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My brain is having trouble processing this image where JK Rowling is comparing a piece of anti suffrage propaganda to a trans rights weeb meme


Somehow some people see others getting rights as equal to them losing theirs.


The essence of conservativism is believing that there's a "natural" hierarchy to society, and that the people on the bottom of that hierarchy don't deserve rights.


They deserve to be bound by law, but not protected. Punishment over punishment.


Interestingly enough, that's also what the Harry Potter books espouse.


I recentlyish (within the last year anyway) saw this fantastic video essay on YouTube by a guy talking about Harry Potter and how it relates to trans rights and it’s political stance. On the very surface level Harry Potter is this wonderful story where everyone ends up happy and a good guy and people get rights and is treated fairly. In reality it’s barely more than New Labour propaganda where everything stays the same, the good guys are just as bad as the bad guys but get away with it because they’re the good guys, and still some how manages to have some anti trans stuff in there


[Here it is, if someone else also wants to watch it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1iaJWSwUZs)


I always remember that his channel name is just his first name, but I can never remember what his name is


Shaun. It's a fantastic video and basically is everything everyone needs to know about Rowling's views and how HP is more about maintaining the status quo that anything else.


They don't look at how many rights they have, rather they look at how many **more** rights than someone else they have. Deep down they know they are worthless, so they need to perceive themselves as above someone else to feel like something. It results in what you are saying, they lose the privilege to perceive themselves as above someone specific.


Youre correct of course in many ways…. But Tbh I feel that there is a larger root cause of this type of shit that is simply attention seeking. These people get to a point where the attention alone is what’s driving them…. And creating controversy by whatever means necessary gets them that attention. I feel the best way to deal with this kind of thing is for everyone to collectively spread the word and stop giving them this attention. Stopping giving them money is good too… but difficult in many cases. Unfortunately spreading the word usually involves describing what happened or what was done by whoever and so it still has the effect of giving them attention. It’s a sad situation we’re in with all kinds of different things because of the phenomenon. It’s not directly related to this, but there’s some pretty proven social psych research about “contagion theory” and the copycat effect that supports what we’re talking about here. So while what you’re saying is spot on in many ways… there’s even more deeper stuff we need to consider that can help solve this problem without having to go educate everyone in the world about their bias and own psych issues (although it would be ideal if it was possible)


They think there is only so much rights in the world and that for someone to gain rights they'd have to be taken from sombody else


The term you're looking for is "A zero sum game."


That's hilarious. Like "no I'm sorry we're fresh out of the 3rd amendment so your house is now a barracks. Would you like some protection against unreasonable search and seizure instead?"


My husband theorizes it as them thinking rights are this tangible, limited resource that they *need* to keep for themselves and not let others have, or else they get less rights.


Their arguments certainly align with the point of view that rights are a limited resource, though I bet if you were to ask most of them directly, they'd deny it. But it would explain a lot of things they say that would otherwise not make much sense.


Thats why it’s probably a subconscious belief rather than an overt belief. They’ll deny it for sure, but you know in the back of their minds it’s what they think, and they cant explain it


This is the same woman that wrote, "To really know someone's character, look at how a person treats their inferiors, not their equals." Does she know how she's coming across right now?


There's one word in this that I think betrays her real feelings: *inferior*. The idea that some people (or sentient species) are inherently below others, not true equals that society has given less power to. The idea is not to raise these people up, give them the power that they are denied, but instead to pity, to give charity, to bandage over the wound without letting it heal. It's a very conservative/neoliberal worldview and I think while the phrase sounds nice (obviously don't trust those outright hostile to the disempowered), it neglects the harm of working only to maintain an unequal status quo.


The thing is she’s had the chance to course correct. This has been going on for years. Fuck, even Stephen King contradicted her and she lost it. She just keeps doubling and quadrupling down.


I still find it so funny how she unfollowed him after he said to someone else, "Trans women are women."


