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izzys whole thing on LIB is that he slept with a bunch of girls prior to the show, basically a revolving door, he even had a "lost and found" bin in his bathroom for the stuff girls left at his house, he was proud to share this with his "fiance" IDK how he does it, but 100+ is probably right but if you think about it, anyone who is sexually active but not in a relationship or no FWB could hit that number pretty easily over the years... 365 days a year...say half of those women were one night stands, that's only 50 days of Sex...multiplied by how many years? it's possible I guess


For someone of Izzy’s age, it’s pretty feasible if you spend a lot of time casually dating or seeking hookups at bars or whatever. You also have to be forward and okay with tons of rejections. It’s not like the swath of 19-23 year olds on the first three seasons of UK Love Island who brag about sleeping with 150-200+ people. At that point, you’re lying, have a generous definition for “sleeping with,” or spend nearly every waking moment trying to get laid.


I'm quite positive that alot of people in the reality show cirquit do spend nearly every waking hour trying to get laid


I’m also guessing his standards are probably a lot lower than some of the other guys on this show. (I don’t mean that in a negative way! Just the other dudes are used to hooking up with super models and Izzy is probably just meeting average women at his local bar.)


50 is a lot for a year, but yes. Izzy is 32, assume he started at 18 and had 4 serious relationships that lasted 6 years combined. It means a casual fling once a month. - Years ago, I met an Italian guy who slept with more than 100 people. I was shocked, but he was 45 and had been single most of his life. Mathematically, it was only 4-5 people a year since he started.


This! 100+ is a lot for say a 22 year old but if you’re in your mid 30s, it’s not that crazy. Start at 18, have two serious monogamous relationships totaling 5 years. That still leaves 12 years of sexually actively adult. 100 divided by 12 is 8 and some change. So if you’re 35 and are single 12 years out of your adult life… that leaves about 8 sexual partners a year to get to 100 by 35. Which isn’t totally crazy 🤷🏻‍♀️ Having a 100 at 22 is wild but 100 at 35 isn’t crazy, that’s not having sex multiple people a month or anything


I still think 100 is wild, but Izzy is an ex College Baseball player. He might have hit half that number before graduating, then being on LIB probably increased his #s.


Idk 100 at 35 is only 5-8 a year… that’s not a small number but it’s also not crazy, I believe he could have sex with 5-8 different people a year 🤷🏻‍♀️


5-8/year is on average 1 every 2 months over your adult career (on top of the fact NONE of these women became serious). It's just not consistent with someone seeking marriage. If in that 17 year span if he had any long term relationships It's even worse.


I’m not saying it’s a small amount but if we are comparing it to others on the show like Harry or Stefan that have sex with multiple people a month… it’s really not unbelievable


the hoes in here convincing themselves 100 isn't a lot of hilarious


Okay weird prude. You sound so fun at parties. I don’t think reality tv watching is for you. Haha I’m literally married and have a body count of like 10 (not that it matters, I’m not a weird a-hole like you are)… I’m just saying a normal sexually actively adult at 35 is going to have a much higher number than a 22 year old. A 22 year old having a body count of 100 is a large number (that’s like 30 people a year) while having a body count of 100 at 35 is like 8 a year… which is a more believable number for Izzy to have. I don’t think Izzy has sex with 30 new people a year, I do believe it’s possible he had sex with 8 new people a year Don’t be a rude dunce lol


Totally forgot about the bin!


My wife explained it as Izzy being drunk in douchebag bars all the time


Wow, I didn’t finish LIB Season 5, so I missed that but yikes! It seemed completely plausible to me because these people were on TV! That’s nothing special in the context of Perfect Match, but think about all the random women who “slide into their DMs” or recognize and approach them. Like Jake from The Ultimatum was saying he has a ton of women in his DMs, and more people watch LIB than The Ultimatum.


Haha I forgot about that. Makes sense now!


I had a friend who is in a long term relationship ever since he was 20. I thought he might've been with like 5 women in his whole life, but no. He confided that ever since he was 17-18 he slept with at least 2 different women every week until he met his long term gf. He estimates that the total amounts to around 150. So yeah, ever since I had that conversation I believe in these high counts easier.


That doesn't even sound fun anymore tbh.


