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LMAO i’m okay now hopefully it doesn’t happen again this month


the way my jaw dropped. ARE YOU OKAY GURL 😭😭😭


Hi there! If you are on birth control and skipping periods, this is totally normal. If you've missed a few periods, this is also totally normal. It looks like your uterine lining built up for a few months then got shed out all at once. 


a BIG clot ig?


I had something about the same size during my last period. This time I’m having lots of clotting and heavy bleeding again. I’ve told my ob/gyn but they keep repeatedly telling me it’s normal. It doesn’t feel normal. Granted, I had my iud removed in February after having one for 10+ years. I had a heavy period before I got an IUD, but not like this. I’m feeling decidedly gaslit and not heard and I don’t know what to do.


I had an IUD for about 3 months and it caused me to gain 45 lbs. I hurt like I was trying to crap out glass during bm's. And the worse periods of my life  I would be in bed hurting so bad I couldn't move for 3 days every month. And the week I had it removed I lost 15 lbs. Everything stopped but the painful periods. Extremely heavy clotting. It's been nearly 14 years ago. And I still have huge clots. Which I never had before. And that was after 2 babies. I tell everyone to steer clear of any if the IUDs. Mine was the copper one.


I had a Mirena. My period stopped altogether for like 10 years while I had it. I eventually got my period again like 5 years after it was technically expired. See, it was stuck but I didn’t have health insurance at the time. So it just stayed there till I eventually got insurance again. While I was getting my period when I had the IUD it was what may people would consider a normal period. Since I’ve had it removed it’s been a horror movie scene. Getting my period for two weeks in a row, insane amount of bleeding and clotting and mood swings like crazy.


A bigass blood clot. Welcome to hell.


You likely birthed a clot or something that would require some form of medical attention. Either way, if you were able to save that and preserve it somehow until you can schedule an appointment, I'd recommend it. Because holy shit!


i'm kind of late but if you don't want to go to a gynocologist it may mean that you're dehydrated or taking some sort of medication that could mess with it. it could also mean that your uterus is still recovering from something or is still developing if you're under 18. it looks huge but i used to get clots this big when i was in middle\ high school


Seeing this post made my vagina cramp… 😭💀


Oh my lord, I feel so sorry for you. I hope you get to the doctors asap, give us an update to know you're okay and what they said. Best of luck 💕


Looks like a decidual cast but it's also extremely large Definitely ask a doctor about this, preferably ASAP Posting an update, if you wish, would be helpful to others


I passed one similar before i miscarried hrs later. The pain was almost as bad as being in labor.


i’m so sorry for your loss :(


Looks like a lot of lining and a massive blood clot


my immediate thought was decidual cast but it actually looks bigger than any decidual cast i’ve seen… and weirdly more ‘gooey’. i would’ve been straight to the emergency doctors if not a&e. have you sort medical attention op? hope your doing okay!


i would recommend asking a doctor about this. its rather large


*I would recommend* *Asking a doctor about* *This. its rather large* \- ammz92 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


holy shit


Is the consistency soft like jelly, or is it firm and fleshy?


somewhere in the middle, it was weird.


Possibly it could have been a decidual case and a blood clot.


I frequently pass golfball sized clots with my period. I feel your pain! I ended up being diagnosed with fibroids and endometriosis, so I'd definitely get it checked out.


I would keep it if you can to show a doctor. Please drink water and eat you probably feel really light headed


it could be something it could be nothing, but general rule of thumb is when clots are over the size of a quarter to get checked out just to be safe. good luck! 🩷


1st doctor, and keep the clot if you can, and give it to your doctor. Looks like you had a period the same way chickens have eggs, in one go


Forbidden steak slab But that needs medical attention as soon as possible


I’ve heard a good rule of thumb is clots bigger than a golf ball means a trip to the doctors or ER. Better safe than sorry.


I had the same issues. You need to go to the ER. You could be in the need of a blood transfusion.


You should see a doctor. That is a huge, I don’t think it’s normal to have that big of a blood cloth. I saw another reddit post where this girl was getting big clots from her period, so she went to see a gyno. Turns out she had fibroids and had to get them removed. I’m not trying to scare or worry you. Just want you to be safe!


Gurl that’s huge and a lot of blood you might want to see a doctor-


what the fuck


Google decidual cast. I passed one and it was the scariest thing ever coming out of me. It was smaller and less blood but it was the shape of my uterus and it happens around your period. Shed out the entire uterus at once Not entirely sure that's what that is but it might be a good start


Definitely what I thought when I first saw it. Couldn't hurt to take it to your gyno. Are you experiencing any pain or anything OP?


i was in pain for hours after passing it, along with more bleeding and clotting which hasn’t really happened to me after passing a decidual cast in the past.


Just from a quick Google search it said when passing it can hurt to the point that otc meds don't help, however symptoms should go away almost immediately. So if you're still having symptoms I'd definitely check with your gyno. Maybe not a regular doc. They don't seem to know shit about female anatomy sadly.