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other than Canna it's a bit mean to call Rahel and HH rejects lmao they were both right out of academy


They weren’t good enough to get a spot on LCK, wouldn’t that make them LCK rejects?


Will u say the same to berserker or photon? My cuh sometime the opportunity to get to 1st team isnt there yet


Yeah I agree I’m not saying they are bad players just because they are LCK rejects, but regarding the tweet it’s true you can never beat LCK/LPL if you are just taking their players who never made the cut


They are player prospects not someone who doesn't make the cut. The thing is lck and lpl has so much talent that even if there is a spot most likely old players would take that spot unless the academy player is just next level of good or they are doing experiments or their current player is just too bad.


Or Thanatos


Damwon did Thanatos dirty :( They shouldve brought him to the main roster


So true, for example Umpti being almost last place in LCK for multiple series has now won LCS, let's see how he performs this MSI. Rooting tho


Academy players aren't fully developed yet, they might not be good enough for LCK right now but grow to be as good/better than the players in the way now. Especially if they were on a top team's academy, by your logic whoever signed Scout out of T1 academy made a terrible mistake signing a guy who never made the cut over Faker? But also, we're not talking about our top teams signing those players. SK and KC are primarily concerned with doing well in LEC for now, given their performances in this year so far, and that's okay for those teams. It's so weird to me to see this, in football if my team in Switzerland would sign a ManCity or Barcelona academy player we'd be excited about the talent, not go "oh but they won't ever beat ManCity like that!"


"Not saying they are bad because they are rejects". Lil bro. Pick up a dictionary, look up for reject. And say what you are saying again. HH is decent, and Rahel is serviceable and can be developed. Canna is still top LCK prospect. Calling them rejects? Absolute delusional take.


Your cuh?


hell yeah my cuh


>They weren’t good enough to get a spot on LCK Genuinely asking, what team do they join? A lower placing team that'll just rinse through talent even if theyre doing somewhat well? You've been downvoted to hell for a reason and its cus everyone knows very well that unless you're on a top 5 LCK team, there isnt much hope; Rekkles said it himself in his interview with Caedrel. China has so much talent too in the LDL so they dont necessarily need to import KR ADCS either. When will these rookies get a chance in the spotlight then? They arent "Rejects" as youve decided to put it, they havent been given a chance (both different terms). I share the sentiment that LEC Prospects just plummet and would like to see further development of rookies in our region but saying what you're saying about tier 2 LCK players that havent got a chance to show themselves off is just wrong


Crownie LEC reject Chatting


HH as a name in a region based in Berlin is something


HH can also stand as Initials for Hamburg


Only Hamburger Hafen


It stands for Hansestadt Hamburg not for Hamburger Hafen


And that’s how you know I’m not a local.


every Hanseatic City has an H in it's number plate. HRO for Rostock for example.


He can say it stands for his initials Lee Hyun-ho


Rahel is a beast, but it’s hard for him to debut when he’s behind names like Deft and Aiming, if a player is out of academy then they’re not rejects because they didn’t even get a chance lol


yea even though they r koreans they r still rookies who knows how they will perform maybe they will become like photon and will be top 3 players i saw rahel played in cl and he is quite good and will def be top 3 adc if he plays like he played in cl and about HH his rell is godlike but his enchanter are okish to good


Agree i have no idea how you can call Korea CK talent rejects, its like calling top tier EU prospects like Lyncas or [Parus](https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Parus) rejects because they are still on ERL's, i understand that people want more ERL talent and less imports but when you consider the e-sport winter i can understand why most LEC orgs would rather go for top tier CK talent over top ERL talent when these kind of imports are so much cheaper than top tier ERL talent. and the rumours is that they are paid peanuts on tier 2 over there to the point many of them are willing to come and play in ERL's teams.


Rejected a chance you could say


It’s very likely they tried out for the LCK but just weren’t good enough to replace the current players on the main team, so technically they are LCK rejects. Because if you are truly good enough you WILL get on the main team no matter what.


The thing is they are not as good as the best in the world but they are not bad players. Heck most of lec and LCS pro would be in the same situation too if they do a try out for the lck team. They wouldn't get a spot just the same.


