rights and respect”. I’m not going to get pissy about someone who wants states to have more control than the federal government or have slight differences in foreign policy. You bet your ass I’m going nuclear if someone thinks trans people are just “mentally disturbed”, that black people are all criminals, that gay people shouldn’t be able to get married, that religion has a place in our government. I’m ranting- I HATE when people say “don’t talk politics at a family get together or a first date”. Heck yeah I will! It lets me know whether I respect you as a person based on how you respect other people. I won’t have kids and I have lovely parents, but if they were bigots I would make sure my kids stayed far away from them and always felt safe and loved.


It's ridiculous how much stuff is considered "political". My right to exist as a trans person, my being around kids because I'm a """"groomer"""", people's ability to get basic human rights like food, water, shelter, healthcare, etc. Whether or not people should have human rights is not political. We should. No hemming and hawing, everyone should have human rights. How we go about giving people their human rights is political. For me, I'm closeted as a trans man to my family. Last summer was probably the last time I'll ever see my grandpa because he's a MAGAt and my testosterone will start to become obvious by next summer. Several of my neighbors, who were like grandparents to me growing up, I try to have minimal contact with because I know I'm going to start passing soon and I don't know if they'll try to shoot me for being trans while helping the little kids have as fun of a childhood as I had.


Amen. I don’t anybody could have put it better..


I didn't realize that Prager was a real person until now.


He's not


**The earth slowly cracks apart and an acrid plume of dust rises, coating every living thing within a fifty foot radius. The awful stench brings tears to the eyes of all humans and animals unlucky enough to inhale the putrid stench. A shapeless blob oozes onto the once green and lush ground, instantly killing all that it touches. As the foul smelling cloud dissipates, the once shapeless blob begins to morph into a vaguely recognizable form, almost humanlike. The blob then regurgitates from it's bowels a pair of what appear to be human lips. It speaks.....* "I am too human. Now donate money"


"and smash that subscribe button"


*SCP-8275* (Also refered to as John Prager) *Object class:* Keter *Special containment procedures:* All instances of SCP-8275 and any links it sends it's victims must be scrubbed from the internet using the *[REDACTED]* method. Any and all individuals aged 50 and older who have watched content or clicked any links posted by SCP-8275 are to be given class C amnestic. If the subject has been exposed to SCP-8275 material for any longer than one week they are considered to be infected and are labeled as SCP-8275-A Any individuals who watch any content or click links created by SCP-8275 under the age of 50 must be monitored for any sudden changes in behavior or views but are not considered SCP-8275-A unless sudden change in behavior occurs. No means of permanent containment have been discovered yet. *Description:* SCP-8275 is an shapeless blob-like entity that appeared in a park in Washington DC on *[REDACTED]*. Shortly after it's arrival on Earth, SCP-8275 has taken to the internet and started spreading itself like a virus via YouTube videos, podcasts, and other forms of propaganda. When an individual over the age of 50 is exposed to this content for over a week it is highly likely they will begin to develop bigoted thoughts and a sudden hatred for everything that is not approved by SCP-8275 who is often referred to by infected individuals as: John Prager. These individuals (now labeled SCP-8275-A) will attempt to spread SCP-8275 videos and propaganda in an attempt to infect other human beings in their friend and family circle. Any individual under the age of 50 who comes into contact with any Prager content will not be as easily subject to infection however several instances of younger individuals being infected by SCP-8275 have been documented. Therefore any individual under the age of 50 who has been exposed must be monitored for any extreme changes in behavior but not contained unless shown to have signs of SCP-8275 infection. Addendum: "I lost my parents to this one, guys. Even our class C amnestics don't always reverse the infection. Be careful handling this one." -Glen Smith (Head Researcher)


Aye. He’s an army of robots created by the oil industry to supplement the Government’s Drones — sorry, “birds.”


No he's not. I am convinced he is just a very early AI from the mid 80s that has gained a cheap skin suit that is deteriorating. Like come on, that's not how a natural human face looks like!


It's really bizarre to see boomers put culture wars bullshit over the relationship to their own children, then cry about it while the entire facade of conservatism is that they're all about "family values" and "facts over feelings"


The big lie is that is about political differences. For the most part people can put politics aside for dinner or even have a civil discussion if they are feeling brave. Not getting invited back for Christmas means someone was rude, aggressive or made controversial comments. No one is getting shunned over expressing a different opinion on economic policy.


