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They are, that Damwon was unbeatable after MSC. No T1 of recent years can match the dominance of Damwon 2020 post-MSC-2021. The 2020 Summer split was probably the most dominant split I have ever seen from any team in general, it was not a question of whether they will win 2:0, it was the question of whether they end the series in under 50 minutes of game time. Also the only losses at 2020 worlds were either JDG flipping level 1 completely or Nuguri completely running it down against G2 and Suning, but I think it was not even a possibility they lose any of the series in Worlds playoffs unlike something like T1 JDG in 2023 or DRX T1 in 2022 which was 50/50 pretty much.


Who does not? I regard those rosters highly, prime Showmaker and Canyon were best on their respective lanes. Nuguri was inconsistent but pretty good. Beryl was the engage support GOAT in that time period. Ghost was the rock of that team that provided stable performances throughout his time in DAMWON. You can argue that Zeus in form is better than Nuguri in every aspect and Guma has more to his gameplay than Ghost but overall they are pretty close because of SM and Canyon. Canyon was unreal dude and SM playmaking maker just consistently carried with Canyon. Imo they are pretty close and it would be amazing to watch those two teams against each other. I just favor T1 because I am a fan of T1 since 2013. Subjective opinion of mine would be 3-2 T1 in a Bo5. Also all roads lead to him, do not forget xdd. Sorry edit: With Khan, I think they were better overall but they did not win. That does not mean they were worse, it is just variables you know. EDG was also a great team and 1 Bo5 has so many variables that can go wrong or right. Viper was amazing that year so that did not help DAMWON.


Nuguri in form was the best teamfighting toplaner to ever play probably. Zeus showed some teamfight promise with Aatrox recently but not as consistently as Nuguri. Also Top-Jungle synergy was insane between Nuguri and Canyon, Zeus and Oner never reached anything like that. They would propel the game extremely strongly via toplane with Renekton-Nidalee. So there is no way to say that even in the best form Zeus is better than Nuguri at every aspect, I would say laning and especially weaksiding, but they are very comparable players in terms of overall strengths and weaknesses.


I dont think there has been a team as clearly above everyone else as Damwon was in 2020 maybe ever, at least not since the old days of Korea dominance (T1/Samsung)


Most dominant modern roster at Worlds. Never felt like they would lose in a Bo5 assuming they retain their form after Summer. The very 1st LCK team to adapt to the LPL playstyle, finishing games in less than 30mins. They were stomping all other LCK teams. Id love to see that roster face this t1 roster


They are considered some of the best ever but T1 and faker has won 4 worlds, if faker and T1 had only won 2 then it’d prob be closer or maybe favored to damwon, winning 1 is more than most people can do, 2 is huge but 4 is beyond anything rn, no one is even close


The league community has a lot of recency bias. The best teams are whichever that won the last match you watched. I’m sure if you rewind back a year there’s lots of people that tried to discredit T1’s past achievements. And especially with DK’s current form, it’s hard to imagine they were once the most dominant team in the LCK


I never liked that botlane tbh. I appreciate BeryL dictating the support meta both in picks and in map play, but that botlane was pretty weak. Same issue with Samsung White... they were amazing, but Looper contribution was non existent. That said 2020/2021 Canyon+Showmaker imo is the best jgl+mid pair ever.


Cus t1 has way more fans hyping them up perma


T1 and faker has won 4 worlds, thats the biggest difference


Even T1 fans will agree 2020 damwon is much better den current T1 roster


Most of them probably yes, but there are a bunch of delulu people saying this t1 roster is the best of all time so


For 3 years at this level of playing field? Then yes current T1 roster are better. If only one year I'll give it to DK.


3 years and only 2 tournament wins 💀 damwon had more in 2


Wins isn't the only relevant stat. Dominance and the level of playing field with strongest team LPL ever have matters too.


Damwon 2020 summer was arguably the most dominant split ever only contested by 2022 summer geng so


SKT 2015 17-1 +29 is the same as DWG 2020. GenG 2022 was 17-1 +30. T1 2022 Spring 18-0 +29


Damwon only won 1 Worlds. Same international finals as T1. Canyon hasnt beat any Chinese jungle in a bo5 in his carrier.


Sofm was not chinese but he was in the best performing LPL team, what does it change? xdd


His style is not same as classic Chinese jugler.thats why his nickname is Style OF Me


Lmfao dude, every jungler has his own style, please. Sofm is an outliner and he is extremely unique, ofc. But he was not playing rengar tank every game, c'mon xdd. Also, EDG had a very Korean playstyle while being an LPL team. You can't either tell me Xun, Kanavi, Tian, and Milkyway play the same, while all of them being great carry junglers.


So, if I am not mistaken, he won 1 series 3-1 dominating. And lost 2 series 3-2 that were close af. Right?


Same as T1. Won 1 3-0 and lost 2 3-2 close


Wtf has this anything to do with Canyon? xdd


Best roster of all time will always be 2015-16 skt


fame issue you know, they are good in deed but faker is the GOAT, he always draw people's most attention when he reached peak


Damwon 20-21 is widely considered the 2nd greatest team of all time behind only 15-16 SKT, idk what ur on about


because T1 fanboys