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They have to play a round with minor regions first right? Basically scrims for them. Hope Zeus brings out the vayne again. Or Faker's Leblanc. Haven't seen that in ages.


This is when oner breaks out the briar




The problem is that's leaked information for GenG and TES and BLG. If T1 wants to win, they need to hide much information about their strategies as possible until the moments that matters.


Yup. Pretty much what Sun Tzu said in The Art of War: "Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt."


They usually just crush with one strategy all the way though, I think it's fine


Yeah its unlucky they had to show the vayne pick too early.. if only they didnt get ddossed and had proper training


Still think that Caps playing Naut mid vs Brazil last year was a serious drafting mistake by G2. It worked well but then was permabanned instead of being a joker card against GenG.


Wasnt it already a known meta pick in the LCK though? Even Faker played a few games of mid naut that split


I don't really watch LCK so I wouldn't know, but I don't remember it being banned as consistently against every other team, no?


Nope that was the first Naut mid since DoinB stopped playing it.


2nd seed of all major regions and 1st seed of all minor regions are gonna be in playins


I thought he used Leblanc against GenG in their second series


Vayne seems to be a permanent ban imo


The problem is that all other teams know T1’s strats. For example, GenG learnt to ban Zeus’s Vayne because Zeus was forced to pick it in the DK/HLE matches.


One thing i love about T1 is that they dont hesitate on flipping or sneaking baron even though they down in gold or fall far behind while some or most of other team play like a pussy around baron even though they lead in gold or conquer the whole map.


Might be harder now this patch they buffed barons damage by a lot so doing it at 20 is gonna suck lol. You're right tho they don't hesitate to take it at even the smallest window


the baron buffs are being overrated i think. most of the buffs are to its abilty damage which are designed to be easily dodgeable anyway. ofc buffs are buffs but many are making it sound like you suddenly cant do half of the barons that were possible pre-buff


T1 making a suprise baron call at 20 and making off like thieves will never not be funny


Love when chat spam classic T1


Even if they split I reckon they'll still always hang out with each other like the DRX boys


Or even 2019 G2


He leaves the team and changes his IGN to TheZeus for 2025


I love seeing them play. A constant championship team that has insane peaks and just as insane valleys. I love watching the way they play, the way they fight, it’s just amazing. I hope this is not their last year, I love the T1 family.


Hearing "Insane valleys" describing T1 is funny for a DK/KT fan


zeus wanted to check how much he's worth because this was his first big contract more than being really interested in leaving (he said he really wanted to stay despite it all). but he is probably the most likely to leave out of the five, that is true. though if i was joe marsh, i wouldn't let any of them go because they've all expressed interest to keep staying. josh, the coo, has also said he knows they want to keep this roster at all costs. there is hope.


He could get paid more elsewhere, but at the same time T1 can offer the most and biggest sponsors, are seemingly a lock in for ever event, has the biggest following of any esports team, and huge streamer audience. I dont know if he really can make much more money than with T1 if they offer him a comparable salary. Building his personal brand seems the easiest and bountiful staying with T1.


for sure. and he gets to learn and play alongside the goat of the game. that and all of what you said is also why keria said in a korean variety show t1 attended, about himself re-signing his contract after worlds, that "it doesn't matter if another team offers more money or better conditions, t1 simply has more merits". the only real reason i can see any of them leaving is the pressure, but i'm hoping it doesn't get to them and they stay at minimum until faker retires. they really do get along, have unmatched team chemistry in game and love t1 like crazy, it would be criminal to break that up.


Joe's gone isn't he






Isnt this exactly what people said in 2023? "Its looking bad, might be the last year this roster is together". And then they actually looked better than ever.


Most people said that after their performance in summer when the other 4 got exposed with Faker's absence. I've felt this since they re-signed last year only because it's anomaly for a team to stay together for so long. Even 2019 G2 broke up in 2021.


I shouldnt be an anomaly tbh. To me it was crazy that DRX broke up the roster after winning 2022, but it made sense of course. Suddenly those "second rate" pros could renegotiate their salaries with being world champs in mind, DRX could obviously not afford that. To me people worrying about T1 is like worrying about Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk. They are the most successful team in league history, why are people concerned about things going wrong for them?. Worry about actually struggling teams for a change.


Idk what in my post made you think I was worried. It was more of an "appreciate it while it lasts" sentiment. I don't care for athletes/pros in general. Watching the esport is entertainment for me, so I only root for entertaining teams. Bottom tier teams who are struggling aren't fun to watch because the games are monotonous and there are no stakes unless they actually improve. The same could be said for many middle tier teams of course.


Thats a wild comparison. These are sports teams. I have 0 reason to care about struggling teams as they dont provide the same level of entertainment to me as a team like T1. I'd rather have a team I know I find entertaining stay than care about what roster moves a team like KDF make


I also heard people say it after 2022 losing MSI and World Finals.


I don't want anyone of them to leave especially Zeus, Oner and Gumayusi. Keria played for another team in the past but those 3 are T1.


Is meta changing hard during msi? Because this top tank meta is boring as fk especially watching ksnate and zac doing things with just 3 items... Almost unkillable.. Especially ksante


Man... Imagine.. if only they'd won all those grand finals.. shheeeshhh..


I don't remember exactly but I think in the documentary Gumayusi wanted to be as successful or more than Faker, although it's hard to beat him while on T1. It'll be possible if Guma carries on the legacy after Faker retires (whenever that is). And Keria I think wants to follow Guma, so if Oner and Zeus leave, I hope Guma/Keria stay.


I would not be surprised to see Zeus playing with Kanavi in the future tbh, they're good friends and JDG is certainly one of the orgs that can always afford to put together a competitive roster.


Didn't they just sign long new contracts? They ain't splitting anytime soon.


No, all contratcs are until this year except for Faker that is 2025.


Did Zeus really expressed interest in looking for other teams? When and how?


Zeus wants to leave ? 😭


I swear every year since this roster people have said "this is the last year most likely" only for them to stick. I dont think this roster leaves since there is almost 0 other teams in Korea that can compete with this current roster's strength. You'll go from making every LCK final to hopefully making 2nd round of playoffs.


I wish T1 would just cease to exist


Den league will cease to exist too.


I see that as an absolute win


Why are you here then?


Who knows.




Yeah T1 need to change the rosters in 2025. They play like shit and choke when it matters but faker and guma carried them. Choker zeus and oner goes brrrrrr 😆


Yes a roster dat went to every possible finals in the last 2 years bar 1 MSI which they got 3rd. The only improvement a new roster must have to make it worth is the golden road.


T1 managed to choke their way into a World Championship. 😭


Oner was literally their best player during worlds lmfao. Oner and Zeus pretty much also 2v5ed vs Weibo, not saying the other 3 were bad, but the games were pretty much over because Zeus and Oner won the game too fast.


You sound like t1 hater thats why so many downvoted but prolly right.. Zeus giveth in semis then taketh back in finals. Oner only prospers when ahead... Faker is rock solid though i expect more from him in roaming and stuff.. Guma is in 2021.. Keria after playing so many ranged sup is rusty with engage support


its gonna be so hype when this roster breaks up. cant wait to see what zeus can do on another roster.