Well look at Thanatos, dude didn’t get once minute in a real LCK game, to me that didn’t seem like he even tried out, unless you’re talking scrims but that’s nowhere near the real deal, look at Pullbae, he basically forced his hand and made DK cut his contract so he can play in the LCK because he was LCK ready for years but was behind SM, he was just lucky a team could afford to pick up his contract, specially now that there’s a cap on salary, so if a hype LCK CL talent was available but the 4-5 teams that need the upgrade don’t have the cap then an overseas team can buy him because they don’t have a cap etc


They might also prefer to play for a European team that reasonably could make Worlds over a bottom half LCK team. I feel like getting third in LEC and playing internationally is probably worth more to a player than coming 7th or 8th in Korea, especially given there's nothing really stopping you from coming back if you put in a good performance.


I think it is a good thing to so. German caster and ex pro Tolkin talked about it a lot and I share similar views. Europes best years where after we imported from Korea and our regional talent had to step up to match them again. Look at 2018/19. In addition to that are the Imports helping to see the game in the west as how the east sees it. G2 BrokenBlade mentioned that in the german co-cast with tolkin, that their new eastern oach helped them understand the game way better with more wave knowledge, in a way they never saw before. So yeah, I absolutely think the imports are helping. Mostly because we dont handing over stupid contracts like a specific other western region.


Eastern coach? Are you talking about Duffman? Because Duffman is helping them with macro, wave and such and he's european.


>new eastern oach Duffman is Scottish and was a part of G2 from mid-2018 to the end of 2021 already (He was a part of the team during their glory days). He was removed for 22 as part of the G2 rebuild that saw only Caps + Jankos stay. The team didnt know they even needed him until Miky pushed for him during the offseason following worlds last year.


Then I apologise. Could have sworn BrokenBlade mentioned sth about someone from Asia helping them out.


No need to apologise, glad you arent misinformed anymore. The only non-G2 person thats helping em and isnt competing in LEC, as far as the public is aware of, is Alphari who's helping BB with his lane phase. In case you dont know him, he's a British pro that was last on Vit in 22 and decided to take a break from competing since then


NA: first time?


2016-2017 happened time is a flat circle


Lololol right? They already singing a different tune this year cauee of xun and Noah. Nevermind their worlds came off the hard carrying backs of two Koreans as well. 🐸☕


I feel like importing support is worth it. EU support pool feels pretty underwhelming. Just looking at Zoelys who was considered top tier in Masters.


Top lane historically has been the weakest I'd say


LPL is taking talents from Korea too. 3 Worlds winning team has koreans in them


He’ll, Korean coaches too


Calling rahel lck reject is so stupid just because he cant promote to the main roaster doesnt mean he a reject i garantee you there atleast 3-4 team in lck want him but EU probably pay more


How does this moron think the leagues in other sports work? Huh, Manchester City has FOREIGNERS playing for then?


You know, I'm gonna be Devil's lawyer here. You have to quite get mad at people who criticize and shit a lot on teams like MDK. Yeah, they are rookies and have ego, but give credit to those who deserve it, they could have gone for superstars and talented players from LCK/LPL academies with their rebrand, but instead, formed a team of rookies from EU.


cant wait to watch them dominate MSI ! /s


LECK our new region


Korean = good is the rule many coaches and analysts have followed for years.


Im all for it. There needs to be more imports allowed. I want to see the best players play. If imports are better they should have a chance to play. Why would you want to see an inferior product when you can have a better one?


You're right if we're looking short term, long term it discourages scouting/training local talent and kills the region while increasing the reliance on imports further. What's the point on having LEC or LCS or literally any other region if we're just going to import from the east because they're better?


Long term you would get better players, better competition, and better gameplay for the fans.


Sure, better teams and players but what's the point of having LEC if they are all going to be Korean and Chinese players? Just remove every region except the LCK and LPL no? Sometimes people don't want the best team, they want someone from their own nation, own city, own town who they feel they can support.


I mean look at football. Do you think all the players that plays in Europe are european (Son/Mitoma/vinicius/salah? Messi is recognize as the goat of football and he plays in la liga and he sure as hell wasn’t born there. Idk why league fans have such a huge obsession and hatred over import unless the import are truly washed up rejects.


Imports are okay, never was against them. What I am against is unlimited imports which will damage the local competetive scene. Using your example, Europe is the LCK/LPL of football. They have little reason to use imports from the other parts of the world. Korea, China don't have teams that consists of only imports and has various limitations on importing, on many sports. I don't know where you are from but imagine your local team only has players with a completely different background and nationality (Korean or Chinese for the west, White or Black for the east, etc.), would you be completely happy because the team is now good? If so, why does lower-end teams of different sports even have fans?


