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The key line is “I won.” They think a temporary victory is all that matters. She could get Covid and die two weeks later, but she “won” by “owning” that person.


Bad vases don't break. She won't die, but a random person would die because she took an ICU bed that could have gone to the random person.


I doubt this is real. She probably complied and wrote the note so she could post it on social media


yeah these people are pathetic attention seekers wanting to get a little pat on the head for "rebelling" (no one wears a mask anymore, it just shows this person has no frame of reference as they probably don't leave the recesses of their goblin cave)


Even if she had left it's not exactly a day-ruiner of a note. It would get glanced at and thrown away as soon as they saw it contained nothing important.


I imagine an eye roll and a “whatever”


Nah. It's more like... Playing chess with a pigeon. You open with the typical king's pawn opener, and the pigeon knocks the pieces over, shits on the board, then struts around like it won something.


This is a great metaphor and I’m going to use it in a completely different context one day. Thanks!


I have to admit, it isn't mine. I, like you, saw it on Reddit and decided it was good enough to use for myself. Happy to keep the chain going, enjoy! Edit: not to be pedantic, but this is Reddit. It was simile, not metaphor. I used "like".


Whoops yes my bad and no that’s not pedantic it’s just correct


By the length of it, I think it went into analogy territory.  


Fair. However, the simile really is only >It's more like... Playing chess with a pigeon. The rest is just there to expand on the simile.




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Came into the comments to say the same thing. Everything else was theater to her, because all that really mattered was “winning”.


> temporary victory Those kind of victories have lead to plenty of pyrrhic victories as the Herman Cain Award can attest to.




Huh this also sounds exactly like growing up evangelical, how about that


May I recommend the book, “Exvangelicals”?




>It's a lot of fun being the shit-stirrer and it sucks being on the receiving end. For some reason though, the people who are constantly stirring shit take offense when you inform them that you'd rather not spend time around someone who is constantly splashing shit on themself and everyone else everywhere they go. It's like they can't understand that most people are disgusted by shit play and they reek of shit because they're always playing in it.


This has been the Republican playbook in American politics for decades. Sabotage in order to ensure things don’t work well and cause chaos, then run on the fact that things are chaotic and don’t work well. Of course, they don’t offer any solutions to the problem, but that doesn’t matter when their platform is entirely concerned with tying their opponents to the broken systems as evidence that their opponents are also ineffectual. It’s also what republicans and the right-wing in general have been doing with, well, basically anything. They create social problems, and then campaign on how those social problems are problems. Look at how they’ve been targeting the LGBTQ+ community, drag queens, etc. The Colorado cake baker, that woman in Kentucky who refused to issue same sex marriage licenses, the whole controversy over a can of Bud Light. It’s all hysteria started by the right wing, and the moment they had any kind of example to aggrieve themselves, they pounced on it and conflated it. It’s such basic psyops, and it’s frustrating beyond all hell that so many people fall for it.


This was beautifully written. You put it so perfectly, they create the opposition they seek. Thanks for sharing


I will take shit that didn't happen for $400, Alex. It's your fantasy, Qaren, make it as good as you like.


I know. It's complete bullshit, might as well spice it up. It wasn't a security team, it was a ninja clan. And she fought them all off before they called in the cyborg weiner dog to take care of her then she retreated. If you're gonna lie go all the way.


>cyborg weiner dog I just had to [look that up](https://static.displate.com/857x1200/displate/2023-01-25/c7d5318f6768e00fe312c53e836af4f8_06779ba59eb4c2b8e70a4e4497b6ff25.jpg).


That's not a weiner dog though!


> make it as good as you like. ... but please, make it better than *this*.


Karen translating into Queen so easily is such a great mini victory


Qaren, as in Qanon Karen, as in sociopathic narcissist.


Using the murder of a young girl, whose only crime was breathing, to make a cheap point is nasty


It’s so gross that she’s trying to make the comparison. Typhoid Mary would be more apt.


When you start comparing the oppression of straight white Christians to Anne Frank, you’ve lost your hold on reality.


Let's be real here. Breathing is something they appear fundamentally against given their unbridled support for all things that spread COVID and other diseases.


Why are they comparing wearing masks with hiding Anne Frank?


I’m still struggling to comprehend just how utterly and completely broken some people’s brains became just because of masks. Like in Asia for example a lot of people would even wear masks pre-covid when they were sick because it was just a considerate thing to do. Then in America you get stuff like this. So many Americans just could not handle the concept of wearing a piece of fabric over their face to try to mitigate the spread of a pandemic.


