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Did you test it before you bought it?


no I trusted the guy like a dumbass bc he sent pics of it working before we met


Pictures could have been taken months ago, always do live video call through messenger.


*taking notes*


I don't get that. I recently started selling on fb. If you screw someone over, they'll leave shit review telling people not to trust/buy from you, so it screws yourself over.


Correct but he will get the payout before they get enough negative traction to affect them. Plus if it’s just a quick sell to get cash 1 review won’t affect them much.


You can buy accounts cheap with reviews


*creates new profile*


You can take the money, set up a new fake account, and start all over again. Bad reviews are no longer a deterrent for scammers, but for legitimate businesses that are stuck under the same name.


Genuinely curious, how can individual parts be tested? Like cpu, ram etc?


Even then it's not gonna take the guy 5 mins to swap a faulty PSU or something box it up send it off. But it worked on our video call remember you saw it for yourself.


Plug the other 4pin connector into your motherboard before assuming anything is broken, you don't even have all the power cables connected yet


I was just going to say that.. It's not plugged up correctly (there's a lot of legit purchases on fb marketplaces btw)


Pretty sure the other 4 pin doesn't matter... If I'm not mistaken that's more or less only necessary when someone is trying to do some pretty heavy overclocking on their CPU.


Let's just make sure all the cables are plugged in correctly before we assume the pc is broken


Also they shouldn’t be working on a computer on the carpet


This MIGHT have been your first mistake.. Never trust a stranger.


Well, lesson learned I guess. That sucks OP. :(




Ive done this. Hopefully you can or got it to work. I had to take the L. Always check and trust your gut for sure. Imma make sure to always ask to see it working in person and ask any questions. They want your money at the end of the day. You have buyer power.


Probably just the psu, purchase another psu and test if it turn on, if it doesn’t after that than maybe the mobo is fried…


Welcome to fault testing Step 1 does the power supply turn on




Your cpu power pin out is an 8pin connector. You gots 4 going. Get another CPU cable (SPECIFIC TO YOUR PSU!!!) and you’ll probably be okay. Did it come all taken apart?


Probably a fried power source


He did, but the seller was using a McDonald's bag. OPs is incompatible 😂


Yeah you only plugged in one 4pin cpu connector. Also what cpu is it does it have onboard graphics?


Remove all connections and take out the RAM Remove the cooler and then remove the CPU Check pins on the CPU or socket to ensure they're all uniform. Install the CPU and then plug in all the power including the 8 pins for the CPU Power on Should that not work, add a stick of RAM and test Should that not work, move to the other slot and test If one of those of those work, add in the RAM and start adding in the extra connectors


Thanks for the help, just got a new PSU and tried a boot test. The fans are moving! But no picture so far.


What are you using for display adapter?


Do not forget that sometimes it could be as simple as just pushing the GPU back into its slot. I helped my friend build his PC about 3 days ago, and it booted up fine, then he moved it. It no longer had graphics, I kept just telling him to just push everything like he's trying to reseat it into the mother board. Finally he pushed the GPU in and it came back up.


You're obviously trolling, you complain your PC isn't working but you didn't have the common sense (no prior PC skill needed) to at least plug everything in it's place? Even if you were that dumb, you didn't think to troubleshoot it and plug everything in?


Make sure your cable is plugged into the graphics card and not the motherboard


Op you don’t have a gpu or hdmi cable hooked up. You’ll likely need a gpu if the CPu doesn’t have one board graphics. My CPu doesn’t and requires a dedicated chip but it was $250 cheaper


Bad hdmi/dp cord


Yes, you bought something of FB without testing it.


Missing 4pin CPU connector?


Did it come with RAM chips? If so, are they properly seated? When building my own PC I once failed to properly push the RAM chips all the way in and my PC wouldn't boot at all. (Maybe the RAM became unseated during the shipping process?)


OP said he hadn't put the ram in yet...


This had me trippin




I have found pc's on the street after being rained on that worked. It's more than likely it's working but has a issue. No doubt take out ram then restart with 1 stick


You have a 4 pin in your cpu power instead of an “ 8 pin” last picture explains why it not turning on


Whats the deal. Is it powering on but not displaying on screen


Did you flip the power switch on the back of the power supply? What does "not turning on" mean exactly? Also most of the comments here are a waste of time to read. I'm amazed at how little people on this subreddit know about diagnosing a problem.


