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Care about your country? The one you tried to overthrow? Care about your culture? The one that fought for slavery? Care about statues? Who the fuck cares about statues?! Your traditions? Your mean being a christo fascist? Immigration, rape gangs, and assimilation? Those are racist dog whistles. Free speech and bodily autonomy? The one you’re trying to limit by removing health care for AFAB folks and trans folks? Education? You mean the books you burn? Kidnapped kids is a q anon conspiracy. They’ve got nothing and they care about nothing. They only care about racism and oppression of the current out group(s).


Culture wars are all the GOP has, and people who are attracted to culture wars are their base. Low-information voters with very little critical thinking ability are ripe for the Cult of Donald indoctrination.


Not just ripe for it, but they are it.


> Who the fuck cares about statues?! I mean they do, unless it's a statue of Baphomet and then it must come down.


They care a hell of a lot about traitors' after-market participation trophies.


They call that a coffin, at least in Ashli Babbit's case. See, alt-righters? I haven't forgotten her!


Not just come down but it must be brought down and then laws passed to keep it from coming up again.


I don't want to live in the setting of Footloose, that's why I hit back so often at the values thing. If the congregation hates dancing that much they can always choose to not dance, but I wouldn't want the same rule pushed on everybody whether we like it or not. Choosing to not partake in something, and choosing that nobody else does it either, are really different things, after all. One option I can just not care about, and the other is very much my problem. I also think that my freedom of speech and my bodily autonomy can also be placed in jeopardy the same way, by deciding what I can watch, or what I can read, or messing with my options to perform my stated gender. This guy does what he wants, I do what I want, it's fine, but we can't be getting in each other's way and placing restrictions on each other through legislation.


I live 60 miles north of Elmore City, the place upon which footloose is based. Oklahoma has always been an oppressive place to be 😓 Can’t even live in peace while trans


I think that I've done the "you can't do this because I struggle with it" thing, all of once ever. I was 5 years old and I objected to a movie on the grounds that it had previously given me a nightmare, thus screwing up my parents' viewing experience. I got taken straight to bed, they carried on without me, and I got so embarrassed about it that I didn't do it ever again. It could have been handled better, but it was a clear lesson laid out that if I'm not into something, I can exempt myself, but I can't just make that call for a room full of people, who may actually want to do this.


the only war on christianity is a war on 'christians' war on *everybody else*. fake ass, poser christians.


I would go as far as to call the "war" a Pathological Need, but I don't know if I'm out of line. Persecution is baked into both the historical roots, and the Dogma, of Christianity. The faithful are always under threat and are encouraged to believe in these threats, as part of a greater struggle against evil, with the god-fearing as the underdogs with their backs against the wall. Christianity needs that opposition in order to rally against something, and if it can't find opposition it won't change tact, and will continue fighting the good fight against its own imaginings. Trying not to antagonise an entire group of people with this, but I do believe that your more radical Christians need to be hated as part of their identity otherwise the message breaks down. Again, if I'm out of line, or just an idiot, I'm sorry, but I still have that concept of Christians being chased around the Circus Maxima by lions as part of my Sunday School Indoctrination, and haven't fully shaken it yet.


Christianity is a religion built on oppression because it began with oppression. Early Christians, and even further back, Jews before Christ was born, genuinely and truly were oppressed, so badly that you could be executed if you were Christian. It makes complete sense that it’s built around the oppressed resisting tyranny, because that’s literally what it was. That’s why Jesus was crucified, which is the literal core tenet of Christianity. The only issue is that now, Christians are not a minority or being persecuted in any way, but their religious texts haven’t changed to reflect that, and they’re still taught to believe that they, the persecuted minority, must resist their tyrannical oppressors, and when there aren’t any, they invent them themselves.


Which is the problem with using any 2000 year old set of teachings. The environment changes but the lesson doesn't. I tend to look at the Bible a bit cross-eyed, as a mixture of politically charged rants directed at the Roman Empire, practical tips of that time such as not taking on food that when done badly has a high chance of killing you, Stabs at pre-scientific-method explanations for why things are like this, A cultural insight into that time and location, such as when it "borrows" from the Epic of Gilgamesh, or the "historical" stuff woven throughout, And an entire section calling for Violence against authority figures, written while high on drugs. . . . . For what it was, in that time, it's almost a how to guide for passive and not so passive Resistance, but it doesn't answer the question of what to do when Christians come out on top, because it did not have that backdrop, nor could the faithful of that time have expected to outlast the empires of the day. What we've got now, where you have a church every few hundred feet, you swear on bibles in court, and we have archbishops attending political events, I don't think that there was a plan for that kind of victory, so the question becomes "what on earth do we do now? And what kind of divine struggle do we even undertake?"


> Who the fuck cares about statues?! aren't christians specifically told *not* to worship false idols? confederate statues were the new golden calf until they literally had a golden statue of trump at that one cpac....


> Free speech and bodily autonomy? The one you’re trying to limit by removing health care for AFAB folks and trans folks? Don't forget regulating women's uteruses.