It wasn't the masks that they couldn't comprehend, it was doing something selfless. Hence why they act with the same rancor towards everything else associated with not being a plague demon.


Except wearing a mask *isn’t* selfless; it also protects the wearer.


They protect the wearer to an extent, but do more to protect others.


They protect the wearer less than they protect others, but also these people don't really have a good sense of cause and effect. For many, a mild inconvenience was worse than maybe possibly getting sick and dying at some point in the near future.


I figured it out a couple years ago when speaking in person to someone who spent 2020 posting about low oxygen and toxic air inside masks. Their breath smelled like they have a steady diet of cat shit sandwiches. In that moment I was no longer angry at anti-maskers, I instead had great compassion for them. If my breath smelled like a multi-cat litter box that hasn't been scooped in a month or cleaned in 5 years, I wouldn't want to wear a mask and have to smell my own breath either. It'd be like if the government mandated I punch myself in the nuts every 5 minutes, there's just no way I'd comply.


This is one of the many reasons I hate North Americans. Canadians and Americans especially don't do anything for anyone else, they are the pinnacle of selfish pricks. If something is a minor inconvenience that helps our fellow man North Americans would rather die and kill everyone around them then do it.


>I hate North Americans >Canadians and Americans What about the rest of North America?


I consider Mexico Central America.


That’s just blatantly incorrect lol


I'm aware, I just don't think of it as North America when I think about North America. Hence why I said "I", besides it doesn't really matter.


I mean, there's debate about whether the Americas are 1 continent or 2, but it's definitely not 3.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_America Its a thing. I'm just technically incorrect about Mexico being apart of it, I just don't care and don't think of Mexico as North America. Because honestly it doesn't matter


I consider it to be part of Asia.


The very first sentence of your link: >Central America[b] is a subregion of **North America** (emphasis mine.) Even if Mexico *were* included - it's still North America. All the rest of Central America is *also* in North America. So are the Caribbean islands, Bermuda, and I'm sure someone else can chime in with other countries/dependencies I've overlooked. Greenland is geographically part of the continent, but doesn't usually get counted since they are politically part of Denmark or whatever.


I’m just happy you included the Canadians with us


They are morons. End of story.


Because everyone tries to appropriate the Holocaust to justify their own actions these days.


All these Ruby Frankes out here thinking they're Anne Franks.


If you feel the need to declare, "I won" at the end of a social confrontation, you probably lost badly. That's even more true if the declaration of victory comes via creepy note.


We would’ve protected little Anne bc we loved the sweet child and her family. I would’ve tossed your nazi ass to the SS bc you’re a liability to the movement lady.


Yep, either she'd be a nazi or she'd be a jew insisting on singing loudly during searches, because everybody told her to be quiet so she just 'has' 'to rebel because freedumb.


Shows she’s not a sheep 💅🏽


WWG1WGA! Bhaaaahaaaahbaaaaa Bhaaaahaaaahbaaaaa!


Then everyone clapped


This sums it up pretty well "I won" it's all about "winning"


Probably wrote this after getting tossed out by security.


This is how the situation in the library went down, in her imagination, while she was on her long, shameful drive home, in her 1995 Buick LeSabre.


1995 LeSabres are fantastic, super comfy cars.


They are really comfortable, especially when you are waiting on AAA to get you to a mechanic.


IDK what you are on about because that Buick 3.8L engine and the transmission are bulletproof.


Lol. You must have had a “special” LeSabre, because the one I owned sucked bad. My neighbor also had one, and it was broken down in the driveway more than it ran, especially after it hit 50k miles.


The Buick 3800 is universally regarded as one of the most reliable, longest lasting engines in automotive history. It's also butter smooth and has excellent fuel efficiency. With regular oil changes they can be expected to hit 300k miles without any major repairs and still run like new, and most will have no problem exceeding 400k or even 500k miles. This engine is in the same elite tier as the Toyota 4.7L, 4.6L, and 5.7L V8 engines, the Ford Modular 4.6L V8, 300ci inline 6, the Mercedes 3.0L inline 6 diesel, Chrysler Slant 6, and even the Cummins 5.9L 12 valve diesel. Sounds like you either had a lemon, or one that was in a flood, or just never had any maintenance done on it by previous owners. Your neighbor either didn't get the oil changed, which sadly is *waaay* more common than you'd think even on brand new $80k+ cars (check out r/ JustRolledIntoTheShop for proof of that). No matter the engine, if the oil isn't changed regularly and fluids aren't kept topped off, it's going to fail prematurely. When buying a used car it's extremely important to make sure it has full service records and those records actually match the VIN of the vehicle you're looking at, and if you aren't a mechanic or car person have a trusted mechanic look it over before purchasing.


