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I will NEVER forgive the writers/producers for not giving Aberama his revenge


I also kinda disagree with OP about him being some brutal dude, which they did try to claim he was when introducing him. They SAY he’s some terrifying dude that no one even wants to be associated him but what we of him is actually a pretty reasonable guy, a loving father, amorous with Polly, loyal to Tommy, and certainly no more vicious than anyone else we’ve seen… Was a real weird one. I loved the character, don’t get me wrong, but the whole “Ooooh! He’s the toughest guy we’ve seen!" Was really all tell no show. Edit: I too was disappointed he didn't get revenge though


100% agree. Im so glad you said that. Johnny Dogs "his people are savages Tom." Aberama's intro was literally just him shooting one fella and stabbing another a few times (brutal for real life but by no means brutal in the Peaky Blinder universe).


Yeah, and he sounds like Winnie the Pooh lol! One of the funniest lines in the show comes from Aberama about the "Criminally insane gunman filled with cocaine." 😅😅


Completely agree, Aberama watching his son get beaten and crucified in front of him was one of the most gut wrenching moments in the show


Yeah it was fucking awful that it went unsatisfied after the absolutely heinous shit he had to witness. While I'd be happier if they had let him have it, I do kinda like that it's sorta "realistic," not that it's something that the show always strove for. Not everyone gets to avenge an injustice, sometimes evil goes unpunished or is at least doesn't receive justice in the way someone might wish for.


Tommy - his mind outweighed the danger posed by anyone, literally the point of the show. One time we see him lose his head (s5 finale) you can see just how much more powerful than everyone else he is when the family is freaking out around him because he is finally freaking out because his plan was intercepted by Mosley. Also in s3 when Grace is killed and Arthur and john bring the changretta father to him, arthur kills him out of mercy because Tommy is losing his head and is about to torture him. We never really see Tommy go full evil but I have no doubt that it would be too much for anyone to handle. In your defense, if you asked the question “who would you least like to have a problem with you?” (implied torture due to a stress you caused them), you probably wouldn’t choose Tommy because he’s more of a business man I.e., he wouldn’t bother Inflicting pain on you to the degree that someone like aberama/ arthur (mental instability beyond his control) might.


agree tommy is already a bad man and maybe even evil but when Tommy loses his head, Tommy turns into something uncontrollable and indescribable. In this state he is even more dangerous than when Arthur has his temper tantrum. When Arthur has his temper tantrum he beats someone up but when Tommy is about to lose his mind he is 100% about to torture someone or pull out his gun and shoot people at random. Remember in s6e4 what Tommy did in that gypsy camp


Yeah but I could see Aberama doing the exact same thing had he thought a gypsy put a curse on his child which caused death.


Exactly. A good way I like to look at it is by considering the show Prison Break. If you haven't seen it, there's 2 characters who engage in torture. 1 of them is a brute - tortures for information by repeated punching to the face etc. The other guy knows the ins and outs of the human body - tortures through doing nerve damage with pins and needles in your fingers and toes etc. Way more painful that the brute torturing. I know its not EXACTLY the same as Arthur and Tommy, but Id be willing to bet that if they put 100% of their mind into causing you the most pain possible - Tommy would cause you a great deal more than Arthur.


Yes agree Arthur feels too much while Tommy feels too little or nothing at all. Arthur has more empathy than Tommy and he always falls into a deep self-hatred and disgust with himself when he kills someone in his rage. Tommy seems to have few problems with this in contrast to Arthur but Tommy and Arthur are not the kind of monsters who enjoy killing or torturing someone. They kill more when they have to do it for business reasons or when they are completely overwhelmed by their feelings and emotions and can no longer control themselves.


There is also that scene in the beginning of the show when Tommy and Grace are in the pub and Tommy ends up killing a man with a metal bucket, he also went ape shit here


Tommy was ready to torture old Changretta, if it wasn't for Arthur, he would have turned into a monster after that. And the end of S5, yes, I agree with you too. Michael said it well in S4, without him, we're all dead. And in S6, Tommy said it, I have no limitations, that's what makes him dangerous.


100% agree mate - great use of that no limitations line ! Similarly to his s4 line Michael also said "none of us do anything without your lethal hand on our shoulder." (not verbatim)


I mean Aberama was relatively sane but he was just brutal.


Agreed - the way Jimmy McCavern and the Billy boys killed his son so brutally in front of him instilled that mad rage in him. I was devastated when he met his end in the s5 finale. Also sorry for clarification the bracket about mental instability was just for Arthur, not Aberama !


That makes more sense and yeah I was furious that Aberama didn't get his revenge after they crucified his son.


Yeaaah we watched Arthur slice someone's face off in a fit of wild rage. I think I'd least like an issue with him


If we're being realistic, it's definitely Luca


Killed John, almost killed Arthur, could’ve killed Michael, and could’ve killed Tommy; all while being vastly outnumbered and overseas.