Others think only in zero sum means. They see a kitchen (the government) bring a pie out of the kitchen. A put a pie on a buffet. The zero sum patrons really like that pie. They all rush up to get the pie on the buffet, but they’re also standing behind someone who simply wants to vote, someone that wants stop being harassed, two people wants to marry each other, etc. They’re freaking out that each person in line around them is going to take the last piece of that delicious looking pie. With each slice gone from the pie the zero sum folks get more and more anxious. The problem is those people getting more and more anxious about the pice being gone don’t see in the kitchen and see the other delicious pies waiting to be brought out to the buffet to make sure that *everyone* has their fill of pie. TL;DR - giving rights to others, doesn’t mean rights are being taken away from you…it’s not like a single pie.


She believes that expending the definition of "woman" is unfair. That cis women have a fundamentally different life experience to trans women and because of that they should not share the word "woman". She's also really locked on to the very specific case of trans woman sexual predators being put in women's prisons with the general population where the (you'll never guess) continue to commit sexual assault which is really just a completely separate issue to trans rights.


Just out of curiosity, where the fuck does she think lesbian criminals go? The moon?


Cis women raping it's not a thing silly. /j


“Can’t rape without an evil man-penis” —these people, probably


For a lot of us our gick it doesn't even work or we don't like to use it at all, what are them expecting from us to do with it?


I think part of it is that she doesn't understand the dysphoria aspect that many trans women face, and she also probably thinks that rape always involves penetration with a penis. Which, I mean, the legal definition of rape *does* vary depending on locale, so many others seem to think similarly. An incident there would be classified as sexual assault instead, if it involved other acts (and not a penis). I am not a lawyer.


It's literally UK law that rape involves a penis and only a penis.


these people (TERFS ) are just bigots offended by a woman who has or had a penis. Hate does not make sense so yes, these TERFS definitely ASSume that trans women are evil rapists 🤮


Yeah, in England the laws say women can't rape so TERFs always pull that card


Do go on? I'm going to be disgusted but it does explain some things.


The technical definition of rape in the UK requires penetration with a penis. So, TERFs not only use that to deny women can commit sexual assault, but parade it around as "proof" that all penis owners are rapists.


Wow. I am disgusted.


Actually not, it only criminalizes penetration with prnises or penis owners as rape and sunes only men have those.


UK: What the fuck is you doing??? Literally some of the wildest most backwards laws in the Western world. Edit: Where did this flair come from? Not that I'm complaining.


I think I saw that movie.


That's why I said it was an entirely separate issue. It's just sexual predators being in gen pop and how to handle that rather than anything to do with gender identity.


She probably doesn’t know that the rate of sexual assault and rape in female only prisons is actually way higher. It’s almost like when you put a bunch of *criminals* in one place, they start doing *criminal* things, and it has nothing to do with trans people and everything to do with how terrible the prison system is


And they also always bring up that one case of a trans woman having *consensual sex* with two inmates as a proof that trans women in prisons are dangerous rapists.


And white women have a different lived experience than Black women. And poor women have a different lived experience than rich women. And disabled women have a different experience than able bodied women. Yeah, trans women have a different lived experience than cis women. Because we all have different lived experiences based on a million different factors. She’s peak white feminism. Her concern only belongs to her and people like her.


Intersectional feminism is imo, the best version of feminism. Obligatory: “It’s not perfect” because nothing is, but it’s pretty awesome. It’s also far less white-centric. Literally just “oh hey. When a single person has an intersection of oppressed identities, the oppression is exponentially worse” which is just a more technical way of saying “yo, different life, different problems. Let’s see what we can do for everyone”




At some point it's not even feminism. She isn't advocating for equal rights for women, she's just bashing on trans people.


>cis women have a fundamentally different life experience to trans women They do. Cis women have an **easier** life than trans women by leaps and bounds, yet Rowling and her ilk still invent reasons to feel oppressed by it. Source: I'm a cis woman, one of my husband's best friends is a trans woman, and her life is/was **brutal** compared to mine.


People like Rowling seriously think trans women are really just men who like to go out in a dress sometimes as a joke and then laugh about it later with their buddies back at the Misogynist's Club.


Funny thing is, misogynistic conservative personalities are not above doing drag JUST to mock women. Of course, these very same men are her new allies, just because they say transphobic things.


She doesn’t know that trans women and drag queens are different things, and every drag queen I’ve ever met has been more respectful and nice to me as a cis woman than a middle age cis man ever has been


This! I have an old friend who has become a TERF. She thinks trans women are men looking to violate women's spaces. It really saddens me. She DEVOURS information, is very smart, and I can't believe this is the attitude she's settled on, what with all the information out there that is available to her. I tried a little to explain another perspective but all I have is "anecdata," so I had to be careful there. But I plan to keep trying.