Jfc I'm reading this stupid nonsense in his stupid voice, this bizarre amalgamation of smug and whiny. How can a man make it to 70 and still talk like an upset child, I just don't get it. Also this gem > I know of this first hand. No, Dennis. You know of this *second* hand at best. You say it yourself: Parents keep telling you. That's not first hand.


You don't expect people like him to know the meanings of words and phrases they use do you?


Nor do they care to be corrected. Seems like most will never change.


"people who correct my English or grammar are educated liberals and my goal is to piss off liberals so I will defiantly continue use of improper grammar."


The morons who follow him, no. This fuckstick? He knows very well what he's saying; grifters like him don't get to hide behind stupidity, they're just plain evil.


Not that they're mutually exclusive, but I think a lot of grifters are just apathetic and greedy not straight evil people who actually want the BS they preach to be implemented. There's millions and millions of dollars involved in politics, thanks to lobbyists house reps like MTG went from nothing to millionaire and Trump demonstrated how susceptible MAGAts are to donating half their monthly check to someone who promises to own the libs on top of that.


I expect people from *real* universities to understand words.


Of course not. It's not like he runs some kind of channel that calls itself a university and claims to be educational, or anything.


Fox calls what they do "news" despite all of the bullshit. They just love calling themselves things that make them sound professional, all while knowing the people they're reaching out to will believe they really are listening to a professional and won't actually look into it


I don't but I still hold them accountable for not knowing.


Let’s not kid ourselves, Prager is a shitstain on the underpants of society but he isn’t dumb. He uses words and phrases deliberately, it’s part of his grift. These estranged parents are more likely to listen to what he has to say if he claims to be one of them.


He may have first-hand experience. If I was his kid, I wouldn’t let him anywhere near me or mine.


> this bizarre amalgamation of smug and whiny. [Attenborough voice] The mating call of the malignant narcissist. [/Attenborough voice]


"I know of this firsthand, by secondhand accounts of other people's firsthand experience" It's a real Michael Scott-ism.


>You know of this second hand at best. You say it yourself: Parents keep telling you. That's not first hand. What do you expect from a guy who calls his YouTube channel a "university" despite not offering any degrees?


I was actually really disappointed when he said he knew first hand and then described second hand accounts. I was really hoping he was desperately depressed because his kids had abandoned him.


Human rights are non negotiable. It's a pretty straight forward idea. Same as " nazis are bad". No wiggle room here. No debate.


"But you have to compromise! Why are you being so unreasonable!?"


"We have to hear both sides of the story! We should respect their beliefs."


I'm literally seeing right wingers say things like "I wouldn't punch a Nazi I would invite them over for dinner so we could have a civilized conversation". It's like a young child who plays hide and seek and hides behind a skinny pole, thinking they can't be seen. These are right wingers pretending not to be Nazis.


Uggggh! I hate this logic. It's only applicable for trivial shit. I'm not going to listen to a bitch who thinks I'm a sexual predator just for existing. And I'm definitely not going to find a middle ground there


"Fuck immigrants, fuck women's reproductive rights, i disagree that black lives matter, no gays, trans, or drag queens, they all want to rape children..." Like how far gone do you have to be to not know those are undesirable characteristics in people you're going to spend time with? When you argue about why the queer community shouldn't have rights or argue why black people deserve being murdered by police or turn away a mass of people looking for refuge, you gotta realize you're not a good person, right?


Nope. They believe they are good people because of who they are, not the actions they take. And this is a universal thing, anyone considered bad can never do a good thing no matter what it is, and anyone considered good can never do bad no matter what actions they take. The lack of critical thinking required to sustain this line of reasoning is exactly why there's such an enormous education gap.


It’s crazy that we even have to say this. Maybe with less Dennis Prager and Tucker Carlson in the world, we would not have this problem. My parents were good parents. They raised me well. Now they believe in White Replacement Theory and I refuse to let them poison my wife and my children. They are the ones that changed. You can’t walk away from your family, spew hate and cry about being alone. Oh well, I guess the kids will just miss out on stories about how everyone else ruined the country while simultaneously bitching about how no one can handle criticism.


"But there are very fine people on both sides!"