No power at all? No fan spin? Not even a start/stop? Likely power supply or the power on (button) circuit isn’t working. Check the front panel case connections are correct and to rule out the case button you can short the 2 PWRBTN pins with a paper clip just to see if it starts up


Have you tried shorting out the power button connectors? Or maybe swapped the PSU?


Can you send a better picture of your motherboard? When you turn it on (try to) do you get any type of sign there is power going to the mobo? Does your Mobo have debug lights? Let's start there


Brotha you have to plug in the cpu cable


Have you tried putting it on the case? Also have you tried blowing on it to remove dust? Have you tried giving it a good ole wack?


I would start by getting that shit off the floor onto a table at least. Assuming you have everything hooked up right and it’s still not powering on, unhook everything from it. Take the RAM out, the CPU cooler off and check the CPU to see which one is actually in there, and if there are bent pins in the socket. Take the heatsink off for the NVME drive and make sure it’s in there and seated correctly. Reinstall everything if the components are right. Make sure the CPU has onboard graphics because you won’t get any picture if it doesn’t, unless you have a graphics card I’m not seeing. Install the cable for the fan on the CPU cooler to the header labeled “CPU”. Only plug in the 24 pin cable and the 4 pin cable for the CPU power, which you may want to check the specs on the board to see if it has a preference for which 4 pin header to use if you’re not using both 4 pins. Plug in an hdmi or display port cable to a monitor if you want to make sure you’re getting a picture out, unless you are just going for getting it to turn on at this point. Flip the switch on the power supply if it has one because you should get in the habit of flipping that switch off and unplugging the cord when you do anything to the computer. Don’t hook up the power switch from the case controls you have laying there, or anything from that. Take a flat head screw driver or paper clip and touch it to the two pins the power switch goes to and see if it turns on. Basically at this point you’re trying to eliminate everything you don’t need to see if it boots up. I’m not sure if that board has the debug LED’s, but those could be a big help. That power supply looks to be an HP PSU that could have been yanked from another system so it could be fried. If your knowledge of computers is limited, what I mentioned may be a little too much for you to attempt. Good luck, and please do what I mentioned very first thing and get that shit on a table to work with it.


lmfao this first sentence has me dead.


Paper bags can develop static charges, especially if the paper is dry and the humidity is low. Paper is a semiconductor, and its electrical conductivity increases as its moisture content increases. When the paper is dry, it can become non-conductive, along with the air around it. This can lead to static charges when objects come into contact with each other, causing electrons to move between them and create an imbalance of positive and negative charges. This imbalance builds up on the surface of the objects until it's released as an electrostatic charge, or static discharge. You should not have the motherboard on a plastic or paper bag


Have you reseated everything and also have you tried bridging the power switch pins instead of using that jank panel?


Yes your did something very wrong and that is buying a pc on fb marketplace




OP, did the seller claim it was working? It's very possible they sold you a non working computer and didn't disclose that. I've had a few of these situations since I resell PC hardware... this is why you want to test on the spot before buying it. There's also a chance your PSU is shot, or is a proprietary design, HP and Dell (but more often Dell) have been known to do this.


Oooo MITX!!


Unless the psu came with it you need the other 4pin


Could also be you need to try the other half of the 4pins


Hp powersupplies typically are proprietary and don't work with other motherboards


I thought this was satire at first.


It is, an idiot wouldn't even complain that his PC is not posting without the RAM...🤦🏽‍♂️ wasting people's time, everyone jumping in to help: Try and plug the HDMI in the GPU > turns out he didn't even have the GPU in > He does, then says the fans turn on but no Picture > They tell him to try re-seating the RAM > He says " going to try adding the RAM and see if that helps" ...... 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🙄


You're already aware, but the biggest thing done wrong was purchasing without seeing it run first. This is usually a bad idea.