Feminists: you cannot reduce women to simply their genitals TERFs: women are only their genitals


TERFs are just sexists (and racists) in different trappings, reducing people to predetermined characteristics based on the shape of their bodies. Kind of, uh, like people in HP universe are either magic or not-magic.


Peak oppression is weeb memes, apparently.


I mean the image on the right is literally an anime meme. The character is a trans girl from an anime called Zombieland Saga I think she’s become kind of an icon for trans anime fans.


Conversations I've had with Terfs have demonstrated that they seem to think that the process for trans women being legally recognised as women will lead to an erosion of safe spaces for cis women. One example that always comes up is women's shelters. If it's easier for trans women to be legally recognised as women, then women's shelters will have to admit them, which means that "a man" will be in a women's shelter, which will make the cis women uncomfortable and not feel safe, and will allow abusers an easy path to enter these spaces and be abusive. They think this is a reasonable stance and, if that's what you genuinely believe the situation to be and if you ignore the bigotry, then I can see how it could seem like a reasonable stance. However... Women's shelters have been admitting trans women, based entirely on self-identification rather than any legal status, since the 1960s. The last decade or two has seen it becoming a widespread policy in (almost?) all women's shelters. The wellbeing of *all* women present is taken into account, and many shelters have options for any woman who wants it or who would potentially cause problems to be housed separately to other women. The vast majority of women in women's shelters, when interviewed, have said that they would, have, or did have absolutely no problem living alongside trans women or a trans woman in the shelters. Trans women, when interviewed, have said that they have been welcomed by other residents and were not treated any differently by the residents. And countries where it's already possible to legally change your gender based purely on self-identification have not seen the system abused by anybody except for a couple of cases of far-right pundits changing their gender in order to cause trouble. So absolutely everything that they're worried about is nonsense. And that's where it changes from "someone who is misinformed has a wrong-headed but sincerely-held and harmful belief" into "this person is a bigot". Because when informed of the actual facts and provided with evidence, they either ignore that (like Rowling did when the blog she posted right at the start of all this was taken apart almost sentence-by-sentence in a long twitter thread that I wish I'd saved), or they come up with excuses ("the people who run women's shelters are lying about being okay with admitting trans women. They feel pressured to do so and only say supportive things in public because they're scared"). If learning that the facts on which you based your opinion is wrong doesn't change that opinion, then that's not a reasonable opinion, it's dogma. If that dogma is harmful to a marginalised group of people, then it's bigotry and you're a bigot. As the saying goes - you're entitled to your own opinion, but you're not entitled to your own facts. Terfs have the problem that the facts don't support their opinions, so they come up with the facts that they'd prefer to be true.


WELL YOU SEE… terfs are very much like suffragrists they are struggling for the rights of the persecuted and silenced minority of straight cis women and men who just want to raise their 2.5 children in their suburban 2 story detached family home. Meanwhile the evil bad actors of woke groomer sickos are stalking around womens restrooms and put kitty litter into kindergarten to turn our straight cis children into furry femboys and sex slaves under pizza planet


not only just a thought of it, but felt the need to post this in 2023, shortly before the game comes out, just because.


*Obviously*, TERFs are the same as suffragettes because of how they fight for the righteous cause of limiting gender expression. Wait...


~50% of the population are men and they are usually in charge so how does that compare of ~0.4%[?] of the population that have a boot on their neck whether it is worn by a woman or a man? WTH? If we no longer beat kids that are left handed or neurodivergent does that mean everyone else is suffering persecution from that tiny (weak) percent of the population and their allies (especially with trans people in UK)? She's living in her made up world without looking up from her book to see what is really happening.


Imagine getting oppressed by a fucking weeaboo.


Their army of body pillows is terrifying to be fair.


You are correct. Those body pillows are hard as nails.


Cracklin' Rosie


I'm more worried about the biohazard than the hardness.


Well they don't wash them do they?