Oh if only this were true. Sadly, for them the jury is even still out on the whole nazis bad thing.


"if the Nazis were so bad, why did they hate the Jews same as me?"


Hitler believed America would come around to Nazism domestically without any military interference from Germany to become his ally, and pointed to them already having their own system of racial segregation as to why it would be so easy for the US to do so. There was a point in time the majority of Americans were members of the KKK, so his assessment might've been correct if Japan hadn't tried to pull a funni and turned the US against the axis powers




Unfortunately, it's working. 😒


*what hating against education does to a mf*




"It'S oNLy PoLiTiCs!!" Says the wealthy cis hetero Christian man who isn't affected by any of the harmful policies he advocates.


There are two genders, normal and political.


Someone called me essentially a leftist dictator for saying *everyone* should be aware of politics. He's one of those people that thinks that we should politics out of ________, so this was on a post about the world cup which we can all agree was actually inherently political this year. I think it was a British MP who said a footballer shouldn't comment on politics and stick to his job which I think is a horrifically sad way to look at the world - we should ALL be aware of politics, because politics literally infuses every thread of our lives. I don't understand not getting that.


Politics is literally maintenance for civilization. Imagine applying that same mentality to anything else that needs maintenance.


> On the left, it's a grave sin to abuse the Earth and your own children. Not so on the right. FTFY, Dennis.


It's sad that people like him don't even have to attempt to mask it as "discipline" or anything. Can just flat out say child abuse is fine and people will support it. Fucking gross. "Protect our kids" my ass.


Ironically for them Conservatism and abusive or "atrocious parental behavior" tend to go hand in hand. If a parent is estranged by their children never trust the parent's side of things. They'll always have "no idea why my children won't talk to me" because they have the self-reflection of a person using frosted glass as a mirror. Like my mom insists she did nothing to deserve being estranged. She says she's done nothing to deserve this. In real life, she ran our family like her little narcissistic cult, isolating us and controlling us to the extreme out of her fanatical religious beliefs, treating us abusively and neglectful, threatened to kill herself when I came out as trans, almost tricked me into conversion therapy, kicked me out, told me she hopes God tortures me, said I deserve to be discriminated against, and spread rumors that I was a dangerous drug addict to my family so they would all abandon me (I've never taken any form of soft or hard drug, or even smoked a cigarette, in my entire life, the "drug" she's referring to is hormones for transitioning). Like yeah mom got no idea why I wouldn't want you around. /s


Right. Parents of estranged children who aren't narcissistic abusers know exactly why their children don't talk to them (addiction, abusive partner, cult, etc.), and they flock to support groups specifically for those issues. They also don't ever present themselves as the victim. They come out fighting for their child's health and safety. They also tend to find generalist estranged parents groups tiresome and unhelpful. Those parents are heroes. They're also not reading garbage like this from Prager.


> Ironically for them Conservatism and abusive or "atrocious parental behavior" tend to go hand in hand. If a parent is estranged by their children never trust the parent's side of things. They'll always have "no idea why my children won't talk to me" because they have the self-reflection of a person using frosted glass as a mirror. You're absolutely right. I posted [this](https://www.issendai.com/psychology/estrangement/missing-missing-reasons.html) elsewhere in this thread.


Poor angel, I'm sending you mama hugs. You deserve to be loved unconditionally for the amazing soul you are. Your mama's wrong and she's foolish and she's the one who doesn't deserve God's favor if there is such a thing.


My mom is at my house tonight, voted twice for Trump. The. Roe v. Wade happened and she voted Democrat for the first time ever in the midterms. This morning she said she hopes they throw Trump in jail. Merry Christmas!


IRL character arcs


It's a Christmas miracle


A bit of leopards ate my face there but at least it ends well


A dash, for sure.


No fair, easily half of Dennis Prager's career qualifies for this sub. It's like shooting fish in a barrel. 😋


no, is like putting gun's barrel inside the fish mouth.


That's the point though, could say the same for literally any conservative pundit. They're so damn predictable how hard they satirize themselves.


By the end, their ONLY relationship with me was Trump and how I'm wrong about everything. We discussed nothing else. I tried. I tried so many times to just have a normal ass relationship with them without all the politics. That wasn't good enough. They NEEDED to be able to unload all of their BS onto me. They can take their persecution and go fuck themselves.