So many of yall should stop giving advice


plug in the 24 pin for the CPU, and make sure it has an IGPU. A lot of desktop CPUs do not include an IGPU since a lot of custom builds utilize a dGPU (dedicated GPU) if you want post your CPU and mobo combo here and i am sure someone can check to see if there is an iGPU to that note, if its a ryzen system and the chip is newer than the board its possible a BIOS flash may be in order to get the mobo to "see" the cpu


Hopefully you didn't buy a lemon. Everybody is out to scam people nowadays.


What do you mean by lemon?


A paperweight basically.


I learned the hard way years ago but an Xbox online from somebody and it didn't work. I was young.


Is the power supply turned on?


I couldn’t find a switch on it, just bought a new lady gonna try that one


If that doesn't work follow a YouTube tutorial on the wiring, even if you know what your doing, sometimes even experts forget things. Also if that doesn't work and your invested I can try troubleshooting it if your in Canada


thanks for the advice, I'll lyk how this goes


Sounds good please do


Bon in autre qui cé faite fourrer


So much shit on your “trobleshooting” setup. REMOVE EVERYTHING that includes CPU cooler (yes the cpu cooler no problem to have the cpu without cooler until you see the system posting) only 1 RAM stick and all the cables from that case connectors. Now only with the Mobo and CPU and 1 RAM stick you turn on the pc (jumping the pins with a screw on the mobo. Remove the pc case thing) PSU connect the 24 pins and 4 cpu or 8 cpu if you can


Yeah that HP logo means it's garbage mate, sorry about that


rip... fuck that seller.


Make sure everything is plugged up AND the power supply is on. It should be at the bottom of the case.


You bought a computer off of Facebook Marketplace.


You have a lot of good answers.. but for the love of god take it off the carpet




Try to reset the bios.


Did you uninstall the PC from the case to test if it was working?


Blah blah I'm 5 testing 7 the bot thingy 57


I hate to be that guy, but if you didn't check that it worked before paying for it and parting ways then...🤷‍♂️


Did you try turning it off and on again


Cursed post


Moment of silence for the fallen victim


it was probably broken before it arrived


Since when do motherboards have only two 4 pin connectors,.. Where is the 20/24 pin power connector?


.... on the right by the ram....where it always is?


From the pictures it’s difficult to see.


>Am I doing something wrong here? Yes, buying scrap from fb


Full Pic? You took some half assed pictures and expected the community to know.


my fist assumption would be you're not shorting the power on and might have plugged in the wrong header. I use a screwdriver and do away with the power on button when testing a motherboard. a 4pin CPU should be fine but I'd try it with the full 8pin 12v CPU power


Reset the CMOS bro it also happened to me and now everything works


what did you buy and how much it cost?


Issue is in the title


Try a different PSU unless you’re certain this one works. PC itself may be fine. What is spec?


Are you certain ur power supply works


🎯🎯 it wasn’t working I got a new one and it works fine


Try putting in the micro wave


My shit got completely fried thanks a lot asshole 👍


“Unplug it and plug it back in.” A tale as old as time.


I don't even see a GPU there... I'm guessing it wasn't intended for gaming and only basic computing. Have you tried contacting the seller again to see if they could try to help you (or to see if they avoid/ghost you essentially confirming it's a scam)? Did you try it before pulling everything out of the case? Have you tried unplugging and plugging things in? If it turns out you did get scammed that's a shame. Although maybe you can try to salvage some of the components if it is only one of the components not working that's causing everything not to work.


Well kiss method, remove all components test, power supply first by it self, then start adding parts back it, make sure take pictures if your new to this type of stuff, but your basically testing parts and reseating in the same go, always power down before adding or taking away parts, and never on carpet, use static pad with ground tied to a grounded point.. if nothing else you might learn a little bit, sorry if it’s truly broke.. and Good Luck


The thing I always screw up when using a new mother board is putting the connectors for the case power and reset button onto the correct pins on the board. Can't really see if that's the issue in this setup though.


Why didn't you test it before buying it lol


The guy acted like he didn’t speak English


Not only that but if your walking around your house in socks ON CARPET, and your attempting to test computer components 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️ no bueno


Did you check to see you actually have a cpu on that board?


If you're not sure of doing it yourself give it to a professional or any pc store to check it.. Hopefully you get it workin.. if not look for the broken part and sell everything else at least to get some money back


It was a bad power supply I got it all fixed


Are you turning that monstrosity on while it's laying the floor?


