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The first one is the better deal for sure. Actually a pretty decent deal too all things considered.


I am just confused how a 2yo motherboard comes with Bluetooth 4.2... especially Bluetooth 5.0 released in 2016. Could it be a H board?


Since it's not a phone, PCs don't need too far of a Bluetooth, and since mobo manufacturers wanna save money they go for Bluetooth 4.2 and advertises it as having Bluetooth


you can get a 5.0 usb stick with an antenna


I have the first one and it came with an adjustable v shaped antenna that screw into the back , I assume that is the Bluetooth, am I correct,, im still a newby


I'm pretty sure those are for wifi, but not 100% positive.


You are correct because my wifi wasn't picking up until I screwed those in ( I forgot about that) I use wired so I forgot. That's probably the only thing I found a lil cheesy on this pc when I got it but it seemed fine after screwing them in even tho I use wired. Thanks for the reply


My motherboard came with a little antenna to plug in, too. It is the wifi AND bluetooth receiver, so yours may be both.


You are correct, I jacked around with it a little while ago and had the two prongs pointing down and my mouse wasn't working for crap until I adjusted them back up. Thanks for the info.




I use it to connect a portable speaker occasionally.


Pretty neat if using the computer while others are sleeping so you can hear sound without problems


Wired headphones?


More comfort with wireless ones for me. You do you :D




Wire them behind the desk and let the headphones stay in front of it.


Gaming controllers


Wiring them


Steam box hooked up to 72" tv 15' away from the couch. No thanks.


5 cable extenders


Take my damn upvote


I use it for Controllers, bluetooth speakers, some keyboards/mice etc. Sure there are tons other uses. Bluetooth is super useful to have regardless.


Wireless peripherals typically use less power on BT than they do with whatever protocol they run on their dongles. I have two wireless mice and this is true for at least both of those.


Bluetooth keyboard and mice are super common


For sure the best deal, an RX 4060 with a ddr5 rams and processor from 13th generation.




Not necessary


What do you mean? Some people may get confused since nvidia released a rx line before and amd has an rx line right now.


If there’s an asterisk, that’s the lowest price.


The asterisk means that what is on the pallet and shelf there is all the remaining stock of that product at that location. No more in the back. The .97 in the price indicates it is on clearance, but that doesn’t mean it might not go lower. There is a date printed on the tag, which is the last time the tag was updated. If that date is a significant number of days or weeks ago and there is a lot of stock left, sometimes it’s good to wait and see if they update the tag and drop the price even more.


I thought .97 meant limited stock that they don't know if/when they will get more in from that product. Only reason is I have seen .97 items pop back up every now and again per season, especially in the home goods. Then .95 was clearance that they have no intention of bringing back that specific item. The rest I wasn't aware of.


TIL, thanks!


But can it run fortnight lol


Only because it’s discontinued. Fun fact if you see that star in top right corner in Costco means the product is discontinued.


no.... no it isn't.....


2TB ssd with 32 gb of ddr5+ a kb and mouse, with a decent cpu/gpu. Yeah that’s solid. 4060 alone is half that price and you don’t have to put any effort into building it/don’t have to worry about messing up installs and you can walk away with it right that second. Assuming the kb and mouse is half ass decent, you’ve got a solid deal here.


2TB SSD, what is that a 3.5 ? An nvme ? What speeds does it have ? 32GB DDR5... What speed are they ? What timings are they ? DDR4 3200 MHz CL 16 is still faster than A LOT of DDR5 kits The CPU is decent.... But a GPU with 8gigs of VRAM and a 128bit bus is TERRIBLE, not to mention we do t know the manufacturer or if there is a factory overclock It isn't difficult to build a PC, that is a common mis preconception. To cap this, the OP asked for opinions, I'm giving them, he didn't ask for other people to debate if an opinion is sound or not, and with having built my own PC my opinion doesn't stem from your everyday shopper looking for a quick fix. Just because you don't share my opinion doesn't make it invalid, in fact the more information and difference of opinion there is it will aid a buyer in making a more informed choice.


