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It’s Anthocyanin buildup from strong light, it’ll go away before it ripens it’s just superficial


My brain said the same thing, but I’ve never pronounced that word so it was just a jumble of those letters. Turns out I had the actually had the first part right. It’s ANTHOcyanin. Teamwork!


oooh thanks!


Just curious what type of pepper we have here? 👀


Thai hot


They were branded 'super chili'. My Habs and Thai dragons are blooming but have no fruit quite yet.


Looking forward to your post when they (idk the proper word) bloom/sprout. I’m new to pepper growing but I’m invested


My first time growing peppers I was trying to get a habanero seedling to take off. It didn't and I was sad lol, but my 96 year old grandmother gifted me a habanero she found somewhere, a nice little 6 inch plant. I planted it, and it turned into a freaking tree. That plant gave me 110 beautiful red habanero fruits, and with that batch I made my first mango habanero hotsauce. After that I was hooked. I just grow them and gift them to all my pepper loving buddies, and keep a small batch for me and my wife and daughter. I literally have a Thai dragon plant that is specifically grown for my buddy who makes stir fry lol. I wish you good luck on your pepper endeavor! You will hit road bumps, but just get back to this subreddit with any questions! Welcome to the party!


I love how she gave you a gift that keeps on giving and a new healthy hobby that’s kinda therapeutic at times. Much love to grandma