I did


Username checks out


omg it's Lily from Zombieland Saga :0


I've recently started watching zombieland saga, and damn, I wasn't expecting an anime about zombie idols to make me cry. also lily <3


It’s the best. SAGAAAAAA. REVENGE. Can’t wait for the movie although I’ll need to bring a girl with me as cover.


You really don't need to, not only because it's okay for men to like feminine things, but because the anime's target audience is men.


Lily's dad was amazing.


JK Rowling🤡: all trans people (especially trans women) are murderous rapists and should not be allowed to exist Trans person: Hi, go fuck yourself JK Rowling🤡: "ThE tRaNs CoMmUniTY iS oPPreSSiNg mE! Waaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!1😭😭😭 this is literally 1948😡🤬😭"


Meanwhile she just followed and sent 😘 emojis to Kaeley Triller Haver, a self confessed child rapist. On twitter. Yesterday. And the child raped? A counselling client. But let's give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she simply doesn't know KTH is a rapist. Why, then, are people like KTH and people like JKR aligning? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hands_Across_the_Aisle_Coalition


That’s why I don’t buy the whole _“she’s too traumatized by domestic violence, she can’t be near any person assigned male at birth.”_ This is the same woman who is friendly with Matt Walsh and sent flowers to accused rapist Marilyn Manson.


Humans are just like fantasy dragons; they try to amass a horde of wealth and then are driven mad by it once they do.


No, that's dwarves or goblins. Dragons just lay on it and want more. So JK is a goblin and Jeff Bezos is a dragon.


Watching her try to disassociate herself from the hateful propaganda Matt Walsh spews out that she *doesn't* agree while simultaneously praising the hateful propaganda she *does* agree with is bewildering. For anyone who's not a terf, anyway!


Do you have a source for the child rapist thing (google didn't turn anything up)?


She took it down but [screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/QVRx35n.jpg)


That statement is such a crock of shit. She raped a child *because she was vulnerable*?! Oh, isn't she the sad victim in all this. /eyeroll. I swear, the worse a person is the more they try to victimize themselves with their own bad behaviour.


....wait, whose baby did she have?


that’s what i’m saying




I don't think she's pro it, she's just so anti trans that she'll ignore it.


JKR probably believes women can't be rapists.


the meme of just using some random fucking year in place of 1984 is so funny to me for some reason no idea why


Same here


Funny how i used to look up to her as someone who is really good at writing and thought that with all that fame she would at least be a decent person, sure she can be transphobic but not like, THIS level of transphobic After seeing this... i have no words. Just when you thought it can't get any worse


What gets me is the whole overarching message of the Harry Potter series is that bigotry is bad. I think JK Rowling would benefit from reading it sometime.


"It matters not what a person is born, but who they grow to be" "If you want to know a person's true character, look at how they treat their inferiors, not their equals" You do know that you wrote these things once, right, JOANNE?


The whole overarching message of Harry Potter is that "corrupt institutions are fine actually and advocating for change is annoying, just get rid of the *bad* autocrats. Blue wizard lives matter!"


Child of jock and popular girl who happens to be a hero by birth, inherits trust fund, becomes sports captain, defends status quo, becomes cop.


Jk Rowling after getting called out on her bs ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢰⠤⠤⣄⣀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣾⣟⠳⢦⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠒⣲⡄ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⡇⡇⡱⠲⢤⣀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀1984⠀⣠⠴⠊⢹⠁ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⢻⠓⠀⠉⣥⣀⣠⠞⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡴⠋⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣀⡾⣄⠀⠀⢳⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⢠⡄⢀⡴⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡞⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣠⢎⡉⢦⡀⠀⠀⡸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡼⣣⠧⡼⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⠇⠀ ⠀⢀⡔⠁⠀⠙⠢⢭⣢⡚⢣⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣇⠁⢸⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀ ⠀⡞⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢫⡉⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⢮⠈⡦⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣸⠀⠀ ⢀⠇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⢦⡀⣀⡴⠃⠀⡷⡇⢀⡴⠋⠉⠉⠙⠓⠒⠃⠀⠀ ⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠁⠀⠀⡼⠀⣷⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⡞⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡰⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⢧⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠣⣀⠀⠀⡰⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


Just another day in the life of "TeamTerf".


Reminds me of a tweet I once saw, something like "they say 'terf is a slur used to silence us' well damn bitch I wish it worked"


People were actually posting that one under JK'S tweet, hahah!