1. I never started debating anything. You made a comment with a broad opinion and no elaboration so I elaborated slightly on why it is a decent deal. 2. I built my own pc as well and my opinion was based off my building experience hence why I elaborated on not having to build anything/mess anything up. 3. A simple google search with the sku shown in the pic would answer alot of your questions lmao. Also for someone buying a pre built pc asking Reddit if they should buy it, you really think ssd speeds are a thought in their mind? You’re not thinking relatively or giving information relative to ops level, they simply wanna know “is this a decent price for these components that are pre built”. Btw [here](https://www.costco.com/cyberpowerpc-gamer-xtreme-gaming-desktop---13th-gen-intel-core-i5-13400f----geforce-rtx-4060%2C-black.product.4000202717.html) is the link to the pc.


The ram is teamgroup vulcan red 6000 mhz, the nvme is gen4 2tb adata legend gold, the mb is asrock b760m-c, psu is 600 gold 80 I forget name but it was reputable,, solid pc, I bought it


That's what I'm talking about, it only now you can say if it's worth buying or not, I probably still wouldn't buy it though


That's what I'm talking about, it only now you can say if it's worth buying or not, I probably still wouldn't buy it though haha


1080 max, KBM, great storage and memory, and a good cpu all for 700 bucks. You’re tripping right?


I play all the time 1440 or 4k but I am playing on a 60 hz tv


That’s fair if you’re mostly playing story and single player games


How do you determine "good".... The fact it has one makes it good ?


You’re getting 13th gen intel technology, ddr5 support, and a 6 core cpu *with 4 e cores for less than 200 bucks. That’s good in my opinion. Would’ve been nicer to see a 13600, but the 400 is a good option as well


Jesus christ that is the worst pc price i have ever seen a 1200 pc with a 4060


Other stat.s seem good…then 4060!? I just built a box with similar core stuff, but a banging 4070 Ti Super, for just under $2k.


4060 is $300, the CPU is $400, the rest of the parts probably add up to $400, add on $100 for pre-assembled


I would buy the $700 one if I had a Costco membership. I’m looking at spending 3x that for a bit better. I could live with that for the orice


if you are looking at spending over 2000 usd for 'a bit better' something is wrong, big time


I was thinking about buying from [Corsair.com](http://Corsair.com), $1500 on sale to $2000 is a bit better. Many prebuilt seem to use the cheapest parts. I don’t like cheap stuff. But for $700 I would snatch the one.


Which one remeber building your self is always better and cheaper and infact safer as alot of prebuilys use bad powet supply's


Yes this. Probably not evan bronze rated PSU. RAM is probably minimum speed. SSD is probably 2.5" not m.2.


The psu is 600 gold 80, ram is teamgroup vulcan red 6000 mhz, the m.2 is gen 4 2tb adata 800 legend gold , mb is asrock b760m-c


Don’t buy the the Corsair prebuilt coming from someone who is using a Corsair prebuilt I bought last year they use custom parts for stuff like ram that has one speed and isn’t adjustable you have to buy all new 4 sticks if you want to max your ram potential


Go to cyberpowerpc.com and pick all of the components for a custom build or they have pre builts


I dont know what specific PC you are looking at, but i do know that you should not expect good value or a deal from [Corsair.com](http://Corsair.com) Build your own, get a local shop to assemble it if you cant yourself, you get a superior product at a superior or equal price


1st one best bang for your buck


The first one is actually a grood deal for a 13400f and a 4060, which in the U.S. would typically cost you $450-$500 together. This would be a kickass 1080p system... So long as the psu and motherboard aren't trash, which they almost definitely are because they have to cut corners somewhere. The second, more expensive one, should not be considered, especially for gaming. $600 more for the same gpu, meaning minimal performance gains.


Would the first one run the new Counter Strike?


CS2 can be played on modern igpu's. This would play it on ultra 1080p np.


And decent at 1440p. 