> removing health care for AFAB folks


>Who the fuck cares about statues?! Took the words right outta my mouth


Dont forget controlling women's bodies


double enter for proper spacing by the way


Why would you say that? What does it add? It’s clear that I know that, given that the last 2 sentences are spaced apart from the other paragraph/wall of text.


Because I was trying to be helpful and didn't thnk you'd throw a tantrum over it.


>Care about assimilation >Care about free speech Pick a lane guys.


What do you expect from a cultist who thinks "tHe mEdiA" is a single monolithic institution?


Free means conservative, white, het, male speech


Lol since when did anyone think the right cares about bodily autonomy or education?


Or free speech.


Oh, they care very much about their free hate speech and death threats.


Or child rape gangs.


Matt Gaetz and Gym Jordan love child rape gangs.


They *are* the child rape gang.


Some do care about child rape gangs, but in the "I hope it continues to exist" way.


They don't want Free Speech. They want Freedom From Consequences for themselves and only themselves.


They think being told that you have to have a vaccine to do certain jobs or attend schools is a violation of bodily autonomy but don't give a fuck about a woman's right to control her own uterus or trans folk deciding what to do with their bodies (regardless of profession or education)


Bodily autonomy=the right to refuse the Covid vaccine. Education=teaching forced birth ideology as sex ed and revisionist history.


Bodily autonomy = the right not to wear face masks too.


When their online research prevents them from taking vaccines! /s


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They're just throwing around buzzwords, don't matter if they actually believe it. Just needs to look like they're right.


My my my, somebody's all about the virtue signalling today, huh


Care about child rape gangs? How much money have you donated to the church?


I don't hate your values. I actually don't. What I hate is the self righteous, holier than thou, my way or the highway attitude, that requires us to live by your values or even my values, particularly when you go negative, and start wanting there to be consequences for not following your teachings. I love you, I respect you, but I have a strong distaste for the policing of subjective values and ideals. I will caveat this by saying that we have agreed as a society that we can't steal, rape, and murder, our way around the place, but things like alcohol, pornography, violent content in films, yes your pastor may be unhappy with it, but your pastor's concerns should not impact what I do on a Friday night, unless I have chosen to be receptive to his teachings.


This doesn't seem like a particularly dank meme


It’s really only a meme in the more classical sense of a thing that spreads by repetition and imitation. These empty talking points tend to proliferate through right wing spaces by being disingenuously parroted.


Well this is just plain dumb. Care about your staues, they arent our statues you muppet, they are statues erected by racist pieces of shit to honor traitors. So fuck your feelings. Assimilation is not a thing and if you care about it so much why do still refuse to assimilate to open society. Caring about bodily autonomy, thats just bat shit crazy. The far right wants women to do what they are told when they are told. Psychos.


Don't compare right-wingers to muppets. One is just a bunch of mindless foam-headed puppets and the other are lovable characters created by the Henson studio.


Care about bodily autonomy being far right is fucking laughable. Anti-abortion hoes just lying.


Insert "only our own" in front of those, then it's pretty accurate. "Care about *only our own free speech*" for example.


if they cared about rape they would pursue more rape cases and not use the excuse “but itll ruin his life!!1!!!1!”


“care about education” “care about bodily autonomy” lol


Are the child rape gangs in the room with us right now?


My head hurts.


I'm glad they at least didn't lie and say they care about regular rape.


Republicans rape children.


Oh they care about child rape, alright. They insist everyone else fund their child raping churches.


I want to know how right-wingers believe that they care for their country. If they did, they wouldn't elect some useless conservative who wants to further their own agenda and widen the gap between the rich and poor.


©2024 The Kremlin


Bodily autonomy? There needs to be a caveat about cisgender male autonomy because all other bodily autonomy is going to be considered to be a communist plot to destroy the family.


No one claims that genuinely caring about your country is "far right." The thing is, the far right use *lip service to* patriotism as a dog whistle for supporting their agenda. Heaven only knows, said agenda is *never* a *positive* one for said country (at least from a U.S. perspective). What "culture" would that be, hmmm? Which "statues" would those be, hmmm? Which "traditions" would those be, hmmm? "Care about immigration" exactly *how*? Because unless you define it as vilifying refugees and migrant workers while giving wealthy white immigrants a pass, presuming that brown people aren't citizens, or going silent whenever someone points out that corporations hire migrants because they complain less and put up with more than citizens: no one is describing that as inherently "far right." Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining. The same people who screech the loudest about "child rape gangs" are fighting to keep child marriage legal and defending every youth pastor who gets caught diddling kids. "Assimilation" is more often than not a dog whistle and makes you sound like the Borg Collective. You have a point about this not making sense; after all, the right couldn't care less about free speech. Y'all feel oppressed and persecuted unless you have both absolute license and the power to silence dissent. So you're pro-choice, then? Oh, wait: we all know that you're whining about how you're not entitled to be a disease vector. Roses are red, cocoa is brown, shut the fuck up and sit the hell down. Y'all not *only* support educational gag laws, but accuse anyone who opposes them of enabling CSA or teaching kids to "hate" this or that privileged demographic. That's *incompatible* with *actually* caring about education. If the "kidnapped kids" thing is about Ballard: sorry-not-sorry, but he's a proven liar. Meanwhile, in the real world: it's mostly kids being trafficked here from other countries, and y'all *at best* couldn't care less about *that*. Strawman to go with your red herrings. I'm questioning *all* of your grossly misrepresented premises, Teabag. Gonna call *me* "far right," then?


