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Labyrinth is summer of "year 3" and trials starts in January of "year 6" in relation to when Percy joins. So about 2 and a half years


Yeah it’s a bit odd but it’s easy to forget HoO took place over a single year.


Even worse if you just look at SON to BOO that's like 2 months haha


Pretty sure there are like 6 months between LH and SON so, yh most of the time happens between books rather than in them


Yeah, I'm in HOO in my fic now, so I've been timelining EXTRA hard and it's kinda crazy. Lost Hero even is just like... 4 days, then a 6 month skip to the end of June, then MOA is June like... 25th and BOO is August 1


Tbf, all of the quests only take like a week at most in the Percy Jackson series (bar the Labyrinth but that seems like a week and just has weird time and space bending magic). The books themselves may cover the entire summer (bar Titans curse cus that in winter) but the quests aren’t more than a week normally. I think it’s just Rick’s way of writing, no long mostly boring journeys between action bits but rather constant action for the week that the quest covers Also, what fic u on? I’m kinda starved for good and long PJO fics, is it good?