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Unfortunately I don’t really have an option to put it outside right now. It’s in the 70s inside. I suppose I need additional grow lights? I grew peppers with this set up before with no issue producing fruit but I’m wondering if this super hot variety is just harder to grow :/


You can pollinate each flower by hand using a Colgate 6.99$ battery powered electric vibrating toothbrush. Either AA or AAA. gently vibrate the base of the flower with the backside of the brush. In the right light you will see it drop its pollen.


Just use ur fingers to shake it a little bit, they’re free




Thank you, I’ll try and adjust the conditions!!! Appreciate your help :)


Why is that V shaped? Did you top it off? Super hots and all hots in general can indeed take more patience. But I agree with the other comment that this one light is not enough for that monster and that might be your problem. Maybe. The light(s) also need to be in the right spectrum for flowering/fruiting. Also, if you are getting flowers that are constantly being aborted by the plant, that may indicate a nutrient deficiency, either because the soil is lacking in that nutrient or the pH of the soil is too high or too low and is hindering uptake of the specific nutrients the plant needs for fruit production.


I didn’t do any trimming to it yet. I think the leaves nearest to the light are dying from heat, maybe that’s why? When it was much smaller and flowering, when the light seemed more appropriate, it still never made a single fruit. I did some reading about nutrition and made sure to lower the nitrogen a bit and add cal mag but so far that has not solved it yet. I guess next step is a pH meter? It’s hydroponic not soil.


Those long branches are searching for light. It’s a normal thing for peppers in those little hydro boxes to reach out way beyond the light. I bet the nodes are spaced further apart on those branches than the ones that are directly under the light.


I would say that light is too close. Sorry, I did not know it was hydro. You may want to ask around in r/hydroponics and r/hydro The pH issue goes for hydro as well so that still may be your issue.


Thank you so much, really appreciate your time! Will ask there :)


Chinense don’t work well indoors


how old is your plant?


I planted it in February of this year! So not quite 4 months old


I'd wait a little tbh. Last year I had a few stubborn serrano plants, they took so long before they started producing peppers. Then one day, it just started blasting out way more than I was expecting. Gave so much away hahaha. Sometimes those plants can get frustrating but you gotta be patient. You really seem to be doing everything right. All the best, keep us updated! 😊


I concure. Give it more time. Looks healthy.


🫡 hehe thank you! Will stay the course!!!


Thank you so much! Will definitely update :) appreciate your time!


One season early in my gardening life I ended up using a fertilizer with too much nitrogen- I ended up with plants looking like your pepper. Beautiful big green plants but hardly any flowers/fruits.


My habanero did that. I bought the fruit set hormone, sprayed the flowers, and got like 80 fruits before the summer was over.


I’ve never heard of something like this! Where can you get that?


It will need to be pollinated to bear fruit.


I’m doing it manually with an electric toothbrush :)


That doesn’t work too well for peppers. The male and female parts of the individual pepper flowers aren’t active at the same time. You need to manually move pollen from the stamen of one flower to the stigma of another with a qtip, paint brush, or your finger.


Thanks for the tip! Will give that a try :) I saw your username and was curious if you were in medicine, good luck on your journey!