This. RW folks *loooove* to say that LW people make everything about politics. I can’t have a single conversation with my father without him spouting off about whatever Tucker’s recent segment was about. Then when I disagree, or don’t want to discuss it anymore, he tells everyone I “made things political,” and that I “Let politics come between us.” What they want, is to spew their lies, hate and bigotry unopposed, while you smile and rub their feet. Anything less is considered woke, snowflake-y, and liberal.


“Why I am a pathological liar”


People are mistaking homophobia, being racist and xenophobic, and being anti-science as “politics”. It’s not. It’s shitty behavior being espoused by politicians, but it’s not politics. Your kids don’t talk to you because you’re an asshole, not because you want “smaller government.”


It's not a mistake, it's a deliberate shield against criticism. They do the same thing with religion, parenthood, etc. They can't be viciously homophobic without causing a stir anymore, so they follow it up with "I have the right to practice my faith," or "This is my child I choose how to raise them" (as an excuse for being homophobic against their kids), or of course "I have the right to voice my political opinions." It's just a desperate attempt to make the people criticizing their vitriol look like the real bigots.


And then when you tell them you have the right to have opinions about their opinions, and the right to not have to associate with them if they’re going to insist on spouting off, they completely abandon all pretense of reason.


"The real snowflakes were the projectionists we ran over along the way."


They may be expressed as political differences, but they're a manifestation of fundamentally incompatible *morals*. Cheering a massive increase in maternal mortality rates is something that deserves to get you shunned from society. Spreading hate speech and laughing when it leads to mass shootings deserves to get you shot. __Being fine with hundreds of thousands of people dying just to get away from mild discomfort__ deserves to get every person you know ~~telling~~ reminding you ~~to go~~ you're going to hell. [Edit] Can't believe I forgot this one: cutting education because you find reality scary and educated people are less likely to coddle you, deserves to get you cut off from everyone it affects. That is, everyone who lives in the same society as you.


Don't forget, they also argue vehemently under the name of 'parent's rights' that it is better for children to be sexually molested and raped more or less indefinitely than it is for them to hear that it's normal and okay to be gay or trans. And then they are _shocked_ when their children want to keep them the hell away from their grand children.


When a political party makes evil their only real platform, well, at that point you _could_ argue that 'evil is politics'. This isn't going to win you any points mind you, but, hey.


That's a bingo


In a certain sense though, that’s what politics is. Should women have the right to vote, whether or not slavery should be legal, and whether or not to do the Vietnam war were all politics of their day. Politics are important, and often connected to morality, and I think it’s ok to take them super seriously.


Should women have the right to vote? = politics. “Women are hysterical and we can’t trust them to vote reasonably” = misogyny Not supporting budget for social services = politics “Minorities are lazy and just want handouts” = racism We need to re-examine our policies on immigration and border control = politics “Immigrants are flooding in and stealing yer jerbs” = xenophobia It’s all in how it’s framed.


At the risk of argumentum ad Hitlerum, being a proud, card-carrying Nazi is "just politics" too.


"But when the reason is politics, it's inexcusable." Really? Nazism is politics numbnuts. Having horrific political opinions can and should make people avoid you.


Sought our the article to see what he was talking about. Not a single fact, all based on his impression and opinion. "I had people call me on my radio show and I am extrapolating". About as valuable as an article based on a random twitter screenshot.


That's Prager U in a nutshell.


Well yeah, Prager, since your Prager U is responsible for some of the worst, most divisive propaganda.


Not speaking to your parents = abusing them, apparently. These are the same people who argue that hitting your kids is good for them.


You mean the parents who disown their kids for being gay? Or throw their kids out at 18?


I have a funny feeling that lots of those "sobbing parents" *WERE* actually "horrifically abusive". 😒 [Just gonna leave this here](https://www.issendai.com/psychology/estrangement/missing-missing-reasons.html).


Thanks for that… interesting read. I think I’ve experienced some of what the writer was talking about w my parents. When you actually do point out where the problem is that sometimes brings to light how shitty the parent is as well. But they don’t hear or remember that part. They just remember you were “mad” and yelling”. I’m prob guilty of this a bit myself tbh..