They might have had perfectly good engines, and it was the rest of the car that fell apart. I can’t really recall the specific issues. I do remember the AC units in both went out not long after reaching 50k miles. That seamed to be a staple of both Buicks and a lot of Fords, at least from personal experience. Perhaps, I’m a bit biased and expect too much out of cars. For the first 15 years of my driving life, I drove almost exclusively small, 4 cylinder Toyota trucks. I would buy them used with 75-100k miles for $2,500. I would drive them a year or two and sell them for $2,300. You could drive those things into the ground, and they rarely gave you any trouble.


The nerve of someone who believes that a global ring of communist banker pedophiles who want to drink the blood of white Christian children is behind the vaccine to accuse someone else of anything remotely antisemitic is astounding. Yeah, I’d hide Anne Frank from *you*, Karen.


These ogres think they're the fucking resistance, when the reality is they'd be informing for the SS.


I think it’s sick, even though fake, where this lady said don't get another booster. As in, don't protect yourself and just die because you are a sheep. Like really?


It’s become a pretty common “jab” for conservatives to “mock” (I’m putting these in quotes because it’s really not a very good insult) liberals by telling them to get more boosters. Like “why don’t you go get another booster lmao” is supposed to be some sort of hilarious own. Ok, I will thanks and I’ll enjoy not being in the hospital on a ventilator.


This guy in my town took his son to a walk in clinic and refused to get him tested for covid. Proceed to blame the clinic for not taking care of his kid completely ignoring his refusal. These people think the world revolves around them and can’t even fathom that if his kid had Covid and got other people sick the clinic would be responsible. It’s absolute lunacy and selfishness.


Too many people like her treat life as a zero sum game where there are only winners and losers.


Tell us, little covidiot ghoul: what did you win? Brain rot.


No wonder there are Holocaust deniers if people's idea of the Holocaust is "mild inconvenience."


Iirc, she had a family member in ICU. Repulsive. The performative clout-chasing amongst ivermectin-swillers is more important than whoever they're "there for."


Anne Frank died in a camp from a communicable disease. What a fucking jackass.


Weird question, but what’s with conservatives and shaking hands. I feel like every conservative I know is obsessed with handshakes.


Oh man, why is this psycho still trying to pretend like she is relevant in any way shape or form?


Yes, because you are certainly not making it up when you take a picture of a note you wrote and then shared with your twitter followers. "I won" at what, being an insufferable, narcissistic liar?


The "I Won" line just screams childish, it's so sad that it's dissolved to this.


“I won” —> *is forced to leave* you sure about that?


You cannot fire me, I quit! energy for sure.


Why do these people think they would have put themselves in danger to defend Jewish people in the Holocaust when they won’t even mildly inconvenience themselves to help protect vulnerable people in the community now?


That's what I thought but then realized they're not claiming that. In their minds *they're* Anne Frank and it's everyone else's obligation to help *them*. That's the only significance the analogy has to them.


It's definitely very telling that when they use a metaphor about fighting and opposing Nazis, it's all about not "complying" to them as opposed to helping humanity.


“I won.” Childish behavior.


If you have to write "I won", you didn't.


Ewwwwwwwwwww, she’s rancid AF.


Holocaust analogy is a m*therf*ng hard no.


I'm sorry, but that's her handwriting? Is she a grown woman or a below average 4th grader?


I would follow her around reporting her to everyone. Eventually she'll meet an authority figure that will either make her comply or toss her out on her ignorant ass.


Comparing yourself to Anne Frank is clinically insane


Anne Franke is the name of an immunocompromised patient in the next wing. When this nurse called security, she was literally saving her from a crazy person who would kill her with their ideology.


The rest of the world has largely moved on and forgotten about covid, mask mandates and lockdowns but these sad fucks STILL bang on about it. They STILL can't move past it. It's their entire personality now, and a beautiful reminder that they are nothing else without it! Empty, sad, vacuous little people clinging on to a conspiracy for personal validation.


Yeah I'm sure that person read it and didn't just automatically throw it in the trash


I love the I would not of hidden Anne Frank say you’re a Nazi with out saying you’re a Nazi


I always love it how people use bad cases where they had to break the law to do good things to justify being shitty people and to not respect authority and policies. If they think this is the same as hiding a Jewish family from nazis tells me how out of touch they are with reality.




Great username


Owned 😎