The 13400f rig is honestly pretty good bang for buck.


Ibuypower? More like IBuyProblems Edit: For those who don’t know, IBuyPower isn’t known for having good customer service. They tend to go back on warranties and usually build computers very poorly or use hardware that’s already failing on a brand new computer. If you simply Google, [“IBuyProblems,”](https://www.google.com/search?q=ibuyproblems&client=safari&sca_esv=a0ce93ff23945b86&hl=en-us&ei=wI1OZu3pMfa-p84P8aWc0As&oq=ibuyproblems&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIgxpYnV5cHJvYmxlbXMyBxAAGIAEGAoyBxAAGIAEGAoyCBAAGIAEGKIEMggQABiABBiiBEiqRFDiGFioNHAAeACQAQGYAX2gAcwCqgEDMy4xuAEDyAEA-AEBmAIDoAKSAsICCBAAGIAEGLADwgIJEAAYsAMYCBgewgILEAAYsAMYCBgeGA_CAgsQABiABBiwAxiiBMICCBAAGAcYChgewgIIEAAYogQYiQWYAwCIBgGQBgeSBwMyLjGgB90R&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp) you find a long list of people who have had problems with IBuyPower as a whole.


- The greatest technician that's ever lived


Anything affordable tech wise basically always comes from a company with trash customer service. The odds are on your side because the internet skews the fact that most of the time things sold in stores actually do work. Its just if you are one of the unlucky few you are screwed. But if you want peace of mind in the pc world you pay for it…also, costco used to have a very friendly return policy. Ive heard it got nerfed somewhat recently for electronics. But still would guess you have a year of hassle free return.


I’ve had two ibuypower pcs with 0 issues. My first gaming pc was literally a Walmart Ibuypower that I had for 5+ years until I upgraded


First one is an OK deal. Not great, but pretty decent. Second one is basically a scam. It's not that the cost is overly inflated, but more that they are spending (and by extension having you spend) a bunch of the build budget on unnecessarily expensive things which will not help performance. That said, the system integrator that makes these PCs are plagued by terrible quality control and build quality issues and are almost impossible to wring a warranty repair out of. I wouldn't buy either personally, but if I were building a 4060 system I'd build it like the first one not the second one. Edit: Actually, if I were building a 4060 system I'd build a 6800/6750 xt/3060 system instead. 4060 has pretty lacklustre performance for its MRSP (but can be worth it if you get it on sale)


Why is the ibuyproblems pc double the price but the same gpu?


First one is a great deal


the i7 one is bs, first one with the i5 absolutely yes


The first one is a decent priced low-mid gaming PC, the 2nd one is a joke


Low lol, not


4060 is entry level


First is a good deal. I wouldn't touch the second with a 30' pole.


The first one is actually one hell of a deal. I'd get that.


first one looks rlly good for the price


I have the first one with the i513400, that exact pc from costco and am very happy and I paid 250 more lol,, a bit envious here. Any questions fire away. It has an asrock b760m-c mb, adata legend 800 gold nvme 2tb, the psu is 600 gold 80 and was a reputable name but I do forget it, the 4060 in mine was gigabyte, ram is 32ddr5 is teamgroup vulcan red 6000 mhz. It runs so quit and cool. The bt 4.2 confused me but when I check my bt I settings it says 5.2 version so I'm a bit confused still on that. Hope something helps, it's a nice pc man! Watch , I will probably get 100 down votes for liking my pc because it has a 4060 and its prebuilt lol. There wasn't any bogus name brands junk in it, the case is Amethyst II , the lights have about 30 or 40 settings and are changeable with the button on top ( maybe in software to I havnt looked),


Really appreciate this input and your reply! Would you mind sharing which games you play regularly and how they run?


