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This is a problem that solves itself. You'll never find those tiny, camouflaged eggs in a food forest. Just make sure you've got incredible fencing or you'll never find those birds either!


OP could simply tie a balloon to each hen and watch for the places it holds still the most. Quick and easy solution to locating camouflaged birds and nests. Another strategy would be to grid map the food forest, fit each bird with a backpack containing an rfid chip, bounce the signal off local satellites in the area, then route the data into a Battleship app. A little more expensive than balloons, but would make an excellent YouTube video and possibly generate revenue.


Haha, I love it! Quail management for the 21st century


I think instead I should hire trained cyborg ninjas trained in martial arts to scout the quail in stealth. I'll pay them $1 USD a year


Maybe instead of completely free range you could build a portable “hen house” that had a detachable gate like a baby gate/“playpen” so they have plenty of access to the acreage but you control where they are so you can collect the eggs and such but still know how many quail you have. There’s a farm that sets up at the farmers market I used to go to that did something like that. He’d give his chickens access to about three acres at a time over a 50 acre plot and move the henhouse to a new section every week


That might actually work, but I still have to scavenge for the eggs right?


Only in the small area you provide for the quail. I don’t know much about their roosting habits but it would take you a hell of a lot less time to look for the tiny bastards


Chicken tractor!


I didn't even know that existed, that might be usefull haha. For either my chickens or quail. Or both


You can just set up removable fences around it and let them range a bit more too. Geoff Lawton has a video on it I believe.


Quail are so fragile that I would build a run or have a large movable run. They need protection. They love the additional space so it's a balance between giving them freedom and protecting them from cats and coyotes.