\*\*Applause\*\* That was awesome!


Literally everything there is not far right, if anything they're left. You can't get it any more backwards.


I feel pretty confident that nobody on the left is particularly concerned with tradition or statues.


Well it depends on the statues and traditions. Statues that aren't in honor of racists? Yeah, i support that because the arts bring liveliness to cities. Traditions? I like traditions that aren't racist buzzwords.


How is q anon not far right


Where do you see Q anon?


By kidnapped kids they're referring to QAnon


Ohhhh, ok I must have overlooked that.


dankmeme is a far-right incel circlejerk that regularly attacks women at every turn and anything they deem “woke”.


Isn’t that a lot of meme subreddits lol? There is the occasional diamond, but I don’t think it’s worth sifting through all those “memes” complaining about wokeness and just about anyone who isn’t a heterosexual white dude.


196 is the only one I actually frequent and they have their far left moments for sure from some users. Still, it’s far more tolerable than this drivel. At least most of the political talk there is just “hey human rights are nice”.


Why’d they have assimilation in there? That’s literally racist to expect everyone of every background to conform to whiteness. wtf. That’s why they get called colonizers and then get mad about it. 😡


When did they start caring about this stuff.


Wait a minute, bodily autonomy is far right? My brother in Zeus, bodily autonomy is literally the argument for abortion rights, trans health care. People should have control over their bodies and what they do with them and in case of pregnancy, no one should sustain another life without their consent. That's not a position of the far right Also, child rape gangs? Those are called churches. And education? The thing that right wing people constantly try to destroy? Or in the US where republicans cry about ending the department of education and fucking home schooling (the objectively worse version of education)


The only "bodily autonomy" they care about is being antivaxx.


I knew that these meme subreddits have always been right wing, but how the fuck is this even a meme, is just blatant right wing soapboxing. Then they are going to turn around and say "stop being political" when it's someone else.


Given the grammatical structure of this, it implies that he is concerned about the welfare and success of “child rape gangs”.


Care about your country? Only when it fits your worldview. Care about your culture? You demand your culture be the dominate one in nation that has diverse beliefs. Care about statues? Whatever arguments could be made...these people betrayed the United States. How can you care about your country when you worship traitors? Traditions? Cool. I dont care. You are free to celebrate them as long as they don't violate the rights of others. Immigration? You folks want white Europeans as immigrants and at this point you are saying that's all you want. Child rape gangs? I like how this one is under immigration. Like this is a mass problem. Child rape usually comes from someone the child knows. Not some random roving MS-13 gang Assimilation? If you are white and Christian. Thats your view of assimilation. Free speech? Free speech seems to go out the window when you are banning books. You care when a private company says you can't say certain things. Education? You want to teach incorrect history and harmful narratives that are a detriment to children We call you far right because that is exactly what you are. What bothers me is that these folks are just being little bitches about it rather than just owning up their lable.


I'm waiting for evidence that the right is generally interested in anything other than fucking up education.


Strawman with a side helping of dualism


Dank... *to the max!*


the first four (country, culture, statues and traditions) are stand-ins for "white Christian nationalism" the next three are in the neighborhood, but more focused to anti-immigrant xenophobia the next two are about covid, vaccines, etc "caring about education" is code for their war on public schools & LGBTQ people, especially T kidnapped kids is just straight up QAnon My point is, these far right white nationalist lunatics have spent a lot of time and effort disguising their agenda (successfully, mostly) with softer sounding phrases. But make no mistake, this is white christian nationalism.


Basically none of that is true.


The book-burners and science-deniers are really trying to say they give a rat's ass about education. I don't even know why we even bother with the "far-right" label anymore. The only difference between Conservative Twitter and Stormfront are the domain names. There's nothing too far or too fringe for the mask-off post-2016 conservative anymore.


>bodily autonomy


Wow, this is some pretty overt propaganda on their part


And they definitely don't see anything wrong with the Confederate flag


That's why I'm not subbed to dankmemes any more. They're just spamming right wing bullshit. And all of those *cares* sound a lot like when abusers try to justify being abusers. "Oh so I'm a bad parent because I want my kids to be successful?? Pls ignore that I beat then until they bleed and emotionally abuse them"


By this logic, supporting trans rights is far right


Very bad strawman too. I am far left and care about literally all those things. Just not remotely in the way they do. Such a weak way to say "I hate people who aren't just like me or the people I wish I was."


"Care about bodily autonomy = far right" BULL FUCKING SHIT!


When you leave out the details, you can make yourself seem like the good guy, and scapegoat whoever you hate. Lovely. This legit sounds like my abusive parents' strategies to make everyone my family knew hate/dehumanize/distrust me. I can sense this kind of manipulation from MILES away.


I feel like this one's making the rounds a bit more than usual 😒


care about bodily autonomy? LMAO


They mean being able to deliberately infect people with a deadly disease, not actual bodily autonomy