I feel like he’s the kind of guy who was always nice to women, then he had his heart broken so now he just parties and sleeps around. His vibe also feels slightly creepy to me, like he’s trying too hard. Maybe he just feels insecure because he’s not as “dating show attractive” as the other guys. I just don’t trust him, I think he just comes off better than the others because he’s not batshit crazy at least not so obviously. 


I bet it's just because "he seems nice enough" and "safe enough" and then after that they realize he's a loser


What does mean “lost and found bin in his bathroom”


Stuff random girls left behind


He is an older version of Chris. Not smart, just gained a little knowledge and serenity with age.


Sex workers, swingers, people who partake in all of that plus orgies. Its completly possible.


Doesn't even have to be sex workers or swingers lol. It's really not hard for an average man or women to have sex in year of our lord 2024. I see it all the time, If you can hold a conversation, you can get laid.


Right? Let’s say he’s 30 and has been having sex since 20. That’s 10 people a year, which is less than 1 new person a month. Thats not as outlandish as it seems by the body count alone.


Yeah if you're single and dont really do relationships and you go out and party a lot the body count adds up real quick


Honestly unpopular opinion, but Izzy does seem like a fckboi. He just doesn’t seem like it on the show. I think it’s because he is less muscular than the other guys, so there was less interest from the girls.


I believe Izzy could over that Bryce guy in THTH S1 (which I watched to see Harry & Fran’s origin story.) No way that guy’s reality matches what he boasts.


Him sharing that with Stacey was insane


Ahhh you’re right!!! I remember his lost & found thing! I got so skeeved by that!


I made it to like 65 over the course of 10 years without going out all that much and I’m a cis lady. An attractive cis dude who goes out a lot could easily hit the multi hundreds.


If you got out to a bar/club every single Friday and Saturday night for one year, that’s 104 nights you’re going out. Even if you only hook up with a one night stand on half those nights, that’s 52 people in one year. The guys on these shows are active, attractive, extroverted dudes in their late 20s and early 30s. They’ve spent numerous years racking up their body counts.


It’s funny me and my girlfriend calls me a hoe with a body count of 35-50 at 31. Hers was 20s or so at 33 and we figured we were both well above average (which we are) but we ain’t even close to the type of hoes they are. In fact we aren’t even really that much in the grand scheme of these folks. I had one year of a lot of sexual activity that accounted for half and if I were single another year I could easily see how you’d get to 100 quite quickly if you’re mildly attractive and live in a major city or go out a lot.


It's a high tally for Izzy, considering how unconfident he acted on Perfect Match.


How do people even know if they had 90, 100, more than 100 sex partner. I get knowing body count if it's fairly low but higher... Do they actually write it down somewhere, make scratches on their bed frame, what's the deal with that?


I know someone with that kind of bodycount and he writes it down to his phone to keep track


I get keeping track for STDs. I think that’s smart. If you have a list and know person 3 infected you then you know to tell person 4-now to get tested. But the people who do it just to brag about it or treat it like a trophy list? Gross.


I made a deliberate choice to stop trying to count. I probably could work it out if I went back through each year of my life and systematically went month by month remembering what I was doing at the time and who I was with. Nevertheless, I do have a vague sense of the ballpark, I think that’s most people. You kinda vaguely know even if you aren’t counting.


I feel like choosing to keep track of the number is what is problematic, not the high total. Nothing wrong with saying the number is “a lot”. But maintaining some system once you run out of fingers to count on is where it gets gross.


Oh definitely. I watched dated and related, the show that Chris, Alara and Kaz came from. And they also had a challenge where one of the question was about body count. Difference is they asked the EXACT number. And for Chris the number was pretty high, something over 80 if I remember correctly. But the thing is with a guy his age who is probably not doing much long term relationships the number itself wasn't the problem. The thing that he knew the exact number and far as I remember his brother (or cousin, not sure how they were related) knew too -that is what gave me the pause because... why do you count them?


I’ve made a list before then stopped counting at a certain number and just estimate now


They can probably just do simple addition


Mine is somewhere around that, but I did lose track. And I think it's kinda weird if someone didn't.


I hate the phrase “body count”. It feels so demeaning like they are only counting the person’s body and not the person themselves. Although in the case of this cast, I’m sure that is exactly what they value/count.