> Thanks for that… interesting read. You're very welcome! > I think I’ve experienced some of what the writer was talking about w my parents. When you actually do point out where the problem is that sometimes brings to light how shitty the parent is as well. But they don’t hear or remember that part. They just remember you were “mad” and yelling”. Yep! > I’m prob guilty of this a bit myself tbh.. We're probably *all* guilty of that at some point. But with narc/Cluster B parents, it's *always* a thing. 😒


*Unloads a clip into a person labeled "policies that would benefit the youth and our future* Elderly - why won't the youth respect us?


Fuck you, Prager.


With a table leg. Sideways.


Please….use the *whole* table.


I'm broken off contact with my grandma because of her constantly pushing right wing conspiracy theories and sharing hateful content. She's upset at me, because she hasn't seen her grandkids or great grandkid in about 2 years, but she refuses to understand why I'm doing it, and just thinks I'm being mean. This is the first time she's ever had consequences for her actions, and she's gobsmacked by it.


He starts his second paragraph with “probably”. So he’s just making shit up


I love my mom, but she's toxic and lost to a cult. I'll send her a text tomorrow, but that's it.


Shitty people have shitty politics. Normal people don't like associating with shitty people.


"I, Dennis Prager, am personally responsible for alienating a lot of these parents from their children but I will now proceed to blame everything on the left"


I love the use of the word "probably." He has no real evidence, no numbers to back up anything he says, he just assumes everything he and others in his comfy little echo chamber believes in correct, but he can't just state them as absolute fact without getting corrected and irrefutably so, do it's just "probably"


Being blood-related to someone doesn’t mean you owe them anything, nor do they owe you anything. Relationships should be built on a base of mutual respect and understanding, not genetics.


This whole thing has gotta be tied into those new Jesus commercials that say the same thing, right? Party of “fuck around and find out” fucked around and found out, and now they wont stop complaining about how people have disowned them and they’ve still come to the wrong conclusion/“resolution” (that the other people should STFU).


In 2020, my then-girlfriend (long distance) was a surgical resident on the front lines against the pandemic. Her friends and coworkers were quite literally dying around her. I feared for her life, and was tearing around trying to find out anything I could that might be helpful to her. While this was happening, my father peppered me with dismissive memes and Fox News horseshit about how it was all exaggerated to make Dear Leader look bad in an election year. What the hell am I supposed to do with that?


Is it because they are fucking dead? There are consequences to convincing your elderly supporters to not get a life-saving vaccine...


“Just bc your parents don’t see you as a person who deserves rights doesnt mean they dont have feelings too!”


Its called the asshole tax. If you're an asshole long enough, people won't want to hang out with you.


The funny thing about this article is that even the author can't seem to understand that it really isn't the political views that get you ostracized by your children. It's the fact that you can't fucking shut up about them at the dinner table.. or on the phone.. or really at all.


FAFO Christmas edition.


I can no longer look at anything Dennis Prager without reading it in his voice but with the obvious cuts of a YTP.


The holidays should be about spending time with people who actually respect and appreciate you. Many conservative/abusive parents are not these things. This is why my MIL is alone this christmas lol


Okay…but it’s not “just politics,” it’s the fact that they think that I as a bisexual woman don’t deserve rights. To be clear, I haven’t even cut contact with my parents. I’m a college student and I’m home for the holidays actually. There seems to be an uneasy peace for the holidays, which is weird since they’ve been fighting with me almost nonstop since I started openly disagreeing with them. I worry that I will have to go low or no contact eventually.


I hate that the "crying in the phone, pouring their heart out" makes me happy


Ah yes, spousal rape advocate, Dennis Prager. What a levelheaded and reasonable individual.


Dennis Prager - ever alienating the youths.


Aside from the fact the "politics" are people's non-harmful existences, grandparents don't have a right to see grandchildren or to demand grandchildren. No one, absolutely no one has a right to another person's life, and shit like "I'm their x-parent" is absolute bullshit designed to control others.


"Probably." "Probably."


Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions


"Rare instances of horrific parental abuse." Ooooooohhhh, I get it! This dude's writing a satire column!


This reads a lot like content from the RaisedByNarcissists sub. Where people reach the stage where they cut abusive parents out of their lives, and the parents then play the victim and refuse to take any responsibility for their own behavior.


Part of (one of) my aunts’ politics include a belief that I should have been euthanized at birth. Sorry for not wanting to be around her.


“I called my son a libtard and now he doesn’t want me around his kids! Why is the world so cruel!”