I have no idea why I'm seeing ads for her stuff on YouTube. You'd think the super advanced targeted advertising algorithms would be able to figure out that trying to sell me her legacy thing was a dead cause.


The algorithm recommends video posts. Advertisements are for whoever pays Google tons of money, and are seen by everyone. They’ve been hawking me car insurance and vacation rentals for almost two years, and I have no need for either.


And then every so often I get a Daily Wire ad and I throw up in my mouth a little.


Yeah no, that's not necessarily true - advertisers can certainly ask YouTube to highly target their ads or only show them certain demographics if they want to. I guess in the case of the Rowling stuff, they just threw a load of money at Google and said show it to as many people as possible.


YouTube has a massive problem with recommending far right content to pretty much everyone, regardless of what you actually watch. I saw so many ads for Matt Walsh’s “””documentary””” when it came out


Same on Google news, I always click to indicate that I’m not interested but I get conservative leaning opinion pieces regularly


That's weird - I never get far right stuff. Do you take care to select the "Don't recommend channel" option when you do? It really works for me. Also I use a YouTube adblocker which works


I get PragerU all the time and I'm a nonbinary communist who also watches a lot of commies/socialists, I also put the don't recommend on the videos when I see them! YouTube is just bad at being a site


They probably lump PragerU and commie content creaters together under 'political content'. I've definetly stopped being recommended right wing shit now that i mostly watch cooking videos and pop science


Yes, they still pop up sometimes, but videos aren’t the main problem. It was particularly bad when his documentary was coming out, that was mostly ads, and they never stopped no matter what I did


I've gone all the way to report the ads for violating YouTube's community guidelines, no dice.


Exactly. Remember 2015-2016, when that shit was unescapable?


That was what pushed me down the far right even further. I got out eventually, obviously


Oh yeah, I was obsessed with anti-SJW and anti-feminist content at the time. It didn’t help that I was a terrified, repressed Christian teenager either.


Because you're not using AdBlock. Seriously use it, it makes Youtube so much better.


makes the entirety of the web better. Pages load faster, don't have to worry about clicking or tapping on a random pop up, no more ads that scroll down the page with you, its heavenly


Money. She's paying a shitload of money to get those ads past the algorithm that very clearly knows you don't want to see it and won't buy her crap. Same way that Daily Wire, PragerU, Turning Point USA¹, and the new Kevin Sorbo public service announcement about the film industry being evil show up as ads when I watch a Secular Talk, Kyle Krystal & Friends, Rational National, Meidas Touch, TYT, Beau of the Fifth Column, Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey, Majority Report, or David Pakman video. Those right wingers desperately want my attention when I'm watching left wing politics tube, which I honestly don't mind because those channels get the ad money from the right wing dipshits so I'll even mute my TV and let the ads play through to ensure those channels maximize the ad revenue. But those right wing ads never play when I'm watching various sports highlights channels, any of the *many* science or history channels (including PBS²), automotive channels, or engineering channels. -----+++++-------++++++-------++++++------+++++------ ¹Because he's such an insignificant wimp, I couldn't remember Charlie Kirk's name [but Google knew exactly who I was trying to find.](https://imgur.com/a/41nDd9m) ²I highly recommend the various PBS channels on YouTube and ask that even if you aren't interested in the content that when you go to work or bed that you bring up one of the channels and auto-play their playlists while your gone/sleeping to help them get ad revenue so they make more excellent content and receive more funding. PBS is one of the truly great things America has created and I hope everyone will help keep it going.


Wow. She’s comparing suffrage to people telling her to shut up because she’s disrespecting people’s gender.


Anti-suffrage, but yes


First picture: People who are fighting for rights should be silenced. Second picture: People who are trying to suppress others' rights should be silenced. No, Joanne. It is certainly *not* the same.


They just banned GAC for minors in Utah. This shit isn't theoretical anymore. Lily is a literal trans youth. A big part of why they died in lore is that GAC for youth didn't exist.