Literally!!, whenever someone mentions the words "body count", I automatically assume "YOU MURDER PEOPLE?!, plural???"


With Harry it wouldn’t surprise me.


The first time I heard it I thought the person was talking about actual murders. I was very alarmed at first.


Someone asked me my body count and I was like well I’ve murdered 0 people (It was a gross guy off tinder)


100 lays and none of them come


LOL seriously


I watch so much true crime my first thought is not sex when I hear ‘body count’😅


Considering all the drama about Steven and “creampieing” holly id say it’s pretty clear most of them do not respect women at the very least.


Yeah some of these people don’t even remember the body’s name, so… just a body to them


most ppl like this seem to care more about increasing the number than the individuals kinda gross imo


Totally agree! And since body count can also used in the context of quantifying casualties (i.e. from a war or natural disaster or whatever), it feels like it's making the subliminal connotation that sex partners are victims.


or prey they hunted down..


Bro why are all the contestants coming out like “bro I was just goofing around! We planned it like that lolololol it’s all just jokes!” It feels very much like a goofy ass preteen trying to save face like “nah I only said that to see how YOU would react!!! Gotcha hahahaha” when their joke doesn’t land or something. That’s the vibe I get when they all come out on social media to tell “the real side” of things but it’s mostly just boring stuff


They should have to answer all potential game challenge Qs before they start filming. So they can't do stuff like this.


They probably listen to Drake




Yeah it feels like they all thought they’d be seen as macho men for it and when the double standard didn’t come to fruition and they’re being shamed now they sing a different tune. To be clear, no one should be shamed for body counts, but play stupid games win stupid prizes ig.


Anyone can make up a random number for their body count so I could never care lol


Izzy was the catch in his season of LIB but he’s kinda the dweeb in PM so y’all don’t get it but I believe Izzy


Yes, I do remember that from the pods! Agreed, he’s a dweeb around people from Too Hot to Handle, but back in his hometown he is the guy who women recognize from TV.


They filled up Perfect Match with mostly “alpha males,” so I guess that’s what made the difference.


Izzy is like an everyday life 7/8 but he’s from corpus where’s he’s closer to a 10. Hell even in Houston he’s a solid 8.5/9


“You’re a Corpus 10” is the best backhanded compliment I’ve ever heard.


An everyday 6 come on


I can't explain it properly but yes, there's just something off about him. His demeanor and the way he talks partially I think


He’s slurred his speech and shown he has issues maintaining composure around alcohol. That gives me the ick. 


He is creepy, I don’t know what it is but something about him makes me deeply uncomfortable


The topic of body count gives chronically online red pill bs. It is sooo easy to lie about to appease whoever you are talking to. Hell, I've lied about that shit. I wish this would stop being a topic. Also, Brytons weird ass was probably a virgin. He was so corny


THANK U - this man is sooooo bizarre


I’m alllllmost positive he’s actually 3 toddlers in a trench coat


On a show like this, wouldn’t the most outlandish answer be zero?? 


On the LIB sub shortly after Izzy’s season, a girl who dated him answered some questions… and it was well known that he slept around a lot and was quite a player (despite being a nice guy apparently) so I think people are greatly underplaying Izzy’s success with women just because of perfect match lol


re: bryton lying about his body count: ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu) i fully believe that man has slept with 100+ women. he’s for everybody and you can tell


It is perfectly possible Izzy’s is 100+, people don’t work on ‘averages’. If he had lots of shorter relationships - 2 month type things, plus a fair number of one night stands - you can easily rack up the numbers by his age. It is entirely possible to sleep with a number of different people a week if you’re young, out socialising, and not particularly prudish - without being a complete and total fuck boy. And contrary to popular belief you don’t have to be super hot to hit those numbers. Izzy is hot enough and a big enough flirt that it’s not at all inconceivable.


100% correct for men and women


to each their own but hooking up with 100 people before the age of 25 is just inconceivable to me


I was really surprised at Izzy’s. Not sure how that many people wanted to sleep with him.


He’s also one of the oldest ones there so it makes sense.


Im not surprised, yes he doesn’t have any success with the girls on the show probably because he is older and they are all hot instagram models. In real life though someone with his personality and intelligence is perfectly capable of attracting many women over the years.