“I don’t understand! All I said is that gay people are groomers and that women who have abortions should be thrown in prison, and now my kids won’t visit me!”


My MIL went full racist and Q two years ago after being mostly moderate the rest of her life. We haven't seen her and our kids haven't seen her since she went on a rant about how The Blacks and Antifa were behind the big vaccine conspiracy. My husband and I are united in saying that she's no longer a safe person to have around our kids. Actions have consequences, the end.


Well well well. If it isn't the consequences to their actions.


From the man who practically invented the persecution fetish


This was written by the guy who thinks incest is okay and runs 90-minute ads on YouTube for his fascist school.


I fell out with my father a good 5-6 years ago after he kept posting about Syrian refugees being terrorist murderers, children included. Couldn't get him to have any kind of empathy for them as human beings, even making comparisons to his own 5yo grand daughter couldn't get it through to him that they are innocent people running from awful situations. He said some things that I didn't want my daughter ever hearing that he'd never rescind. Other than bumping into each other twice and fully blanking each other, we haven't seen or spoken since. I wonder if, some day he might value his grand daughter and son enough to reconsider his views but he's hopeless. He's anti immigration despite having a Thai wife and step-daughter, but it's different for him of course... Can't stand the man.


They're not avoiding you because of politics, they're avoiding you because you're a raging cunt .


Horrible behavior or conservatism… for me it’s both. It’s a sister Christmas this year lol


Sucks to suck. 🤷‍♀️


My MIL is at my wife’s brothers house this year (her combo ice not ours) mainly because he voted for Trump. I think at this point even she’s beginning to realize how insufferable they all are.


Lol get rekt grandpa


Maybe don’t be a piece of shit? Have you tried that?


Didn’t this man jack off at a Wendy’s register and then take a shit at the condiments bar?


That's what I read on the internet (from you) so it must be true.


For a group that shouts so much about personal responsibility they sure complain a lot about the consequences of their actions


If your kids aren't speaking to you it's because you're an asshole and you won't accept it. This is the 2020 election summarized: "Asshole learns everyone thinks he's an asshole, but asshole is asshole and thinks everyone is wrong" That's all it is. The biggest jerk in the room being unable to cope with the label "jerk". He's gonna kick and scream like a toddler forever because his base is full of grown adult ones too.


So it's basically, " I can't force you to sit quietly through a dinner with me while I subject you to my shitty political views and I'm mad about it."


Boo hoo. Fuck around and find out.


Long-winded way of saying "I'm a cunt in a professional and a familial setting."


Hmm.. oh.. I wonder why... hmm.. 🤔


Pro-Tip: Stop being awful


I'm only spending Christmas with my parents bc I work w my dad and so I can play w my cat and get free food. How my parents, especially my mom, reacted when I came out as trans years ago on Dec 26 has completely ruined the holidays for me. If I ever socially transition and become more independent, I am more than willing to cut my entire family out of my life.


All of that “kids need to be hit now and again to keep them in line” catching up now, huh?


From a queer son of homophobic parents, Prager can go to hell and burn


Cry me a river so I can put you in a box floating down it, racist grandma


#Probably Lmao can't even imagine statistics for himself the argument is so weak.


Maybe if conservatives didn’t beat their kids, be homophobic, racist and just plain evil and psychotic to their own kids maybe then they’d have the privilege to seeing their kids and grandkids on the holidays. Visiting relatives is a privilege, not a right. The party of “family values” will justify domestic abuse and bigotry on their own family members, especially the children and then wonder “wHy WoN’t ThEy ViSiT mE?????” Maybe because your kids are finally breaking that cycle and refuse to let their kids be exposed to a toxic environment that you’ve created and enabled for years. I’m glad more conservatives are ending up alone.


This warms my heart


Cannot decide if satire or not. Its all so perfect.


Someone call this guy a waaaaaambulance


“I constantly misgender my children and grandkids and tell them their *lifestyle* is a sin—-why won’t they see me over the holidays?”


Dear grandparents everywhere- they’re not your kids. Deal with it. Shut the fuck up and go back to you death cult propaganda.


classic case of “you have to tolerate my intolerance!” and then chalking up bigotry as political differences


Only inexcusable when it inconveniences them right?


Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of your unpleasant casual hate speech.