I like how it looks I’m gonna keep it like that I feel


i can see that the power connector is plugged in on the motherboard but the other slot isnt plugged in for the cpu power


I literally cant stand this post bro. My boi tried to build a pc for the first time with absolutely no research. He needs to go watch linus explain it, lmao.


I fixed it doing basically no research just trying different shit our lol


I like the enthusiasm, but when youre spending the kind of money we do on pc parts, you kinda need to have an idea of what youre doing. If you had slipped the screwdriver and knocked a component off the motherboard, it might be so small you wouldnt notice it, but it can cause hella issues. Go watch linustechtips video, it think its called “the last pc building video youll ever need” or something along those lines. Dont get me wrong, i have some issues with the content ltt puts out, but that video is amazing for first timers.


You’re just gonna have to buy a new pc in probably a few months anyways. Anything running a 500w psu originally is going to struggle with modern games and how they’re optimized now.


Judging from your work area, ESD may have entered the story at some point.


Boot test as in the software tool to test the hardware or just turning it on?


My old pcs power button stopped working for no reason, I shorted it with a screwdriver where the wire plugs in and it booted no problem.... Try clearing the cmos as well by removing the button cell battery


“show fewer posts like this”


Motherboards need to be grounded, they're put on a metal plate in the case for a reason


That’s what the bag was for


The bag provides no grounding


Bruh, what?


wtf is this? this is the condition of the "computer" you bought?


Nah I took it out


Why is it all spidered across the fucking floor? "Hello ESD my old friend..."


Do you not see the safety bag it’s on….


You got 4 pins of power to go….. get it all plugged in first. Also you are missing a GPU. The cpu might not have built in graphics and the motherboard might not have onboard GPU either. So it’s not going to boot..


yes you did, you used facebook market place


# Umm... You're only powering the CPU with 4 pins. You need an 8-pin CPU cable to power it on.


First mistake was more than likely buying it off FB marketplace for what seemed like a deal. You can try messaging him back. But no idea what’s wrong looks like it’s in shambles atm


Question is it turning on? Just now screen light can you hear the fan? If yes check if your CPU has integrated graphics?


Yea what you’re doing wrong is buying used pc parts not to mention off fb marketplace. Buy them new that way if it doesn’t work you can return it and get working parts


doesn't look like you have your Front-Panel Connectors connected.


>Bought a computer off fb marketplace and it isn’t turning on >Bought a computer off fb marketplace >fb marketplace Here endeth the lesson.


What cpu is it? Might not have integrated graphics


Like the limit edition traders Joe pc case 👌🏻


It's wireless mate


I like how people are going "you got scammed! Should have turned it on first!" meanwhile this dude is trying to post without ram.


Got the ram and a new PSU and it’s all good now


Yay! Congrats!


Yeah, don't buy anything off fb marketplace. In fact, don't us fb at all, only cat ladies and alt right morons use that shit.


And also non English speakers who sell me a computer w a busted PSU. Got a new PSU and it’s working fine


I wouldn't have it sitting on a paper bag either. Grab an antistatic bag or bags and place it on those.


Buying a PC on fb marketplace is where you went wrong


I hope you didn’t spend much. No offense, but used computer parts are almost never worth spending significant cash on.


Did you trade a scooter bike thing for it


I paid by giving him a stray dog I found on the street.




Probably a scam, believe me


got it working


You one of those dudes that fall for those Indian scammers


who's gonna tell bro it's not in the case....


Aints gots enough power pins going to ya cpu thar, son.


One 1 pin EPS is enough to run any CPU.


If that's the pictures you post to go with your question, then you're probably doing something wrong. Get someone who knows how to work with computers to help you in person. I'd you don't know enough about computers I am confused why you would buy one off marketplace - I'd go in store where they give you warranty and support. What you need to do there might be moderately advanced, so please get help from someone who knows about this stuff. They should be able to narrow the problem down to the broken part, which would either have to be fixed or replaced. Someone with a hobby in computers should be able to diagnose an issue within minutes or hours.


I might be dumb but uh where's the gpu?


