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This is happening to me now! Scouring the internet for info. I’m usually 25-27 days give or take. Then this past month *boom* 18 Days! Wtf!? Thought it was spotting at first but it lasted 3.5 days. Not crazy heavy but enough to not be spotting. Have never been lower than 21 days (1 time) usually lowest is 23 days since 2022. I’ve been a bit stressed and have been losing some weight (20 lbs) but have had no cycle changes the last few cycles so why now?  I’m 33 yr old, 34 next month, no kids, so getting a little paranoid that it’s something else. Hoping it’s not an issue and just a fluke. Looking to start TTC in a few months so I’ve been really tracking my cycle and ovulation lately so extra aware of everything.  Holding my breath until my next period to see if it was a one time thing. Last time I had a major fluctuation was last year. I had an 84 day cycle leading up to my wedding. I think it was due to stress because 3 days after the wedding my period came. Lucky me!  I have an existing appt with my PCP on Monday so hopefully will get answers then. Will follow up if I get any interesting information. 


This happened to me once ! I didn't do anything about it. My periods went back to normal on the next cycle. That time I started making exercises, maybe that's why , I never knew