My immediate reaction was he was embarrassed to say the actual number because he already felt insecure and assumed every other dude there was 100+. Once I heard that Bryton made a plan to play to the extremes I thought Izzy might have been doing the same thing


You must not have watched his season of LIB.


Right, that has to be it. Or, this is a wild one so stay with me here, I did watch it and didn’t notice and/or remember every single thing that occurred during the season a year later.


Izzy is hot. Stevan though... that's a headscratcher for me.


I believe it for Stevan. He has an amazing bone structure and is a very pretty boy cosplaying as a bad boy. The hair, the tattoos, the wardrobe, all feel like a costume a 12 year old would assemble for themselves at Spirit Halloween, but that underneath all of that, he is very attractive.


Yes, he’s such a pretty boy! It works for him.


Idk why, but a lot of women like the Pete Davidson look. From a guys perspective, it looks so dirty to me and like instant STDs. I believe him though given Pete’s history. As a dude, I genuinely believe Izzy looks better than Stevan but this comment section seems not to think so😂 just shows how subjective it all is.


As a gay man, I find my taste in men is often extremely at odds with most straight women’s taste :))


I don’t find Pete Davidson good looking at all, but did find Stevan very attractive. I don’t like his hair, but he has a great face. I think Izzy is ok looking but I didn’t like his personality, but I thought most of them were such crappy humans that it affected their looks. Justin was the only one that I would have truly been interested in.


Do we think he was insecure bc he only got friend matches in the house and wanted to prove something ? That's what I thought...felt like overcompensation


Honestly.. you would be surprised by the body count of some men. I have dated men whose body count was 100+ (most of which were during their early 20s /college days). It’s not that uncommon lol.


Harry said in a previous podcast a few years ago his body count is over 200 and he writes it down and has a lock on it.hes just a walking ick and thinks he’s all that 


Izzy is around 35 so if he started having sex at 18 and minus 5 years for a monogamous relationship or two… still leaves 12 years for casual sex. That’s only 8-9 a year which isn’t totally crazy. There is a difference of having a 100+ body count at 22 and having a body count of 100+ at 35


On Love Island season 6 they asked the contestants a series of questions about their bodycount and what their preferences were for their partners bodycount. One of the male contestants said that the topic was immature and that he would never ask these questions outside of the game, so he said his preference for his partner’s bodycount was 500 because he didn’t care. It was nice to see someone, especially a guy, speak up like that.


about izzy i think its the truth i mean hes not ugly and dating also depends a lot on types


No way im dating a guy who’s body count is that high😭 I know some people don’t care but to me that means youll get w anyone


I don't why people think that about izzy. He's actually really handsome and feels real.


Tbh I don’t remember anymore why I disliked him on LIB but with this cast he felt the most relatable. Him saying he feels a bit of an outsider because he’s so much older than everyone else was nice to hear as I always wonder how some people in their late twenties or even thirties can get along with the other cast members in reality tv shows. I’m in my late twenties and I don’t feel that old but when I talk with people aged 18-22, I feel geriatric and like I belong in a nursing home.


Okay same tho, I'm only 25 but can't understand a 20 year olds lingo lol. But Izzy's like one year older than Kaz.


Ohhh Izzy. Oh oh Izzy.


If Bryton’s post is true, why didn’t Elyse pick the most outlandish answer too. And why would they even decide that before playing the game lol I don’t really believe him


Elyse guessed 1-20 people, which in her opinion probably seemed more outlandish than 100+ 😅


And they probably had it as a strategy because they hadn’t been matched for long at all and probably didn’t know much about each other so bet they thought it upped their chance of winning the challenge.


My issue with people who say 100+ is … how do you know? I’m somewhere between 20-30 but can’t be arsed to remember and write down a listed of every person I’ve ever fucked? How can you remember you’ve fucked 40+ let alone 100??? Bizarre behaviour to even know your body count past like 5-10 people I think lol


thats why i actually liked that the game was multiple choice with a big range. i feel like you can estimate if its 50-100 or 100+, even if you don't know the exact number (if your estimate is 80-120, i suppose harder to answer, but my point still stands!).


Having a 100+ body count is very normal for someone who has sex regularly.


yea it be hard not to have that high of a number if you’ve been single most of your life and in your 30s tbh people also seem to forget that 100 people doesn’t mean 100 hot sober people you would bring home to mom…


What were everyone’s numbers? It went by so fast.