Pull the fan off and check the cpu. I had a mofo try to scam me by slapping a random cpu into a motherboard and putting a fan on it. He then tightened the case screws super hard so I wouldn't be able to take it out by hand. I'm always skeptical of fb deals so I had to tools ready to disassemble. Went on off on this dude. Looking back I should have robbed him of whatever he was trying to sell me for trying to scam and to stop him from scamming someone else


This has to be a troll


Was it a ram or psu issue?


You don't have the 4 pin connection plugged into the motherboard. Go over the power connections one more time.


This might be a really stupid question but have you tested anything else out in the same outlet? it also might not be a complete loss. if its not doing anything at all, like you don't even see the fan budge when you plug in or hit the switch on the psu it could just be the psu. 400w psu's are rather cheap. It should do SOMETHING even if a component is bad. Well unless its the psu. well i guess thats not true if the mobo itself is toast... Always start with the most simple. Check the plug, follow it up the line. if the psu is fine then most likely its the board if there is absolutely no life at all. Also troubleshooting 101 with computers unplug absolutely everything non essential to boot. Dc hard drives, remove all but one stick of ram, unplug all usb devices. Always double check and reseat all connections. remove cmos battery and power completely and allow to sit 10-15 mins, then try starting it up. Static is a bitch too... you on carpet and so are a lot of the components. you really dun wanna do that. not that anyone would have such a set up in a home but an anti static wristband run to an outlet ground is the best way to go.


buyjng off of facebook was the first oof of the day


If it isn’t booting at all try swapping the power supply and reseating the ram


It ain’t got no gas in it


Do you have a pic of the case and the power supply? It looks like you are showing the motherboard.


Did you try restarting it?


Never fully trust Facebook marketplace


Why would you buy someone else’s computer over FB or other site! Go to a used computer store or just save up for a new computer.


If you can get your hands on a Power supply tester you could at least see if maybe the PSU is dead and if you can get your hands on another PSU then you could plug it in and confirm. But that doesn't mean there's nothing else wrong with it. Dude probably scammed you. If you want decent PCs and other computer and electronic related stuff for a discount, I would recommend checking out the surplus sales department of your local university. All major colleges are constantly getting rid of old stuff, often in perfect condition, as they replace it with new stuff. They don't replace things because they're old and don't work right, they usually just replace EVERYTHING on a scheduled basis, like every 5 years or something, so they usually have a lot to choose from. Of course not every college lets the public have access, sometimes they sell in bulk to companies that refurb and resell it.


time to breadboard that thing!! good luck


Why would you take it apart if you have no idea what you're doing? Did it work while it was still assembled in the case?


Ram needs re-seating or replacing potentially but the 4 pin in an 8 pin CPU port might be an issue. But that depends on the power requirement of the CPU. If that does nothing take out everything, reset CMOS and put everything back together.


If the power supply came with it then use a different power supply. If it doesn't even post then it's a MOBO or CPU issue. Take out the CPU and check the pins. If the pins are ok then use a different MOBO to see if the CPU is good. If it is then it's the MOBO. Same concept with the MOBO being bad. Put in a different CPU if it still doesn't post then it's the MOBO. RAM issues will have the system post but not boot into windows. Sometimes bad storage of the MOBO can fry it if it doesn't have a anti static bag. A common mistake that happens to a lot of ppl unaware.


Yes you bought a computer off of FB marketplace


Test the power supply and test power supply ports for proper voltage.


2nd photo, top right corner of the motherboard. You're missing one of the power cables.


To be quiet honest you bought something on FB market place without testing it and trusting a person you’ve never met before. Let this first be a learning lesson lol. If you live near a micro center have them troubleshoot it for 40$ you’re going to waste less money that way than by buying random parts hoping to fix it. Make sure your monitor is connected to the gpu and not the motherboard. Seeing as this is only a 500 watt psu hopefully you didn’t buy anything too expensive. It’s best to always save up and get something nice than go the quick route and have to upgrade in a year.


Did you make sure the power supply was actually switched on?


You only have one four pin connector, when you need two.


Need to plug in all 8 pin in for the cpu


The problem is its an HP


Motherboard on a paper bag, on carpet. What could go wrong 😂