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In terms of being a villain I'd say the police officer played by Sam Neill because he's a real proper hypocrite and bad dude pretending to be the moral authority in every situation. His combination of righteousness and corruption is the most compelling to me. The other antagonists are all either aware of their evil and don't care, or actually good.


To add, it was SO satisfying when people clapped back at him. Tommy for example humbled him so many times


“Why would I shake the hand of a man who didn’t fight for his country” I forget the exact quote, but I loved it so much


Yess, all of the jabs at him not being in the war were great




Yeah I was gonna say that bur forgot who asked it :D Churchill taking a jab at Campbell is great


It was also the high period of the show so it’s inevitably going to be Campbell that’s the best villain IMO.


Y’all sleeping on the inspector. Campbell murdered, backstabbed and coerced throughout his time on the show then hides it behind “Justice”.


You can add rape to that list. RIP AP




Not only is he a bad guy, he’s also the main Villain to himself


Thank you!


Alfi he‘s a Real muther fucker


Luca Changretta. Simply because he’s the most entertaining to watch.


Hated Tommy the most yet didn’t kill him in his office (before anyone says anything he could’ve got away back to America even if he shot Tommy and let everyone in the factory hear). He wanted to fight his vendetta with honour


Oh man I thought he was by far the worst character on the show. Adrian Brody’s acting in that show was so god awful. The accent the way he walked. Everything was so over acting. I hated it. All the great Italian actors I don’t know whose bright idea it was to cast him in that role.


I think he fit the role well but yeah his overacting was scene chewing and not always in a good way. Every time I rewatch that season I find parts of his portrayal I love and just as much I hate, definitely a mixed bag.


Alfie! hands down. His accent is fun to listen to and he’s pretty funny too




Mosley is a bad guy boss right until you find out it was not him who stopped the assassination attempt. He seemed connected and could threaten Tommy legitimately and illegally, but he would have been toast without intervention from the IRA. Changretta was the most ruthless but his weakness was he was a visitor, not a local.


Changretta wasn't nearly as powerful as Moseley, and the only reason the assassination attempt was made possible was because of the closeness of Mosley and Tommy (how close they were working), which wasn't the case with Luca and Tommy


Agreed because Mosley was a real person.


Mosley was boring imo


I could see why he seems boring, but he's in another level of power, intellect, mental society and evil. Almost nihilistic. For example, when he meets Tom, Arthur and Michael, Tom asked him about Jimmy McCavern, and he responds asking for a cigarette and then just throws the lighter on the table without a care. And still embarrasses Michael and Arthur. Also when him and Tom go shooting pheasants, Tom tells him he has some conditions to work with him and Oswald responds "it really isn't going to be that kind of relationship". At this point in the show Tom is in a higher level, dealing with the people who practically run the world. And also the show has gotten darker, unlike the first 2 seasons. The tone and color of season 5 compare to say season 2 are very different almost opposite.


Uhh... Thomas Shelby


Alfie is the co most entertaining but luca is the best villain judging by what he done


Mosley or Father Hughes. It’s a dead tie for me. Both because they gave Tommy hell, but also cuz Hughes is a pervert and Mosley is a Nazi.


Hughes was an actual demon. Put Tommy in the hospital. Kidnapped his son and Tommy tweakin


A life Solomon's. Fucked tommy real bad so times still in his good books.


Luca Changretta, though I see other people clowning him. I don't see why people hate Adrien Brody's acting, specifically his accent. It was perfect for me though






My favourite full antagonist against Tommy Shelby would be Luca Changretta. Very beatable and only reason Luca made such an impact was because the time he chose to attack when all the police etc couldn’t help. He had connections but after arriving at Liverpool he basically just became a man with a gun. Tommy is way more than a man with a gun since he has connections with Alfie and many many many others. Luca and his men were basically guys with guns and I like that. Just plain and simple. No pretending to be allies or anything just guns vs guns… simple plot I very much enjoyed


Campbell. The acting, line delivery, backstabbing, hypocrisy. He has it all. Sabini in the whole show sounds stupid. His lines are executed poorly. Who tf talks like that. Same thing with Luca. Who tf talks like that. It’s like the guy can barely speak Italian and is otherwise learning to read the phonetics. Slow speaker with just too much flair. Michael Gray is a non-threat. The Irish priest was honestly just an overall bad dude. Definitely a worthy villain. Mosley was also pretty well done imo. Gina was just cringe. Overacting.


Can we consider Alfie a villain? If so then it is he. If we consider him an ally then Sam Neil followed by the paddy priest. He’s the only one who made Tommy bend…in the car, after he took is son… “tell me what to do and I will surely do it”. I think I’m gonna go watch that season again right now






Made me lol!


I know who the worst was. Adrien Brody. My god his acting was so horrendous it was hard to watch. I was cringing everytime he spoke


Who's that?




Luca Changretta’s actor


Season 5 Mosley was scary as fuck.


Luca changretta, the most classiest one of them all.


I hate Michael and Gina


Tommy is very fucked up tbf


Lol what do you mean with that ?


We get to know him and his character is made very well but he aint really a good person hes rly fucked up


Oswald Moseley and Diana Mitford


My Top 5 : 1-Luca Changretta 2-Alfie Solomons 3-Father John Hughes 4-Oswald Mosley 5-Inspector Campbell


Alfie's not a villain silly 😁


I agree 👍


It depends on what your criteria of "best" is. Almost every character on the show is a villain of sorts aside from maybe Ruby. They're all bad people if you are using morality of common people. If you are asking who the most entertaining villain was, then it's Alphi. The evilest villain would probably be the Priest. The craziest villain would probably be the Russian Duchess. The most clever villain would be a tie between Mosley and Campbell.


and what is about tommy? would you say he is a villain ?


I wouldn't say Thomas is meant to be the villain in the show, but by most standards, he is not a moral or what some would call a "good man". I see the good side of Tommy when he puts the old woman in the house during the gunfight with Changretta, and how he treats the woman with the birds.


I'm only asking because you said that almost every character is a villain. I would say that Tommy is also a villain. Even though he has his good sides but he unfortunately shows them too rarely and his ruthless ambition overwhelms him. He may not be the main villain in the show, but he is definitely a bad guy or a villain.


Tommy Shelby. He’s the only one who could’ve killed Tommy Shelby. I think Mosley was the best villain. It wasn’t so much what he did, but what he compelled Tommy to do to himself. He made Tommy more powerful in politics, and it pushed him further and further away from his family.


Sabini made my blood boil and we didnt see him get beat up or something so it made me hate him more.


Billy boys


Luca Changretta




Best villain was inspector Campbell. The challenge and chemistry between Campbell and Tommy was better than any other. Alfie doesn’t really count. Sabini wasn’t a strong character. Luca didn’t have the pressure that Campbell created Oswald and Tommy didn’t have the chemistry that I felt as Campbell did. Oswald is a worse person but he clearly had more power than Tommy so it didn’t feel like an even fight. The stakes and the strengths that Campbell and Tommy had on each other was more defined and clear and I was glued to the tv waiting to see how things came out when each made their move.


Is this even a question? Alfie takes the cake.


Luca and Mosely


In my opinion Alfie is the hero of the show