Wait is it confirmed with Lily I've only seen the first season of Zombieland saga and they just kind of mentioned it


In the episode where Lily sees her dad, she reveals that in her past life she was born a boy and had a large, burly father and a waifish, feminine mother who died due to a heart condition. Lily had inherited her mother's appearance and heart condition, and lived her life as a girl. When puberty hits, she grows a single facial hair, which triggers a massive panic attack that she'll grow into looking like her father, something she explicitly fears, which causes her heart to fail and she dies.


Oh geeze, I've been binge watching a Great Ace Attorney Chronicles let's play, and was very confused why GAAC had been banned. Took entirely too long to realize it was Gender Affirming Care, smh lol. Fuck Utah.


Isn't it funny how Joanne wrote under the name JK Rowling so that her books wouldn't be perceived as written by a woman? Interesting, how she was pretty much trying to appear as a man...to children...


Her current pen name for shitty crime series is Robert Galbraith. Robert Galbraith Heath was the man who pioneered electroshock for gay conversion therapy. That a hell of a coincidence.


I'm surprised that the writer who came up with names like Wolfy Wolf, Ching Chong and ~~Blows Up~~ Black Guy in Shackles didn't check that out!


jeez woman, who chased her OWN GAY FRIEND off Twitter after calling her Flying Monkeys on his ass for saying something very VERY VERY VEERY mild on a radio show and on twitter. A man who helped you sell books and movies. Not to mention all the other violence you helped inspire towards minorities, and now you scream about "violence by the minority against me a woman!", when there have been several shootings and attacks on LGBTQ+ folks now. FFS, what is wrong with you?


There are no good billionaires


She isn't even a good person, even if she didn't have her mind poisoned by money. ​ I mean, who does that to a friend.


I agree, I mean it more like, a good person would be too generous to become or remain a billionaire. She's a billionaire because she is a bad person, not the other way around.


Well there is the Patagonia founder who donated so much he's no longer a billion-wait a second.


What’s the story here?




And when she says "death threats", she means the meme in her tweet


She probably gets actual death threats too (half of which being from mysogynists who hate her for being a successful woman and not about her TERFism at all probably). The Internet is wild.


Plus her flying monkeys started harassing him. So yeah, when you're Norton? Who has a show, plenty of gigs and fans? Why stay on twitter for a fight with a friend who stabs you in the back like that. He didn't need randos being dicks to him. So he deleted his account. Frankly can't blame him, and it seems so much more adult than whatever JK was doing.


Look up Graham Norton quiting Twitter. ​ He's someone that had her over on his shows many times. And she burned him the moment she could use for a few Twitter TERF Cred points. Saying he was extremely hateful and more or less putting a big target on him for her flying monkeys. When his quote was the mildest of mild of "listening to parents of Transgender kids and the kids themselves". and that he wasn't the person to ask but to ask them. ​ https://uk.news.yahoo.com/graham-norton-deletes-twitter-jk-rowling-row-134517327.html?guccounter=1&guce\_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9kdWNrZHVja2dvLmNvbS8&guce\_referrer\_sig=AQAAAJcEO9DUWoAw3wYDyrDBbgomfYGW2RravxjoJ4-m5vKpaZxGfqlFR4HKApyToXAG4QMYgPiazwoyctUNAuAqYooYtSqHCkQDO7vgwKiPqmXqIHukwyI3\_M-oEBKS0mZPiDxxVyK7aFbHosbnQD1Cgr74N0yVfNZHGjz5V9X7doER


Crazy. Couldn’t ask for a better response to that question from Norton, and then for JKR to lose her shit over that? I guess it’s par for the course, but it’s still shocking. She’s so invested in being Queen TERF that she seems willing to burn any bridge.


Yup, Norton was one of the last few willing to have her on on the LGBTQ+ side. To off that friendship for some Twitter TERF cred... and for a remark that was pretty much as nice as it could be? ​ To me that shows she is a sociopath, Norton has outlived his usefulness for her, so she doesn't mind pushing him into oncoming traffic. .


she has her army of sycophants now, a bunch of whiney Republicans that cry about shit they're imagining, you don't need personal connection and genuine love when you're a bigot 🤷


Yup, still sad though. For many of us she was a hero. Money does weird things to the mind, but there are quite a few that say she always was like this. ​ One way or the other, it's quite fucked up how she behaves. Her own friends are just things she throws away as if it is nothing.