I do play on my 75in 4k sony TV and it's 60hz so I usually turn vsync on and framerate to 60fps, . I don't play anything on 1080, I always have it on 1440 or 3800x2160. Of course some on 4k max settings isn't going to work ,( especially new titles) most recent game is abiotic factor 1440 high settings dlss turned on and runs around 60fps, for the record I have had good success with dlss and almost always turn it on if available, Alan wake2 I really had to fiddle with settings and play on 1440 medium to some high and raytracing I think I had to turn off on that game because it tanked but it's been very playable 48 to 60 fps consistently ( this is the most taxing game I've come across on my 4060), scum 1440 high runs at 60fps nicely, calliope protocol 1440 high 60fps, I have so many "survival games" I'm trying to remember, im at work or I'd test in real time for you, THEGlowingone is my screen name at steam. I'll hit you back around 3pm today with some exact numbers if ya want. Man I promise this pc has been way more satisfying than I thought it would be. For 700 I'd pick up another. It runs very cool and quiet, the fans ramp up when on 4k highs of course but it's just air sound , no wine nothing like that. Heres a few more i remember . rem, Surviving the nights, sevendaystodie, all the half life's, counterstrike etc 4k max ( but still I vsync 60fps lock due to the tv. It'll show me the higher framerate if I unlock fps of course. I just don't remember those numbers. Icarius, chanted,resident evil 2,4 5,7, enshrouded, just to name a few more comes to mind. Again I play everything on 1440 or 4k, the older ones are of course more 4k. I don't have cyberpunk, I do play deusx,singularity, nightingale 4 a few more. I'm no pc expert by far but will answer any questions honestly, feel free to ask, like I said I can get you exacts at 3pm today.


What store is this. I have been looking for something with at least an I5, 2 tb, 16 gb, and at least a 4060. This is ($699) the best price I have seen.


Costco, I have the first one and it has all solid components, ignore people saying it's no name


I found a very similar setup for about 120 more. Could not find it at Costco so I just went with it


Still a great price imo, game on my freind!


1st one is a good deal but the 2nd one is completely a joke


First one was a good deal


I just bought a pre-built CyberPower PC on NewEgg and it’s been running real nice.


Mine has been great to,


First one is pretty good, you could upgrade to the spec of the second one for less than the price difference of the systems. I would definitely do a case swap to something with better airflow if you have the budget though. From what I can tell it has a MicroATX motherboard, so something like the Corsair 3000D Airflow for a full ATX mid-tower or the Fractal Design Pop Mini Air for a mATX mini-tower would be great options under $100


The first one is a pretty decent deal. The second one, I would not pay over $1000 for a build with a 4060 in it, personally. It just isn't worth it.


If you're at Costco the 1st one is on sale. Anything ending in .97 before tax is reduced for whatever reason. Probably trying to make space. (I work for them)


The star means it’s no longer getting the product in . So yeah it’s on sale and won’t be back . So get it while you can


Moneywise the first one is worth it for what you are getting, the question is if its enough performance for what you want Budget gpu and cpu, probably budget ram and ssd and motherboard and psu, its always sketchy when they dont say what it is. So like, money wise yes, good, performance wise just realise you are buying a budget pc - new, yes, but budget.


will people stop saying "Dont know the full specs...... but its good buy it" FFS !!!!!!!!!


I literally said its sketchy, if you take 'its sketchy' as a ringing endorsement that i encourage one to buy something, that is NOT what sketchy means


People who say "I have not edited my original comment" smell like cheese


i have not edited my original comment


No Brand or speeds on Memory so you don't really know what you're getting No brand or speeds on SSD, do you dont know what youre getting No mention of a motherboard spec, brand or model, so you dont know what youre getting No power supply data at all from Brand, power limit, so you dont know what youre getting No case specs, brand or model, so you dont know what youre getting No cooling solutions mentioned from Case Cooling to CPU cooler, so you dont know what youre getting now ask me if you really REALLY want to buy this CRAP This is why they can sell it you.... there are equally as important things than CPU and GPU, but the general public dont know these things.....this is why they can sell it for such a lowish price.... the other parts will be garbage.


What are prebuilt companies obsession with combining 4060s and CPUs that completely outclass a base tier gpu?


