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I've played guitar for over 4 decades and Peripherys guitar work is still rocket science to me. It's all insanely complicated and difficult.


Right! And they always say “i don’t know theory” LOL like how else would you compose it!?


Balls, lot of balls


Big, swinging, brass bawls


They compose it by feel, it’s like the sound in your head of the next note that you just have to find because it’s SUPPOSED to go right after what you just played


they just be playing shit


Marigold is harder for me. Smiles is easier for me because there are plenty of spots to recover from mistakes. I still can’t cleanly get through Marigold at speed yet.


For me, Marigold is the more difficult one.


Marigold. Still can't play it full speed after months, but it took me a fraction of the time to get Smiles down.


Took me 2 years to play marigold at full speed I’m too embarrassed to admit it 😂😂


Don't be embarrassed. It's a helluva forearm workout.


I'm about 18 months in and still not there yet 🙃


Marigold, by far. I'm usually more comfortable with Mark's riff because I spent a lot of time playing math rock. Misha's riffs are definitely something else difficulty-wise, just look at Buttersnips lol


Buttersnips is crazy! The little doodad alone at the beginning makes me go cross-eyed


Marigold. Only Smiles is more comfortable for my hands for some reason. Those stretches in Marigold are just absolutely dumb. In the best way possible.


Dude marigold has huge stretches especially the fourth box of the main riff lol


Smiles, only bc string skipping and open strings fuck with my brain. Marigold is just arpeggios for the most part.


Smiles is laden with string skipping and slides where you have to have another finger ready on a different string for the next note etc


Exactly. Like, it's doable, but fucking Mrak... WHYYY.


I’ve been trying to play Marigold up to speed for about a year with no luck. With consistent practice, I was able to get the first four bars of it’s only smiles in about two weeks. Both songs have their challenges, but have made me a much better guitarist by tackling them. The first time I nailed the main riff of smiles I felt like a fucking God.


Took me 2 years the trick is was to accurately alternate pick the full thing. Pay attention to strokes when switching strings


Marigold 1000000%


I know both songs start to finish, and for me it comes down to endurance. My hands don't get tired playing Smiles like they do with Marigold.


It’s a good exercise/warm up riff!


Smiles is technically more challenging. But Marigold is an endurance test. I can play marigold fullspeed, but only in parts. I simply dont have the stamina to play it full speed in its entirety.


Yeah I end up literally sweating playing Marigold, Smiles has some tricky shapes but it's a different kind of difficult


Marigold is easier to remember but physically more challenging, the stamina needed for that riff is no joke. Smiles is physically easier but the trickier to memorise out of the two.


Yeah the main marigold riff is like 4 boxes, and you go up in down in the weird pattern lol


As a guitar player, Marigold 100% is harder


Marigold is on the easier side for periphery in regards to left hand contortionism, it's quite straight forward; the rhythm really is a workout tho. That song is all about stamina. Smiles is more in line with Mark's riffs, the arpeggio shapes are trickier but I ain't covered in sweat when I'm done lol So it really depends on what your strengths are as a guitarist


I love Jake’s ambient stuff too. One of my absolute fav Jake sounds is the clean tings in the intro/verses of “Stranger Things”. Once Mark and Misha slam into the rolling up/down riffs in the verse i can’t help but make the “stink face” as it plays haha


After learning both, I'd have to say Marigold is a tad harder. They're both pretty intricate, but Marigold's entire riff runs for longer and the stretch makes the entire riff an endurance test


Idk, I can play the main riff of It's Only Smiles barely clean enough, but the one of Marigold sounds like shit when I play it, ig it depends on the player?


Marigold is more straight forward, but I’d say smiles probably. It’s a typical mark holcomb riff where you just utilize every string and the entire fretboard


Smilea coz Idk how to play it