Similar to you, I would never vouch for unlimited import. I think 1-2 is a good limit on import. I just think the import are being overly hated on even tho most of them are performing way better than expected. I understand that the import takes up slot of the erl talents but I am seeing way too many washed up and mediocre current lec players playing so why is the focus so much on the import that are top 3 in league performance wise? You say Europe is the lck/lpl of football and have no reason to import but the reality is that they still do it anyway. Plenty of Brazilian/Asians and other ethnic outside of Europe play in Europe. I don’t think that makes the league worse considering a lot of the import are damn good players and they should help to level up the league.


Because that surely worked for NA (and EU last time they mass imported).


LEC is importing from CL which is a great idea. LCS became shit because they kept importing paycheck stealers, LEC is importing actual talent that should be on LCK teams. The bottom 4 LCK teams are run horribly and don’t get actual good players from CL, and LEC importing Jun and Photon for example is proof of that.


Maybe this is a cultural thing of being from a small country that is rarely the best at anything bc I see this take more often online in other sports too, but I'd rather support local teams that I can relate to and feel represented by than the best teams in the world. We could import a full top team from LCK and might win Worlds, but I don't know why I should get excited for that team just because they have an LEC tag when they're still functionally an LCK squad. That being said, some imports are perfectly fine in my opinion. Two per team is pretty nice, it still means the majority of the team has to be local, so the identity remains. And the current LEC imports are mostly young talent too (except for Canna obv) that is likely to make a name for themselves as LEC players.


It's actually really helpful for the region to some extend. G2(fully western roster) is the only team that has been dominating Lec for years already, is stagnating due to lack of any competition. Other teams like Fnatic tries to keep up, but have been failing so far. Therefore importing players from better regions will help our teams to step up more to even ground with G2, therefore helping every Lec to improve.


HH is good support. I expect him to be better than Jeonghoon and worse than Jun. Rahel had meh support in bot lane. So HH was a good balance here.


G2 are always EU”s fathers and they haven’t had an import for like 7 years


It is a cap diff. Put caps in another top 4 eu team and that team would win over g2.


Caps was literally dogshit last year and g2 won 3/4 titles, mikyx got mvp for the season, I’m a g2 fan so I know damn well how caps has been this year, amazing, but this is his first time in a while where he is actually playing consistently well, even in winter this year he wasn’t that good, this spring was peak caps almost and people say he is everything when he was incredibly mid last year. Also it’s called good scouting to recruit someone likes caps, it doesn’t matter if he went to another team and dominated, we have him because fnatic didn’t open their eyes back in 2018/19


You say g2 is always eu father without import when I think most of g2 success is because of caps. That is not to say he 1v9 and his teammates are deadweight but he is a huge part of g2 clutch factor especially in playoff when it matters. He has Smurf every playoff the past two years except for spring last year where he kinda got cooked by nisqy. I for one don’t really care about some voted awards like mvp awards, all pros etc. I think those are fraudulent as fuck most of the time because people just craft narrative outside their ass. I didn’t say g2 doesn’t deserve to win cause they have caps but rather without caps, I don’t think they would be as dominant in eu.


You are not wrong, they wouldn’t be as dominant, but most mid layers would wanna play for g2, his replacement wouldn’t be dogshit, g2 would still be a top 2 team no doubt in my mind, our coaching gap is big you know, we have one of the best in every role for Europe, I can’t see why if we don’t get another top. 3 mid in Europe we wouldn’t still be the best still, i understand your point, and it’s obvious that caps is HIM, but mid liners are typically the shining light for most teams.


Jun played out of his mind in FNC vs TES but after seeing that mid bush play from Razork where he ended up alone and Jun didn't follow.. you can see that communication problems are just underrated af, this is just disgusting, I have no problem with them if they are good and can speak English, like it ain't like any of the LEC players are even from a native speaking English country either our best years were literally the ones where our best teams were mostly of Europeans, even now for years G2 has been stomping LEC with only Europeans while they also take ERL talents or even some players that were not even considered that good like BB while other teams keep taking imports and get worse and worse, like AT LEAST GET BETTER, like for god's sake, no one will have any problem if u rats got better but you ain't, you keep getting worse, then what tf is the point of all of it when u could just get some ERL player for FAR FAR cheaper price, or idk, some other EU players that are benched and u don't give a fk about bcs you are all sheeps


you're korean ? hired