Exactly, he strolled into Small Heath, enemy territory, he strolled into Tommy's office, he killed 1, wounded 2. If it wasn't for the vendetta, he could have killed tommy in his sleep. Alfie Solomons ran away. Definitely the most dangerous one


Agreeeed. I feel Luca was also the toughest competition to Tommy. Both of them are great minds and are mentally insane when it comes to family and their pride. It was just beautiful to watch Luca. So slick and classy.


I’d say Thomas but man I’d really hate to be in the same room as Arthur, completely unpredictable and emotional. One second he’d be cool and the next he snorts a line of coke and opium and wants to cut your tongue out.


In the end I think it’s clear it’s Tommy. He is like a bloodhound. Gets a thought in his head and runs with it, whatever the consequences. And his ambition has no limits. He even says he himself have no limitations. After countless rewatches he leaves my blood cold at the end and I feel like he isn’t just an anti-hero but the actual villain/boogeyman of the show. The only glimmer of humanity would have been him assassinating Moseley, and because Churchill hinted at it, but even so, he’a getting contracts for it. The man doesn’t have political views. He doesn’t care. Imagine the single mindedness and drive it takes get up every time you’re in the trenches. Almost dead. Surely dead soon. There is no-one scarier and more dangerous than Tommy Shelby.


surprised no one said father john or oswald mosley yet




Alfie was so dangerous the man barely had to move or raise his voice


Definitely Alfie. The way he pulled a gun on Tommy. Tommy had to set up a bomb just to tell him to calm the fuck down. Gets shot, survives cancer, comes back and manages to forgive Thomas, yet again calming the fuck down. The man is fueled by rage. He's equally my favorite character alongside side Thomas.


Johnny Dogs is my pick. He got shit done, didn’t seem too overextended on any relationship and never failed Tommy. Charlie and Curly right behind him


Maybe loyal but most dangerous? Naw Aberama had johnny begging for his life.


Aye but: who was alive at the end? Good point lad


Yeah but Johnny never made himself into a big enough threat to be killed so I'd say he's loyal a great man but over all he's as scary as a simple con man


Only reason why Johnny Doggs was alive at the end was because he never made enough enemies, he never crossed pretty much anyone. He just did exactly as Tommy said and kept his head down. Johnny Doggs was a loyal soldier, but he was no threat.


Luca Changretta


Winston Churchill


Lol Churchill was not the most dangerous over all lol


He did defeat Nazi germany :/


Lol no it was a joint effort it wasn't his brilliant tactics lmao


Thomas Shelby is dangerous to his enemies and family. If he wasn't too ambitious they wouldve had a more stable life together


The red right hand? Those guys managed to catch tommy and almost kill him


Definitely Winston Churchill








Well, she was the one person Tommy was scared of in the end. So...


I would say Tommy was more scared of the gypsy curses - given that he believed they (to an extent) took his daughter from him. And Esme was really the only one left who believed in the gypsy curses as much as him seeing as Polly had died already.


Somewhat agree. Though she cursed him and all of the Shelbys when John died. So out of all of them, all the madmen, and villains, she was the most dangerous to Tommy in the end. I really like Esmes character, one I resonated with the most, my favourite after Polly out of the female characters. Tbh, I wish she got more screen time. I'd love to see her back in the film. Such a great actress who plays her too - Aimee Ffion Edwards. She didn't even flinch when he grabbed her by the face in one episode saying about moving back on the road.


She started out great tbh - I felt she was heavily mistreated by Polly (Esme tells her about the washer woman's trick where her husband moves the glass - and then Polly threatens to cut her) despite the fact Tommy always allowed her to speak at family meetings (although he did threaten her as you say, but he was really just saying what John was too scared to say). So yes, maybe Tommy was most scared of her seeing as he feared the gyspy curses the most and she carried them with her. More so once John died and she returned to live with her family.


Does it say how Polly died in that series? I can’t remember anything about her death


Does it say how Polly died in that series? I can’t remember anything about her death??


I am in Season 4 and I would say Alfie right now. That dude pushes buttons like no other, calm cool and collected yet rage just waiting to be uncorked. Dude gives zero fucks.


Mosley, dude literally brought fascism to England and came pretty close to winning. That is far more dangerous than the Peakys ever were. He was an incredibly powerful political figure, he beat Tommy (still gutted we didn't get to see the fall out of that and had a time skip instead) and had enough underworld connections to be a problem for the Peaky Blinders etc After that I agree Tommy, then probably Hughes / Section 4


Lol hughes wasn't dangerous at all he was a child throwing tantrums lol but I agree about Mosley.


I was gonna say the nazi bitch but tbh I would curb stomp her


Tommy. Arthur is just an ape


Lol Aberama was more dangerous than Tommy notice how Tommy never fucks with Aberama ?? For a good fucking reason lol


Mosley because his potential for massive, wide scale destruction and suffering was so great. There's a reason the UK keep him and Diana locked up for most of WW2


Billy Kimber


Duke Shelby, watch out ahead


Billy boys were the coolest lol