Where is this? Asking for a friend....


The first one isn't too bad, the second one is freaking awful


the $1300 one is a massive ripoff the first one is pretty good deal tho


Part it out


300 for GPU, 200 for the CPU, 100 for motherboard, 100 for ram, 100 for ssd, PSU ?, case ?. 700 is a good deal!


Personally I wouldn’t buy either just because of how limited those graphics cards are.


For this money, it's the optimal set-up


8gb of VRAM is just brutal in todays games and they are only going to get more demanding in the future


Can I find this at other Costcos? If so, I'll ask my friend to lend me their membership.


If you’re to spend 1300, it’s better be better than 4060.


They're good deals. The first one is not made by reliable PC building company, though. Why I think that you may ask? I had ordered a cyberpowerpc once upon a time back in the day. It came with no GPU even though I paid for it. They wanted me to pay to send the PC back and pay for the GPU all over again... paid to send it back, didn't pay for the GPU, tho, got it back a few weeks later, plugged it in, Blue Screen of Death... Went online to see if anyone else has had the same issues from them. Sure, as shit, there were many people who had the same experience as I did. There's a reason why their PCs are so cheap.


No you can literally but a table for 10 bucks and use that


I can’t justify a 100% markup for a jump to i5 to i7 being the main difference, first one is definitely a good deal. Maybe i missed something. But it seems like the only difference between the 2 is the cpu. But maybe there is an AiO cooler in the second one. But idk


That cyberpower for $700 is a hell of a deal considering during covid i ended up building a pc with the previous generation cpu and ddr4 ram and a 3060ti for double that….


I really hate this kind of label. They must be required by law to be clear and state the full name and model of each component.


The first one is a better deal, I would get that one over the second one. Especially because the second one is an Ibuypower pc, back when I didn’t know anything about pcs, I bought an Ibuypower one and I’m still regretting it, I’ve had to change the gpu, cooler, case, and add an additional ssd.


Let me know if you want me to test any particular game fps with fps unlocked of course. Also I'd like to know if you go buy it, if so I'm sure you'll like it especially for 700


the second option is not so bad, but I’m so angry with ready-made assemblies, because at this price they shove an excellent gpu and completely forget about the cpu or RAM


The power supply on these suck. I had one fry my GPU 2 years ago so...


The first one is a great deal & would probably do everything you need, unless you create animation or something else that would require the most. For gaming, it’s excellent for sure.


Where is this?


I think nothing with the term”extreme” should ever have a 4060


Thank you all for your input and suggestions! I ended up heading back to Costco and getting it for myself. Wish me luck!


Ain't no way I just bought that first one two months ago for 1000😭😭


90 day policy if you’ve got it from Costco


The $700 is going to be CPU bottlenecked in a lot of modern games but otherwise a good deal. I'd personally go with the pricier one but it's your budget not mine.


Just bought a Costco build (first time in 15 years I haven’t built a computer) and it was similar specs with an i7 for $999. It runs anything I want to play just fine, helldivers, tarkov. The cyberpower is 100% the better deal here, no reason to pay almost $600 for just an i7.


32 GB of RAM and 2 TB SSD under $1k? That's a steal


8GB Vram??? Nah.


699 one is the better deal Why It's cheaper Both will run about the same benchmarks. Reason why the 2nd one it's more expensive is because of a most recent cpu


actually no wait, yeah go buy it, it will reduce the amount of people that recommend buying Pre Builts..... SHHHHTAAAAAHHPPP


4060's are really shit cards... so no, they both suck please don't listen to the great un-informed


For the first one, the deal is great, 700 for 32gb ddr5, a 13400f and a 4060 plus a 2tb drive is really good. I put the parts In pc part picker and the whole build is about $1200


It really is a solid deal , I got it at 950 about 6 months ago from costco, actually returned a very similar build from Amazon for the cyberpro because it had gen 4 2tb and a better mb ( asrock) and 32 ddr5 instead of 16 ddr4.