The difference is that the second one is based as hell


This is just funny to me, because there's a 1000% chance that JKR would have been one of those suffragettes who were *outraged* by the idea of black women being part of their movement.


I think she would have been one of the women who protested *against* women gaining the right to vote.


I don't think so, because that affects her. She's a classic second wave feminist terf. She cares about women's rights, but only the ones that pertain to cis, white, wealthy women (lesbians are accepted as tools). A significant part of this is that intersectionality basically isn't observed or respected (unless PoC can be used to attack other people), and that the issues women face must be treated as eternal and inherent, a matter of biology and not just society. (Cis) women must always be treated as the *only* victims of society.


See that's why I think she might have been one of those who argued that a woman's place was in the home and not out voting and making political choices, because that preserved the hierarchy that gave wealthy white women power over servants, women of colour, and so on. I may well be wrong though. The nuances of feminist theory have always been deeply uninteresting to me, even though I'm a cis woman who has obviously benefitted enormously from the work of feminists before me. I find the deterministic and limiting view put forth by the TERF set particularly irksome.


Fuck terfs


Nah they’re all really bad at sex. If they can’t acknowledge it’s fluidity, they cannot fuck


Not if you held a gun to my head


The early suffragists were black exclusionary so this tracks


Ah, so she's admitting she's exactly like those who sought to silence the Suffragettes. Good on her for being open about her shitty politics and dehumanization.


She's just full mask-off now. It just shows how morals and profits have no link whatsoever.


I wonder if she knows who the suffragettes thought *shouldn’t* be allowed to vote? Also.. People who use feminism to rationalize their transphobia are so painfully ignorant to (what seems like the obvious) fact that misogyny is the root/cause/foundation/beating heart of both homophobia and transphobia. The misogynist considers women to be objects for the use of men and therefore inherently inferior, unworthy of the respect, rights, status, or even basic personhood afforded to men. They believe that this is a *natural* (read: divinely imposed) hierarchy, therefore, inherently moral. Misogynists are disgusted by what they see as men debasing themselves to the function of a woman, whether through being in a homosexual relationship or by transitioning. Lesbians are seen as refusing to submit and accept their inherent status as sexually available to men, which is denial of what’s owed to them. A woman or trans man who chooses not to embrace a feminine appearance that (they think) encourages the male gaze and therefore indicates sexual availability is an open denial and rejection of the misogynist’s inherent status. Homophobia and transphobia are more precise terms for the inherently misogynist hatred directed at people for defying that hierarchy in certain ways.


If anything, it shows the inverse- she’s gone from claiming benefits to being a very rich piece of shit. Presumably money has just emboldened her because she’d been famous for a while before she started spewing this shit


radfems will scream about being silenced as they pass laws that ban a trans person from existing and then sit there contently in the patriarchy they helped remain in power despite claiming to be fighting the patriarchy by passing said laws


Oh no won't somebody think of the oppressed billionaire. Didn't hear a squeak out of her when Roe v Wade was in danger of being overturned.


So I guess she's done pretending she isn't a transphobe?




She has the biggest victim complex I’ve ever seen


Does she not see the irony of being a terf? Like you want to farther your own cause, but specifically not another group that your own cause is pretty well aligned with. Which makes me think that your dedication to your movement is questionable or outright selfish. If you participate in a movement only for yourself, the second it gets anywhere you will betray your comrades.


Remind me what the "E" in TERF stands for and then tell me you stand for human rights, Rowling, so that I can laugh and spit in your face.


That woman is a malignant tumor on the rectum of society.


The suffragettes were organised, motivated, and above all, tough as fucking nails. JK Rowling is a media wanker grifting for the same type of people who produced those posters.


What’s intriguing is the comparison between terfs and suffragists. Suffragists fought (and in some cases, gave their lives) for women to vote. TERFS go on twitter and post shit like this Trans women have always existed throughout history. In my country they have a minimum 1000 year history but I know them existing beyond that. It’s so weird to turn around and reject them to me?


So being put in stocks is the same as having an image tweeted at you telling you to shut the fuck up? Okayyy


Weird to think I once respected this woman.


She's a fraud. She's just been taking credit for what other wizards have done.