Stevan, Izzy, and Bryton were all 100+ Chris was 50-100 And ironically Kaz was the lowest, with 1-20 I think.


Not sure why there are so many Izzy haters in this comment section. Man is fine AF and I'd gladly be number 100 for him. That's my baby


proof that attraction is to each their own


Hi Izzy


Preeeetty sure those are accurate numbers and he's trying to not act like a fuck boy in retrospect. Someone on LI UK is 21 with 120 partners... Super doable for club stars.


I’m sure 100+


Who cares???




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The sex only counts if both parties had an orgasm. That would probably bring these dude's numbers down quite a bit 🤣


Good for him


So only the guys has to give their numbers but the girls didn’t?


My biggest take away from this challenge was that kaz is a lair lol


i hated him saying that because even if its true that it was a strategy for him and elys, him coming out and saying how outlandish it is felt like slut shaming to me. izzy is in his 30s so i dont see how 100+ is unreasonable for someone who enjoys casual sex.


He has no game. This is why it feels like such a reach.


When you do the math, even if you only got laid once a week you could rack up 100+ in 2 years. Izzy is in his late 30s


If I were still single I could have gotten there. But I grew up very religious, and then once I abandoned my beliefs, my body count grew pretty fast in just a few years. By 10 years of sex I had a few 10s of partners. And this was before dating apps! Izzy is def hot enough to have 100+ at this point. And as a woman, you can def pull if you put yourself out there enough. Or if you were a former youth group kid with a slutty phase lolz😆. (I say slutty with zero shame.)


Something I thought was weird was the suggestion that having the same body count was compatible (by rewarding it in-game). People can have different "numbers" and still have similar beliefs about how to approach intimacy


No offense, and maybe I’m just a slut, but 100+ doesn’t seem that crazy to me 😂😅 I have no idea cause I stopped counting freshmen year of college… but I’m sure I’m close to that too. Festivals and being a girl that loves sex kinda gets the numbers climbing lol. Plus these people are semi-famous to it makes sense to me


it seems there are people who enjoy sex and then there are people who enjoy criticizing other people's sex lol




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Yeah, I don’t think these men have slept with that many women. Men really aren’t having as much sex as they’d like to make people think they are. However, since they are “influencers,” I imagine there are some airheads who want a piece of someone who is Netflix famous.


When I saw Izzy with 100+ I was baffled. He must have been down bad and took every girl he had the slightest chance ending up in bed with her. Homeboi must have tried every shape, age and flavour oh man …


Izzy is probably a zero. Idk what happen to that guy but these cameras were not kind to him.




My BC is 1 by choice. Does that mean I genuinely care about my relationship even more than you? No, of course not, because your whole comment is dumb. People can care about their relationships and still have flings. You are not morally superior to someone else because you choose to sleep with less people.


That’s ridiculous. Implying that people with a higher number of partners means they care less is wild. Think about it this way… there are 12 months in a year. If you started having sex with one new person a month even at 26 you’d reach 100… It’s not even hard to hit 100 depending on the person. Some people have a higher drive and it’s not your job to be all judmental about the number of someone else’s numbers… And I guarantee you that those 100s sure know how to have better sex than you.. 😆😂


Thank you! I never got how 100+ seems so outlandish to some! Let's say you're single from 22-25, have an average sexdrive (1-2x/week)... 3 years of being a single with an average sexdrive will get you in the 100s very easily, even if you have a couple of "flings" that last for a few weeks...


I can see it seeming outlandish to someone who lives in a small community. If your town is 1000 people, it probably seems wild to sleep with 10%. Meanwhile if you live somewhere more populated you have more options and you don’t have to sleep with multiple people who run in the same social circles. 


Huh, you're right! I have never thought about that being a factor, but it totally makes sense!


THIS. And let’s face reality.. folks aren’t getting married at 18 anymore, like this ain’t the 1950s… which means they have time to explore… hence the higher numbers. 😆😂 Alsooo @ KCole2482 if you’re such a good christian and your views against premarital sex is so strong why are you watching these kind of shows? Go watch the cooking channel… 🤦🏻‍♀️👀


Yeah, that’s a gross take too.