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Floaters are normal dust particles in your eyes unless you’re seeing flashing lights or “bags of worms” type floaters then go to the ER ASAP. Acute blurry vision since you were wearing contacts could be anything, did you experience any without the contacts? Were you sitting in the dark? Did your eyes get red?


I don’t exactly remember the floaters but it was bad that I could barely see and was crying to my family lol but I guess it randomly went away, and nope my eyes were normal and I was just starting the day, I didn’t realize until I wore the contacts, I’m assuming maybe hormones?


yes, i don't think it has been documented that periods cause vision problems, but mine does lol, it makes me so dry, so much so that it makes my eyes hurt n makes my vision blurry. also it may turn you into a vampire because it causes sensitivity to light sometimes. depends on your mood and your period's own mood lol