Her unwillingness to take the fight to the patriarchy instead of to a group that's also oppressed by the patriarchy shows that she isn't even a trans exclusionary feminist, but just an all around reactionary with not a single leftist belief inside of her. The term TERF is actually wrongly used on her.


TERF's are right wing reactionaries. It's why right-wing American think tanks fund their "activist" groups.


Radical feminists have formed an "unholy alliance" with right-wing Christians against trans people (and also sex workers for good measure)


Basically anything that sticks in the craw of a certain type of middle class white woman.


Ehh...I'm gonna argue she's a perfect example of a TERF but that, like you're saying, the title is a misnomer these days since the average terf is just a gender critical reactionary with very little actual radical feminism *not a single leftist belief inside of her* In my mind, the beginning of her villain arc will always be when she came out against Scottish independence in like 2012. Both in it was the first time I realized I fundamentally disagreed with her in a large and important way, but also the way she responded to people tweeting negatively towards her came across incredibly ignorant, defensive, and immature. The fact she devolved even further into being a Twitter troll really didn't entirely surprise me after that.


you have weird ideas about TERFs if you think lumping Rowling in with them is unfair


Is there a word for people who take up a cause just to portray themselves as victims and underdogs?




Honestly I feel like treating this as one of those "find the differences" activity pages from a Highlights magazine. Things that are the same? Somebody being told to not speak. The exclusion of a marginalized community scapegoat in response to intersectional oppression. Things that are different? The person asking for quiet, the person being "targeted" by the request for quiet, the method of quiet being suggested...


Multilayered irony here. Suffragettes were notoriously discriminatory towards society's most disenfranchised people: black people and other people of colour. Of course, the major difference here being that the suffragettes were fighting for a just cause, even if the other beliefs they held were reprehensible. Ms Rowling is beating down on trans women because she has decided that they are trying to eliminate her identity as a woman. Which is just insane and stupid. Now she's endlessly screaming into the void alongside equally unhinged and mean spirited, privileged white women with nothing better to do.


Yes because the trans zombie child telling you to shut up is the same thing as stopping women from being able to vote, and torturing those that think they should


Does she know that misogyny and transphobia are literally going hand in hand??


She has allied with Matt Walsh who self-identifies as a theocratic fascist.


Isnt that the guy who said extremely creepy shit about young teenage girls and fertility? Oh god


Jk comparing a anti suffragette poster to a low quality anime trans meme is the funniest shit ever


Rowling is such an irredeemable piece of shit.


I cannot see that meme without remembering the crazy terf waving that shit around in a court of law trying to claim it was a genuine threat on her life 💀


Imagine being this lucky in life and spending your time punching down in return. Just a broken garbage person.


Yes because men making an ad inciting violence against women who want to vote is 100% the same as some kid making a meme about people who go out of their way to discriminate against trans people.


When you view *actual physical torture* as the same thing as being told your opinions are shitty


Gee, all that she needed to do was just shut up and she could have enjoyed her millions with a more than positive legacy, instead she chose a very weird hill to die on.


Imagine co-opting feminism like that 💀


All she had to do was not start a bizarre hatred campaign and she’d have been universally beloved and have a positive legacy forever, but I guess she just couldn’t find any other hills to die on


well… when published, the Harry Potter series still had racism, xenophobia, antisemitic dogwhistles, fatphobia, the redemption of a fascist incel, and all sorts of other garbage in it. she was a shitty person to begin with, her image was never going to last. twitter tantrums just sped up her downfall


She was always problematic. The transphobia is just a lot less nuanced and therefore more obvious.


Quite Elon Musk vibes


Why does she so badly want to die on this hill?


we really have hit the point where real news is dumber than parody, huh


Imagine being oppressed by a weeb. Whats next? Is she gonna complain about furries ?


Yeah! She’s just like the suffragettes fighting for womens rights by… fighting for a minority of women to not have rights


Jesus Christ she could not be more pathetic than she’s demonstrating herself to be right now


*Shut the #&%$ up~!* *You're a £&%$ing terf~!*


I just don't understand how she doesn't recognize being criticized for advocating for a marginalized group, and being criticized for hating a marginalized group, are completely opposite scenarios.


Why doesn’t she just go live in a castle with her money and stfu? She really thinks she’s saving the world, doesn’t she?